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Re: [Bug-ddrescue] ddrescue errors: maybe yes, maybe no

From: Antonio Diaz Diaz
Subject: Re: [Bug-ddrescue] ddrescue errors: maybe yes, maybe no
Date: Wed, 12 Feb 2014 02:02:47 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i586; en-US; rv:1.7.11) Gecko/20050905

Hello Kevin.

Kevin Hubbard wrote:
I have used PayPal to send "ANTONIO" $15 EUR = $20 USD.Confirmation Number 
7WL22909N9065834D on 2014-02-11 17:00 EST

Thank you very much. :-)

I am not a user of Mac, so I can only give limited answers.

My objective is to identify the failing hardware sectors and thentry to have 
Mac OS X reassign alternates.

If you use a logfile, the exact position of the failing hardware sectors is recorded in it.

1) What is the correct Sector (-b hardware block) size for AdvancedFunction 
(AF) HDD in the Mac OS X environment - 512 or 4096 ? I didnotice that ddrescue 
only accepts -b as 512 or some multiple of 512.

Ddrescue accepts almost any value as sector size, but of course only the right value (or a multiple) works (at least in direct access mode). (Unless your drive is simulating a 512 byte sector from a real sector size of 4096).

2) Why does changing the -b and -c values affect whether or not ddrescue 
encounters errors ?

For -b see above. A large value of -c may produce a large error around a bad sector, but the good sectors should be read succesfully during the trimming phase.

3) Why does each output log start with "About to copy 9223 PBytes from /dev/rdisk5s2 ..."
when the partition/volume is 1.5 TB ?

Because ddrescue can't determine the size of some devices on some systems. An explicit --size option is needed in your case.

4) What does the ? in progress size value in the log always somegigantic 
number, such as 0x7FFFFFE89F8FFFFF ? Does it have meaning ?
Since 0x7FFFFFE89F8FFFFF = 9223371936452570000 then perhaps thisaccounts for 
the 9223 PBytes message ...


Best regards,

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