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Message Error

From: Symantec_AntiVirus_for_SMTP_Gateways
Subject: Message Error
Date: Thu, 21 Apr 2005 09:48:02 -0800

From: address@hidden
To: address@hidden

Dear Sender,

This is an Automated message.
Your message was caught in our Spam / Virus Filter.

Please make sure your message was not a bulk forward or a message with more 
then 100/500 different email addresses.

Also please make sure you are using the BCC line and not the CC for your mass 
listed forwards. 5-50 addresses.

If your message was not spam / bulk mail please make sure to change the subject 
line of your original message and try again. Your message could have been 
stopped due to a word usage that was deemed vulgar or spam and blocked.

If you received this message and you know you did not send the originating 
email, it could be that your system and or one of your friends has a viral 

Please visit this free online scanner http://security2.norton.com to scan for 
possible infection as well as pass this link on to your friends to make sure 
they are also virus free. This scanner works with whatever virus support you 
currently have loaded and will check that protection for infection as well.

If you continue to receive this message even after changing the subject of the 
message / scanning your computer please contact the mail system department 
here: address@hidden  907-562-4332

Please also include the subjects you used on the subject line inside the email 
to the mail abuse systems staff. As well as the error message that is contained 
in this email in a forward.

Thank you for your time.

E-mail Staff - IDEAfamilies.org / GalenaAlaska.org

PS If you are being blocked and you are an ISP / List Admin
Please send your complaints to email above with the attached error.

From: address@hidden
To: address@hidden

File(s): message.scr

Matching filename: *.scr

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