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bug#6116: Emacs 23 is sluggish with Consolas font

From: Christoph
Subject: bug#6116: Emacs 23 is sluggish with Consolas font
Date: Sun, 18 Jul 2010 09:10:09 -0600
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100608 Thunderbird/3.1

On 7/18/2010 8:56 AM, Óscar Fuentes wrote:
Christoph<cschol2112@googlemail.com>  writes:

On 7/18/2010 8:37 AM, Óscar Fuentes wrote:

I'm using a pristine Windows 7 64bits US install on a virtual
machine. Switching to Spanish makes no difference.

Same here, minus the virtual machine.

Did you set scroll-step to 1?


I tried this again.

Setting the font size to 11 and not resizing the window after startup (i.e. 38x80), I don't see it either.

If I maximize the screen vertically to 56x80, it does happen.

However, turning off Consolas (and switching to Courier New) and maximizing vertically it does happen too, but maybe not as often.

It seems to be a general redisplay problem, if the screen area to be redrawn exceeds a certain size.

I initially only tested this with my .emacs configuration, but it does the same with `emacs -Q'.

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