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Re: Feature suggestion

From: Shigio Yamaguchi
Subject: Re: Feature suggestion
Date: Tue, 11 Oct 2005 23:16:04 +0900

> It is useful because auditors (for example) wish to share information
> about source code, such as potential over/under flows. However, editing
> the source code to add information like this as comments is messy,
> because that changes all the line numbers, and prevents diffs being made
> or applied against the original code.
> What we would like is a way to keep clean sources but share a file which
> adds extra context to the code to keep track of things we need to double
> check, or that are known broken.
> I hope that makes it clearer.

I see. In short, you want something like Post-it applicable for online
source code don't you? It is a very interesting, profitable idea.
Let's discuss the specification in detail.
Shigio YAMAGUCHI <address@hidden> - Tama Communications Corporation
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