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[bug-GIFT] Be delighted with Now you don't need a huge car or expensive

From: Sandra
Subject: [bug-GIFT] Be delighted with Now you don't need a huge car or expensive watch to prove that you are not at all size-challenged.
Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2006 19:16:09 -0400

Hot and new

 You are just a click away from something which will eliminate your most 
distressing trouble. A month or even less, and you will see your best friend 
growing in length and girth.

 Ladies will fight over the chance to get into your bed! You can start thinking 
about the awesome fun you're about to have in bed. Check up here: 

Act while others wait! Increase your confidence to enormous levels!

 Lil ah sick, big a get better. They that dance must pay the fiddler Remove thy 
way far from her, and come not nigh the door of her house. Out of the frying 
pan and into the fire .

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