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[Axiom-developer] 20090327.01.tpd.patch (bookvol9 create compiler root)

From: daly
Subject: [Axiom-developer] 20090327.01.tpd.patch (bookvol9 create compiler root)
Date: Sat, 28 Mar 2009 11:16:23 -0600

This is the first entry in Book Volume 9: Axiom Compiler

It moves the compiler root into that volume and adjusts the build
process to use bookvol9. From here we begin to tree-shake the code
into that volume.

diff --git a/books/bookvol5.pamphlet b/books/bookvol5.pamphlet
index 246a25b..cd1b36f 100644
--- a/books/bookvol5.pamphlet
+++ b/books/bookvol5.pamphlet
@@ -1244,7 +1244,7 @@ we return the remainder of the string without the leading 
     (setq u
      (let (t0)
-       (do ((t1 l (CDR t1)) (y NIL))
+       (do ((t1 l (cdr t1)) (y nil))
            ((or (atom t1) (progn (setq y (car t1)) nil)) (nreverse0 t0))
           (if (|stringPrefix?| (pname x) (pname y))
              (setq t0 (cons y t0))))))
@@ -2498,11 +2498,11 @@ The value of the {\tt )set break} variable then 
controls what happens.
               (setq af1 ($findfile af '(|as| |spad| |ao| |asy|)))
                ((and af1 (string= (|pathnameType| af1) "as"))
-                 (|compileAsharpCmd| (CONS af1 NIL)))
+                 (|compileAsharpCmd| (cons af1 nil)))
                ((and af1 (string= (|pathnameType| af1) "ao"))
-                 (|compileAsharpCmd| (CONS af1 NIL)))
+                 (|compileAsharpCmd| (cons af1 nil)))
                ((and af1 (string= (|pathnameType| af1) "spad"))
-                 (|compileSpad2Cmd| (CONS af1 NIL)))
+                 (|compileSpad2Cmd| (cons af1 nil)))
                ((and af1 (string= (|pathnameType| af1) "asy"))
                 (|compileAsharpArchiveCmd| (cons af1 nil)))
                (t (|throwKeyedMsg| 's2iz0039 nil)))))))))))))))))
@@ -2694,7 +2694,7 @@ The value of the {\tt )set break} variable then controls 
what happens.
      ((|fnameReadable?| lsp)
       (unless bequiet
-         (|sayKeyedMsg| 's2iz0089 (cons (|namestring| lsp) NIL)))
+         (|sayKeyedMsg| 's2iz0089 (cons (|namestring| lsp) nil)))
       (|compileFileQuietly| lsp))
      (t (|sayKeyedMsg| 's2il0003 (cons (|namestring| lsp) nil))))
@@ -2993,35 +2993,6 @@ displayed. If the answer is either Y or YES we return 
true else nil.
-;displayMacros names ==
-;  imacs := getInterpMacroNames()
-;  pmacs := getParserMacroNames()
-;  macros :=
-;     null names => APPEND (imacs, pmacs)
-;     names
-;  macros := REMDUP macros
-;  null macros => sayBrightly '"   There are no Axiom macros."
-;  -- first do user defined ones
-;  first := true
-;  for macro in macros repeat
-;    macro in pmacs =>
-;        if first then
-;            sayBrightly ['%l,'"User-defined macros:"]
-;            first := NIL
-;        displayParserMacro macro
-;    macro in imacs => 'iterate
-;    sayBrightly (["   ",'%b, macro, '%d, " is not a known Axiom macro."])
-;  -- now system ones
-;  first := true
-;  for macro in macros repeat
-;    macro in imacs =>
-;        macro in pmacs => 'iterate
-;        if first then
-;            sayBrightly ['%l,'"System-defined macros:"]
-;            first := NIL
-;        displayMacro macro
-;    macro in pmacs => 'iterate
-;  NIL
 <<defun displayMacros>>=
 (defun |displayMacros| (names)
  (let (imacs pmacs macros first)
@@ -11418,7 +11389,7 @@ This reports the traced functions
             (cons 's2it0009
               (cons (strconc ")" (|object2String| key)) nil) nil))))))
-      (key (|throwKeyedMsg| 's2it0005 (CONS key nil))))))))) 
+      (key (|throwKeyedMsg| 's2it0005 (cons key nil))))))))) 
@@ -12836,7 +12807,7 @@ to convert the data into type "Expression"
                 ((|isFunctor| x) (|addTraceItem| x))
                 ((is_genvar x) (|addTraceItem| (EVAL x)))
-                (t (setq |functionList| (CONS x |functionList|)))))
+                (t (setq |functionList| (cons x |functionList|)))))
             (t (|userError| "bad argument to trace"))))))
         (setq |functionList|
           (prog (t1)
@@ -12915,7 +12886,7 @@ to convert the data into type "Expression"
                  (setq t7
                  (append t7 (|concat| '|, | (|abbreviate| x)))))))))))
          (cond ((atom |displayList|)
-            (setq |displayList| (CONS |displayList| nil))))
+            (setq |displayList| (cons |displayList| nil))))
          (|sayBrightly| "   Parameterized constructors traced:")
          (|sayBrightly| (|flowSegmentedMsg| |displayList| $linelength 6)))
         (t nil))))))))) 
@@ -15545,28 +15516,6 @@ The \verb|$undoFlag| is used in recordFrame to decide 
whether to do
 undo recording. It is initially set to T in initvars.
 This is part of the undo mechanism.
