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AntiVirus Alert!

From: AntiVirus Xnet
Subject: AntiVirus Alert!
Date: Thu, 28 Aug 2003 16:30:36 +0300

Fisierul (part0003:)->(part0002:document_all.pif) atasat email-ului trimis de 
catre mailer-daemon pentru
address@hidden (cu subiectul: Returned mail: see transcript for details) este 
infectat cu virusul: Win32/address@hidden
The file (part0003:)->(part0002:document_all.pif) attached to mail (with 
subject: Returned mail: see transcript for details) sent by
mailer-daemon to address@hidden is infected with virus: Win32/address@hidden

Este recomandat sa nu utilizati acest fisier.
It is highly recommended not to use this file.


Cont free Xnet - reclama ta aici. Vino la http://www.xnet.ro pentru a fi 

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