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bug#16265: 24.3.50; re-search-forward (error "Invalid search bound (wron

From: Keith David Bershatsky
Subject: bug#16265: 24.3.50; re-search-forward (error "Invalid search bound (wrong side of point)")
Date: Sat, 28 Dec 2013 00:00:36 -0800
User-agent: / () / () APEL/10.8 Emacs/24.3.50 (x86_64-apple-darwin10.8.0) MULE/6.0 (HANACHIRUSATO)


I'm still working on narrowing down the issue.  A likely suspect is a failed 
`org-sort-entries` before running the *second* round of org-capture.  The 
`org-sort-entries` kicks in `recursive-edit`, which does not go back to the top 
level after an error.  re-search-forward and re-search-backward apparently 
throw errors when the org buffer is in `recursive-edit`.  Last night I had to 
create a work-around to search the org buffer to update my calendar while 
org-capture was in use because I couldn't search the buffer either.  So it may 
not be only recursive edit that causes re-search-forward / backward to throw 
errors -- it may be linked to whatever org-capture is doing to the main org 
file buffer -- e.g., narrowing.  The org-sort-entries worked fine in the Emacs 
Trunk version from October 5, 2013, but not the recent version of Emacs Trunk 
built a few days ago.


                Debugger entered--Lisp error: (error "Nothing to sort")
  signal(error ("Nothing to sort"))
  error("Nothing to sort")
  (if (>= beg end) (error "Nothing to sort"))
  (let ((case-func (if with-case (quote identity) (quote downcase))) (cmstr (if 
(equal (marker-buffer org-clock-marker) (current-buffer)) (progn 
(save-excursion (goto-char org-clock-marker) (looking-back "^.*") 
(match-string-no-properties 0))))) start beg end stars re re2 txt what tmp) 
(cond ((org-region-active-p) (setq end (region-end) what "region") (goto-char 
(region-beginning)) (if (not (org-at-heading-p)) (outline-next-heading)) (setq 
start (point))) ((or (org-at-heading-p) (condition-case nil (progn 
(org-back-to-heading t) t) (error nil))) (org-back-to-heading t) (setq start 
(point) end (progn (org-end-of-subtree t t) (or (bolp) (insert "\n")) 
(org-back-over-empty-lines) (point)) what "children") (goto-char start) 
(show-subtree) (outline-next-heading)) (t (goto-char (point-min)) (or 
(org-at-heading-p) (outline-next-heading)) (setq start (point)) (goto-char 
(point-max)) (beginning-of-line 1) (if (looking-at ".*?\\S-") (progn 
(end-of-line 1) (insert "\n"))) (setq end (point-max)) (setq what "top-level") 
(goto-char start) (show-all))) (setq beg (point)) (if (>= beg end) (error 
"Nothing to sort")) (looking-at "\\(\\*+\\)") (setq stars (match-string 1) re 
(concat "^" (regexp-quote stars) " +") re2 (concat "^" (regexp-quote (substring 
stars 0 -1)) "[  \n]") txt (buffer-substring beg end)) (if (not (equal 
(substring txt -1) "\n")) (setq txt (concat txt "\n"))) (if (and (not (equal 
stars "*")) (string-match re2 txt)) (error "Region to sort contains a level 
above the first entry")) (if sorting-type nil (message "Sort %s: [a]lpha  
[n]umeric  [p]riority  p[r]operty  todo[o]rder  [f]unc\n               [t]ime 
[s]cheduled  [d]eadline  [c]reated\n               A/N/P/R/O/F/T/S/D/C means 
reversed:" what) (setq sorting-type (read-char-exclusive)) (and (= (downcase 
sorting-type) 102) (setq getkey-func (org-icompleting-read "Sort using 
function: " obarray (quote fboundp) t nil nil)) (setq getkey-func (intern 
getkey-func))) (and (= (downcase sorting-type) 114) (setq property 
(org-icompleting-read "Property: " (mapcar (quote list) 
(org-buffer-property-keys t)) nil t)))) (save-restriction (narrow-to-region 
start end) (let ((dcst (downcase sorting-type)) (case-fold-search nil) (now 
(current-time))) (sort-subr (/= dcst sorting-type) (function (lambda nil (if 
(re-search-forward re nil t) (goto-char ...) (goto-char ...)))) (function 
(lambda nil (let (...) (unwind-protect ... ...)))) (function (lambda nil (cond 
(... ...) (... ...) (... ...) (... ...) (... ...) (... ...) (... ...) (... ...) 
(... ...) (... ...) (t ...)))) nil (cond ((= dcst 97) (quote string<)) ((= dcst 
102) compare-func) ((member dcst (quote ...)) (quote <)))))) (run-hooks (quote 
org-after-sorting-entries-or-items-hook)) (if cmstr (progn (save-excursion 
(goto-char start) (search-forward cmstr nil t) (move-marker org-clock-marker 
  org-sort-entries(t 97)
  (while (re-search-backward "^* " nil t) (org-sort-entries t 97) 
(org-sort-entries t 111) (org-sort-entries t 112) (org-sort-entries t 116))