-WEAVE=/usr/local/bin/NOWEAVE -delay
-all: bookvol5
-       @echo 0 done
-bookvol5: bookvol5.pamphlet
-       @echo 1 extracting the bookvol5reter
-       ${WEAVE} bookvol5.pamphlet >bookvol5.tex
-       ${LATEX} bookvol5.tex
-       ${LATEX} bookvol5.tex
-       ${TANGLE} -R"Interpreter" bookvol5.pamphlet >bookvol5.lisp
-       @echo 2 rebuilding the makefile
-       @${TANGLE} bookvol5.pamphlet >Makefile.bookvol5
 \bibitem{1} Daly, Timothy, "The Axiom Literate Documentation"\\
diff --git a/books/bookvol9.pamphlet b/books/bookvol9.pamphlet
index 5daa933..b539dd1 100644
--- a/books/bookvol9.pamphlet
+++ b/books/bookvol9.pamphlet
@@ -4,102 +4,46 @@
-% struggle with latex figure-floating behavior
-%% spadgraph are the actual text that you type at the axiom prompt for draw
-{\begin{flushleft}{\tt #1}\end{flushleft}\vskip .1cm }
-% spadfunFrom records the function name and domain in the index
-{{\bf #1}\index{#1 @\begingroup \string\bf{} #1 \endgroup}\index{#2}}
-%% spadsig gives the standard -> notation for signatures
-\providecommand{\spadsig}[2]{{\sf #1 $\rightarrow$ #2}}
-% special meanings for math characters
-\providecommand{\N}{\mbox{\bbold N}}
-\providecommand{\Natural}{\mbox{\bbold N}}
-\providecommand{\Z}{\mbox{\bbold Z}}
-\providecommand{\Integer}{\mbox{\bbold Z}}
-\providecommand{\Rational}{\mbox{\bbold Q}}
-\providecommand{\Q}{\mbox{\bbold Q}}
-\providecommand{\Complex}{\mbox{\bbold C}}
-\providecommand{\C}{{\mathcal C}}
-\providecommand{\Real}{\mbox{\bbold R}}
-\providecommand{\F}{{\mathcal F}}
-\providecommand{\R}{{\mathcal R}}
-% draw a box around a text block
-\providecommand{\optArg}[1]{{{\tt [}{#1}{\tt ]}}}
-\providecommand{\argDef}[1]{{\tt ({#1})}}
-\providecommand{\funSyntax}[2]{{\bf #1}{\tt ({\small\it{#2}})}}
-\providecommand{\funArgs}[1]{{\tt ({\small\it {#1}})}\newline}
-\providecommand{\condata}[4]{{\bf #1} {\bf #2} {\bf #3} {\bf #4}}
-\def\glossaryTerm#1{{\bf #1}\index{#1}}
-\def\glossaryTermNoIndex#1{{\bf #1}}
-\def\glossarySyntaxTerm#1{{\tt #1}\index{#1}}
-\def\csch{\mathop{\rm csch}\nolimits}
-\def\erf{\mathop{\rm erf}\nolimits}
-  {{\hfill \left. {#1} \right|}
-   \over
-   {\left| {#2} \right. \hfill}
-  }
-% these bitmaps are used by HyperDoc
-\baseLeftSkip=\commentWidth \advance\baseLeftSkip by \colGutterWidth
+%% defun marks a function definition and adds it to the index
+\newcommand{\defun}[2]{% e.g. \defun{functionname}
+\subsection{defun #2}%
+%% defmacro marks a macro definition and adds it to the index
+\newcommand{\defmacro}[1]{% e.g. \defmacro{functionname}
+\subsection{defmacro {#1}}%
+%% defvar marks a var definition and adds it to the index
+\newcommand{\defvar}[1]{% e.g. \defvar{varname}
+\subsection{defvar \${#1}}%
+%% defdollar marks a var definition (with leading $) and adds it to the index
+\newcommand{\defdollar}[1]{% e.g. \defdollar{functionname}
+\subsection{defvar \${#1}}%
@@ -303,18 +247,402 @@ This book is actually a literate program\cite{2} and can 
 executable source code. In particular, the Makefile for this book
 is part of the source of the book and is included below. Axiom 
 uses the ``noweb'' literate programming system by Norman Ramsey\cite{6}.
-       ${WEAVE} -t8 -delay ${PROJECT}.pamphlet >${PROJECT}.tex
-       ${LATEX} ${PROJECT}.tex 2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null
-       ${MAKEINDEX} ${PROJECT}.idx
-       ${LATEX} ${PROJECT}.tex 2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null
+\chapter{Compiler top level}
+This is the implementation of the )compile command.
+You use this command to invoke the new Axiom library compiler or the
+old Axiom system compiler.  The {\tt )compile} system command is
+actually a combination of Axiom processing and a call to the Aldor
+compiler.  It is performing double-duty, acting as a front-end to both
+the Aldor compiler and the old Axiom system compiler.  (The old Axiom
+system compiler was written in Lisp and was an integral part of the
+Axiom environment.  The Aldor compiler is written in C and executed by
+the operating system when called from within Axiom.)
+\par\noindent{\bf User Level Required:} compiler
+\par\noindent{\bf Command Syntax:}
+\item {\tt )compile}
+\item {\tt )compile {\it fileName}}
+\item {\tt )compile {\it fileName}.spad}
+\item {\tt )compile {\it directory/fileName}.spad}
+\item {\tt )compile {\it fileName} )old}
+\item {\tt )compile {\it fileName} )translate}
+\item {\tt )compile {\it fileName} )quiet}
+\item {\tt )compile {\it fileName} )noquiet}
+\item {\tt )compile {\it fileName} )moreargs}
+\item {\tt )compile {\it fileName} )onlyargs}
+\item {\tt )compile {\it fileName} )break}
+\item {\tt )compile {\it fileName} )nobreak}
+\item {\tt )compile {\it fileName} )library}
+\item {\tt )compile {\it fileName} )nolibrary}
+\item {\tt )compile {\it fileName} )vartrace}
+\item {\tt )compile {\it fileName} )constructor} {\it nameOrAbbrev}
+These command forms invoke the Aldor compiler.
+\item {\tt )compile {\it fileName}.as}
+\item {\tt )compile {\it directory/fileName}.as}
+\item {\tt )compile {\it fileName}.ao}
+\item {\tt )compile {\it directory/fileName}.ao}
+\item {\tt )compile {\it fileName}.al}
+\item {\tt )compile {\it directory/fileName}.al}
+\item {\tt )compile {\it fileName}.lsp}
+\item {\tt )compile {\it directory/fileName}.lsp}
+\item {\tt )compile {\it fileName} )new}
+\par\noindent{\bf Command Description:}
+The first thing {\tt )compile} does is look for a source code
+filename among its arguments.
