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[Axiom-developer] 20090220.01.tpd.patch (regression test )d op, )frame )

From: daly
Subject: [Axiom-developer] 20090220.01.tpd.patch (regression test )d op, )frame )
Date: Sat, 21 Feb 2009 23:55:48 -0600

Book Volume 5: Axiom Interpreter was updated with more code, more
documentation, and more structure. More boot code was rewritten in lisp.

The )frame code was rewritten and a regression test file was created

Bug 7170 (X in comments) and bug 7171 (off-by-one printing) were fixed.

All )d op Example code was reviewed and a regression test file was
created (src/input/dop.input). About 5% of the functions now show
examples as part of the output of )d op function, such as:

)d op binaryTree

There are 2 exposed functions called binaryTree :
   [1] (BinaryTree D1,D1,BinaryTree D1) -> BinaryTree D1 from 
            BinaryTree D1
            if D1 has SETCAT
   [2] D1 -> BinaryTree D1 from BinaryTree D1 if D1 has SETCAT

Examples of binaryTree from BinaryTree



diff --git a/books/bookvol10.4.pamphlet b/books/bookvol10.4.pamphlet
index b842bb7..23f6c27 100644
--- a/books/bookvol10.4.pamphlet
+++ b/books/bookvol10.4.pamphlet
@@ -2982,7 +2982,7 @@ AnnaOrdinaryDifferentialEquationPackage(): with
     ++ numerically a system of ordinary differential equations i.e. equations 
     ++ for the derivatives y[1]'..y[n]' defined in terms of x,y[1]..y[n], 
     ++ together with a starting value for x and y[1]..y[n] (called the initial
-    ++ conditions) and a final value of X.  A default value
+    ++ conditions) and a final value of x.  A default value
     ++ is used for the accuracy requirement.
     ++ It iterates over the \axiom{domains} of
@@ -94278,7 +94278,7 @@ TopLevelDrawFunctionsForPoints(): Exports == 
Implementation where
     draw: (L SF, L SF, L SF) -> VIEW3
       ++ draw(lx,ly,lz) draws the surface constructed by projecting the values
       ++ in the \axiom{lz} list onto the rectangular grid formed by the 
-      ++ \axiom{lx X ly}.
+      ++ \axiom{lx x ly}.
     draw: (L SF, L SF, L SF, L DROP) -> VIEW3
       ++ draw(lx,ly,lz,l) draws the surface constructed by 
       ++ projecting the values
diff --git a/books/bookvol5.pamphlet b/books/bookvol5.pamphlet
index 383055c..2becf4e 100644
--- a/books/bookvol5.pamphlet
+++ b/books/bookvol5.pamphlet
@@ -1395,7 +1395,7 @@ If there is only one then we clean it up and print it.
    (setq line (subseq docstring (+ point 8)))
    (do ((mark (search "spad{X}" line) (search "spad{X}" line)))
      ((null mark))
-    (princ (cleanupLine (subseq line (+ mark 8))))
+    (princ (cleanupLine (subseq line 0 mark)))
     (setq line (subseq line (+ mark 8))))
    (princ (cleanupLine line))
@@ -4055,39 +4055,175 @@ prompt.
 {\tt )history} \index{ugSysCmdhistory} and
 {\tt )set} \index{ugSysCmdset}.
-\subsection{defun frameName}
+\section{Variables Used}
+The frame mechanism uses several dollar variables.
+\subsection{Primary variables}
+Primary variables are those which exist solely to make the frame
+mechanism work. 
+The \$interpreterFrameName contains a symbol which is the name
+of the current frame in use. 
+The \$interpreterFrameRing contains a list of all of the existing
+frames. The first frame on the list is the ``current'' frame. When
+AXIOMsys is started directly there is only one frame named ``initial''.
+If the system is started under sman (using the axiom shell script,
+for example), there are two frames, ``initial'' and ``frame0''. In
+this case, ``frame0'' is the current frame. This can cause subtle
+problems because functions defined in the axiom initialization file
+(.axiom.input) will be defined in frame ``initial'' but the current
+frame will be ``frame0''. They will appear to be undefined. However,
+if the user does ``)frame next'' they can switch to the ``initial''
+frame and see the functions correctly defined.
+The \$frameMessages variable controls when frame messages will be
+displayed. The variable is initially NIL. It can be set on (T) or off (NIL)
+using the system command:
-frameName(frame) == CAR frame
+    )set message frame on | off
+Setting frame messages on will output a line detailing the 
+current frame after every output is complete. 
