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Time Management, Resouce Management and Much More!

From: Practical Ministry Innovations
Subject: Time Management, Resouce Management and Much More!
Date: Mon, 5 Aug 102 07:48:29 EDT



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  August 5, 2002

Note From the Editor:  Have you written an article you would like to submit to be considered for inclusion in an upcoming issue of PMI? Would you like to write articles that would appear regularly in PMI? If so, let us know so we can provide you with a copy of our editorial policy. writers@ainets.tv.

Did Jesus Have Psalm Pilot? Lessons from the Best Time Manager - Part 3

Do you remember where we left off? A huge part of ministry, and much of the reason for it, is people -- leading them to finding true life in a relationship with Jesus, helping them grow in that relationship, meeting physical and spiritual needs. Much of our time is spent in that pursuit, as was Christ's.
Click here to read this story.

In Brief 

Aristotle Editors

Keep track of the Internet demographics:  On the Internet in 2002 over multiple categories of Web sites; men have regained the lead by the narrowest of margins:  50.1% to 49.9% -- donÂ’t need to change your thinking here.

But here is some new thinking for you:  20% of Internet users in 2002 are under 25 – smaller than most people thought.  20% are in the 25 to 35 bracket.  And 60% are over 35 – so much for the “Internet is only for younger people argument”.  Everyone needs to recalibrate their eMarketing!

The Direct Marketing Association (DMA), announced that the combined B2C and B2B interactive marketing figure for 2002 will total $4 Bil.  Users will generate $36 Bil. in sales from this interactive marketing.  Spend a dollar and get $9.00 in return?

For the rest of "In Brief" - Click Here

How to Invest More of Your Most Valuable Asset

Columnist, Dr. John C. Maxwell:  At some point you may have heard me tell you how, following my heart attack, I took time to reevaluate the way I used my time.
I came up with a list of the five most valuable uses of time. My goal is to invest as much of every day as possible in these five areas.
Read the full story...

Worship the Same, Just Different

Guest Columnist, A. Shane Nixon:  Never can remember if it is your hearing or your eyesight that they say goes first as you get old.  I know some worship leaders who wish memory was the first thing to go.  You know, the memory of how we have “always done worship here”!
Click here to read the full story...

Where Change Begins, Part 1

Columnist, Dr. John C. Maxwell:  There's a popular opinion that says followers resist change and leaders like change. That's not true at all. Most of the time, leaders like changes only if the changes were their idea! Very few people prefer change, for the simple reason that change requires more work than maintaining the status quo.
Read the full story...

This issue valid August 5, 2002 - August 19, 2002.

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In Memory
Phil Mogle

Founder & Publisher, Practical Ministry Innovations

Devout Christian

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Father Extraordinaire

Renaissance Man

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