+)compile mycode.spad
+)compile /u/jones/mycode.spad
+)compile mycode
+all invoke {\tt )compiler} on the file {\tt
+/u/jones/mycode.spad} if the current Axiom working
+directory is {\tt /u/jones.} (Recall that you can set the
+working directory via the {\tt )cd} command. If you don't set it
+explicitly, it is the directory from which you started
+If you omit the file extension, the command looks to see if you have
+specified the {\tt )new} or {\tt )old} option.  If you have given one
+of these options, the corresponding compiler is used.
+The command first looks in the standard system directories for files
+with extension {\it .as, .ao} and {\it .al} and then files with
+extension {\it .spad}.  The first file found has the appropriate
+compiler invoked on it.  If the command cannot find a matching file,
+an error message is displayed and the command terminates.
+The first thing {\tt )compile} does is look for a source code
+filename among its arguments.
+)compile /u/jones/as/
+)compile mycode
+all invoke {\tt )compiler} on the file {\tt
+/u/jones/as/} if the current Axiom working
+directory is {\tt /u/jones/as.} (Recall that you can set the
+working directory via the {\tt )cd} command. If you don't set it
+explicitly, it is the directory from which you started
+This is frequently all you need to compile your file.
+This simple command:
+\item Invokes the chosen compiler and produces Lisp output.
+\item Calls the Lisp compiler if the compilation was
+\item Uses the {\tt )library} command to tell Axiom about
+the contents of your compiled file and arrange to have those
+contents loaded on demand.
+Should you not want the {\tt )library} command automatically
+invoked, call {\tt )compile} with the {\tt )nolibrary} option.
+For example,
+)compile mycode )nolibrary
+By default, the {\tt )library} system command {\it exposes} all
+domains and categories it processes.
+This means that the Axiom intepreter will consider those
+domains and categories when it is trying to resolve a reference
+to a function.
+Sometimes domains and categories should not be exposed.
+For example, a domain may just be used privately by another
+domain and may not be meant for top-level use.
+The {\tt )library} command should still be used, though, so that
+the code will be loaded on demand.
+In this case, you should use the {\tt )nolibrary} option on {\tt
+)compile} and the {\tt )noexpose} option in the {\tt )library}
+command. For example,
+)compile mycode )nolibrary
+)library mycode )noexpose
+Once you have established your own collection of compiled code,
+you may find it handy to use the {\tt )dir} option on the
+{\tt )library} command.
+This causes {\tt )library} to process all compiled code in the
+specified directory. For example,
+)library )dir /u/jones/quantum
+You must give an explicit directory after {\tt )dir}, even if you
+want all compiled code in the current working directory
+processed, e.g.
+)library )dir .
+\subsection{Spad compiler}
+This command compiles files with file extension {\tt .spad}
+with the old Axiom system compiler.  
+The {\tt )translate} option is used to invoke a special version of the
+old system compiler that will translate a {\it .spad} file to a {\it} file.  That is, the {\it .spad} file will be parsed and analyzed
+and a file using the new syntax will be created.
+By default, the {\it .as} file is created in the same directory as the
+{\it .spad} file. If that directory is not writable, the current
+directory is used. If the current directory is not writable, an error
+message is given and the command terminates.  Note that {\tt )translate} 
+implies the {\tt )old} option so the file extension can
+safely be omitted. If {\tt )translate} is given, all other options are
+ignored.  Please be aware that the translation is not necessarily one
+hundred percent complete or correct.  You should attempt to compile
+the output with the Aldor compiler and make any necessary corrections.
+You can compile category, domain, and package constructors contained
+in files with file extension {\it .spad}.  You can compile individual
+constructors or every constructor in a file.
+The full filename is remembered between invocations of this command and
+{\tt )edit} commands. The sequence of commands
+)compile matrix.spad
+will call the compiler, edit, and then call the compiler again on the
+file {\bf matrix.spad.}  If you do not specify a {\it directory,} the
+working current directory is searched for the file.  If the file is
+not found, the standard system directories are searched.
+If you do not give any options, all constructors within a file are
+compiled.  Each constructor should have an {\tt )abbreviation} command
+in the file in which it is defined.  We suggest that you place the
+{\tt )abbreviation} commands at the top of the file in the order in
+which the constructors are defined.
+The {\tt )library} option causes directories containing the compiled
+code for each constructor to be created in the working current
+directory.  The name of such a directory consists of the constructor
+abbreviation and the {\bf .nrlib} file extension.  For example, the
+directory containing the compiled code for the {\tt MATRIX}
+constructor is called {\bf MATRIX.nrlib.}  The {\tt )nolibrary} option
+says that such files should not be created.  The default is 
+{\tt )library.}  Note that the semantics of {\tt )library} and 
+{\tt )nolibrary} for the new Aldor compiler and for the old system 
+compiler are completely different.
+The {\tt )vartrace} option causes the compiler to generate
+extra code for the constructor to support conditional tracing of
+variable assignments. (see 
+\ref{ugSysCmdtrace} on page~\pageref{ugSysCmdtrace}). Without
+this option, this code is suppressed and one cannot use
+the {\tt )vars} option for the trace command.
+The {\tt )constructor} option is used to
+specify a particular constructor to compile.
+All other constructors in the file are ignored.
+The constructor name or abbreviation follows {\tt )constructor.}
+Thus either
+)compile matrix.spad )constructor RectangularMatrix
+)compile matrix.spad )constructor RMATRIX
+compiles  the {\tt RectangularMatrix} constructor
+defined in {\bf matrix.spad.}
+The {\tt )break} and {\tt )nobreak} options determine what
+the spad compiler does when it encounters an error.
+{\tt )break} is the default and it indicates that processing
+should stop at the first error.
+The value of the {\tt )set break} variable then controls what happens.
+\subsection{Aldor compiler}
+This command compiles files with file extensions {\it .as, .ao} and
+{\it .al} with the Aldor compiler. It also can compile files
+with file extension {\it .lsp}. These are assumed to be Lisp files
+genererated by the Aldor compiler.  
+The general description of Aldor command line arguments is in
+the Aldor documentation.
+The default options used by the {\tt )compile} command can be
+viewed and set using the {\tt )set compiler args} Axiom
+system command.
