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Eshell under Windows

From: Lars Hansen
Subject: Eshell under Windows
Date: Fri, 07 Feb 2003 21:36:58 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win 9x 4.90; en-US; rv:1.2.1) Gecko/20021130

I have tried to build Emacs from eshell in Emacs 21.2 under Windows, and I ran into the bug described below. The bug is not there in Emacs shell, only in eshell. And it is not there under GNU/Linux.

The problem can be reproduced in the following way:

In some directory, in my case d:/tmp, create a small C program cwd.exe printing current directory as returned by getcwd, and create a file test.el containing the function

(defun test () (message "default-directory: %s" default-directory))

Also create a subdirectory named d.
Now, create a makefile in d:/tmp with the following lines:

        mingw32-make.exe -C d

In the subdirectory d, place a makefile with the lines

emacs.exe --no-init-file --no-site-file --multibyte -batch -l d:/tmp/test.el -f test

From an eshell buffer in Emacs, change to d:/tmp an run mingw32-make.exe. The output will be:

d:/tmp $ mingw32-make.exe
cwd: D:\tmp
mingw32-make.exe -C d
mingw32-make.exe[1]: Entering directory `D:/tmp/d'
cwd: D:\tmp\d
emacs.exe --no-init-file --no-site-file --multibyte -batch -l d:/tmp/test.el -f test
default-directory: d:/tmp/
cwd: D:\tmp\d
mingw32-make.exe[1]: Leaving directory `D:/tmp/d'
cwd: D:\tmp
d:/tmp $

Observe that Emacs reports default-directory to be d:/tmp/ although Emacs appears to be started in d:/tmp/d/

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