  (let (lawlist-item-old) (switch-to-buffer (get-file-buffer 
lawlist-todo-file)) (setq lawlist-item-old (lawlist-org-get-heading)) 
(goto-char (point-max)) (while (re-search-backward "^* " nil t) 
(org-sort-entries t 97) (org-sort-entries t 111) (org-sort-entries t 112) 
(org-sort-entries t 116)) (goto-char (point-max)) (while (re-search-backward 
"^* DONE" nil t) (org-sort-entries t 97) (org-sort-entries t 111) 
(org-sort-entries t 112)) (lawlist-org-cleanup) (org-cycle-hide-drawers (quote 
all)) (hs-hide-all) (re-search-backward (regexp-quote lawlist-item-new) nil t) 
(setq beg (point)) (re-search-forward (regexp-quote lawlist-item-new) nil t) 
(setq end (point)) (isearch-highlight beg end) (recenter) (sit-for 2) 
(isearch-dehighlight) (goto-char (point-max)) (re-search-backward (regexp-quote 
lawlist-item-old) nil t) (save-buffer) (setq buffer-read-only t) (recenter))
  (progn (let (lawlist-item-old) (switch-to-buffer (get-file-buffer 
lawlist-todo-file)) (setq lawlist-item-old (lawlist-org-get-heading)) 
(goto-char (point-max)) (while (re-search-backward "^* " nil t) 
(org-sort-entries t 97) (org-sort-entries t 111) (org-sort-entries t 112) 
(org-sort-entries t 116)) (goto-char (point-max)) (while (re-search-backward 
"^* DONE" nil t) (org-sort-entries t 97) (org-sort-entries t 111) 
(org-sort-entries t 112)) (lawlist-org-cleanup) (org-cycle-hide-drawers (quote 
all)) (hs-hide-all) (re-search-backward (regexp-quote lawlist-item-new) nil t) 
(setq beg (point)) (re-search-forward (regexp-quote lawlist-item-new) nil t) 
(setq end (point)) (isearch-highlight beg end) (recenter) (sit-for 2) 
(isearch-dehighlight) (goto-char (point-max)) (re-search-backward (regexp-quote 
lawlist-item-old) nil t) (save-buffer) (setq buffer-read-only t) (recenter)))
  (if (not (get-buffer-window "*Org Agenda*" (selected-frame))) (progn (let 
(lawlist-item-old) (switch-to-buffer (get-file-buffer lawlist-todo-file)) (setq 
lawlist-item-old (lawlist-org-get-heading)) (goto-char (point-max)) (while 
(re-search-backward "^* " nil t) (org-sort-entries t 97) (org-sort-entries t 
111) (org-sort-entries t 112) (org-sort-entries t 116)) (goto-char (point-max)) 
(while (re-search-backward "^* DONE" nil t) (org-sort-entries t 97) 
(org-sort-entries t 111) (org-sort-entries t 112)) (lawlist-org-cleanup) 
(org-cycle-hide-drawers (quote all)) (hs-hide-all) (re-search-backward 
(regexp-quote lawlist-item-new) nil t) (setq beg (point)) (re-search-forward 
(regexp-quote lawlist-item-new) nil t) (setq end (point)) (isearch-highlight 
beg end) (recenter) (sit-for 2) (isearch-dehighlight) (goto-char (point-max)) 
(re-search-backward (regexp-quote lawlist-item-old) nil t) (save-buffer) (setq 
buffer-read-only t) (recenter))))
  (let* (beg end (lawlist-item-new (lawlist-org-get-heading)) (month-regexp 
 (org-capture-finalize) (if (get-buffer-window "*Org Agenda*" (selected-frame)) 
(progn (set-buffer "*Org Agenda*") (goto-char (point-min)) (cond 
((save-excursion (re-search-forward "tags:  " nil t)) (re-search-forward "tags: 
 " nil t) (let ((tag-beg ...)) (end-of-line) (let* (tag-match ...) (setq 
tag-match ...) (switch-to-buffer ...) (let ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...) (tag nil tag-match) (if ... 
...)))) ((save-excursion (re-search-forward month-regexp nil t)) (let 
((date-beg ...)) (end-of-line) (let* (date-match ...) (setq date-match ...) 
(let* ... ... ... ... ... ... ...))))))) (if (not (get-buffer-window "*Org 
Agenda*" (selected-frame))) (progn (let (lawlist-item-old) (switch-to-buffer 
(get-file-buffer lawlist-todo-file)) (setq lawlist-item-old 
(lawlist-org-get-heading)) (goto-char (point-max)) (while (re-search-backward 
"^* " nil t) (org-sort-entries t 97) (org-sort-entries t 111) (org-sort-entries 
t 112) (org-sort-entries t 116)) (goto-char (point-max)) (while 
(re-search-backward "^* DONE" nil t) (org-sort-entries t 97) (org-sort-entries 
t 111) (org-sort-entries t 112)) (lawlist-org-cleanup) (org-cycle-hide-drawers 
(quote all)) (hs-hide-all) (re-search-backward (regexp-quote lawlist-item-new) 
nil t) (setq beg (point)) (re-search-forward (regexp-quote lawlist-item-new) 
nil t) (setq end (point)) (isearch-highlight beg end) (recenter) (sit-for 2) 
(isearch-dehighlight) (goto-char (point-max)) (re-search-backward (regexp-quote 
lawlist-item-old) nil t) (save-buffer) (setq buffer-read-only t) (recenter)))))
  call-interactively(lawlist-org-capture-finalize nil nil)

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