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Re: [Bayonne-devel] Answer on X rings

From: Krytiana Loke
Subject: Re: [Bayonne-devel] Answer on X rings
Date: Thu, 04 Nov 2004 21:17:58 +0800
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 0.8 (Windows/20040913)

Thanks for taking the trouble to answer :)
Well, what I'm trying to do is this (basically I kinda asked that in my other mails :p)

Y line to jack, one end to human operator, the other to bayonne
When caller calls in, we log the starttime
If after X rings, and the human operator does not pick up, bayonne will answer the call (and do stuff based on it)

IF the human picks up, bayonne is supposed to wait (kinda listen in) and log when the call ends ....

One problem I got was that if I used answer 3 (any number larger than 2)
The script will detach itself, firing the hangup event (even though the phone is still ringing)

slog "start " %session.starttime
answer 3
 slog "hung " %session.time

If I call in (with or without the Y line), after a couple of rings, answer will kinda jump and go to hangup event.

Anyway, any script I use with answer >3 will cause the script to detach and jump to the hangup event.

Thanks again for being so helpful ^^

Pedro Bello wrote:

You need make some action after to answer???
Because in my expirience, when a need write some log
or set variables after answer make a try ::label or
call ::label and when the subprocess return i run the
answer 2 "pickup the phone"
From me point of view, the card detenct all the events
answering or not the comunication.
Sorry for me english.

If i dont undertand your problem, please explain me

--- Krytiana Loke <address@hidden> wrote:

   I'm using bayonne 08xxxxx, so the only answer =
X I see is in policy or server (if I remember correctly), while these work, bayonne does not know the number of rings
ie: If I set answer = 5
user rings
only after 5 rings will the bayonne script be fired
But I want the script to be fired asap, but only
answer (as in the script answering the call) after 3 or more rings.

The script is something like this

slog "Start "%session.starttime
answer 3
    slog "hung"

Using this script, bayonne will never go past answer
It'll just print answer , then jump to the hangup
event, exit the script, then reattach and run it again .. and again.
If I set answer to 2, then it'll work though ...
Anything larger than 2 doesn't.

Pedro Bello wrote:

Set the param answer in /etc/bayonne.conf or send
the code that work wrong.


--- Krytiana Loke <address@hidden>

Hi, sorry for asking so many questions, but how do
you make
bayonne answer after (say) 3 rings?
I tried answer 3

but then the script just exits with the ^hangup
event being
fired, even if my phone is still ringing
after it exits, it then fires up another instance
script.. and this will exit .. again ..
ad infinitum, until the line automatically
Any help?

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