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bug#3643:; menu, toolbars vs. constant size

From: Jan Djärv
Subject: bug#3643:; menu, toolbars vs. constant size
Date: Thu, 07 Jan 2010 12:19:18 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20090817)

jidanni@jidanni.org skrev:
http://jidanni.org/comp/configuration/ just to get a full size window
without the bars at startup.
JD> emacs.toolBar: 0
JD> emacs.menuBar: 0
$ xrdb -q
emacs.ToolBar:  0
emacs.toolBar:  0
emacs.menuBar:  0
emacs.MenuBar:  0
Emacs.ToolBar:  0
Emacs.toolBar:  0
Emacs.menuBar:  0
Emacs.MenuBar:  0
$ emacs -Q #still has the tool and menu bars there as plain as day.

Well, -Q ignores X resources, try -q instead.

And the minibuffer is still way below the bottom of the screen.
JD> and start emacs with -fs is all it takes.
That covers over my icewm toolbar which is not what I want.

That is a descision made by icewm, Emacs has nothing to do with it. You could try -mm also.

Is there any solution that would fit completely into ~/.emacs?

No, as the size of the first frame is calculated before your settings in .emacs takes effect.

JD> we would like to know what you are running.
  Version table:
 *** 1:20100106-1 0
        500 http://emacs.orebokech.com sid/main Packages
and http://jidanni.org/comp/configuration/

This doesn't say anything, use M-x report-emacs-bug.

Anyway, today I'm running emacs on an eeepc,
25 lines tall + 1 for mode line + 1 for minibuffer.
Then below that is an about two lines tall icewm toolbar, up at top is a
one line tall icewm window title bar. Bet you guys never tested on such
small windows. emacs -Q just doesn't fit.

Emacs windows can be as small as 3 lines. It may not fit by default, but it sure can be made to fit.

        Jan D.

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