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Re: [Bino-list] Release plans

From: Robert Pliszko
Subject: Re: [Bino-list] Release plans
Date: Thu, 14 Apr 2011 10:29:07 +0200
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On 14.04.2011 07:03, Martin Lambers wrote:
Hi Robert!

Purely automatic 2D to 3D conversion is impossible even if you have
access to the full video and no time constraints. That's because a 2D

I know. I've asked you because couple of my colleagues want to have this option in bino, when I had showed them xbmc+bino on my little system.

Yes, I can understand that BD3D would be nice. Unfortunately, the BD3D
format specifications deliberately try to prevent free software
implementations. So there is currently not even free software support
for the basic Multi-View-Coding video format found on BD3D, let alone
all the DRM problems. Currently, we can do nothing about it.

Hmm... Look on the . Mforbes6186 has written 3DBDBuster application which convert BD3D to mkv (2 separate files, over/under or sbs). It's basing on ldecode (decode ssif files comparing to m2ts, modified by alexpk) - part of
A lot of informations and projects we can find on
The libbluray is writting by vlc community.
In connection to DRM, we could focus on playing ripped BD3D like iso file, or BD structure. However it's the way to play BD3D with DRM, by using keys (libbluray support it). The key of BD we can grab used DumpHD.

That should already work! Just open multiple files at once from
File->Open or on the command line, and Bino will let you choose between
all the streams it can find in any of them.

I'll upgrade my bino to latest version and test it. Is the option to add external subtittle file via command line? If no, I ask to add it :-).


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