+The current defaults are
+-O -Fasy -Fao -Flsp -laxiom -Mno-AXL_W_WillObsolete -DAxiom
+These options mean:
+\item {\tt -O}: perform all optimizations,
+\item {\tt -Fasy}: generate a {\tt .asy} file,
+\item {\tt -Fao}: generate a {\tt .ao} file,
+\item {\tt -Flsp}: generate a {\tt .lsp} (Lisp) file,
+\item {\tt -laxiom}: use the {\tt axiom} library {\tt},
+\item {\tt -Mno-AXL\_W\_WillObsolete}: do not display messages
+about older generated files becoming obsolete, and
+\item {\tt -DAxiom}: define the global assertion {\tt Axiom} so that the
+Aldor libraries for generating stand-alone code
+are not accidentally used with Axiom.
+To supplement these default arguments, use the {\tt )moreargs} option on
+{\tt )compile.}
+For example,
+)compile )moreargs "-v"
+uses the default arguments and appends the {\tt -v} (verbose)
+argument flag.
+The additional argument specification {\bf must be enclosed in
+double quotes.}
+To completely replace these default arguments for a particular
+use of {\tt )compile}, use the {\tt )onlyargs} option.
+For example,
+)compile )onlyargs "-v -O"
+only uses the {\tt -v} (verbose) and {\tt -O} (optimize)
+The argument specification {\bf must be enclosed in double quotes.}
+In this example, Lisp code is not produced and so the compilation
+output will not be available to Axiom.
+To completely replace the default arguments for all calls to {\tt
+)compile} within your Axiom session, use {\tt )set compiler args.}
+For example, to use the above arguments for all compilations, issue
+)set compiler args "-v -O"
+Make sure you include the necessary {\tt -l} and {\tt -Y}
+arguments along with those needed for Lisp file creation.
+As above, {\bf the argument specification must be enclosed in double
+The {\tt )compile} command works with several file extensions. We saw
+above what happens when it is invoked on a file with extension {\tt} A {\tt .ao} file is a portable binary compiled version of a
+{\tt .as} file, and {\tt )compile} simply passes the {\tt .ao} file
+onto Aldor. The generated Lisp file is compiled and {\tt )library}
+is automatically called, just as if you had specified a {\tt .as} file.
+A {\tt .al} file is an archive file containing {\tt .ao} files. The
+archive is created (on Unix systems) with the {\tt ar} program. When
+{\tt )compile} is given a {\tt .al} file, it creates a directory whose
+name is based on that of the archive. For example, if you issue
+the directory {\tt mylib.axldir} is created. All members of the
+archive are unarchived into the directory and {\tt )compile} is called
+on each {\tt .ao} file found. It is your responsibility to remove the
+directory and its contents, if you choose to do so.
+A {\tt .lsp} file is a Lisp source file, generated by Aldor
+when called with the {\tt -Flsp} option. When {\tt )compile} is used
+with a {\tt .lsp} file, the Lisp file is compiled and {\tt )library}
+is called. For Aldor, You must also have present a {\tt .asy}
+generated from the same source file.
+\defun{compileSpad2Cmd}{The Spad compiler top level function}
+This is the old compiler.
+Assume we entered from the "compiler" function, so args is 
+a file with file extension .spad.
+The \verb|$f| and \verb|$m| are compiler variables, probably function
+and mode.
+<<defun compileSpad2Cmd>>=
+(defun |compileSpad2Cmd| (args)
+ (let (|$newcompMode| |$ncConverse| |$newComp| |$scanIfTrue| 
+       |$compileOnlyCertainItems| |$f| |$m| |$QuickLet| |$QuickCode| 
+       |$sourceFileTypes| |$InteractiveMode| path optlist fun optname 
+       optargs fullopt translateoldtonew constructor)
+  (declare (special |$newcompMode| |$ncConverse| |$newComp| |$scanIfTrue| 
+       |$compileOnlyCertainItems| |$f| |$m| |$QuickLet| |$QuickCode| 
+       |$sourceFileTypes| |$InteractiveMode| /editfile |$options|
+       |$newConlist|)) 
+   (setq path (|pathname| args))
+   (cond
+    ((nequal (|pathnameType| path) "spad") (|throwKeyedMsg| 'S2IZ0082 nil))
+    ((null (probe-file path))
+     (|throwKeyedMsg| 's2il0003 (cons (|namestring| args) nil)))
+    (t
+     (setq /editfile path)
+     (|updateSourceFiles| path)
+     (|sayKeyedMsg| 's2iz0038 (list (|namestring| args)))
+     (setq optlist '(|break| |constructor| |functions| |library| |lisp|
+         |new| |old| |nobreak| |nolibrary| |noquiet| |vartrace| |quiet|
+         |translate|))
+     (setq |$QuickLet| t)
+     (setq |$QuickCode| t)
+     (setq fun '(|rq| |lib|))
+     (setq |$sourceFileTypes| '("SPAD"))
+     (dolist (opt |$options|)
+      (setq optname (car opt))
+      (setq optargs (cdr opt))
+      (setq fullopt (|selectOptionLC| optname optlist nil))
+      (case fullopt
+       (|new| (|error| '|Internal error: compileSpad2Cmd got )new|))
