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behaviour of checkout and k[b|v]

From: ERIKSEN,LEIF (Non-HP-Australia,ex3)
Subject: behaviour of checkout and k[b|v]
Date: Fri, 10 Aug 2001 13:57:10 +1000

I am experiencing a bug in CVS in regards to a binary file.

bash$ cvs --version
Concurrent Versions System (CVS) 1.11.1p1 (client/server)

bash$ cvs co -RAP -r HAITI_RELEASE calypso_ete_dev/usr/sbin/inetd
U calypso_ete_dev/usr/sbin/inetd

bash$ cd calypso_ete_dev/usr/sbin/

bash$ ls -al inetd
-rwxr-xr-x    1 leeri    org-aco     18840 Aug 10 13:44 inetd

bash$ sum inetd
07996    19

bash$ cvs stat inetd
File: inetd             Status: Up-to-date

   Working revision:    1.1
   Repository revision: 1.1
   Sticky Tag:          HAITI_RELEASE (revision: 1.1)
   Sticky Date:         (none)
   Sticky Options:      -kb

Note the kb flag, so it is stored in the repository as a BINARY. This is a
precompiled inetd used by our project.
Now update with -kv.

bash$ cvs up -CRAP -r HAITI_RELEASE -kv inetd
U inetd

bash$ ls -al inetd
-rwxr-xr-x    1 leeri    org-aco     18818 Aug 10 13:47 inetd

Size has changed

bash$ sum inetd
30540    19

Checksum too (of course)
Obviously there is something in the binary that looks like a CVS keyword and
is getting expanded.

I cannot find anything in the documentation to suggest this is
correct/desired behaviour.

If you store a binary with -kb, it should never have that status overridden
by the status on the comand line or in cvswrappers.
Also, if cvswrappers defines a file as kb, the command line shouldn't
override it.
Set status = command line status option unless status overridden by
cvswrappers and cvswrappers isn't overridden by the repository status.

This behaviour should be for checkout and update. (export too?)

I haven't looked at the CVS code to see how easy or hard this is to fix.

Leif Eriksen
Build and Release

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