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PSPP-BUG: [bug #30705] Decimal point and locale bugs in data parsing

From: Ben Pfaff
Subject: PSPP-BUG: [bug #30705] Decimal point and locale bugs in data parsing
Date: Sun, 08 Aug 2010 22:28:37 +0000
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686 (x86_64); en-US; rv: Gecko/20100623 Iceweasel/3.5.10 (like Firefox/3.5.10)


                 Summary: Decimal point and locale bugs in data parsing
                 Project: PSPP
            Submitted by: blp
            Submitted on: Sun Aug  8 15:28:36 2010
                Category: Syntax Parser
                Severity: 5 - Average
                  Status: None
             Assigned to: None
             Open/Closed: Open
         Discussion Lock: Any
                 Release: None
                  Effort: 0.00



From: Michel Boaventura <address@hidden>

> The bellow syntax, from npar-sign, is behaving in a strange way.
> For instance, if I run: pspp syntax.sps, I get:
> test.sps:10: aviso: (colunas 1-0, F campo)Número seguido por
> lixo. (warning,number followed by garbage)
> test.sps:10: aviso: (colunas 6-5, F campo)Número seguido por
> lixo. (warning,number followed by garbage)
> The default locale on my GNU/Linux is pt_BR.utf8. If I change it to
> only pt_BR or remove the
> "set format = F9.3", everything works fine.
> syntax:
> set format = F9.3.
> data list notable list /age * height rank *.
> begin data.
> 10 12 11
> 12 13 13
> 13 14 12
> 12 12 10
> 9   9 10
> 10.3 10.2 12
> end data.

From: John Darrington <address@hidden>

> I can confirm similar behaviour.   However if I add "SET DECIMAL=DOT." to 
> the topy of the syntex, then i works ok.
> However, when I change the "."s to ","s in the BEGIN DATA block, the
> don't get parsed, contrary to what I would have expected.


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