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From: Carlos González-Cadenas
Date: Thu, 28 Aug 2003 14:55:00 +0200

Hi All,


I am trying to convert a simple .ps(800kb) file to .pdf using ps2pdf with GNU Ghostscript 7.06. While in past tests using AFPL ps2pdf’s, I got a 130kb PDF (good quality, at least viewing it with Acrobat Reader…), with GNU’s ps2pdf I get a 8mb file. I’m using the command




In this case I’m using /screen mode (the most optimized for space).


Could you instruct me how to convert this file (params, ….)  in a similar way the AFPL does?

Thank you very much in advance.



Carlos González-Cadenas
Jefe de Departamento de Arquitectura Software
Software Architecture Department Manager
Responsable de Seguridad de la Información
Information Security Responsible

by e-xtendnow BancSabadell

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