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bug#17378: 24.3.1: xterm-mouse-event: Wrong type argument: wholenump, -6

From: Ishmael
Subject: bug#17378: 24.3.1: xterm-mouse-event: Wrong type argument: wholenump, -6
Date: Mon, 5 May 2014 08:52:50 -0700 (PDT)

Here you go.

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument wholenump -6)
  posn-at-x-y(-6 58)
  (nthcdr 2 (posn-at-x-y x y))
  (append (list nil (quote menu-bar)) (nthcdr 2 (posn-at-x-y x y)))
  (if w (posn-at-x-y (- x left) (- y top) w t) (append (list nil (quote
menu-bar)) (nthcdr 2 (posn-at-x-y x y))))
  (let ((event (if w (posn-at-x-y (- x left) (- y top) w t) (append (list
nil (quote menu-bar)) (nthcdr 2 (posn-at-x-y x y)))))) (setcar (nthcdr 3
event) timestamp) event)
  (list type (let ((event (if w (posn-at-x-y (- x left) (- y top) w t)
(append (list nil (quote menu-bar)) (nthcdr 2 (posn-at-x-y x y)))))) (setcar
(nthcdr 3 event) timestamp) event))
  (setq last-input-event (list type (let ((event (if w (posn-at-x-y (- x
left) (- y top) w t) (append (list nil ...) (nthcdr 2 ...))))) (setcar
(nthcdr 3 event) timestamp) event)))
  (let* ((click (cond ((null extension)
(xterm-mouse--read-event-sequence-1000)) ((eq extension 1006)
(xterm-mouse--read-event-sequence-1006)) (t (error "Unsupported XTerm mouse
protocol")))) (type (nth 0 click)) (x (nth 1 click)) (y (nth \
2 click)) (timestamp (xterm-mouse-truncate-wrap (* 1000 (- (float-time) (or
xt-mouse-epoch (setq xt-mouse-epoch ...)))))) (w (window-at x y)) (ltrb
(window-edges w)) (left (nth 0 ltrb)) (top (nth 1 ltrb)))
(set-terminal-parameter nil (quot\
e xterm-mouse-x) x) (set-terminal-parameter nil (quote xterm-mouse-y) y)
(setq last-input-event (list type (let ((event (if w (posn-at-x-y ... ... w
t) (append ... ...)))) (setcar (nthcdr 3 event) timestamp) event))))
  (let* ((xterm-mouse-last nil) (down (xterm-mouse-event extension))
(down-command (nth 0 down)) (down-data (nth 1 down)) (down-where (nth 1
down-data)) (down-binding (key-binding (if (symbolp down-where) (vector
down-where down-command) (\
vector down-command)))) (is-click (string-match "^mouse" (symbol-name (car
down))))) (if is-click nil (if (cond ((null extension) (and (eq (read-event)
27) (eq (read-event) 91) (eq (read-event) 77))) ((eq extension 1006) (and
(eq (read-eve\
nt) 27) (eq (read-event) 91) (eq (read-event) 60)))) nil (error "Unexpected
escape sequence from XTerm"))) (let* ((click (if is-click down
(xterm-mouse-event extension))) (click-data (nth 1 click)) (click-where (nth
1 click-data))) (if (me\
mq down-binding (quote (nil ignore))) (if (and (symbolp click-where) (consp
click-where)) (vector (list click-where click-data) click) (vector click))
(setq unread-command-events (append (if (eq down-where click-where) (list
click) (list (\
list ... click-data) (if ... 0 ...))) unread-command-events)) (if
xterm-mouse-debug-buffer (print unread-command-events
xterm-mouse-debug-buffer)) (if (and (symbolp down-where) (consp down-where))
(vector (list down-where down-data) down) \
(vector down)))))
  (progn (deactivate-mark) (let* ((xterm-mouse-last nil) (down
(xterm-mouse-event extension)) (down-command (nth 0 down)) (down-data (nth 1
down)) (down-where (nth 1 down-data)) (down-binding (key-binding (if
(symbolp down-where) (vector d\
own-where down-command) (vector down-command)))) (is-click (string-match
"^mouse" (symbol-name (car down))))) (if is-click nil (if (cond ((null
