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Re: assignment to free variable byte compiler warnings

From: Dan Nicolaescu
Subject: Re: assignment to free variable byte compiler warnings
Date: Sun, 24 Feb 2008 12:34:52 -0800

Glenn Morris <rgm@gnu.org> writes:

  > Who are the "bytecomp maintainers"?
  > grep Maintainer byte*.el
  > byte-opt.el:;; Maintainer: FSF
  > byte-run.el:;; Maintainer: FSF
  > bytecomp.el:;; Maintainer: FSF

I'd guess anyone that wants to take responsibility...

For the record, here's the patch in question.  As it's a band-aid, and
it was not intended to be checked in, the new variable names are not
really consistent, just consistently ugly.

Index: bytecomp.el
RCS file: /cvsroot/emacs/emacs/lisp/emacs-lisp/bytecomp.el,v
retrieving revision 2.230
diff -u -3 -p -r2.230 bytecomp.el
--- bytecomp.el 12 Feb 2008 11:21:31 -0000      2.230
+++ bytecomp.el 24 Feb 2008 20:31:59 -0000
@@ -1574,34 +1574,34 @@ Files in subdirectories of DIRECTORY are
   (byte-recompile-directory directory nil t))
-(defun byte-recompile-directory (directory &optional arg force)
+(defun byte-recompile-directory (directory__ &optional arg__ force__)
   "Recompile every `.el' file in DIRECTORY that needs recompilation.
 This is if a `.elc' file exists but is older than the `.el' file.
 Files in subdirectories of DIRECTORY are processed also.
 If the `.elc' file does not exist, normally this function *does not*
 compile the corresponding `.el' file.  However,
-if ARG (the prefix argument) is 0, that means do compile all those files.
-A nonzero ARG means ask the user, for each such `.el' file,
+if ARG__ (the prefix argument) is 0, that means do compile all those files.
+A nonzero ARG__ means ask the user, for each such `.el' file,
 whether to compile it.
-A nonzero ARG also means ask about each subdirectory before scanning it.
+A nonzero ARG__ also means ask about each subdirectory before scanning it.
-If the third argument FORCE is non-nil,
+If the third argument FORCE__ is non-nil,
 recompile every `.el' file that already has a `.elc' file."
   (interactive "DByte recompile directory: \nP")
-  (if arg
-      (setq arg (prefix-numeric-value arg)))
+  (if arg__
+      (setq arg__ (prefix-numeric-value arg__)))
   (if noninteractive
   (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create "*Compile-Log*")
-    (setq default-directory (expand-file-name directory))
+    (setq default-directory (expand-file-name directory__))
     ;; compilation-mode copies value of default-directory.
     (unless (eq major-mode 'compilation-mode)
-    (let ((directories (list default-directory))
+    (let ((directories__ (list default-directory))
          (default-directory default-directory)
          (skip-count 0)
          (fail-count 0)
@@ -1609,51 +1609,51 @@ recompile every `.el' file that already 
          (dir-count 0)
-       (while directories
-        (setq directory (car directories))
-        (message "Checking %s..." directory)
-        (let ((files (directory-files directory))
-              source dest)
-          (dolist (file files)
-            (setq source (expand-file-name file directory))
-            (if (and (not (member file '("RCS" "CVS")))
-                     (not (eq ?\. (aref file 0)))
-                     (file-directory-p source)
-                     (not (file-symlink-p source)))
+       (while directories__
+        (setq directory__ (car directories__))
+        (message "Checking %s..." directory__)
+        (let ((files_ (directory-files directory__))
+              source__ dest__)
+          (dolist (file_ files_)
+            (setq source__ (expand-file-name file_ directory__))
+            (if (and (not (member file_ '("RCS" "CVS")))
+                     (not (eq ?\. (aref file_ 0)))
+                     (file-directory-p source__)
+                     (not (file-symlink-p source__)))
                 ;; This file is a subdirectory.  Handle them differently.
-                (when (or (null arg)
-                          (eq 0 arg)
-                          (y-or-n-p (concat "Check " source "? ")))
-                  (setq directories
-                        (nconc directories (list source))))
