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Re: Please store source file name + line number for all functions define

From: L A Walsh
Subject: Re: Please store source file name + line number for all functions defined whether or not bashdb is running.
Date: Mon, 04 Mar 2019 15:00:40 -0800
User-agent: Thunderbird

On 3/4/2019 5:16 AM, Greg Wooledge wrote:
> On Sat, Mar 02, 2019 at 08:47:43PM -0800, L A Walsh wrote:
>> hb=~law/bin (line#4)
> Well, that's just a syntax error.
Sorry, the '(line#4)' was editorial commenting (vs. actual commenting)
>> if ! [[ $hb =~ $PATH ]]; then export PATH="$hb:$hl:$PATH"; fi
> What is the logic behind that regex check?  It looks completely wrong.
> If the intent of this code is "check whether $hb is already in $PATH",
> then this code is incorrect.
Hi Greg!

1) You're right, the order is reversed.  Thank-you!

2) It usually doesn't matter in my case, since my PATH usually
   contains both of those paths.  (BTW, to give you an idea of why I
   used these names, 'h':home, '{b,l}:{bin,lib}'.

So, probably, just reversing the order should be sufficient for my
purposes.  Strictly speaking, whether or not they are in my path
is unrelated to the problem, which is another reason why I didn't pay
too much attention to it, but more than once I've reversed the order.

In scripts where this needs to be correct, I use functions that
I've written to avoid my having to remember (only used to
init the environment @ login or when .bashrc is called):

Try these for functionality (not necessarily optimal):

# if needed, uncomment:
# shopt -s bash_aliases   # required for POSIX-compat shell
# alias my='declare ' int='my -i '  array='my -a '  map='my -A '

# NOTE: only handles 1 pathname at a time
# empty defined as 1) not existing, 2) for dirs: nothing in dir
#                                     3) for files: size 0
sub _path_empty {
    my _abort=exit
    [[ $0 =~ bash$ ]] && _abort=return
    if (($#>1)); then
        printf "FATAL internal error: _path_empty only takes 1 arg, not
%d\n" $#
        [[ $0 =~ bash$ ]] && return 1; exit 1
    my _ng_savestate=$(shopt -p nullglob)
    shopt -s nullglob
    int true=0 false=1
    int _empty=true
    if [[ ! -e $1 ]]; then _empty=true
    elif [[ -f $1 && -s $1 ]]; then _empty=false
    elif [[ -d $1 ]]; then
        array _entries=("$1"/*)
        ((${#_entries[@]})) && _empty=false
    return $_empty

_path_has_subpath() { [[ ${!1} =~ :$2:|^$2:|:$2$ ]] ; }

# _path_op  CODE  ['!'] PATHVarName
# - in 'delete' case (uses '!'), status from path_has_subpath is toggled
#   this means P_H_S becomes check for path NOT having subpath
#   'code' = shell script options to perform
#   'pathVarName' = "path-like" VarName (ex. PATH or LD_LIBRARY_PATH)
_path_op() {
    (($#<3)) && return 1
    my code=$1 pathVarName=$2; shift 2
    int del=0
    [[ ${pathVarName:-} == ! ]] && { del=1 ; pathVarName=$1 ; shift ; }
    if ((!${#code} || !${#pathVarName})); then
        echo >&2 "_path_op: bad args"; sleep 1;return 1; fi
    while (($#)); do
        if [[ -d $1 ]] && ! _path_empty "$1"; then
            { _path_has_subpath "$pathVarName" "$1" ; ((!($?^$del))) ; }
|| {
                eval "$(set "$pathVarName" "$1"; eval "echo $code")"

# called with name of path (ex. 'PATH' & one or more sub paths
# each of these prepend an "assign FORMAT" to the passed-in PATHVAR +
_path_delete()    { _path_op '$1=\"${!1//@(^$2:|:$2$)|$2:/}\"' '!' "$@" ; }
_path_append()    { _path_op '$1=\"${!1}${!1:+:}$2\"' "$@" ; }
_path_prepend()    { _path_delete "$1" "$2"; _path_op
'$1=\"$2${!1:+:}${!1}\"' "$@" ; }

export -f  _path_append _path_prepend _path_has_subpath _path_op
_path_delete _path_empty

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