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Re: gnuchess 6, trouble to build book.bin

From: Antonio Ceballos
Subject: Re: gnuchess 6, trouble to build book.bin
Date: Tue, 7 Feb 2012 00:07:33 +0100

Hi Vincent,

I have verified your report, i.e. that the command below works for GNU Chess v5, but not for v6, due to the different way to handle the user input.

The obvious way to compile a book in v6 is to run GNU Chess, enter the 'book add <filename>' command, and quit once the book is done. However, I presume that you want to avoid the interactive use of the program.

Therefore, I have added a new option --addbook <filename> that allows to do what you want. I think this is a nice improvement to the program. Now you can type the following command:

gnuchess --addbook book_1.02.pgn

That will create book.bin and will exit.

This is uploaded in the SVN repository in savannah (http://svn.savannah.gnu.org/viewvc/trunk/?root=chess). I will include it in the next release, along with a few other updates. Let me know if this works for you.


On Fri, Feb 3, 2012 at 9:29 PM, Vincent Legout <address@hidden> wrote:

I'm trying to update the gnuchess Debian package. In Debian, we have two
packages: gnuchess and gnuchess-book, and I'm having trouble building
gnuchess-book with gnuchess 6.

gnuchess-book is built using book_1.02.pgn using this command:

 echo -e "book add book_1.02.pgn\nquit" | gnuchess

With gnuchess 5, it produced a book.dat file which is installed by
gnuchess-book. With gnuchess 6, gnuchess does not wait for the book add
command to finish before exiting, so the book is not built. And I could
not find another easy way to build the book.

Do you have any idea ? Or could you please fix gnuchess so that we could
build the book as in gnuchess 5.


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