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Re: [Bino-list] PPA for bino with ffmpeg-mt

From: Lion-Simba
Subject: Re: [Bino-list] PPA for bino with ffmpeg-mt
Date: Fri, 03 Dec 2010 23:07:50 +0600

Hi Martin!

В Втр, 30/11/2010 в 21:57 +0100, Martin Lambers пишет:
> Hi Alexey!
> On 28/11/10 18:27, Lion-Simba wrote:
> >>> I've add new command-line parameter: -tN|--threads=N, which then passed
> >>> to ffmpeg decoder, setting the number of decoding threads. For best
> >>> results start bino with number of threads equal to number of processors
> >>> (cores) your system have, e.g. bino -t2
> I now added a patch that always sets the number of threads to the number
> of processors on the system:

That's good. :)

> Is there some restriction on the number of threads, for example should
> it always be a power of two?
I can't see anything bad with this approach. BTW, limit of 64 maximum
threads is absolutely random, maybe it should be smaller or bigger, or
no limit at all.

> Do you see other potential problems with
> this approach?
No, I don't.

I've made patch, which add -b (--benchmark) command line option. In
benchmark mode bino doesn't play audio and don't use any timesync for
video, playing video as fast as possible. Each 250 frames it show
current FPS value.

Then, I build two versions of bino with this patch: one on vanilla
ffmpeg, and one on ffmpeg-mt.

The results of benchmarking are included.


Attachment: benchmark.patch
Description: Text Data

Attachment: bino-benchmark-Alice-ffmpeg-0.6.1+svn20101103
Description: Text document

Attachment: bino-benchmark-Alice-ffmpeg-mt+git2063f77
Description: Text document

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