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bug#8462: problem not yet solved

From: Bjartur Thorlacius
Subject: bug#8462: problem not yet solved
Date: Sat, 23 Apr 2011 20:13:26 +0000

On 4/23/11, RAMON PITARG MARTI <address@hidden> wrote:
> I have a 10.4 Ubuntu, I am a beginner in this OS, and I am happy by
> the changed do by Microsoft to Linux/ubuntu, but I want to install de
> program for avoid the Taxes document for the year 2010, and went sas
> discharged, the program not ist install. Your previous message
> indicate "address@hidden:~$( sh ./renta2010_unix_1_01.sh sh: Can't
> open ./renta2010_unix_1_01.sh address@hidden:~$
>  chmod a+x Renta2010_unix_1_01.sh
> chmod: no s’ha pogut accedir a «Renta2010_unix_1_01.sh»: No such file
> or directory"
> What mistake I doo.
There doesn't seem to be any file named $HOME/renta2010_unix_1_01.sh.
Please verify that the spelling is right and that you're in the
correct directory. Try
sh Downloads/renta2010_unix_1_01.sh || find / -iname
'renta2010_unix_1_01*' -execdir sh {} ';'

This bug should be marked NOTABUG, unless you can show that
renta2010_unix_1_01.sh is in fact linked in your $HOME directory.

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