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bug#16077: 24.3; cleanup flymake

From: Leo Liu
Subject: bug#16077: 24.3; cleanup flymake
Date: Sat, 07 Dec 2013 01:04:49 +0800

First patch to clean up flymake and more to come. This basically removes
xemacs support. Any reasons not to?

diff --git a/lisp/progmodes/flymake.el b/lisp/progmodes/flymake.el
index ab86b83f..0f1f4fff 100644
--- a/lisp/progmodes/flymake.el
+++ b/lisp/progmodes/flymake.el
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-;;; flymake.el --- a universal on-the-fly syntax checker
+;;; flymake.el --- a universal on-the-fly syntax checker  -*- lexical-binding: 
t; -*-
 ;; Copyright (C) 2003-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
@@ -36,77 +36,27 @@
 ;;; Code:
 (eval-when-compile (require 'cl-lib))
-(if (featurep 'xemacs) (require 'overlay))
-(defvar flymake-is-running nil
+(defvar-local flymake-is-running nil
   "If t, flymake syntax check process is running for the current buffer.")
-(make-variable-buffer-local 'flymake-is-running)
-(defvar flymake-timer nil
+(defvar-local flymake-timer nil
   "Timer for starting syntax check.")
-(make-variable-buffer-local 'flymake-timer)
-(defvar flymake-last-change-time nil
+(defvar-local flymake-last-change-time nil
   "Time of last buffer change.")
-(make-variable-buffer-local 'flymake-last-change-time)
-(defvar flymake-check-start-time nil
+(defvar-local flymake-check-start-time nil
   "Time at which syntax check was started.")
-(make-variable-buffer-local 'flymake-check-start-time)
-(defvar flymake-check-was-interrupted nil
+(defvar-local flymake-check-was-interrupted nil
   "Non-nil if syntax check was killed by `flymake-compile'.")
-(make-variable-buffer-local 'flymake-check-was-interrupted)
-(defvar flymake-err-info nil
+(defvar-local flymake-err-info nil
   "Sorted list of line numbers and lists of err info in the form (file, 
-(make-variable-buffer-local 'flymake-err-info)
-(defvar flymake-new-err-info nil
+(defvar-local flymake-new-err-info nil
   "Same as `flymake-err-info', effective when a syntax check is in progress.")
-(make-variable-buffer-local 'flymake-new-err-info)
-;;;; [[ cross-emacs compatibility routines
-(defsubst flymake-makehash (&optional test)
-  "Create and return a new hash table using TEST to compare keys.
-It uses the function `make-hash-table' to make a hash-table if
-you use GNU Emacs, otherwise it uses `makehash'."
-  (if (fboundp 'make-hash-table)
-      (if test (make-hash-table :test test) (make-hash-table))
-    (with-no-warnings
-      (makehash test))))
-(defalias 'flymake-float-time
-  (if (fboundp 'float-time)
-      'float-time
-    (if (featurep 'xemacs)
-       (lambda ()
-         (multiple-value-bind (s0 s1 s2) (values-list (current-time))
-           (+ (* (float (ash 1 16)) s0) (float s1) (* 0.0000001 s2)))))))
-(defalias 'flymake-replace-regexp-in-string
-  (if (eval-when-compile (fboundp 'replace-regexp-in-string))
-      'replace-regexp-in-string
-    (lambda (regexp rep str)
-      (replace-in-string str regexp rep))))
-(defalias 'flymake-split-string
-  (if (condition-case nil (equal (split-string " bc " " " t) '("bc"))
-        (error nil))
-      (lambda (str pattern) (split-string str pattern t))
-    (lambda (str pattern)
-      "Split STR into a list of substrings bounded by PATTERN.
-Zero-length substrings at the beginning and end of the list are omitted."
-      (let ((split (split-string str pattern)))
-        (while (equal (car split) "") (setq split (cdr split)))
-        (setq split (nreverse split))
-        (while (equal (car split) "") (setq split (cdr split)))
-        (nreverse split)))))
-(defalias 'flymake-get-temp-dir
-  (if (fboundp 'temp-directory)
-      'temp-directory
-    (lambda () temporary-file-directory)))
 (defun flymake-posn-at-point-as-event (&optional position window dx dy)
   "Return pixel position of top left corner of glyph at POSITION.
