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bug#7560: 24.0.50; 'bzr status' blocking making of GNU Emacs

From: Peter Dyballa
Subject: bug#7560: 24.0.50; 'bzr status' blocking making of GNU Emacs
Date: Sun, 5 Dec 2010 17:29:05 +0100


When trying to compile GNU Emacs bzr stops compilation:

501 94276 94173 4000 0 20 11 91488 14304 - SNs 71c1470 ?? 0:00.87 /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/ Python.framework/Versions/2.6/Resources/Python.app/Contents/MacOS/ Python /opt/local/bin/bzr status dired.el

I did update a few hours ago and me, I don't mind using an out-of-date Emacs. So, why is bzr being invoked? Is everybody excluded from compiling GNU Emacs without a permanent internet connection? And: Is the server permanently on?!

I also get:

        Dumping under the name emacs
        --- List of All Regions ---
        Writing LC_LOAD_DYLIB     command
        4612 unused bytes follow Mach-O header
        1218418 pure bytes used
        Adding name emacs-
        Symbol's function definition is void: defadvice
        cd lisp; make all -k                           \

maybe from killing bzr and its parent process and re-making GNU Emacs...

Some weeks ago I invoked 'make bootstrap' when I just scroll back in compilation history...

And this

\--= 97725 pete /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/ Versions/2.6/Resources/Python.app/Contents/MacOS/Python /opt/local/bin/ bzr status emacsclient.c

blocks whole Emacs. Only by killing it and launching it again I can get it operable again.



Think of XML as Lisp for COBOL programmers.
                                - Tony-A (some guy on /.)

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