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Re: Is it possible or RFE to expand ranges of *arrays*

From: Maarten Billemont
Subject: Re: Is it possible or RFE to expand ranges of *arrays*
Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2012 17:59:51 +0200

On 26 Apr 2012, at 06:30, John Kearney wrote:
> Am 26.04.2012 06:26, schrieb Linda Walsh:
>> I know I can get
>> a="abcdef" echo "${a[2:4]}" = cde
>> how do I do:
>> typeset -a a=(apple berry cherry date); then get:
>> echo ${a[1:2]} = "berry" "cherry"  ( non-grouped args)
>> I tried to do it in a function and hurt myself.
> echo ${a[@]:1:2}

I see little reason to ask bash to wordsplit the elements after expanding them. 
 You ought to quote that expansion.

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