+\subsection{Used variables}
+The frame collects and uses a few top level variables. These are:
+\$InteractiveFrame, \$IOindex, \$HiFiAccess, \$HistList, \$HistListLen,
+\$HistListAct, \$HistRecord, \$internalHistoryTable, and \$localExposureData.
+These variables can also be changed by the frame mechanism when the user
+requests changing to a different frame.
+\section{Data Structures}
+\subsection{Frames and the Interpreter Frame Ring}
+Axiom has the notion of ``frames''. A frame is a data structure which
+holds all the vital data from an Axiom session. There can be multiple
+frames and these live in a top-level variable called
+\$interpreterFrameRing. This variable holds a circular list of frames.
+The parts of a frame and their initial, default values are:
+  $interpreterFrameName      a string, named on creation
+  $InteractiveFrame          (list (list nil))
+  $IOindex                   an integer, 1
+  $HiFiAccess                $HiFiAccess, see the variable description
+  $HistList                  $HistList, see the variable description
+  $HistListLen               $HistListLen, see the variable description
+  $HistListAct               $HistListAct, see the variable description
+  $HistRecord                $HistRecord, see the variable description
+  $internalHistoryTable      nil
+  $localExposureData         a copy of $localExposureData
+\section{Accessor Functions}
+These could be macros but we wish to export them to the API code
+in the algebra so we keep them as functions.
+\subsection{0th Frame Component -- frameName}
+\subsection{defun frameName}
 <<defun frameName>>=
-(defun |frameName| (frame)
+(defun frameName (frame)
  (car frame)) 
+\subsection{1st Frame Component -- frameInteractive}
+<<defun frameInteractive>>=
+(defun frameInteractive (frame)
+ (nth 1 frame))
+\subsection{2nd Frame Component -- frameIOIndex}
+<<defun frameIOIndex>>=
+(defun frameIOIndex (frame)
+ (nth 2 frame))
+\subsection{3rd Frame Component -- frameHiFiAccess}
+<<defun frameHiFiAccess>>=
+(defun frameHiFiAccess (frame)
+ (nth 3 frame))
+\subsection{4th Frame Component -- frameHistList}
+<<defun frameHistList>>=
+(defun frameHistList (frame)
+ (nth 4 frame))
+\subsection{5th Frame Component -- frameHistListLen}
+<<defun frameHistListLen>>=
+(defun frameHistListLen (frame)
+ (nth 5 frame))
+\subsection{6th Frame Component -- frameHistListAct}
+<<defun frameHistListAct>>=
+(defun frameHistListAct (frame)
+ (nth 6 frame))
+\subsection{7th Frame Component -- frameHistRecord}
+<<defun frameHistRecord>>=
+(defun frameHistRecord (frame)
+ (nth 7 frame))
+\subsection{8th Frame Component -- frameHistoryTable}
+<<defun frameHistoryTable>>=
+(defun frameHistoryTable (frame)
+ (nth 8 frame))
+\subsection{9th Frame Component -- frameExposureData}
+<<defun frameExposureData>>=
+(defun frameExposureData (frame)
+ (nth 9 frame))
 \section{Variables Used}
 \section{Data Structures}
+\subsection{Initializing the Interpreter Frame Ring}
+Now that we know what a frame looks like we need a function to
+initialize the list of frames. This function sets the initial frame
+name to ``initial'' and creates a list of frames containing an empty
+frame. This list is the interpreter frame ring and is not actually
+circular but is managed as a circular list. 
+As a final step we update the world from this frame. This has the
+side-effect of resetting all the important global variables to their
+initial values.
+<<defun initializeInterpreterFrameRing>>=
+(defun |initializeInterpreterFrameRing| ()
+ (setq |$interpreterFrameName| '|initial|)
+ (setq |$interpreterFrameRing|
+   (list (|emptyInterpreterFrame| |$interpreterFrameName|)))
+ (|updateFromCurrentInterpreterFrame|)
+ nil) 
+\subsection{Creating a List of all of the Frame Names}
 \subsection{defun frameNames}
+This function simply walks across the frame in the frame ring and
+returns a list of the name of each frame. 
 frameNames() == [frameName f for f in $interpreterFrameRing]
 <<defun frameNames>>=
 (defun |frameNames| () 
- (prog () 
-  (return
-   (seq
-    (prog (tmp0)
-     (spadlet tmp0 nil) 
-     (return
-      (do ((tmp1 |$interpreterFrameRing| (cdr tmp1)) (f nil))
-          ((or (atom tmp1) 
-               (progn (setq f (car tmp1)) nil))
-            (nreverse0 tmp0))
-       (seq
-        (exit
-         (setq tmp0 (cons (|frameName| f) tmp0))))))))))) 
+ (mapcar #'frameName |$interpreterFrameRing|))
+\subsection{Get Named Frame Environment (aka Interactive)}
+If the frame is found we return the environment portion of the frame
+otherwise we construct an empty environment and return it.