+       (|old| nil)
+       (|translate| (setq translateoldtonew t))
+       (|library| (setelt fun 1 '|lib|))
+       (|nolibrary| (setelt fun 1 '|nolib|))
+       (|quiet| (when (nequal (elt fun 0) '|c|) (setelt fun 0 '|rq|)))
+       (|noquiet| (when (nequal (elt fun 0) '|c|) (setelt fun 0 '|rf|)))
+       (|nobreak| (setq |$scanIfTrue| t))
+       (|break| (setq |$scanIfTrue| nil))
+       (|vartrace| (setq |$QuickLet| nil))
+       (|lisp| (|throwKeyedMsg| 's2iz0036 (list ")lisp")))
+       (|functions|
+        (if (null optargs) 
+         (|throwKeyedMsg| 's2iz0037 (list ")functions"))
+         (setq |$compileOnlyCertainItems| optargs)))
+       (|constructor|
+        (if (null optargs)
+         (|throwKeyedMsg| 's2iz0037 (list ")constructor"))
+         (progn
+          (setelt fun 0 '|c|)
+          (setq constructor (mapcar #'|unabbrev| optargs)))))
+       (t
+        (|throwKeyedMsg| 's2iz0036 
+         (list (strconc ")" (|object2String| optname)))))))
+    (setq |$InteractiveMode| nil)
+    (cond
+     (translateoldtonew
+      (|oldParserAutoloadOnceTrigger|)
+      (|browserAutoloadOnceTrigger|)
+      (|spad2AsTranslatorAutoloadOnceTrigger|)
+      (|sayKeyedMsg| 's2iz0085 nil)
+      (|convertSpadToAsFile| path))
+     (|$compileOnlyCertainItems|
+      (if (null constructor)
+       (|sayKeyedMsg| 's2iz0040 nil)
+       (|compilerDoitWithScreenedLisplib| constructor fun)))
+     (t (|compilerDoit| constructor fun)))
+    (|extendLocalLibdb| |$newConlist|)
+    (|terminateSystemCommand|)
+    (|spadPrompt|)))))
+\chapter{The Compiler}
+(in-package "BOOT")
+<<defun compileSpad2Cmd>>
@@ -339,5 +667,6 @@ Literate Programming''\\
 \bibitem{7} Daly, Timothy, "The Axiom Literate Documentation"\\
diff --git a/changelog b/changelog
index 92ae214..d2c57aa 100644
--- a/changelog
+++ b/changelog
@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
+20090327 tpd src/axiom-website/patches.html 20090327.01.tpd.patch
+20090327 tpd src/interp/util.lisp stop autoloading compiler root
+20090327 tpd src/interp/Makefile build bookvol9
+20090327 tpd src/Makefile copy bookvol9 to src/interp
+20090327 tpd books/bookvol9 create compiler root 
+20090327 tpd src/interp/compiler.boot move compiler root to bookvol9
+20090327 tpd books/bookvol5 move compiler root to bookvol9
 20090326 tpd src/axiom-website/patches.html 20090326.01.tpd.patch
 20090326 tpd books/bookvol4 Finding Anonymous Function Signatures
 20090325 tpd src/axiom-website/patches.html 20090325.01.tpd.patch
diff --git a/src/Makefile.pamphlet b/src/Makefile.pamphlet
index a48ac4b..3d60ea8 100644
--- a/src/Makefile.pamphlet
+++ b/src/Makefile.pamphlet
@@ -249,6 +249,10 @@ and {\bf interpsys}. Since these two images share a lot of
 files they are built in the interp subdirectory using the
 same Makefile.
+Book Volume 5 contains the interpreter.
+Book Volume 9 contains the compiler.
 interpdir: ${SRC}/interp/Makefile
        @echo 25 making ${SRC}/interp
@@ -260,6 +264,7 @@ interpdir: ${SRC}/interp/Makefile
        @mkdir -p ${MNT}/${SYS}/doc/msgs
        @mkdir -p ${MNT}/${SYS}/doc/src/interp
        @cp ${SPD}/books/bookvol5.pamphlet interp
+       @cp ${SPD}/books/bookvol9.pamphlet interp
        @(cd interp ; ${ENV} ${MAKE} )
 ${SRC}/interp/Makefile: ${SRC}/interp/Makefile.pamphlet
diff --git a/src/axiom-website/patches.html b/src/axiom-website/patches.html
index 9d8fe52..4ec4d96 100644
--- a/src/axiom-website/patches.html
+++ b/src/axiom-website/patches.html
@@ -1028,5 +1028,7 @@ In process, not yet released<br/><br/>
 download.html add March 2009 column, add fedora10 binary<br/>
 <a href="patches/20090326.01.tpd.patch">20090326.01.tpd.patch</a>
 bookvol4 Finding Anonymous Function Signatures<br/>
+<a href="patches/20090327.01.tpd.patch">20090327.01.tpd.patch</a>
+bookvol9 create compiler root<br/>
diff --git a/src/interp/Makefile.pamphlet b/src/interp/Makefile.pamphlet
index d0a819c..0f2f801 100644
--- a/src/interp/Makefile.pamphlet
+++ b/src/interp/Makefile.pamphlet
@@ -183,6 +183,7 @@ OBJS= ${OUT}/vmlisp.${O}      ${OUT}/hash.${O} \
       ${OUT}/i-code.${O}      ${OUT}/i-coerce.${O} \
       ${OUT}/i-coerfn.${O}    ${OUT}/i-eval.${O} \
       ${OUT}/i-funsel.${O}    ${OUT}/bookvol5.${O} \
+      ${OUT}/bookvol9.${O} \
       ${OUT}/i-intern.${O}    ${OUT}/i-map.${O} \
       ${OUT}/i-output.${O}    ${OUT}/i-resolv.${O} \
       ${OUT}/i-spec1.${O}    \
@@ -4368,32 +4369,34 @@ ${MID}/bookvol5.${LISP}: ${IN}/bookvol5.pamphlet
          ${TANGLE} -RInterpreter ${IN}/bookvol5.pamphlet >bookvol5.${LISP} )
-The new bookvol5 now depends on some pictures in the src/doc/ps
-subdirectory so we have to extend the preconditions to include this.
