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Re: [Bug-cpio] Ubuntu patch for cpio CAN-2005-1111 and CAN-2005-1229

From: Clint Adams
Subject: Re: [Bug-cpio] Ubuntu patch for cpio CAN-2005-1111 and CAN-2005-1229
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 10:35:31 -0400
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.9i

> They have it here:
> http://patches.ubuntu.com/patches/cpio.CAN-2005-1111_1229.diff

This should be it ported forward to 2.6.  Savannah seems to have choked,
so I can't check CVS HEAD.

--- orig/src/copyin.c
+++ mod/src/copyin.c
@@ -389,19 +389,20 @@
-      if (close (out_file_des) < 0)
-       error (0, errno, "%s", d->header.c_name);
       /* File is now copied; set attributes.  */
       if (!no_chown_flag)
-       if ((chown (d->header.c_name,
+       if ((fchown (out_file_des,
                    set_owner_flag ? set_owner : d->header.c_uid,
               set_group_flag ? set_group : d->header.c_gid) < 0)
            && errno != EPERM)
          error (0, errno, "%s", d->header.c_name);
       /* chown may have turned off some permissions we wanted. */
-      if (chmod (d->header.c_name, (int) d->header.c_mode) < 0)
+      if (fchmod (out_file_des, (int) d->header.c_mode) < 0)
        error (0, errno, "%s", d->header.c_name);
+      if (close (out_file_des) < 0)
+       error (0, errno, "%s", d->header.c_name);
       if (retain_time_flag)
          times.actime = times.modtime = d->header.c_mtime;
@@ -1335,6 +1336,48 @@
+/* Return a safer suffix of FILE_NAME, or "." if it has no safer
+   suffix.  Check for fully specified file names and other atrocities.  */
+static const char *
+safer_name_suffix (char const *file_name)
+  char const *p;
+  /* Skip leading file name components that contain "..", and leading slashes. 
+  size_t prefix_len = 0;
+  for (p = file_name; *p;)
+    {
+      if (p[0] == '.' && p[1] == '.' && ((p[2] == '/') || !p[2]))
+       prefix_len = p + 2 - file_name;
+      do
+       {
+         if (*p++ == '/')
+           break;
+       }
+      while (*p);
+    }
+  for (p = file_name + prefix_len; *p == '/'; p++)
+    continue;
+  prefix_len = p - file_name;
+  if (prefix_len)
+    {
+      char *prefix = alloca (prefix_len + 1);
+      memcpy (prefix, file_name, prefix_len);
+      prefix[prefix_len] = '\0';
+      error (0, 0, ("Removing leading `%s' from member names"), prefix);
+    }
+  if (!*p)
+    p = ".";
+  return p;
 /* Read the collection from standard input and create files
    in the file system.  */
@@ -1445,18 +1488,11 @@
       /* Do we have to ignore absolute paths, and if so, does the filename
          have an absolute path?  */
-      if (no_abs_paths_flag && file_hdr.c_name && file_hdr.c_name [0] == '/')
+      if (no_abs_paths_flag && file_hdr.c_name && file_hdr.c_name [0])
-         char *p;
+         const char *p = safer_name_suffix (file_hdr.c_name);
-         p = file_hdr.c_name;
-         while (*p == '/')
-           ++p;
-         if (*p == '\0')
-           {
-             strcpy (file_hdr.c_name, ".");
-           }
-         else
+         if (p != file_hdr.c_name)
               /* Debian hack: file_hrd.c_name is sometimes set to
                  point to static memory by code in tar.c.  This

--- orig/src/copypass.c
+++ mod/src/copypass.c
@@ -181,19 +181,20 @@
              if (close (in_file_des) < 0)
                error (0, errno, "%s", input_name.ds_string);
-             if (close (out_file_des) < 0)
-               error (0, errno, "%s", output_name.ds_string);
              /* Set the attributes of the new file.  */
              if (!no_chown_flag)
-               if ((chown (output_name.ds_string,
+               if ((fchown (out_file_des,
                            set_owner_flag ? set_owner : in_file_stat.st_uid,
                      set_group_flag ? set_group : in_file_stat.st_gid) < 0)
                    && errno != EPERM)
                  error (0, errno, "%s", output_name.ds_string);
              /* chown may have turned off some permissions we wanted. */
-             if (chmod (output_name.ds_string, in_file_stat.st_mode) < 0)
+             if (fchmod (out_file_des, in_file_stat.st_mode) < 0)
+               error (0, errno, "%s", output_name.ds_string);
+             if (close (out_file_des) < 0)
                error (0, errno, "%s", output_name.ds_string);
              if (reset_time_flag)
                  times.actime = in_file_stat.st_atime;

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