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Re: [Axiom-mail] TeX vs LaTeX output on AXIOM

From: Carlo Traverso
Subject: Re: [Axiom-mail] TeX vs LaTeX output on AXIOM
Date: Thu, 12 Feb 2004 20:54:31 +0100

>>>>> "root" == root  <address@hidden> writes:

    root> Chris,

    root> Sorry for the delay. I had to prepare for a class.

    root> As I understand it you would rather have \frac rather than
    root> \over as output for fractions, for example. Since we have
    root> the source clearly this can be changed. Unfortunately the
    root> change is not likely to be simple because the forms are in
    root> different order. You would like

    root> {a} \over {b} => \frace{a}{b}

    root> I'll look to see where the latex for \over is created.  Is
    root> it possible to define \over in a .sty file on your side?

    root> Joris has a similar complaint. I'm unsure if his "standard
    root> latex" is the same as your "standard latex"

    root> An alternative path, which I've also mentioned to Joris, is
    root> to keep the current output unchanged and implement another
    root> output (HTML-tool, Texmacs) for the different front ends.

An even simpler path, to write a converter that inputs TeX-ish LaTeX
and converts it to LaTeX-ish syntax: { xxxxxx \over yyyyyy } to
\frac{xxxxxx}{yyyyyy}, \sp to ^, $$.....$$ to \[....\] etc.


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