* htmlfontify.el changes Directory structure 1. a/htmlfontify.el - stock htmlfontify.el downloaded from Emacs-24 trunk around Aug 10, 2011 or so. 2. b/htmlfontify.el - enhanced htmlfontify.el 3. htmlfontify.el.patch - Single-shot diff between a/htmlfontify.el and b/htmlfontify.el 4. patches - This directory contains 5 numbers of patches generated with "git format-patch ...". These are incremental patches that moves htmlfontify.el from a to b. See the changelog entry in the patches for more information 5. test - This directory contains a sample test.org and test.odt files for unit-testing purposes. test.odt was produced by the ODT exporter using the enhanced version of htmlfontify.el. Note: For producing fontified src blocks with the ODT exporter just make sure that the enhanced htmlfontify.el is in the load-path.