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Re: errors exporting and importing mocmossub (newbie)

From: Steven Rubin
Subject: Re: errors exporting and importing mocmossub (newbie)
Date: Sun, 13 Nov 2005 10:18:00 -0800

GNU Electric sounds really intriguing.  To get to know the system I
tried writing a tech file.  I ran into some problems that were hard
for me to solve.  When I switched from 8.02 to 8.03 things were much
better I decided to start over again and so I started a clean session,
and with the mocmossub library did a

Menu Activated: Edit | Technology Specific | Convert Technology to Library for Editing...
  Menu Activated: File | Save Library

I then quit from that session, started a new session and opened the
library I wrote..

  Menu Activated: File | Open Library...

When I opened the library there were 4 errors.

Network: cell 'mocmossub:node-N-Transistor{}' has connections on port 'generic:address@hidden' Network: cell 'mocmossub:node-N-Transistor{}' has connections on port 'generic:address@hidden' Network: cell 'mocmossub:node-P-Transistor{}' has connections on port 'generic:address@hidden' Network: cell 'mocmossub:node-P-Transistor{}' has connections on port 'generic:address@hidden'

These errors can safely be ignored. They stem from the fact that a technology library has unusual connectivity in it, and the network analyzer is fooled by it. Specifically, in a node's description, the ports are connected to each other to indicate connectivity in the actual node (i.e. the two polysilicon ports are connected to each other).

This is reminiscent of some of the errors that I was getting when I
tried creating my own tech file.  However this time I can use this

Before I proceed to hack up mocmossubX to become my own technology I'd
like to be able to understand the errors and the proper solution.  I
blindly went into the jelib file and commented out the port[68] nodes
and arc.  I can successfully read the library but when I convert it to
a technology I get

Could not find port p-trans-poly-right in all examples of cell 'node-P-Transistor{}'
  Cannot match different examples in cell 'node-P-Transistor{}'

I'm curious what the proper solution is.  Hopefully I'll learn a thing
or two.

By removing the error (and removing the connectivity between the ports and possibly other things) you have actually deleted useful and important information from the technology library. I will look into the error messages, but for now, just ignore them.

-Steven Rubin

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