+The initial values of an empty frame are created here. This function
+returns a single frame that will be placed in the frame ring.
 \subsection{defun frameEnvironment}
 frameEnvironment fname ==
@@ -4106,29 +4242,10 @@ frameEnvironment fname ==
 <<defun frameEnvironment>>=
 (defun |frameEnvironment| (fname)
- (prog
-  (tmp1 f e ifr)
-  (return
-   (seq
-    (cond
-     ((boot-equal fname (|frameName| (CAR |$interpreterFrameRing|)))
-       |$InteractiveFrame|)
-     (t
-       (spadlet ifr (cdr |$interpreterFrameRing|))
-       (spadlet e (list (list nil)))
-       (do () 
-           ((null ifr) nil)
-        (seq
-         (exit
-          (progn
-           (spadlet tmp1 ifr)
-           (spadlet f (car tmp1))
-           (spadlet ifr (cdr tmp1))
-           (cond
-            ((boot-equal fname (|frameName| f))
-              (spadlet e (cadr f))
-              (spadlet ifr nil))
-            (t nil)))))) e)))))) 
+ (let ((frame (|findFrameInRing| fname)))
+  (if frame
+   (frameInteractive frame)
+   (list (list nil)))))
 \subsection{defun emptyInterpreterFrame}
@@ -4160,6 +4277,12 @@ emptyInterpreterFrame(name) ==
    (copy-seq |$localExposureDataDefault|))) 
+\subsection{Collecting up the Environment into a Frame}
+We can collect up all the current environment information into
+one frame element with this call. It creates a list of the current
+values of the global variables and returns this as a frame element.
 \subsection{defun createCurrentInterpreterFrame}
 createCurrentInterpreterFrame() ==
@@ -4190,6 +4313,12 @@ createCurrentInterpreterFrame() ==
+\subsection{Updating from the Current Frame}
+The frames are kept on a circular list. The first element on that
+list is known as ``the current frame''. This will initialize all
+of the interesting interpreter data structures from that frame.
 \subsection{defun updateFromCurrentInterpreterFrame}
 updateFromCurrentInterpreterFrame() ==
@@ -4211,28 +4340,26 @@ updateFromCurrentInterpreterFrame() ==
 <<defun updateFromCurrentInterpreterFrame>>=
 (defun |updateFromCurrentInterpreterFrame| ()
- (prog (tmp1)
-  (return
-   (progn
-    (spadlet tmp1 (CAR |$interpreterFrameRing|))
-    (spadlet |$interpreterFrameName| (car tmp1))
-    (spadlet |$InteractiveFrame| (cadr tmp1))
-    (spadlet |$IOindex| (caddr tmp1))
-    (spadlet |$HiFiAccess| (cadddr tmp1))
-    (spadlet |$HistList| (car (cddddr tmp1)))
-    (spadlet |$HistListLen| (cadr (cddddr tmp1)))
-    (spadlet |$HistListAct| (caddr (cddddr tmp1)))
-    (spadlet |$HistRecord| (cadddr (cddddr tmp1)))
-    (spadlet |$internalHistoryTable| (car (cddddr (cddddr tmp1))))
-    (spadlet |$localExposureData| (cadr (cddddr (cddddr tmp1))))
-    (when |$frameMessages| 
-      (|sayMessage| 
-       (cons 
-        (makestring "   Current interpreter frame is called") 
-        (|bright| |$interpreterFrameName|))))
-    nil)))) 
+ (let (tmp1)
+  (setq tmp1 (first |$interpreterFrameRing|))
+  (setq |$interpreterFrameName| (nth 0 tmp1))
+  (setq |$InteractiveFrame|     (nth 1 tmp1))
+  (setq |$IOindex|              (nth 2 tmp1))
+  (setq |$HiFiAccess|           (nth 3 tmp1))
+  (setq |$HistList|             (nth 4 tmp1))
+  (setq |$HistListLen|          (nth 5 tmp1))
+  (setq |$HistListAct|          (nth 6 tmp1))
+  (setq |$HistRecord|           (nth 7 tmp1))
+  (setq |$internalHistoryTable| (nth 8 tmp1))
+  (setq |$localExposureData|    (nth 9 tmp1))
+  (when |$frameMessages| 
+   (|sayMessage| 
+    (cons "   Current interpreter frame is called" |$interpreterFrameName|)))))
+\subsection{Find a Frame in the Frame Ring by Name}
+Each frame contains its name as the 0th element.  We simply walk all
+the frames and if we find one we return it.
