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Re: Odd behaviour on Bash 2.04 and 2.05

From: yap_noel
Subject: Re: Odd behaviour on Bash 2.04 and 2.05
Date: Sun, 26 Aug 2001 19:43:56 -0400

OK, how do you propose doing this without getting in the way of developers
doing real work?  Is it really worth the effort?


yap_noel@jpmorgan.com wrote:

> Don't do this, it'll bring down any system, not just Linux.

What a stupid claim.  You obviously haven't tried.  (I tried recently on
Solaris and SunBSD, and read results about OpenBSD and NetBSD, i haven't
tried several other commercial systems, as i am not the only one working
on them, i could imagine several of them going down, others not).

But in fact, it doesn't really matter anyway.  It's sort of a local
DenialOfService and you should take measures against such *in general*,
in case.


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