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[Bug-ddrescue] RFE: option to skip slow areas, and ext[23] rescue script

From: J. Randall Owens
Subject: [Bug-ddrescue] RFE: option to skip slow areas, and ext[23] rescue script (fwd)
Date: Wed, 20 Apr 2011 00:43:09 -0700 (MST)
User-agent: Alpine 2.02 (LFD 1266 2009-07-14)

As promised....

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sat, 9 Apr 2011 16:15:45
From: J. Randall Owens <address@hidden>
To: address@hidden
Subject: RFE: option to skip slow areas, and ext[23] rescue script

Firstly, let me add my thanks to those whose data you've helped save.

But, I might like to save my data faster, especially since I'm using the freezer trick and don't know how many thermal cycles it can take. One thing that slows down ddrescue considerably is when it gets to an unhealthy but not unreadable area of the disk, and spends a lot of time getting data at something like 9-40 KiB/s, while the kernel spews drive error messages to the screen. I'd like to be able to skip such areas on a first pass, just getting the stuff that gives me 33-50 MiB/s speeds, and get the slower stuff on a later pass (assuming the drive lasts that long.)

It seems to me the easiest way to do this might be an option or two which would let one specify a maximum time for it to try an area before considering it as bad or untried (maybe a new status for slow areas?) and skipping ahead a fair bit on the disk, or else a minimum speed below which it should skip ahead.

The timeout would probably be the better option, generally, but I don't know whether ddrescue can control disk reads so directly. Perhaps it could only be used with the -d option? That would defeat the purpose of using it for a first preliminary run, though. Alternatively, if there is a timeout setting that can be changed in the /proc or /sys directories, a pointer to those would be an excellent start.

The minimum speed would definitely be doable, since ddrescue shows current & average speed already. An option for this could probably use some tweaking, so that it doesn't skip just because it slows down for one period to 10 KiB/s or something like that; maybe a certain number of update periods below the speed given with the option. This would still be subject to waiting for the kernel to give up on the current read operation, though, if I'm understanding how ddrescue, the kernel, & the controller interact correctly.

Also, you would have to either figure a good algorithm, or give yet another option, for how far to skip ahead when it gets to a slow area. This might be tricky, but I hope you'd have better ideas than I would!

On another note, I've been creating some perl scripts that let one optimize rescue of an ext[23, maybe4] filesystem. Basically, they save & read the superblock first, so it can find the block group descriptor table. Save & read the BGD, so it can find the block bitmaps, inode bitmaps, & inode tables. Save & read those, so it can send ddrescue after the blocks that actually contain data to save, and skip the ones that presumably just contain zeros or deleted files. I'm trying to add an option to let the user specify directories and/or files to rescue, but I don't know directory structure well enough yet, and I'm not sure whether I'd bother to once I have this partition rescued. Their interaction with ddrescue is quite simple so far. I just have it send ddrescue commands to save the appropriate blocks to stdout, redirect that into a file, and use that file as a shell script. (On my current rescue, that resulted in around 7K ddrescue commands! But it should mean I only have to rescue about 110GiB, instead of the whole 240GiB partition.)

Anyway, my point is, if I do put this into a form usable by the general public (right now, I've been mostly putting the options for my system in the code itself), would you be interested in including that in some way in the ddrescue tarballs? Probably in some way that it wouldn't usually add a dependency on perl in most distributions, maybe as an extra something in the doc directory or something like that.

J. Randall Owens | http://www.ghiapet.net/
ProofReading Markup Language | http://prml.sourceforge.net/

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