@@ -120,12 +70,11 @@ (defun flymake-posn-at-point-as-event (&optional position 
window dx dy)
 selected window.
 DX and DY specify optional offsets from the top left of the glyph."
-  (unless window (setq window (selected-window)))
-  (unless position (setq position (window-point window)))
-  (unless dx (setq dx 0))
-  (unless dy (setq dy 0))
-  (let* ((pos (posn-at-point position window))
+  (let* ((window (or window (selected-window)))
+        (position (or position (window-point window)))
+        (dx (or dx 0))
+        (dy (or dy 0))
+        (pos (posn-at-point position window))
          (x-y (posn-x-y pos))
          (edges (window-inside-pixel-edges window))
          (win-x-y (window-pixel-edges window)))
@@ -135,25 +84,16 @@ (defun flymake-posn-at-point-as-event (&optional position 
window dx dy)
                   (+ (cdr x-y) (cadr edges) (- (cadr win-x-y)) dy)))
     (list 'mouse-1 pos)))
+;;; XXX: get rid of the following two functions
 (defun flymake-popup-menu (menu-data)
   "Pop up the flymake menu at point, using the data MENU-DATA.
 POS is a list of the form ((X Y) WINDOW), where X and Y are
 pixels positions from the top left corner of WINDOW's frame.
 MENU-DATA is a list of error and warning messages returned by
-  (if (featurep 'xemacs)
-      (let* ((pos         (flymake-get-point-pixel-pos))
-             (x-pos       (nth 0 pos))
-            (y-pos       (nth 1 pos))
-            (fake-event-props  '(button 1 x 1 y 1)))
-       (setq fake-event-props (plist-put fake-event-props 'x x-pos))
-       (setq fake-event-props (plist-put fake-event-props 'y y-pos))
-       (popup-menu (flymake-make-xemacs-menu menu-data)
-                    (make-event 'button-press fake-event-props)))
-    (x-popup-menu (if (eval-when-compile (fboundp 'posn-at-point))
-                      (flymake-posn-at-point-as-event)
-                    (list (flymake-get-point-pixel-pos) (selected-window)))
-                  (flymake-make-emacs-menu menu-data))))
+  (x-popup-menu (flymake-posn-at-point-as-event)
+               (flymake-make-emacs-menu menu-data)))
 (defun flymake-make-emacs-menu (menu-data)
   "Return a menu specifier using MENU-DATA.
@@ -167,72 +107,12 @@ (defun flymake-make-emacs-menu (menu-data)
     (list menu-title (cons "" menu-commands))))
-(if (featurep 'xemacs) (progn
-(defun flymake-nop ()
-  "Do nothing."
-  nil)
-(defun flymake-make-xemacs-menu (menu-data)
-  "Return a menu specifier using MENU-DATA."
-  (let* ((menu-title     (nth 0 menu-data))
-        (menu-items     (nth 1 menu-data))
-        (menu-commands  nil))
-    (setq menu-commands (mapcar (lambda (foo)
-                                 (vector (nth 0 foo) (or (nth 1 foo) 
'(flymake-nop)) t))
-                               menu-items))
-    (cons menu-title menu-commands)))
-)) ;; xemacs
-(unless (eval-when-compile (fboundp 'posn-at-point))
-(defun flymake-current-row ()
-  "Return current row number in current frame."
-  (if (fboundp 'window-edges)
-      (+ (car (cdr (window-edges))) (count-lines (window-start) (point)))
-    (count-lines (window-start) (point))))
-(defun flymake-selected-frame ()
-  "Return the frame that is now selected."
-  (if (fboundp 'window-edges)
-      (selected-frame)
-    (selected-window)))
-(defun flymake-get-point-pixel-pos ()
-  "Return point position in pixels: (x, y)."