-<<bookvol5.dvi (DOC from IN)>>=
-${DOC}/bookvol5.dvi: ${IN}/bookvol5.pamphlet  ${DOC}/ps
-       @echo 299 making ${DOC}/bookvol5.dvi from ${IN}/bookvol5.pamphlet
-       @(cd ${DOC} ; \
-       cp ${IN}/bookvol5.pamphlet ${DOC} ; \
-       ${DOCUMENT} ${NOISE} bookvol5 ; \
-       rm -f ${DOC}/bookvol5.pamphlet ; \
-       rm -f ${DOC}/bookvol5.tex ; \
-       rm -f ${DOC}/bookvol5 )
+<<bookvol9.o (OUT from MID)>>=
+${OUT}/bookvol9.${O}: ${MID}/bookvol9.${LISP}
+       @ echo 297 making ${OUT}/bookvol9.${O} from ${MID}/bookvol9.${LISP}
+       @ (cd ${MID} ; \
+         if [ -z "${NOISE}" ] ; then \
+          echo '(progn  (compile-file "${MID}/bookvol9.${LISP}"' \
+             ':output-file "${OUT}/bookvol9.${O}") (${BYE}))' | ${DEPSYS} ; \
+         else \
+          echo '(progn  (compile-file "${MID}/bookvol9.${LISP}"' \
+             ':output-file "${OUT}/bookvol9.${O}") (${BYE}))' | ${DEPSYS} \
+             >${TMP}/trace ; \
+         fi )
-<<bookvol5.dvi (BOOK from DOC)>>=
-${BOOK}/bookvol5.dvi: ${DOC}/bookvol5.dvi
-       @echo 299 making ${BOOK}/bookvol5.dvi from ${DOC}/bookvol5.dvi
-       @ cp ${DOC}/bookvol5.dvi ${BOOK}/bookvol5.dvi
+<<bookvol9.lsp (OUT from MID)>>=
+${OUT}/bookvol9.${LISP}: ${MID}/bookvol9.${LISP}
+       @ echo 133 making ${OUT}/bookvol9.${LISP} from ${MID}/bookvol9.${LISP}
+       @cp ${MID}/bookvol9.${LISP} ${OUT}/bookvol9.${LISP}
-${DOC}/ps: ${SRC}/doc/ps
-       @echo 299a making ${DOC}/ps from ${SRC}/doc/ps
-       @cp -pr ${SRC}/doc/ps ${DOC}
+<<bookvol9.lsp (MID from IN)>>=
+${MID}/bookvol9.${LISP}: ${IN}/bookvol9.pamphlet
+       @ echo 298 making ${MID}/bookvol9.${LISP} from ${IN}/bookvol9.pamphlet
+       @ (cd ${MID} ; \
+         ${TANGLE} -RCompiler ${IN}/bookvol9.pamphlet >bookvol9.${LISP} )
 <<i-intern.o (OUT from MID)>>=
 ${OUT}/i-intern.${O}: ${MID}/i-intern.clisp 
@@ -8748,10 +8751,10 @@ clean:
 <<bookvol5.o (OUT from MID)>>
 <<bookvol5.lsp (OUT from MID)>>
 <<bookvol5.lsp (MID from IN)>>
-<<bookvol5.dvi (DOC from IN)>>
-<<bookvol5.dvi (BOOK from DOC)>>
+<<bookvol9.o (OUT from MID)>>
+<<bookvol9.lsp (OUT from MID)>>
+<<bookvol9.lsp (MID from IN)>>
 <<i-intern.o (OUT from MID)>>
 <<i-intern.clisp (MID from IN)>>
diff --git a/src/interp/compiler.boot.pamphlet 
index 4deb2b2..d1be1e7 100644
--- a/src/interp/compiler.boot.pamphlet
+++ b/src/interp/compiler.boot.pamphlet
@@ -1651,417 +1651,6 @@ modeEqualSubst(m1,m,e) ==
-This is the implementation of the )compile command.
-You use this command to invoke the new Axiom library compiler or the
-old Axiom system compiler.  The {\tt )compile} system command is
-actually a combination of Axiom processing and a call to the Aldor
-compiler.  It is performing double-duty, acting as a front-end to both
-the Aldor compiler and the old Axiom system compiler.  (The old Axiom
-system compiler was written in Lisp and was an integral part of the
-Axiom environment.  The Aldor compiler is written in C and executed by
-the operating system when called from within Axiom.)
-\par\noindent{\bf User Level Required:} compiler
-\par\noindent{\bf Command Syntax:}
-\item {\tt )compile}
-\item {\tt )compile {\it fileName}}
-\item {\tt )compile {\it fileName}.spad}
-\item {\tt )compile {\it directory/fileName}.spad}
-\item {\tt )compile {\it fileName} )old}
-\item {\tt )compile {\it fileName} )translate}
-\item {\tt )compile {\it fileName} )quiet}
-\item {\tt )compile {\it fileName} )noquiet}
-\item {\tt )compile {\it fileName} )moreargs}
-\item {\tt )compile {\it fileName} )onlyargs}
-\item {\tt )compile {\it fileName} )break}
-\item {\tt )compile {\it fileName} )nobreak}
-\item {\tt )compile {\it fileName} )library}
-\item {\tt )compile {\it fileName} )nolibrary}
-\item {\tt )compile {\it fileName} )vartrace}
-\item {\tt )compile {\it fileName} )constructor} {\it nameOrAbbrev}
-These command forms invoke the Aldor compiler.
-\item {\tt )compile {\it fileName}.as}
-\item {\tt )compile {\it directory/fileName}.as}
-\item {\tt )compile {\it fileName}.ao}
-\item {\tt )compile {\it directory/fileName}.ao}
-\item {\tt )compile {\it fileName}.al}
-\item {\tt )compile {\it directory/fileName}.al}
-\item {\tt )compile {\it fileName}.lsp}
-\item {\tt )compile {\it directory/fileName}.lsp}
-\item {\tt )compile {\it fileName} )new}
-\par\noindent{\bf Command Description:}
-The first thing {\tt )compile} does is look for a source code
-filename among its arguments.
-)compile mycode.spad
-)compile /u/jones/mycode.spad
-)compile mycode
-all invoke {\tt )compiler} on the file {\tt
-/u/jones/mycode.spad} if the current Axiom working
-directory is {\tt /u/jones.} (Recall that you can set the
-working directory via the {\tt )cd} command. If you don't set it
-explicitly, it is the directory from which you started
-If you omit the file extension, the command looks to see if you have
-specified the {\tt )new} or {\tt )old} option.  If you have given one
-of these options, the corresponding compiler is used.
-The command first looks in the standard system directories for files
-with extension {\it .as, .ao} and {\it .al} and then files with
-extension {\it .spad}.  The first file found has the appropriate
-compiler invoked on it.  If the command cannot find a matching file,
-an error message is displayed and the command terminates.
-The first thing {\tt )compile} does is look for a source code
-filename among its arguments.
