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Returned Mail: "Re: Your application "

From: mailmarshal
Subject: Returned Mail: "Re: Your application "
Date: Wed, 20 Aug 2003 11:51:44 +0200

Dies ist eine automatische Antwort des BMW Postmasters.
Dieses Attachment hatte einer der folgenden File Endungen

Das Attachment wurde, entsprechend
der zur Zeit gueltigen Mail Policy, geloescht!
Bitte setzen Sie sich gegebenfalls mit dem Absender dieser Mail in Verbindung
oder rufen Sie die BMW IV Hotline, Tel.:382-55555, an.

This is an automatic message from postmaster of BMW.
This Attachment had one of the following file extensions:

The attachment was deleted, complying with our current mail policy.
If necessary, please contact the originator of the mail,
or call the BMW IV Hotline Tel.:382-55555

Attachment(s) removed: B0000523bb.00000001.eml 

Your message 
Subject: "Re: Your application  "
could not be delivered to some or all of the intended recipients.

User<address@hidden> - (550 No such recipient)

Additional Information
Original Sender:    <address@hidden>
Sender-MTA:         <>
Remote-MTA:         <>
Reporting-MTA:      <wnls04.at.sub>
MessageName:        <B0000523bb.00000001.mml>
Last-Attempt-Date:  <11:51:44 Wed, 20 August 2003>

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