+                (when (or (null arg__)
+                          (eq 0 arg__)
+                          (y-or-n-p (concat "Check " source__ "? ")))
+                  (setq directories__
+                        (nconc directories__ (list source__))))
               ;; It is an ordinary file.  Decide whether to compile it.
-              (if (and (string-match emacs-lisp-file-regexp source)
-                       (file-readable-p source)
-                       (not (auto-save-file-name-p source))
-                       (setq dest (byte-compile-dest-file source))
-                       (if (file-exists-p dest)
+              (if (and (string-match emacs-lisp-file-regexp source__)
+                       (file-readable-p source__)
+                       (not (auto-save-file-name-p source__))
+                       (setq dest__ (byte-compile-dest-file source__))
+                       (if (file-exists-p dest__)
                            ;; File was already compiled.
-                           (or force (file-newer-than-file-p source dest))
+                           (or force__ (file-newer-than-file-p source__ 
                          ;; No compiled file exists yet.
-                         (and arg
-                              (or (eq 0 arg)
-                                  (y-or-n-p (concat "Compile " source "? 
+                         (and arg__
+                              (or (eq 0 arg__)
+                                  (y-or-n-p (concat "Compile " source__ "? 
                   (progn (if (and noninteractive (not byte-compile-verbose))
-                             (message "Compiling %s..." source))
-                         (let ((res (byte-compile-file source)))
-                           (cond ((eq res 'no-byte-compile)
+                             (message "Compiling %s..." source__))
+                         (let ((res__ (byte-compile-file source__)))
+                           (cond ((eq res__ 'no-byte-compile)
                                   (setq skip-count (1+ skip-count)))
-                                 ((eq res t)
+                                 ((eq res__ t)
                                   (setq file-count (1+ file-count)))
-                                 ((eq res nil)
+                                 ((eq res__ nil)
                                   (setq fail-count (1+ fail-count)))))
                          (or noninteractive
-                             (message "Checking %s..." directory))
-                         (if (not (eq last-dir directory))
-                             (setq last-dir directory
+                             (message "Checking %s..." directory__))
+                         (if (not (eq last-dir directory__))
+                             (setq last-dir directory__
                                    dir-count (1+ dir-count)))
-        (setq directories (cdr directories))))
+        (setq directories__ (cdr directories__))))
       (message "Done (Total of %d file%s compiled%s%s%s)"
               file-count (if (= file-count 1) "" "s")
               (if (> fail-count 0) (format ", %d failed" fail-count) "")
@@ -1668,45 +1668,45 @@ This is normally set in local file varia
 ;;;###autoload(put 'no-byte-compile 'safe-local-variable 'booleanp)
-(defun byte-compile-file (filename &optional load)
-  "Compile a file of Lisp code named FILENAME into a file of byte code.
-The output file's name is generated by passing FILENAME to the
+(defun byte-compile-file (filename__bcf &optional load)
+  "Compile a file of Lisp code named FILENAME__BCF into a file of byte code.
+The output file's name is generated by passing FILENAME__BCF to the
 `byte-compile-dest-file' function (which see).
 With prefix arg (noninteractively: 2nd arg), LOAD the file after compiling.
 The value is non-nil if there were no errors, nil if errors."
 ;;  (interactive "fByte compile file: \nP")
-   (let ((file buffer-file-name)
-        (file-name nil)
-        (file-dir nil))
-     (and file
+   (let ((file__bcf buffer-file-name)
+        (file-name__bcf nil)
+        (file-dir__bcf nil))
+     (and file__bcf
          (eq (cdr (assq 'major-mode (buffer-local-variables)))
