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bug#7190: Crash in menus on w32

From: grischka
Subject: bug#7190: Crash in menus on w32
Date: Mon, 08 Nov 2010 11:15:53 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20090812)

Lennart Borgman wrote:
What is the status of this? I just got a crash using my patched Emacs
with sources as below.

You're using the patch from above and still get the crash???

This Emacs was built from sources in bazaar identified as:

Nick 'trunk' info:
  revision id: yamaoka@jpl.org-20101019081945-8auglqcd1ne2o0rb
        revno: 101998
         date: 2010-10-19 08:19:45 +0000

Nick 'emacsw32' (from 'trunk') info:
  revision id: lennart.borgman@gmail.com-20101019140903-0x7gubo4o0c9voai
        revno: 99341
         date: 2010-10-19 16:09:03 +0200

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