 \subsection{defun findFrameInRing}
 findFrameInRing(name) ==
@@ -4245,26 +4372,17 @@ findFrameInRing(name) ==
 <<defun findFrameInRing>>=
 (defun |findFrameInRing| (name)
- (prog (val)
-  (return 
-   (seq 
-    (progn 
-     (spadlet val nil)
-     (seq 
-      (do ((tmp0 |$interpreterFrameRing| (cdr tmp0)) (frame nil))
-          ((or (atom tmp0)
-               (progn (setq frame (car tmp0)) nil)) 
-            nil)
-       (seq 
-        (exit 
-         (when (boot-equal (CAR frame) name)
-          (exit
-           (progn
-            (spadlet val frame)
-            (return frame)))))))
-      (exit val))))))) 
+ (block ()
+  (dolist (frame |$interpreterFrameRing|)
+   (when (boot-equal (frameName frame) name) (return frame)))))
+\subsection{Update the Current Interpreter Frame}
+This function collects the normal contents of the world into a 
+frame object, places it first on the frame list, and then sets
+the current values of the world from the frame object. 
 \subsection{defun updateCurrentInterpreterFrame}
 updateCurrentInterpreterFrame() ==
@@ -4274,10 +4392,9 @@ updateCurrentInterpreterFrame() ==
 <<defun updateCurrentInterpreterFrame>>=
 (defun |updateCurrentInterpreterFrame| ()
- (progn
   (rplaca |$interpreterFrameRing| (|createCurrentInterpreterFrame|))
-  nil)) 
+  nil)
 \subsection{defun initializeInterpreterFrameRing}
@@ -4290,14 +4407,23 @@ initializeInterpreterFrameRing() ==
 <<defun initializeInterpreterFrameRing>>=
 (defun |initializeInterpreterFrameRing| ()
- (progn
   (spadlet |$interpreterFrameName| '|initial|)
   (spadlet |$interpreterFrameRing|
    (cons (|emptyInterpreterFrame| |$interpreterFrameName|) nil))
-  (|updateFromCurrentInterpreterFrame|) nil)) 
+  (|updateFromCurrentInterpreterFrame|)
+  nil)
 \subsection{defun nextInterpreterFrame}
+This function updates the current frame to make sure all of the
+current information is recorded. If there are more frame elements
+in the list then this will destructively move the current frame
+to the end of the list, that is, assume the frame list reads (1 2 3)
+this function will destructively change it to (2 3 1).
+Note: the nconc2 function destructively inserts the second list at the
+end of the first.
 nextInterpreterFrame() ==
@@ -4308,18 +4434,11 @@ nextInterpreterFrame() ==
 <<defun nextInterpreterFrame>>=
 (defun |nextInterpreterFrame| ()
- (progn
-  (|updateCurrentInterpreterFrame|)
-  (cond
-    ((null (cdr |$interpreterFrameRing|))
-      nil)
-    (t 
-      (spadlet |$interpreterFrameRing|
-       (nconc2
-        (cdr |$interpreterFrameRing|)
-        (cons
-         (car |$interpreterFrameRing|) nil)))
-      (|updateFromCurrentInterpreterFrame|))))) 
+  (when (cdr |$interpreterFrameRing|)
+   (setq |$interpreterFrameRing|
+    (nconc2 (cdr |$interpreterFrameRing|) 
+      (list (car |$interpreterFrameRing|))))
+   (|updateFromCurrentInterpreterFrame|)))
 \subsection{defun changeToNamedInterpreterFrame}
@@ -4402,7 +4521,7 @@ addNewInterpreterFrame(name) ==
-         (when (boot-equal name (|frameName| f))
+         (when (boot-equal name (frameName f))
            (|throwKeyedMsg| 'S2IZ0019 ; existing frame with same name
             (cons name nil)))))))
@@ -4457,7 +4576,7 @@ closeInterpreterFrame(name) ==
-              ((or found (nequal name (|frameName| f)))
+              ((or found (nequal name (frameName f)))
                 (spadlet ifr (cons f ifr)))
                 (spadlet found t))))))
@@ -4495,7 +4614,7 @@ displayFrameNames() ==
            (setq tmp0
             (append tmp0 (cons '|%l| 
-              (cons (makestring "     ") (|bright| (|frameName| f))))))))))))
+              (cons (makestring "     ") (|bright| (frameName f))))))))))))
       (|sayKeyedMsg| 'S2IZ0024 (cons fs nil))))))) ; frame names are ...