-)compile /u/jones/as/
-)compile mycode
-all invoke {\tt )compiler} on the file {\tt
-/u/jones/as/} if the current Axiom working
-directory is {\tt /u/jones/as.} (Recall that you can set the
-working directory via the {\tt )cd} command. If you don't set it
-explicitly, it is the directory from which you started
-This is frequently all you need to compile your file.
-This simple command:
-\item Invokes the chosen compiler and produces Lisp output.
-\item Calls the Lisp compiler if the compilation was
-\item Uses the {\tt )library} command to tell Axiom about
-the contents of your compiled file and arrange to have those
-contents loaded on demand.
-Should you not want the {\tt )library} command automatically
-invoked, call {\tt )compile} with the {\tt )nolibrary} option.
-For example,
-)compile mycode )nolibrary
-By default, the {\tt )library} system command {\it exposes} all
-domains and categories it processes.
-This means that the Axiom intepreter will consider those
-domains and categories when it is trying to resolve a reference
-to a function.
-Sometimes domains and categories should not be exposed.
-For example, a domain may just be used privately by another
-domain and may not be meant for top-level use.
-The {\tt )library} command should still be used, though, so that
-the code will be loaded on demand.
-In this case, you should use the {\tt )nolibrary} option on {\tt
-)compile} and the {\tt )noexpose} option in the {\tt )library}
-command. For example,
-)compile mycode )nolibrary
-)library mycode )noexpose
-Once you have established your own collection of compiled code,
-you may find it handy to use the {\tt )dir} option on the
-{\tt )library} command.
-This causes {\tt )library} to process all compiled code in the
-specified directory. For example,
-)library )dir /u/jones/quantum
-You must give an explicit directory after {\tt )dir}, even if you
-want all compiled code in the current working directory
-processed, e.g.
-)library )dir .
-\subsection{Spad compiler}
-This command compiles files with file extension {\tt .spad}
-with the old Axiom system compiler.  
-The {\tt )translate} option is used to invoke a special version of the
-old system compiler that will translate a {\it .spad} file to a {\it} file.  That is, the {\it .spad} file will be parsed and analyzed
-and a file using the new syntax will be created.
-By default, the {\it .as} file is created in the same directory as the
-{\it .spad} file. If that directory is not writable, the current
-directory is used. If the current directory is not writable, an error
-message is given and the command terminates.  Note that {\tt )translate} 
-implies the {\tt )old} option so the file extension can
-safely be omitted. If {\tt )translate} is given, all other options are
-ignored.  Please be aware that the translation is not necessarily one
-hundred percent complete or correct.  You should attempt to compile
-the output with the Aldor compiler and make any necessary corrections.
-You can compile category, domain, and package constructors contained
-in files with file extension {\it .spad}.  You can compile individual
-constructors or every constructor in a file.
-The full filename is remembered between invocations of this command and
-{\tt )edit} commands. The sequence of commands
-)compile matrix.spad
-will call the compiler, edit, and then call the compiler again on the
-file {\bf matrix.spad.}  If you do not specify a {\it directory,} the
-working current directory is searched for the file.  If the file is
-not found, the standard system directories are searched.
-If you do not give any options, all constructors within a file are
-compiled.  Each constructor should have an {\tt )abbreviation} command
-in the file in which it is defined.  We suggest that you place the
-{\tt )abbreviation} commands at the top of the file in the order in
-which the constructors are defined.
-The {\tt )library} option causes directories containing the compiled
-code for each constructor to be created in the working current
-directory.  The name of such a directory consists of the constructor
-abbreviation and the {\bf .nrlib} file extension.  For example, the
-directory containing the compiled code for the {\tt MATRIX}
-constructor is called {\bf MATRIX.nrlib.}  The {\tt )nolibrary} option
-says that such files should not be created.  The default is 
-{\tt )library.}  Note that the semantics of {\tt )library} and 
-{\tt )nolibrary} for the new Aldor compiler and for the old system 
-compiler are completely different.
-The {\tt )vartrace} option causes the compiler to generate
-extra code for the constructor to support conditional tracing of
-variable assignments. (see 
-\ref{ugSysCmdtrace} on page~\pageref{ugSysCmdtrace}). Without
-this option, this code is suppressed and one cannot use
-the {\tt )vars} option for the trace command.
-The {\tt )constructor} option is used to
-specify a particular constructor to compile.
-All other constructors in the file are ignored.
-The constructor name or abbreviation follows {\tt )constructor.}
-Thus either
-)compile matrix.spad )constructor RectangularMatrix
-)compile matrix.spad )constructor RMATRIX
-compiles  the {\tt RectangularMatrix} constructor
-defined in {\bf matrix.spad.}
-The {\tt )break} and {\tt )nobreak} options determine what
-the spad compiler does when it encounters an error.
-{\tt )break} is the default and it indicates that processing
-should stop at the first error.
-The value of the {\tt )set break} variable then controls what happens.
-\subsection{Aldor compiler}
-This command compiles files with file extensions {\it .as, .ao} and
-{\it .al} with the Aldor compiler. It also can compile files
-with file extension {\it .lsp}. These are assumed to be Lisp files
-genererated by the Aldor compiler.  
-The general description of Aldor command line arguments is in
-the Aldor documentation.
-The default options used by the {\tt )compile} command can be
-viewed and set using the {\tt )set compiler args} Axiom
-system command.
-The current defaults are
--O -Fasy -Fao -Flsp -laxiom -Mno-AXL_W_WillObsolete -DAxiom
-These options mean:
-\item {\tt -O}: perform all optimizations,
-\item {\tt -Fasy}: generate a {\tt .asy} file,
-\item {\tt -Fao}: generate a {\tt .ao} file,
-\item {\tt -Flsp}: generate a {\tt .lsp} (Lisp) file,
-\item {\tt -laxiom}: use the {\tt axiom} library {\tt},
-\item {\tt -Mno-AXL\_W\_WillObsolete}: do not display messages
-about older generated files becoming obsolete, and
-\item {\tt -DAxiom}: define the global assertion {\tt Axiom} so that the
-Aldor libraries for generating stand-alone code
-are not accidentally used with Axiom.
