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bug#16430: 24.3.50; When fullscreen is triggered from the window manager

From: martin rudalics
Subject: bug#16430: 24.3.50; When fullscreen is triggered from the window manager, I can't resize window (via M-x org-export RET)
Date: Sat, 18 Jan 2014 13:19:21 +0100

>>> (window-pixel-height (frame-root-window)) => 750
>>>   (window-pixel-height (selected-window)) => 375
>>> With toggle-frame-fullscreen:
>>> (window-pixel-height (frame-root-window)) => 728
>>>   (window-pixel-height (selected-window)) => 368
>> What is the size of the other, non-selected window in each of these
>> cases?
> Same for all values, except I get 364 instead of 368 for the last one.
>> And what gives evaluating (frame-char-height)?
> 18 in all cases.

I attach below two functions to do this. So please do M-x frame-dump and
retrieve the contents of the buffer *frame-dump* to post the results.
In particular, please do that once for each of your fullscreen frames
with a frame containing two windows above each other.


(defun window-dump (window)
  "Dump WINDOW."
   (format "%s   parent: %s\n" window (window-parent window))
   (format "pixel left: %s   top: %s   size: %s x %s   new: %s\n"
           (window-pixel-left window) (window-pixel-top window)
           (window-size window t t) (window-size window nil t)
           (window-new-pixel window))
   (format "char left: %s   top: %s   size: %s x %s   new: %s\n"
           (window-left-column window) (window-top-line window)
           (window-total-size window t) (window-total-size window)
           (window-new-total window))
   (format "normal: %s x %s   new: %s\n"
           (window-normal-size window t) (window-normal-size window)
           (window-new-normal window)))
  (when (window-live-p window)
     (format "body pixel: %s x %s   char: %s x %s\n"
             (window-body-width window t) (window-body-height window t)
             (window-body-width window) (window-body-height window))))
  (insert "\n"))

(defun frame-dump (&optional frame)
  "Dump frame FRAME to buffer *frame-dump*.
FRAME defaults to the selected frame."
  (setq frame (window-normalize-frame frame))
  (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create "*frame-dump*")
     (format "frame pixel: %s x %s   cols/lines: %s x %s   units: %s x %s\n"
             (frame-pixel-width frame) (frame-pixel-height frame)
             (frame-total-cols frame) (frame-text-lines frame) ; 
(frame-total-lines frame)
             (frame-char-width frame) (frame-char-height frame))
     (format "frame text pixel: %s x %s   cols/lines: %s x %s\n"
             (frame-text-width frame) (frame-text-height frame)
             (frame-text-cols frame) (frame-text-lines frame))
     (format "tool: %s  scroll: %s  fringe: %s  border: %s  right: %s  bottom: 
             (tool-bar-height frame t)
             (frame-scroll-bar-width frame)
             (frame-fringe-width frame)
             (frame-border-width frame)
             (frame-right-divider-width frame)
             (frame-bottom-divider-width frame)))
    (walk-window-tree 'window-dump frame t t)))

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