-         (setq file-name (file-name-nondirectory file)
-               file-dir (file-name-directory file)))
+         (setq file-name__bcf (file-name-nondirectory file__bcf)
+               file-dir__bcf (file-name-directory file__bcf)))
      (list (read-file-name (if current-prefix-arg
                               "Byte compile and load file: "
                             "Byte compile file: ")
-                          file-dir file-name nil)
+                          file-dir__bcf file-name__bcf nil)
   ;; Expand now so we get the current buffer's defaults
-  (setq filename (expand-file-name filename))
+  (setq filename__bcf (expand-file-name filename__bcf))
   ;; If we're compiling a file that's in a buffer and is modified, offer
   ;; to save it first.
   (or noninteractive
-      (let ((b (get-file-buffer (expand-file-name filename))))
+      (let ((b (get-file-buffer (expand-file-name filename__bcf))))
        (if (and b (buffer-modified-p b)
                 (y-or-n-p (format "Save buffer %s first? " (buffer-name b))))
            (with-current-buffer b (save-buffer)))))
   ;; Force logging of the file name for each file compiled.
   (setq byte-compile-last-logged-file nil)
-  (let ((byte-compile-current-file filename)
+  (let ((byte-compile-current-file filename__bcf)
        (set-auto-coding-for-load t)
        target-file input-buffer output-buffer
-    (setq target-file (byte-compile-dest-file filename))
+    (setq target-file (byte-compile-dest-file filename__bcf))
     (setq byte-compile-dest-file target-file)
         (setq input-buffer (get-buffer-create " *Compiler Input*"))
@@ -1715,7 +1715,7 @@ The value is non-nil if there were no er
       ;; Always compile an Emacs Lisp file as multibyte
       ;; unless the file itself forces unibyte with -*-coding: raw-text;-*-
       (set-buffer-multibyte t)
-      (insert-file-contents filename)
+      (insert-file-contents filename__bcf)
       ;; Mimic the way after-insert-file-set-coding can make the
       ;; buffer unibyte when visiting this file.
       (when (or (eq last-coding-system-used 'no-conversion)
@@ -1725,7 +1725,7 @@ The value is non-nil if there were no er
        (set-buffer-multibyte nil))
       ;; Run hooks including the uncompression hook.
       ;; If they change the file name, then change it for the output also.
-      (let ((buffer-file-name filename)
+      (let ((buffer-file-name filename__bcf)
            (default-major-mode 'emacs-lisp-mode)
            ;; Ignore unsafe local variables.
            ;; We only care about a few of them for our purposes.
@@ -1733,15 +1733,15 @@ The value is non-nil if there were no er
            (enable-local-eval nil))
        ;; Arg of t means don't alter enable-local-variables.
         (normal-mode t)
-        (setq filename buffer-file-name))
+        (setq filename__bcf buffer-file-name))
       ;; Set the default directory, in case an eval-when-compile uses it.
-      (setq default-directory (file-name-directory filename)))
+      (setq default-directory (file-name-directory filename__bcf)))
     ;; Check if the file's local variables explicitly specify not to
     ;; compile this file.
     (if (with-current-buffer input-buffer no-byte-compile)
          ;; (message "%s not compiled because of `no-byte-compile: %s'"
-         ;;       (file-relative-name filename)
+         ;;       (file-relative-name filename__bcf)
          ;;       (with-current-buffer input-buffer no-byte-compile))
          (when (file-exists-p target-file)
            (message "%s deleted because of `no-byte-compile: %s'"
@@ -1751,18 +1751,18 @@ The value is non-nil if there were no er
          ;; We successfully didn't compile this file.
       (when byte-compile-verbose
-       (message "Compiling %s..." filename))
+       (message "Compiling %s..." filename__bcf))
       (setq byte-compiler-error-flag nil)
       ;; It is important that input-buffer not be current at this call,
       ;; so that the value of point set in input-buffer
       ;; within byte-compile-from-buffer lingers in that buffer.
       (setq output-buffer
-             (byte-compile-from-buffer input-buffer filename)))
