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[Bayonne-devel] scripts and db

From: Beto .
Subject: [Bayonne-devel] scripts and db
Date: Fri, 26 Nov 2004 17:15:01 +0000

hi, im new with bayonne and have some questions and problems.
i have :
MySQL 3.23.52
bayonne 1.2.11
ccaudio 1.1.1
ccscript 2.5.6
redhat 8.0

the problems:

i have this simple script:

options dtmf=script
       slog.warning "Comienzo"
       cleardigits     # clear digit buffer
play playrec:play text="enter the three digit prompt you wish to play..."
       sleep 60        # wait up to 60 seconds
       return.exit     status="timeout"

       play playrec:invalid text="you have entered an invalid value..."
       return.exit     status="timeout"
       collect count=3 timeout=5 ignore="*#ABCD"
       slog.warning  "Ingreso : %session.digits "
       slog.warning %sql.error
       # note: sql queries are ofter longer then standard string
       # lenght for Bayonne, so it's better increase the
       # variable size
set.size 100 %queryInsert "insert into ganador values (" %session.digits \
       ", 'GANASTE')"
       slog.warning %queryInsert
       sql query=%queryInsert
       return.exit     status="ok"

when i run bayonne i get this:

address@hidden root]# bayonne -F
tgi: initialized; uid=501 pid=4560
driver started 4 port(s)
normal startup; Bayonne Runtime Configuration
scheduler: using /etc/bayonne.sched
dx(0): playrec: Comienzo
dx(0): playrec: Ingreso : 111
dx(0): playrec:
dx(0): playrec: insert into ganador values (111, 'GANASTE')
dx(0): playrec: Comienzo
dx(0): playrec: Ingreso : 222
dx(0): playrec:
dx(0): playrec: insert into ganador values (222, 'GANASTE')
Segmentation fault

the first time, it makes the insert, but the second dont. then i must restart bayonne. i observed that there is a change in the PIDs ( i dont know if this can be useful ) 4647 ? S 0:01 /usr/local/lib/bayonne/1.2.11/bayonne.bin --prefix /usr/local -F
4648 ?        S      0:00 [tgi]

4648 ?        S      0:00 [tgi]
4650 ? S 0:00 /usr/local/lib/bayonne/1.2.11/bayonne.bin --prefix /usr/local -F

i cant compile postgres module, it complains about a sintaxis error :
/usr/include/libpq-fe.h:236: error sintáctico antes del elemento `*'

and finally, (and less important) i cant start bayonne whit /etc/init.d/bayonne script, it says:
Starting bayonne: execvp: No existe el fichero o el directorio       [FALLÓ]

its all. thanks.

Charla con tus amigos en línea mediante MSN Messenger:

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