-To supplement these default arguments, use the {\tt )moreargs} option on
-{\tt )compile.}
-For example,
-)compile )moreargs "-v"
-uses the default arguments and appends the {\tt -v} (verbose)
-argument flag.
-The additional argument specification {\bf must be enclosed in
-double quotes.}
-To completely replace these default arguments for a particular
-use of {\tt )compile}, use the {\tt )onlyargs} option.
-For example,
-)compile )onlyargs "-v -O"
-only uses the {\tt -v} (verbose) and {\tt -O} (optimize)
-The argument specification {\bf must be enclosed in double quotes.}
-In this example, Lisp code is not produced and so the compilation
-output will not be available to Axiom.
-To completely replace the default arguments for all calls to {\tt
-)compile} within your Axiom session, use {\tt )set compiler args.}
-For example, to use the above arguments for all compilations, issue
-)set compiler args "-v -O"
-Make sure you include the necessary {\tt -l} and {\tt -Y}
-arguments along with those needed for Lisp file creation.
-As above, {\bf the argument specification must be enclosed in double
-The {\tt )compile} command works with several file extensions. We saw
-above what happens when it is invoked on a file with extension {\tt} A {\tt .ao} file is a portable binary compiled version of a
-{\tt .as} file, and {\tt )compile} simply passes the {\tt .ao} file
-onto Aldor. The generated Lisp file is compiled and {\tt )library}
-is automatically called, just as if you had specified a {\tt .as} file.
-A {\tt .al} file is an archive file containing {\tt .ao} files. The
-archive is created (on Unix systems) with the {\tt ar} program. When
-{\tt )compile} is given a {\tt .al} file, it creates a directory whose
-name is based on that of the archive. For example, if you issue
-the directory {\tt mylib.axldir} is created. All members of the
-archive are unarchived into the directory and {\tt )compile} is called
-on each {\tt .ao} file found. It is your responsibility to remove the
-directory and its contents, if you choose to do so.
-A {\tt .lsp} file is a Lisp source file, generated by Aldor
-when called with the {\tt -Flsp} option. When {\tt )compile} is used
-with a {\tt .lsp} file, the Lisp file is compiled and {\tt )library}
-is called. For Aldor, You must also have present a {\tt .asy}
-generated from the same source file.
-compileSpad2Cmd args ==
-    -- This is the old compiler
-    -- Assume we entered from the "compiler" function, so args ^= nil
-    -- and is a file with file extension .spad.
-    path := pathname args
-    pathnameType path ^= '"spad" => throwKeyedMsg("S2IZ0082", nil)
-    ^PROBE_-FILE path => throwKeyedMsg("S2IL0003",[namestring args])
-    SETQ(_/EDITFILE, path)
-    updateSourceFiles path
-    sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0038",[namestring args])
-    optList :=  '( _
-      break _
-      constructor _
-      functions _
-      library _
-      lisp _
-      new _
-      old _
-      nobreak _
-      nolibrary _
-      noquiet _
-      vartrace _
-      quiet _
-      translate _
-        )
-    -- next three are for the OLD NEW compiler
-    -- should be unhooked
-    $newcompMode             : local := nil
-    $ncConverse              : local := nil
-    $newComp                 : local := nil
-    translateOldToNew        := nil
-    $scanIfTrue              : local := nil
-    $compileOnlyCertainItems : local := nil
-    $f                       : local := nil  -- compiler
-    $m                       : local := nil  --   variables
-    -- following are for )quick option for code generation
-    $QuickLet   : local := true
-    $QuickCode  : local := true
-    fun         := ['rq, 'lib]
-    constructor := nil
-    $sourceFileTypes : local := '("SPAD")
-    for opt in $options repeat
-        [optname,:optargs] := opt
-        fullopt := selectOptionLC(optname,optList,nil)
-        fullopt = 'new    => error "Internal error: compileSpad2Cmd got )new"
-        fullopt = 'old         => NIL     -- no opt
-        fullopt = 'translate   => translateOldToNew := true
-        fullopt = 'library     => fun.1 := 'lib
-        fullopt = 'nolibrary   => fun.1 := 'nolib
-        -- Ignore quiet/nonquiet if "constructor" is given.
-        fullopt = 'quiet       => if fun.0 ^= 'c then fun.0 := 'rq
-        fullopt = 'noquiet     => if fun.0 ^= 'c then fun.0 := 'rf
-        fullopt = 'nobreak     => $scanIfTrue := true
-        fullopt = 'break       => $scanIfTrue := nil
-        fullopt = 'vartrace      =>
-          $QuickLet  := false
-        fullopt = 'lisp        =>
-          throwKeyedMsg("S2IZ0036",['")lisp"])
-        fullopt = 'functions   =>
-            null optargs =>
-              throwKeyedMsg("S2IZ0037",['")functions"])
-            $compileOnlyCertainItems := optargs
-        fullopt = 'constructor =>
-            null optargs =>
-              throwKeyedMsg("S2IZ0037",['")constructor"])
-            fun.0       := 'c
-            constructor := [unabbrev o for o in optargs]
-        throwKeyedMsg("S2IZ0036",[STRCONC('")",object2String optname)])
-    $InteractiveMode : local := nil
-    if translateOldToNew then
-       oldParserAutoloadOnceTrigger()
-        browserAutoloadOnceTrigger()
-        spad2AsTranslatorAutoloadOnceTrigger()
-        sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0085", nil)
-        convertSpadToAsFile path
-    else if $compileOnlyCertainItems then
-        null constructor => sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0040",NIL)
-        compilerDoitWithScreenedLisplib(constructor, fun)
-    else
-        compilerDoit(constructor, fun)
-    extendLocalLibdb $newConlist
-    terminateSystemCommand()
-    spadPrompt()
 convertSpadToAsFile path ==
diff --git a/src/interp/util.lisp.pamphlet b/src/interp/util.lisp.pamphlet
index a754b43..962138b 100644
--- a/src/interp/util.lisp.pamphlet
+++ b/src/interp/util.lisp.pamphlet
@@ -373,7 +373,7 @@ developers who write or modify algebra code.
 ;;      loadcompiler
-       |compileSpad2Cmd|
+;;     |compileSpad2Cmd|

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