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bug#27762: 26.0.50; ls-lisp: misalignment when dired-directory is a cons

From: Tino Calancha
Subject: bug#27762: 26.0.50; ls-lisp: misalignment when dired-directory is a cons
Date: Wed, 19 Jul 2017 12:21:58 +0900

There are some misalignment on Dired buffers when using 'ls-lisp'
and 'dired-directory' is a cons.

emacs -Q -l ls-lisp -eval '(setq ls-lisp-use-insert-directory-program nil)'
Eval this form:
(let* ((dir source-directory)
       (default-directory dir)
       (files (mapcar (lambda (f) (concat "src/" f))
                          (directory-files (expand-file-name "src") nil 
(dired (nconc (list dir) files)))
;; Note some lines have an additional space in front;  the space must
;; be added in the size column.

The first patch solves this problem.

II) Now suppose we want to list the same files _but_ we want that
"cyge32.c" appears the first.
emacs -Q -l ls-lisp -eval '(setq ls-lisp-use-insert-directory-program nil)'
Eval this form:

(let* ((dir source-directory)
       (default-directory dir)
       (files (mapcar (lambda (f) (concat "src/" f))
                          (cons "cygw32.c"
                                    (delete "cygw32.c"
(expand-file-name "src") nil "\\.*\\.c\\'"))))))
(dired (nconc (list dir) files)))
;; Note how the first file looks misaligned.

--8<-----------------------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
commit b1889776b4fc808036da259b588365e85cf52324
Author: Tino Calancha <tino.calancha@gmail.com>
Date:   Wed Jul 19 11:16:13 2017 +0900

    * lisp/dired.el (dired-align-file): Add the spaces in size column.

diff --git a/lisp/dired.el b/lisp/dired.el
index 4fb4fe78f8..f4941e0d91 100644
--- a/lisp/dired.el
+++ b/lisp/dired.el
@@ -1153,7 +1153,14 @@ dired-align-file
              (setq file-col (+ spaces file-col))
              (if (> file-col other-col)
                  (setq spaces (- spaces (- file-col other-col))))
-             (insert-char ?\s spaces)
+              ;; Add the spaces in front of the file size.
+              (when (search-forward-regexp 
directory-listing-before-filename-regexp nil t)
+                (goto-char (match-beginning 0))
+                ;; If size is in human readable units, then we should skip
+                ;; '.' and letters (units) as well.
+                (search-backward-regexp "[[:space:]]" nil t)
+                (skip-chars-forward "[:space:]")
+               (insert-char ?\s spaces))
              ;; Let's just make really sure we did not mess up.
              (unless (save-excursion
                        (eq (dired-move-to-filename) (marker-position file)))

commit 16baaf7df330309be6490b115c513371c0660aef
Author: Tino Calancha <tino.calancha@gmail.com>
Date:   Wed Jul 19 11:52:30 2017 +0900

    ls-lisp: Fix dired format when dired-directory is a cons
    * lisp/ls-lisp.el (ls-lisp-obtain-formats): New defun extracted from
    * lisp/dired.el (dired-readin-insert): Call it if 'dired-directory' is
    a cons and we are using ls-lisp.
    (ls-lisp-use-insert-directory-program): Move declaration before use
    this var.

