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Re: Checkout bug

From: Larry Jones
Subject: Re: Checkout bug
Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2002 11:20:23 -0500 (EST)

GELARD Michel writes:
> From a client terminal (Unix Solaris 5.7 or Windows NT) we execute the
> command :
> cvs export -r HEAD -kk Modulename (or cvs checkout -kk Modulename) for
> Ascii and Binary files.
> The result is that Binary Files are changed. The integrity of these
> files is lost ( they are differents).
> If we omitted the -kk option, then same files are OK.
> Can you help us to resolve this problem ?

You seem to have resolved it yourself -- -k on the command line
overrides any default -k options in the repository, including -kb for
binary files.  As lots of people keep saying, CVS really wasn't designed
for handling binary files and doesn't do a particularly good job of it. 
If you really want your text files exported with -kk, then you'll have
to do two separate exports, one for the text files and one for the
binary files, and then combine them by hand.

-Larry Jones

I suppose if I had two X chromosomes, I'd feel hostile too. -- Calvin

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