-  (let ((mouse-pos  (mouse-position))
-       (pixel-pos  nil)
-       (ret        nil))
-    (if (car (cdr mouse-pos))
-       (progn
-         (set-mouse-position (flymake-selected-frame) (current-column) 
-         (setq pixel-pos (mouse-pixel-position))
-         (set-mouse-position (car mouse-pos) (car (cdr mouse-pos)) (cdr (cdr 
-         (setq ret (list (car (cdr pixel-pos)) (cdr (cdr pixel-pos)))))
-      (progn
-       (setq ret '(0 0))))
-    (flymake-log 3 "mouse pos is %s" ret)
-    ret))
-) ;; End of (unless (fboundp 'posn-at-point)
-;;;; ]]
 (defcustom flymake-log-level -1
   "Logging level, only messages with level lower or equal will be logged.
 -1 = NONE, 0 = ERROR, 1 = WARNING, 2 = INFO, 3 = DEBUG"
   :group 'flymake
   :type 'integer)
-;; (defcustom flymake-log-file-name "~/flymake.log"
-;;   "Where to put the flymake log if logging is enabled.
-;;    See `flymake-log-level' if you want to control what is logged."
-;;   :group 'flymake
-;;   :type 'string)
 (defun flymake-log (level text &rest args)
   "Log a message at level LEVEL.
 If LEVEL is higher than `flymake-log-level', the message is
@@ -241,13 +121,7 @@ (defun flymake-log (level text &rest args)
 are the string substitutions (see the function `format')."
   (if (<= level flymake-log-level)
       (let* ((msg (apply 'format text args)))
-       (message "%s" msg)
-       ;;(with-temp-buffer
-       ;;    (insert msg)
-       ;;   (insert "\n")
-       ;;   (flymake-save-buffer-in-file "~/flymake.log")  ; make log file 
name customizable
-       ;;)
-       )))
+       (message "%s" msg))))
 (defun flymake-ins-after (list pos val)
   "Insert VAL into LIST after position POS.
@@ -266,8 +140,7 @@ (defun flymake-set-at (list pos val)
 (defvar flymake-processes nil
   "List of currently active flymake processes.")
-(defvar flymake-output-residual nil)
-(make-variable-buffer-local 'flymake-output-residual)
+(defvar-local flymake-output-residual nil)
 (defgroup flymake nil
   "Universal on-the-fly syntax checker."
@@ -356,7 +229,7 @@ (defun flymake-get-real-file-name-function (file-name)
   (or (nth 2 (flymake-get-file-name-mode-and-masks file-name))
-(defvar flymake-find-buildfile-cache (flymake-makehash 'equal))
+(defvar flymake-find-buildfile-cache (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
 (defun flymake-get-buildfile-from-cache (dir-name)
   "Look up DIR-NAME in cache and return its associated value.
@@ -537,6 +410,7 @@ (defun flymake-check-patch-master-file-buffer
       (flymake-log 2 "found master file %s" master-file-name))
+;;; XXX: remove
 (defun flymake-replace-region (beg end rep)
   "Replace text in BUFFER in region (BEG END) with REP."
@@ -689,7 +563,7 @@ (defun flymake-post-syntax-check (exit-status command)
     (setq warn-count  (flymake-get-err-count flymake-err-info "w"))
     (flymake-log 2 "%s: %d error(s), %d warning(s) in %.2f second(s)"
                 (buffer-name) err-count warn-count
-                (- (flymake-float-time) flymake-check-start-time))
+                (- (float-time) flymake-check-start-time))
     (setq flymake-check-start-time nil)
     (if (and (equal 0 err-count) (equal 0 warn-count))
@@ -978,7 +852,7 @@ (defun flymake-split-output (output)
 Return last one as residual if it does not end with newline char.
 Returns ((LINES) RESIDUAL)."
