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Re: [Bug-apl] Performance optimisations: Results

From: Elias Mårtenson
Subject: Re: [Bug-apl] Performance optimisations: Results
Date: Thu, 3 Apr 2014 13:09:13 +0800

Here are the data files when run on an 80-core machine (8 × 10-core Xeon processors, 0.5 TB of RAM (not really relevant, but I just like measuring RAM in terabytes :-) )).

GNU APL doesn't seem to scale that far though. I haven't analysed the results. I'll leave that to you. :-)


On 2 April 2014 20:12, Juergen Sauermann <address@hidden> wrote:

the output is meant to be gnuplotted. You either copy-and-paste the data lines
into a some file or else apl > file (in that case you have to type blindly and remove the
non-data lines with an editor.

The first 256 data lines are the cycle counter of the CPU before the nth iteration
at the beginning of the loop. Looking at the result:

   0, 168
   1, 344610
   2, 673064
   3, 994497

and and at the code:

int64_t T0 = cycle_counter();

   for (c = 0; c < count; c++)
         if ((c & 0x0FFF) == 0)   Tn[c >> 12] = cycle_counter();
         const Cell * cell_A = &A->get_ravel(c);

int64_t TX = cycle_counter();

we see that that the loop begins at 0 cycles (actually at T0 but T0 is subtracted from Tn
when printed so that time 0 is virtually the start of the loop.

At cycle 168 we are at the first line of the loop.
At cycle 344610 we have performed 4096 iterations of the loop,
At cycle 673064 we have performed 4096 more iterations of the loop,
At cycle 994497 we have performed 4096 more iterations of the loop,

The last value is the cycle counter after the loop (so joining of the the threads is included).

In file parallel, the first half of the data is supposedly the timestamps written by one thread
and the other half the timestamps written by the other thread. On a 8 core machine this should
look like:

  /|  /|  /|  /|  /|  /|  /|  /
 / | / | / | / | / | / | / | /
/  |/  |/  |/  |/  |/  |/  |/

The interesting times are:

- T0 (showing roughly the start-up overhead of the loop), and
-  the difference between the last two values compared with the average difference between
   two values (showing the joining overhead of the loop), and
- the last value (the total execution time of the loop).

Comparing files seqential and parallel we see that the same loop costs 81834662 cycles when run on one core
and 43046192 cycles when run on two cores. This is 2128861 cycles away from speedup 2.

The difference between two values is around 322500 (for 4096 iterations) which is about 79 cycles for one iteration.
Thus the break-even point where parallel is faster is at vector length 26947 (due to the fact that integer addition is
about the fastest operation on a CPU). The real code had a call to

expand_pointers(cell_Z, cell_A, cell_B, fun);

instead of:

(cell_B->*fun)(cell_Z, cell_A);

so that the break-even point will go down a little.

/// Jürgen

On 04/02/2014 12:43 PM, Elias Mårtenson wrote:

Now I have an OpenMP enabled build on Solaris, and I'm ready to test. How am I supposed to interpret the output from this command?


On 2 April 2014 01:27, Juergen Sauermann <address@hidden> wrote:
Hi Elias,

I have attached the changed files. Note thjat this is very quick-and-dirty.
No automake integration, fixed variable size, etc. And the process hangs
after the loop (no idea why, "killall apl" helps).

I apl do:

A←(1024×1024)⍴2 ◊ A+A

/// Jürgen

On 04/01/2014 06:44 PM, Elias Mårtenson wrote:

Hello Jürgen,

How can I reproduce your tests? My workstation has 4 cores (×2 threads) and at work I have up to 32-core machines to test on. (I might have some 128 or 256 core machines too).


Attachment: results.tar.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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