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bug#16199: 24.3.50; [PATCH 2/2] eww: Does not support file upload.

From: Kenjiro NAKAYAMA
Subject: bug#16199: 24.3.50; [PATCH 2/2] eww: Does not support file upload.
Date: Fri, 20 Dec 2013 18:30:57 +0900
User-agent: mu4e; emacs

Signed-off-by: Kenjiro NAKAYAMA <nakayamakenjiro@gmail.com>

diff --git a/lisp/net/eww.el b/lisp/net/eww.el
index bff5cd8..22a9023 100644
--- a/lisp/net/eww.el
+++ b/lisp/net/eww.el
@@ -91,6 +91,15 @@ See also `eww-form-checkbox-selected-symbol'."
   :version "24.4"
   :group 'eww)
+(defface eww-form-file
+  '((((type x w32 ns) (class color))   ; Like default mode line
+     :box (:line-width 2 :style released-button)
+     :background "#808080" :foreground "black"))
+  "Face for eww buffer buttons."
+  :version "24.4"
+  :group 'eww
+  :type "Browse")
 (defface eww-form-checkbox
   '((((type x w32 ns) (class color))   ; Like default mode line
      :box (:line-width 2 :style released-button)
@@ -565,6 +574,12 @@ appears in a <link> or <a> tag."
     (define-key map [(control c) (control c)] 'eww-submit)
+(defvar eww-submit-file
+  (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
+    (define-key map "\r" 'eww-select-file)
+    (define-key map [(control c) (control c)] 'eww-submit)
+    map))
 (defvar eww-checkbox-map
   (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
     (define-key map [space] 'eww-toggle-checkbox)
@@ -675,6 +690,37 @@ appears in a <link> or <a> tag."
     (put-text-property start (point) 'keymap eww-checkbox-map)
     (insert " ")))
+(defun eww-form-file (cont)
+  (let ((start (point))
+       (value (cdr (assq :value cont)))
+       )
+    (setq value
+         (if (zerop (length value))
+             " No file selected"
+           value))
+    (insert "Browse")
+    (add-face-text-property start (point) 'eww-form-file)
+    (insert value)
+    (put-text-property start (point) 'eww-form
+                      (list :eww-form eww-form
+                            :value (cdr (assq :value cont))
+                            :type (downcase (cdr (assq :type cont)))
+                            :name (cdr (assq :name cont))))
+    (put-text-property start (point) 'keymap eww-submit-file)
+    (insert " ")))
+(defun eww-select-file ()
+  "Change the value of the upload file menu under point."
+  (interactive)
+  (let*  ((input (get-text-property (point) 'eww-form))
+        )
+    (let ((filename
+          (let ((insert-default-directory t))
+            (read-file-name "filename:  ")))
+         )
+      (eww-update-field filename (length "Browse"))
+              (plist-put input :filename filename))))
 (defun eww-form-text (cont)
   (let ((start (point))
        (type (downcase (or (cdr (assq :type cont))
@@ -787,6 +833,8 @@ See URL 
      ((or (equal type "checkbox")
          (equal type "radio"))
       (eww-form-checkbox cont))
+     ((equal type "file")
+      (eww-form-file cont))
      ((equal type "submit")
       (eww-form-submit cont))
      ((equal type "hidden")
@@ -845,6 +893,8 @@ See URL 
       (put-text-property start (point) 'eww-form menu)
       (add-face-text-property start (point) 'eww-form-select)
       (put-text-property start (point) 'keymap eww-select-map)
+      (unless (= start (point))
+       (put-text-property start (1+ start) 'help-echo "select field"))
 (defun eww-select-display (select)
@@ -877,14 +927,18 @@ See URL 
      (eww-update-field display))))
-(defun eww-update-field (string)
+(defun eww-update-field (string &optional offset)
+  (if (not offset) (setq offset 0))
   (let ((properties (text-properties-at (point)))
-       (start (eww-beginning-of-field))
-       (end (1+ (eww-end-of-field))))
-    (delete-region start end)
+       (start (+ (eww-beginning-of-field) offset))
+       (current-end (1+ (eww-end-of-field)))
+       (new-end (1+ (+ (eww-beginning-of-field) (length string)))))
+    (delete-region start current-end)
+    (forward-char offset)
     (insert string
-           (make-string (- (- end start) (length string)) ? ))
-    (set-text-properties start end properties)
+           (make-string (- (- (+ new-end offset) start) (length string)) ? ))
+    (if (= 0 offset) (set-text-properties start new-end properties))
 (defun eww-toggle-checkbox ()
@@ -952,8 +1006,8 @@ See URL 
         (form (plist-get this-input :eww-form))
         values next-submit)
     (dolist (elem (sort (eww-inputs form)
-                        (lambda (o1 o2)
-                          (< (car o1) (car o2)))))
+                        (lambda (o1 o2)
+                          (< (car o1) (car o2)))))
       (let* ((input (cdr elem))
             (input-start (car elem))
             (name (plist-get input :name)))
@@ -963,6 +1017,13 @@ See URL 
            (when (plist-get input :checked)
              (push (cons name (plist-get input :value))
+          ((equal (plist-get input :type) "file")
+           (push (cons "file" (list (cons "filedata" (with-temp-buffer 
+                                                 (plist-get input :filename))
+                                                (buffer-string)))
+                       (cons "name" (plist-get input :name))
+                       (cons "filename" (plist-get input :filename))))
+                 values))
           ((equal (plist-get input :type) "submit")
            ;; We want the values from buttons if we hit a button if
            ;; we hit enter on it, or if it's the first button after
@@ -985,12 +1046,31 @@ See URL 
     (if (and (stringp (cdr (assq :method form)))
             (equal (downcase (cdr (assq :method form))) "post"))
-       (let ((url-request-method "POST")
-             (url-request-extra-headers
-              '(("Content-Type" . "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")))
-             (url-request-data (mm-url-encode-www-form-urlencoded values)))
-         (eww-browse-url (shr-expand-url (cdr (assq :action form))
-                                         eww-current-url)))
+        (let ((mtype))
+          (dolist (x values mtype)
+            (if (equal (car x) "file")
+                (progn
+                  (setq mtype "multipart/form-data")
+                  )))
+          (cond ((equal mtype "multipart/form-data")
+                (let ((boundary (mml-compute-boundary '()))
+                      )
+                  (let ((url-request-method "POST")
+                        (url-request-extra-headers
+                         (list (cons "Content-Type" (concat 
"multipart/form-data; boundary=" boundary)))
+                       )
+                        (url-request-data (mm-url-encode-multipart-form-data 
values boundary)))
+                    (eww-browse-url (shr-expand-url (cdr (assq :action form))
+                                                    eww-current-url))))
+               )
+                (t
+                 (let ((url-request-method "POST")
+                       (url-request-extra-headers
+                        '(("Content-Type" . 
+                       (url-request-data (mm-url-encode-www-form-urlencoded 
+                   (eww-browse-url (shr-expand-url (cdr (assq :action form))
+                                                   eww-current-url)))
+                 )))
        (if (cdr (assq :action form))

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