@@ -4551,7 +4670,7 @@ importFromFrame args ==
          ((null (|member| fname (|frameNames|)))
            (|throwKeyedMsg| 'S2IZ0074 (cons fname nil))) ; not frame name
-         ((boot-equal fname (|frameName| (car |$interpreterFrameRing|)))
+         ((boot-equal fname (frameName (car |$interpreterFrameRing|)))
            (|throwKeyedMsg| 'S2IZ0075 NIL)) ; cannot import from curr frame
            (spadlet fenv (|frameEnvironment| fname))
@@ -5934,6 +6053,15 @@ load the file \verb|exposed.lsp| to set up the exposure 
group information.
 <<defun findFrameInRing>>
 <<defun frame>>
 <<defun frameEnvironment>>
+<<defun frameExposureData>>
+<<defun frameHiFiAccess>>
+<<defun frameHistList>>
+<<defun frameHistListAct>>
+<<defun frameHistListLen>>
+<<defun frameHistoryTable>>
+<<defun frameHistRecord>>
+<<defun frameInteractive>>
+<<defun frameIOIndex>>
 <<defun frameName>>
 <<defun frameNames>>
 <<defun frameSpad2Cmd>>
diff --git a/changelog b/changelog
index 1eb750a..416cdb6 100644
--- a/changelog
+++ b/changelog
@@ -1,3 +1,18 @@
+20090212 tpd src/axiom-website/patches.html 20090220.01.tpd.patch
+20090220 tpd src/input/Makefile add dop.input, frame.input
+20090220 tpd src/input/frame.input regression test )frame
+20090220 tpd src/input/dop.input regression test )d op documentation
+20090220 tpd books/bookvol10.4 fix comments
+20090220 tpd books/bookvol5 fixup sayExample
+20090220 tpd books/bookvol5 fixup frameName
+20090220 tpd src/interp/i-map.boot.pamphlet fix frameName
+20090212 tpd src/axiom-website/patches.html 20090212.03.tpd.patch
+20090212 tpd readme add Zeilberger quote
+20090212 tpd src/interp/format.boot move sayExample, cleanupLine
+20090212 tpd books/bookvol5 move sayExample, cleanupLine
+20090212 tpd books/bookvol10.4 make rm forceful
+20090212 tpd books/bookvol10.3 make rm forceful
+20090212 tpd books/bookvol5 fixup restart
 20090212 tpd src/axiom-website/patches.html 20090212.02.tpd.patch
 20090212 tpd src/Makefile.pamphlet copy bookvol5
 20090212 tpd books/ps/ added
diff --git a/src/axiom-website/patches.html b/src/axiom-website/patches.html
index 140c90c..93fa5c5 100644
--- a/src/axiom-website/patches.html
+++ b/src/axiom-website/patches.html
@@ -945,5 +945,9 @@ bookvol10.4 add exports<br/>
 remove unused code<br/>
 <a href="patches/20090212.02.tpd.patch">20090212.02.tpd.patch</a>
 rewrite restart<br/>
+<a href="patches/20090212.03.tpd.patch">20090212.03.tpd.patch</a>
+rewrite sayExample, frame<br/>
+<a href="patches/20090220.01.tpd.patch">20090220.01.tpd.patch</a>
+regression test )d op, )frame<br/>
diff --git a/src/input/Makefile.pamphlet b/src/input/Makefile.pamphlet
index b341753..eb8cbf6 100644
--- a/src/input/Makefile.pamphlet
+++ b/src/input/Makefile.pamphlet
@@ -294,7 +294,8 @@ REGRES= algaggr.regress algbrbf.regress  algfacob.regress 
alist.regress  \
     decimal.regress   defintef.regress defintrf.regress \
     derham.regress    dfloat.regress   dhmatrix.regress \
     dhtri.regress     directproduct.regress divisor.regress \
-    dmp.regress       dpol.regress     e1.regress       ei.regress \
+    dmp.regress       dop.regress      dpol.regress     \