+             (byte-compile-from-buffer input-buffer filename__bcf)))
       (if byte-compiler-error-flag
        (when byte-compile-verbose
-         (message "Compiling %s...done" filename))
+         (message "Compiling %s...done" filename__bcf))
        (kill-buffer input-buffer)
        (with-current-buffer output-buffer
          (goto-char (point-max))
@@ -1791,9 +1791,9 @@ The value is non-nil if there were no er
          (kill-buffer (current-buffer)))
        (if (and byte-compile-generate-call-tree
                 (or (eq t byte-compile-generate-call-tree)
-                    (y-or-n-p (format "Report call tree for %s? " filename))))
+                    (y-or-n-p (format "Report call tree for %s? " 
-             (display-call-tree filename)))
+             (display-call-tree filename__bcf)))
        (if load
            (load target-file))
@@ -4225,50 +4225,50 @@ already up-to-date."
     (while command-line-args-left
       (if (file-directory-p (expand-file-name (car command-line-args-left)))
          ;; Directory as argument.
-         (let ((files (directory-files (car command-line-args-left)))
-               source dest)
-           (dolist (file files)
-             (if (and (string-match emacs-lisp-file-regexp file)
-                      (not (auto-save-file-name-p file))
-                      (setq source (expand-file-name file
+         (let ((files__ (directory-files (car command-line-args-left)))
+               source__bc dest__bc)
+           (dolist (file__ files__)
+             (if (and (string-match emacs-lisp-file-regexp file__)
+                      (not (auto-save-file-name-p file__))
+                      (setq source__bc (expand-file-name file__
-                      (setq dest (byte-compile-dest-file source))
-                      (file-exists-p dest)
-                      (file-newer-than-file-p source dest))
-                 (if (null (batch-byte-compile-file source))
+                      (setq dest__bc (byte-compile-dest-file source__bc))
+                      (file-exists-p dest__bc)
+                      (file-newer-than-file-p source__bc dest__bc))
+                 (if (null (batch-byte-compile-file source__bc))
                      (setq error t)))))
        ;; Specific file argument
        (if (or (not noforce)
-               (let* ((source (car command-line-args-left))
-                      (dest (byte-compile-dest-file source)))
-                 (or (not (file-exists-p dest))
-                     (file-newer-than-file-p source dest))))
+               (let* ((source__bc (car command-line-args-left))
+                      (dest__bc (byte-compile-dest-file source__bc)))
+                 (or (not (file-exists-p dest__bc))
+                     (file-newer-than-file-p source__bc dest__bc))))
            (if (null (batch-byte-compile-file (car command-line-args-left)))
                (setq error t))))
       (setq command-line-args-left (cdr command-line-args-left)))
     (kill-emacs (if error 1 0))))
-(defun batch-byte-compile-file (file)
+(defun batch-byte-compile-file (crt-bc-file)
   (if debug-on-error
-      (byte-compile-file file)
+      (byte-compile-file crt-bc-file)
     (condition-case err
-       (byte-compile-file file)
+       (byte-compile-file crt-bc-file)
        (message (if (cdr err)
                    ">>Error occurred processing %s: %s (%s)"
                  ">>Error occurred processing %s: %s")
-               file
+               crt-bc-file
                (get (car err) 'error-message)
                (prin1-to-string (cdr err)))
-       (let ((destfile (byte-compile-dest-file file)))
-        (if (file-exists-p destfile)
-            (delete-file destfile)))
+       (let ((destfile__ (byte-compile-dest-file crt-bc-file)))
+        (if (file-exists-p destfile__)
+            (delete-file destfile__)))
        (message (if (cdr err)
                    ">>Error occurred processing %s: %s (%s)"
                  ">>Error occurred processing %s: %s")
-               file
+               crt-bc-file
                (get (car err) 'error-message)
                (prin1-to-string (cdr err)))

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