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[Bug-apl] Android code compatibility issues

From: Elias Mårtenson
Subject: [Bug-apl] Android code compatibility issues
Date: Mon, 2 Jun 2014 16:53:03 +0800

I've compiled GNU APL for Android, and I'm about to start working on the user interface. Building it was remarkably simple, but it exposed two small issues that required some code changes:

First of all, SystemVariable.cc includes "langinfo.h". This file is not available on Android, but simply commenting this one out fixed the issue. Is it even needed anywhere else? Can it be completely removed? If not, can it be placed inside some #ifdef?

The second issue is that the SHM calls don't exist on Android. I solved it by creating versions of shm_open() and shm_unlink() that simply returns -1 (and sets errno to ENOSYS). This makes the code compile, but it's pretty ugly. Would it make sense to provide a configure option to disable the use of shared memory? (and, by extension, the AP's)


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