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redirecting stderr failure on :ext: ssh and large data

From: Frank Hemer
Subject: redirecting stderr failure on :ext: ssh and large data
Date: Tue, 10 Aug 2004 22:37:47 +0200
User-agent: KMail/1.5.1

I just discovered a bug with stderr redirection.
In case some app starts cvs as coprocess and has redirected stderr before:


cvs will lose data. This only applies to :ext: method with CVS_RSH set to ssh 
and a filesize of a few thousand lines (tested with diff --side-by-side).

Changing the following code in client.c/handle_m(args, len)  will fix this:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> old >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

    fflush (stderr);
    fwrite (args, len, sizeof (*args), stdout);
    putc ('\n', stdout);

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< new <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

    fflush (stderr);

    fd_set wfds;
    int s = select(STDOUT_FILENO+1,NULL,&wfds,NULL,NULL);
    if (s < 1) {
       perror("cannot write to stdout");

    fwrite (args, len, sizeof (*args), stdout);
    putc ('\n', stdout);

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> end >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


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