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bug#30182: Update

From: martin rudalics
Subject: bug#30182: Update
Date: Sat, 20 Jan 2018 15:12:35 +0100

>> Just to eliminate one possible cause: Does the bug disappear when you
>> customize `mode-line-default-help-echo' to the default value of the
>> 'string' alternative?
> Yes, if that is done, then the crash doesn't happen.

I'm completely lost here.  The behavior eludes my most vivid
imagination.  Why on earth should `copy-sequence' choke on

Is running w3m absolutely necessary for reproducing the crash?  Do you
have any idea whether w3m does strange things with the mode line?

Anyway, if you evaluate the function below before moving the mouse to
the mode line does the crash go away?


(defun mode-line-default-help-echo (window)
  "Return default help echo text for WINDOW's mode-line."
  (condition-case nil
      (let* ((frame (window-frame window))
              ;; Show text to select window only if the window is not
              ;; selected.
              (not (eq window (frame-selected-window frame))))
              ;; Show text to drag modeline if and only if it can be done.
              (or (window-in-direction 'below window)
                  (let ((mini-window (minibuffer-window frame)))
                    (and (eq frame (window-frame mini-window))
                         (or (minibuffer-window-active-p mini-window)
                             (not resize-mini-windows))))))
              ;; Show text make window occupy the whole frame
              ;; only if it doesn't already do that.
              (not (eq window (frame-root-window frame))))
              ;; Show text to delete window only if that's possible.
              (not (eq window (frame-root-window frame)))))
        (if (or line-1a line-1b line-2 line-3)
             (when (or line-1a line-1b)
                "mouse-1: "
                (when line-1a "Select window")
                (when line-1b
                  (if line-1a " (drag to resize)" "Drag to resize"))
                (when (or line-2 line-3) "\n")))
             (when line-2
                "mouse-2: Make window occupy whole frame"
                (when line-3 "\n")))
             (when line-3
               "mouse-3: Remove window from frame"))
    (error "")))

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