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Re: [Bino-list] SubTitles?

From: Joe
Subject: Re: [Bino-list] SubTitles?
Date: Sun, 10 Apr 2011 00:04:58 +0200
User-agent: KMail/4.6 beta4 (Linux/2.6.38-gentoo; KDE/4.6.0; x86_64; ; )

Hi all!

On Saturday 09 April 2011 15:46:05 Martin Lambers wrote:
> Does the current version work for you, or do you need changes?

CODEC_ID_TEXT subtitles does not have any decoder in ffmpeg. Raw UTF-8 text is 
directly in packet. Please see attached patch adding support. This type of 
subtitles are for example in Matroska mkv container. Subtitle duration is 
taken from "packet.convergence_duration" field. This field is little bit abused 
by matroska decoder to store the duration of subtitle. I know the 
implementation is a bit hacky and maybe the right way is to add encoder into 
ffmpeg, but as a workaround attached patch should work.

It would also by great to be able to put subtitles inside "black stripe" below 
movie when the movie is too wide. It is much better for my eyes to watch 
subtitles in black stripe than inside movie, especially when I use parallax 
for subtitles. In black stripe, subtitles can be far away and one does not 
have to refocus eyes when switching focus from movie to subtitles and back. Is 
this possible? I have not tried to implement this yet so no patch now.

Any way, thanks for all the work you've done!
As was already said: Bino is the best 3D player on all platforms.


Attachment: text_subtitles.patch
Description: Text Data

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