diff --git a/lisp/dired.el b/lisp/dired.el
index f4941e0d91..95f438e912 100644
--- a/lisp/dired.el
+++ b/lisp/dired.el
@@ -1035,15 +1035,20 @@ dired-readin
 ;; Subroutines of dired-readin
+(defvar ls-lisp-use-insert-directory-program)
+(declare-function ls-lisp-obtain-formats "ls-lisp" (alist file-list switches))
 (defun dired-readin-insert ()
   ;; Insert listing for the specified dir (and maybe file list)
   ;; already in dired-directory, assuming a clean buffer.
   (let (dir file-list)
-    (if (consp dired-directory)
+    (cond ((consp dired-directory)
+           (when (and (featurep 'ls-lisp)
+                     (null ls-lisp-use-insert-directory-program))
+             (ls-lisp-obtain-formats nil (cdr dired-directory) nil))
        (setq dir (car dired-directory)
-             file-list (cdr dired-directory))
-      (setq dir dired-directory
-           file-list nil))
+             file-list (cdr dired-directory)))
+          (t (setq dir dired-directory
+                  file-list nil)))
     (setq dir (expand-file-name dir))
     (if (and (equal "" (file-name-nondirectory dir))
             (not file-list))
@@ -1171,7 +1176,6 @@ dired-align-file
        (set-marker file nil)))))
-(defvar ls-lisp-use-insert-directory-program)
 (defun dired-check-switches (switches short &optional long)
   "Return non-nil if the string SWITCHES matches LONG or SHORT format."
diff --git a/lisp/ls-lisp.el b/lisp/ls-lisp.el
index b368efbbc9..391afd16bd 100644
--- a/lisp/ls-lisp.el
+++ b/lisp/ls-lisp.el
@@ -338,6 +338,46 @@ ls-lisp--insert-directory
                (insert " available " available)))))))))
 (advice-add 'insert-directory :around #'ls-lisp--insert-directory)
+(defun ls-lisp-obtain-formats (alist file-list switches)
+  (let ((file-alist (or alist
+                        (mapcar (lambda (f)
+                                  (nconc (list f) (file-attributes f))) 
+       (sum 0)
+        (max-uid-len 0)
+       (max-gid-len 0)
+       (max-file-size 0)
+        ;; do all bindings here for speed
+       total-line files elt short file-size attr
+       fuid fgid uid-len gid-len)
+    (dolist (elt file-alist)
+      (setq attr (cdr elt)
+           fuid (nth 2 attr)
+           uid-len (if (stringp fuid) (string-width fuid)
+                     (length (format "%d" fuid)))
+           fgid (nth 3 attr)
+           gid-len (if (stringp fgid) (string-width fgid)
+                     (length (format "%d" fgid)))
+           file-size (nth 7 attr))
+      (if (> uid-len max-uid-len)
+         (setq max-uid-len uid-len))
+      (if (> gid-len max-gid-len)
+         (setq max-gid-len gid-len))
+      (if (> file-size max-file-size)
+         (setq max-file-size file-size)))
+    (setq ls-lisp-uid-d-fmt (format " %%-%dd" max-uid-len))
+    (setq ls-lisp-uid-s-fmt (format " %%-%ds" max-uid-len))
+    (setq ls-lisp-gid-d-fmt (format " %%-%dd" max-gid-len))
+    (setq ls-lisp-gid-s-fmt (format " %%-%ds" max-gid-len))
+    (setq ls-lisp-filesize-d-fmt
+         (format " %%%dd" (length (format "%.0f" max-file-size))))
+    (setq ls-lisp-filesize-f-fmt
+         (format " %%%d.0f" (length (format "%.0f" max-file-size))))
+    (if (memq ?s switches)
+       (setq ls-lisp-filesize-b-fmt
+             (format "%%%d.0f "
+                     (length (format "%.0f"
+                                     (fceiling
+                                      (/ max-file-size 1024.0)))))))))
 (defun ls-lisp-insert-directory
   (file switches time-index wildcard-regexp full-directory-p)
   "Insert directory listing for FILE, formatted according to SWITCHES.
@@ -381,35 +421,7 @@ ls-lisp-insert-directory
          ;; Find the appropriate format for displaying uid, gid, and
          ;; file size, by finding the longest strings among all the
          ;; files we are about to display.
-         (dolist (elt file-alist)
-           (setq attr (cdr elt)
-                 fuid (nth 2 attr)
-                 uid-len (if (stringp fuid) (string-width fuid)
-                           (length (format "%d" fuid)))
-                 fgid (nth 3 attr)
-                 gid-len (if (stringp fgid) (string-width fgid)
-                           (length (format "%d" fgid)))
-                 file-size (nth 7 attr))
-           (if (> uid-len max-uid-len)
-               (setq max-uid-len uid-len))
-           (if (> gid-len max-gid-len)
-               (setq max-gid-len gid-len))
-           (if (> file-size max-file-size)
-               (setq max-file-size file-size)))
-         (setq ls-lisp-uid-d-fmt (format " %%-%dd" max-uid-len))
-         (setq ls-lisp-uid-s-fmt (format " %%-%ds" max-uid-len))
-         (setq ls-lisp-gid-d-fmt (format " %%-%dd" max-gid-len))
-         (setq ls-lisp-gid-s-fmt (format " %%-%ds" max-gid-len))
-         (setq ls-lisp-filesize-d-fmt
-               (format " %%%dd" (length (format "%.0f" max-file-size))))
-         (setq ls-lisp-filesize-f-fmt
-               (format " %%%d.0f" (length (format "%.0f" max-file-size))))
-         (if (memq ?s switches)
-             (setq ls-lisp-filesize-b-fmt
-                   (format "%%%d.0f "
-                           (length (format "%.0f"
-                                           (fceiling
-                                            (/ max-file-size 1024.0)))))))
+         (ls-lisp-obtain-formats file-alist nil switches)
          (setq files file-alist)
          (while files                  ; long (-l) format
            (setq elt (car files)

--8<-----------------------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---
The second patch seems to fix this problem.
In GNU Emacs 26.0.50 (build 1, x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.22.11)
 of 2017-07-18
Repository revision: be79366410703a788c3c8ce7951e89bc9dfdac88

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