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Re: [Bug-ddrescue] Fwd: Verify recovered data

From: Zeniff Martineau
Subject: Re: [Bug-ddrescue] Fwd: Verify recovered data
Date: Sat, 15 Feb 2014 21:26:38 -0700

Adrien Cordonnier wrote:
> If you want to test RAM, there is usually a utility available from Grub at
> boot time. BIOS also has one sometimes.

Hi~ Thanks~:) I'll try both (if BIOS has) when I reboot both laptops.

But I'm thinking it might not be my RAM since I get the same kind of
variations in images created on 2 laptops. (But, I will go ahead and
check RAM in both)

Although, the variations are not always there on every varying file,
they usually are changed in the same way.

Like example output from my 1st post which mentioned "Windows"
becoming "Wandowc", some recovered images have that exact variation,
but not always, and not all variations occur together, just lil chunks
of them seem to be the same...usually.

Sorry it's a confusing description... @.@

I'll see about collecting some more diff output to post back~

Have a great day! :)

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