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Processed: spam spam spam

From: Emacs bug Tracking System
Subject: Processed: spam spam spam
Date: Fri, 27 Jun 2008 17:15:06 -0700

Processing commands for control@emacsbugs.donarmstrong.com:

> reassign 467 spam
bug#467: favourite jre Movies leaf grain.
Warning: Unknown package 'spam'
bug reassigned from package `emacs' to `spam'.

> reassign 452 spam
bug#452: Projects finance
Warning: Unknown package 'spam'
bug reassigned from package `emacs' to `spam'.

> reassign 449 spam
bug#449: favourite e fwc Lesbian lone whose.
Warning: Unknown package 'spam'
bug reassigned from package `emacs' to `spam'.

> reassign 448 spam
bug#448: publicidad Salón de Belleza unisex a cin co cortes o peinados no 
pagas el sexto
Warning: Unknown package 'spam'
bug reassigned from package `emacs' to `spam'.

> reassign 444 spam
bug#444: Dear EDU mail Account Owner
Warning: Unknown package 'spam'
bug reassigned from package `emacs' to `spam'.

> reassign 442 spam
bug#442: pretty prs j Lesbians huge sad exercise.
Warning: Unknown package 'spam'
bug reassigned from package `emacs' to `spam'.

> reassign 436 spam
bug#436: Move on to the purhc -ase
Warning: Unknown package 'spam'
bug reassigned from package `emacs' to `spam'.

> reassign 435 spam
bug#435: Real- ity  is here
Warning: Unknown package 'spam'
bug reassigned from package `emacs' to `spam'.

> reassign 415 spam
bug#415: sexy ge v Ass pen tiger.
Warning: Unknown package 'spam'
bug reassigned from package `emacs' to `spam'.

> reassign 408 spam
bug#408: Publicidad E-Market aumentando las pedidos hoy mismo
Warning: Unknown package 'spam'
bug reassigned from package `emacs' to `spam'.

> reassign 395 spam
bug#395: eurytropic itchiness
Warning: Unknown package 'spam'
bug reassigned from package `emacs' to `spam'.

End of message, stopping processing here.

Please contact me if you need assistance.

Don Armstrong
(administrator, Emacs bugs database)

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