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[Bug-a2ps] problems in initial implementation of a2ps 4.10.4

From: Gerson H Cohen
Subject: [Bug-a2ps] problems in initial implementation of a2ps 4.10.4
Date: Fri, 15 Sep 2000 14:05:35 -0400

I recently posted the following to address@hidden but received no
repsponse - so I will try this address:

I have installed a2ps, v 4.10.4, on some SGI Octanes running Irix 6.5
several days ago.  Generally things are fine but I have some questions
that I have to be able to answer before I can release the package for
public use.

1)  With 1 page per sheet I can select portrait or landscape.  If I
try this with two or more pages per sheet I find that the shape of the
frame changes, not the orientation of the text.  For example:  When -2
is specified we get two side by side frames when the page is held in the
landscape orientation and portrait contents in each frame.  I would also
like to be able to keep the frames the same and rotate the contents by
90 deg so that the paper is held vertically and the text apears in
landscape orientation in the two frames, one above the other.  How can
this be done?

2)  How can I get a single page on a side without the frame around it?

3)  How can I get two side by side sheets on one side with no gap
between the frames?

4)  I used a2ps to send a web page in an active browser [netscape] to
the printer with the command 'a2ps -s 2' and the information was on one
side of each of two pages, rather than duplex.  What might be wrong
[duplex is supported by our printer].

5)  I tried to use the command 'a2ps -2' on the same netscape page and
got the error:  sh: psnup: not found.  No output was produced.

I hope that someone will respond.

Dr Gerson H Cohen
National Institutes of Health, Bldg 5, Room 335
5 Center Dr, MSC 0560, Bethesda, MD  20892-0560  USA
'Phone: (301)402-4495 [Voice]
        (301)496-0201 [FAX]
Internet:   address@hidden

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