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[bongo-devel] Re: Header line flashing away

From: Daniel Jensen
Subject: [bongo-devel] Re: Header line flashing away
Date: Sat, 31 Mar 2007 14:46:25 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.110006 (No Gnus v0.6) Emacs/22.0.95 (gnu/linux)

Daniel Brockman <address@hidden> writes:

>> The attached solution looks OK to me. Could it cause problems?
> I believe it could cause a slight problem since it assumes
> that `bongo-update-header-line-string' is only called in a
> few controlled situations.  This assumption seems bad.

Is it a bad assumption in practice? Will it ever happen in normal use?

Anyway, I'm looking at your code. I can't get it to work, maybe I'm
doing something wrong, but it /looks/ good!

I was thinking kind of in the same way. My idea was that it would
generally be useful to know whether a stop is between tracks. It could
be as simple as a variable that is bound non-nil in certain functions
(like `bongo-play-next'). I don't have an example of when this would
be useful, though, other than with the header line updates. What do
you think?

Back to your patch. I think that you may need to use
`with-deferred-bongo-status-indicator-updates' in more places, like

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