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bug#28528: Split command problems.

From: Nick Farrow
Subject: bug#28528: Split command problems.
Date: Fri, 29 Sep 2017 05:11:06 -0500

Sorry for the late reply.  I have tried using a few of the spit command
still with the same hash differences.
split -l 82 -d largefile largefile.
split -b 3276800 -d largefile largefile.

raspberrypi:~ $ uname -a
Linux raspberrypi 4.4.50-v7+ #970 SMP Mon Feb 20 19:18:29 GMT 2017 armv7l

split --version
split (GNU coreutils) 8.23

ServerB (pi2)
:~$ uname -a
Linux osmc-pi2 4.4.27-9-osmc #1 SMP PREEMPT Tue Mar 14 20:54:19 UTC 2017
armv7l GNU/Linux

split --version
split (GNU coreutils) 8.23

On Wed, Sep 20, 2017 at 11:42 AM, Assaf Gordon <address@hidden>

> Hello,
> On 2017-09-20 01:04 AM, Nick Farrow wrote:
> > When I use the coreutils split command on a file. I get the parts with no
> > problem. But when trying the same exact command on the same exact file
> on a
> > different server the hashes checks of the parts vs the other server don’t
> > match. Is there a way to process a file the exact same way despite the
> OS?
> To understand the issue better,
> can you share the exact command you have used on both systems,
> and the OS/system details (e.g. running 'uname -a' if using Unix type
> machines) ?
> Is it the same version of 'split' (8.23) on both machines?
> If one of the OSes is windows, please tell us the OS version,
> and what is the origin of the coreutils programs (e.g. cygwin, GNuWin32,
> etc.).
> regards,
>  - assaf


Time is Under your Feet!

-Nick Farrow
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