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running emacs-lisp-byte-compile changes case-fold-search from t t o nil

From: Steinmark, Dan
Subject: running emacs-lisp-byte-compile changes case-fold-search from t t o nil
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2000 15:50:13 -0500

In GNU Emacs 20.6.1 (i386-*-nt4.0.1381)
 of Tue Feb 29 2000 on buffy
configured using `configure NT'

Please describe exactly what actions triggered the bug
and the precise symptoms of the bug:

0.  Started emacs with the -q flag
1.  Visited file temp.el which consists of the following lines (ending just
prior to [EOF]):

(defvar temp-val 0
  "holds a temporary value")

2.  Edited the file by typing space, then backspace.
3.  Saved the file.
4.  Checked value of case-fold-search.   (It was t.)
5.  Byte compiled the file by selecting Byte-compile This File from
      the Emacs-Lisp menu.
6.  Checked value of case-fold-search.   (It was now nil!)

I believe that the value of case-fold-search should not have been changed.

Thank you,

Dan Steinmark

Recent input:
C-x C-f e l i s p / d e v / t e m p . e l return SPC 
backspace C-x C-s escape : c a s e - f o l d - s e 
a r c h return menu-bar emacs-lisp byte-compile escape 
: c a s e - f o l d - s e a r c h return menu-bar help-menu 

Recent messages:
Wrote c:/elisp/dev/temp.el
Loading bytecomp...
Loading bytecomp...done
Compiling c:/elisp/dev/temp.el...
Compiling c:/elisp/dev/temp.el...done
Wrote c:/elisp/dev/temp.elc
Loading emacsbug...
Loading emacsbug...done

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