extension) (and (eq ... 27) (eq ... 91) (eq ... 77))) ((eq extension 1006)
(and (eq ... 27) (eq\
 ... 91) (eq ... 60)))) nil (error "Unexpected escape sequence from
XTerm"))) (let* ((click (if is-click down (xterm-mouse-event extension)))
(click-data (nth 1 click)) (click-where (nth 1 click-data))) (if (memq
down-binding (quote (nil i\
gnore))) (if (and (symbolp click-where) (consp click-where)) (vector (list
click-where click-data) click) (vector click)) (setq unread-command-events
(append (if (eq down-where click-where) (list click) (list ... ...))
s)) (if xterm-mouse-debug-buffer (print unread-command-events
xterm-mouse-debug-buffer)) (if (and (symbolp down-where) (consp down-where))
(vector (list down-where down-data) down) (vector down))))))
  (unwind-protect (progn (deactivate-mark) (let* ((xterm-mouse-last nil)
(down (xterm-mouse-event extension)) (down-command (nth 0 down)) (down-data
(nth 1 down)) (down-where (nth 1 down-data)) (down-binding (key-binding (if
(symbolp down-\
where) (vector down-where down-command) (vector down-command)))) (is-click
(string-match "^mouse" (symbol-name (car down))))) (if is-click nil (if
(cond ((null extension) (and ... ... ...)) ((eq extension 1006) (and ... ...
...))) nil (err\
or "Unexpected escape sequence from XTerm"))) (let* ((click (if is-click
down (xterm-mouse-event extension))) (click-data (nth 1 click)) (click-where
(nth 1 click-data))) (if (memq down-binding (quote (nil ignore))) (if (and
(symbolp click\
-where) (consp click-where)) (vector (list click-where click-data) click)
(vector click)) (setq unread-command-events (append (if ... ... ...)
unread-command-events)) (if xterm-mouse-debug-buffer (print
unread-command-events xterm-mouse-de\
bug-buffer)) (if (and (symbolp down-where) (consp down-where)) (vector (list
down-where down-data) down) (vector down)))))) (set-window-configuration
  (let ((wconfig (current-window-configuration))) (unwind-protect (progn
(deactivate-mark) (let* ((xterm-mouse-last nil) (down (xterm-mouse-event
extension)) (down-command (nth 0 down)) (down-data (nth 1 down)) (down-where
(nth 1 down-data\
)) (down-binding (key-binding (if ... ... ...))) (is-click (string-match
"^mouse" (symbol-name ...)))) (if is-click nil (if (cond (... ...) (...
...)) nil (error "Unexpected escape sequence from XTerm"))) (let* ((click
(if is-click down ..\
.)) (click-data (nth 1 click)) (click-where (nth 1 click-data))) (if (memq
down-binding (quote ...)) (if (and ... ...) (vector ... click) (vector
click)) (setq unread-command-events (append ... unread-command-events)) (if
-buffer (print unread-command-events xterm-mouse-debug-buffer)) (if (and ...
...) (vector ... down) (vector down)))))) (set-window-configuration
  (save-excursion (let ((wconfig (current-window-configuration)))
(unwind-protect (progn (deactivate-mark) (let* ((xterm-mouse-last nil) (down
(xterm-mouse-event extension)) (down-command (nth 0 down)) (down-data (nth 1
down)) (down-where \
(nth 1 down-data)) (down-binding (key-binding ...)) (is-click (string-match
"^mouse" ...))) (if is-click nil (if (cond ... ...) nil (error "Unexpected
escape sequence from XTerm"))) (let* ((click ...) (click-data ...)
(click-where ...)) (i\
f (memq down-binding ...) (if ... ... ...) (setq unread-command-events ...)
(if xterm-mouse-debug-buffer ...) (if ... ... ...)))))
(set-window-configuration wconfig))))

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