   (when (and output (> (length output) 0))
-    (let* ((lines (flymake-split-string output "[\n\r]+"))
+    (let* ((lines (split-string output "[\n\r]+" t))
           (complete (equal "\n" (char-to-string (aref output (1- (length 
           (residual nil))
       (when (not complete)
@@ -1163,18 +1037,18 @@ (defun flymake-get-project-include-dirs-imp (basedir)
                                  (shell-quote-argument basedir)
                                  " DUMPVARS=INCLUDE_DIRS dumpvars"))
           (output        (shell-command-to-string command-line))
-          (lines         (flymake-split-string output "\n"))
+          (lines         (split-string output "\n" t))
           (count         (length lines))
           (idx           0)
           (inc-dirs      nil))
       (while (and (< idx count) (not (string-match "^INCLUDE_DIRS=.*" (nth idx 
        (setq idx (1+ idx)))
       (when (< idx count)
-       (let* ((inc-lines  (flymake-split-string (nth idx lines) " *-I"))
+       (let* ((inc-lines  (split-string (nth idx lines) " *-I" t))
               (inc-count  (length inc-lines)))
          (while (> inc-count 0)
            (when (not (string-match "^INCLUDE_DIRS=.*" (nth (1- inc-count) 
-             (push (flymake-replace-regexp-in-string "\"" "" (nth (1- 
inc-count) inc-lines)) inc-dirs))
+             (push (replace-regexp-in-string "\"" "" (nth (1- inc-count) 
inc-lines)) inc-dirs))
            (setq inc-count (1- inc-count)))))
       (flymake-add-project-include-dirs-to-cache basedir inc-dirs)
@@ -1190,9 +1064,9 @@ (defun flymake-get-project-include-dirs (basedir)
 (defun flymake-get-system-include-dirs ()
   "System include dirs - from the 'INCLUDE' env setting."
   (let* ((includes (getenv "INCLUDE")))
-    (if includes (flymake-split-string includes path-separator) nil)))
+    (if includes (split-string includes path-separator t) nil)))
-(defvar flymake-project-include-dirs-cache (flymake-makehash 'equal))
+(defvar flymake-project-include-dirs-cache (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
 (defun flymake-get-project-include-dirs-from-cache (base-dir)
   (gethash base-dir flymake-project-include-dirs-cache))
@@ -1280,7 +1154,7 @@ (defun flymake-start-syntax-check-process (cmd args dir)
         (setq flymake-is-running t)
         (setq flymake-last-change-time nil)
-        (setq flymake-check-start-time (flymake-float-time))
+        (setq flymake-check-start-time (float-time))
         (flymake-report-status nil "*")
         (flymake-log 2 "started process %d, command=%s, dir=%s"
@@ -1332,7 +1206,7 @@ (defun flymake-on-timer-event (buffer)
     (with-current-buffer buffer
       (when (and (not flymake-is-running)
-                (> (- (flymake-float-time) flymake-last-change-time)
+                (> (- (float-time) flymake-last-change-time)
        (setq flymake-last-change-time nil)
@@ -1512,12 +1386,12 @@ (defcustom flymake-start-syntax-check-on-newline t
 (defun flymake-after-change-function (start stop _len)
   "Start syntax check for current buffer if it isn't already running."
-  ;;+(flymake-log 0 "setting change time to %s" (flymake-float-time))
+  ;;+(flymake-log 0 "setting change time to %s" (float-time))
   (let((new-text (buffer-substring start stop)))
     (when (and flymake-start-syntax-check-on-newline (equal new-text "\n"))
       (flymake-log 3 "starting syntax check as new-line has been seen")
-    (setq flymake-last-change-time (flymake-float-time))))
+    (setq flymake-last-change-time (float-time))))
 (defun flymake-after-save-hook ()
   (if (local-variable-p 'flymake-mode (current-buffer))        ; (???) other 
way to determine whether flymake is active in buffer being saved?
@@ -1631,14 +1505,14 @@ (defun flymake-create-temp-with-folder-structure 
(file-name _prefix)
          ;; trying to remove the leading / of absolute file names.
         (slash-pos (string-match "/" dir))
         (temp-dir  (expand-file-name (substring dir (1+ slash-pos))
-                                      (flymake-get-temp-dir))))
+                                      temporary-file-directory)))
     (file-truename (expand-file-name (file-name-nondirectory file-name)
 (defun flymake-delete-temp-directory (dir-name)
   "Attempt to delete temp dir created by 
`flymake-create-temp-with-folder-structure', do not fail on error."
-  (let* ((temp-dir    (flymake-get-temp-dir))
+  (let* ((temp-dir    temporary-file-directory)
         (suffix      (substring dir-name (1+ (length temp-dir)))))
     (while (> (length suffix) 0)

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