+    e1.regress        ei.regress \
     easter.regress    efi.regress \
     eigen.regress     elemfun.regress  elemnum.regress  elfuts.regress \
     elt.regress       en.regress \
@@ -308,7 +309,8 @@ REGRES= algaggr.regress algbrbf.regress  algfacob.regress 
alist.regress  \
     fib.regress       file.regress     fixed.regress \
     float1.regress    float2.regress \
     float.regress     fname1.regress   fname.regress    fnla.regress \
-    fns.regress       fparfrac.regress fparfrc.regress  fr1.regress \
+    fns.regress       fparfrac.regress fparfrc.regress  \
+    frame.regress     fr1.regress \
     fr2.regress       frac.regress     fr.regress       free.regress \
     function.regress  galois.regress    gamma.regress \
     gbf.regress       genups.regress   gonshor.regress  grpthry.regress \
@@ -553,7 +555,8 @@ FILES= ${OUT}/algaggr.input  ${OUT}/algbrbf.input    
${OUT}/algfacob.input \
        ${OUT}/dfloat.input   ${OUT}/dhmatrix.input \
        ${OUT}/dhtri.input  ${OUT}/directproduct.input \
        ${OUT}/divisor.input \
-       ${OUT}/dmp.input      ${OUT}/dpol.input       ${OUT}/draw2dsf.input \
+       ${OUT}/dmp.input      ${OUT}/dop.input \
+       ${OUT}/dpol.input     ${OUT}/draw2dsf.input \
        ${OUT}/drawalg.input  ${OUT}/drawcfn.input \
        ${OUT}/drawcfun.input ${OUT}/drawcurv.input \
        ${OUT}/draw.input     ${OUT}/drawcx.input     ${OUT}/drawex.input \
@@ -577,7 +580,8 @@ FILES= ${OUT}/algaggr.input  ${OUT}/algbrbf.input    
${OUT}/algfacob.input \
        ${OUT}/fname1.input   ${OUT}/fnla.input       ${OUT}/folium.input   \
        ${OUT}/fparfrac.input \
        ${OUT}/fparfrc.input  ${OUT}/fr2.input        ${OUT}/frac.input \
-       ${OUT}/fr.input       ${OUT}/fr1.input        ${OUT}/gary1.input \
+       ${OUT}/fr.input       ${OUT}/frame.input \
+       ${OUT}/fr1.input      ${OUT}/gary1.input \
        ${OUT}/gbf.input      ${OUT}/genups.input     ${OUT}/gnarly1.input \
        ${OUT}/gonshor.input  ${OUT}/grdef.input    \
        ${OUT}/gstbl.input \
@@ -791,7 +795,7 @@ DOCFILES= \
   ${DOC}/dhtri.input.dvi      \
   ${DOC}/directproduct.input.dvi \
   ${DOC}/divisor.input.dvi     ${DOC}/dmp.input.dvi        \
-  ${DOC}/dpol.input.dvi        \
+  ${DOC}/dop.input.dvi         ${DOC}/dpol.input.dvi       \
   ${DOC}/draw2dsf.input.dvi    ${DOC}/drawalg.input.dvi    \
   ${DOC}/drawcfn.input.dvi     ${DOC}/drawcfun.input.dvi   \
   ${DOC}/drawcurv.input.dvi    ${DOC}/drawcx.input.dvi     \
@@ -863,6 +867,7 @@ DOCFILES= \
   ${DOC}/fname.input.dvi       ${DOC}/fnla.input.dvi       \
   ${DOC}/fns.input.dvi         ${DOC}/folium.input.dvi     \
   ${DOC}/fparfrac.input.dvi    ${DOC}/fparfrc.input.dvi    \
+  ${DOC}/frame.input.dvi \
   ${DOC}/fr1.input.dvi         ${DOC}/fr2.input.dvi        \
   ${DOC}/frac.input.dvi        ${DOC}/fr.input.dvi         \
   ${DOC}/free.input.dvi        \
diff --git a/src/input/dop.input.pamphlet b/src/input/dop.input.pamphlet
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..887f4bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/input/dop.input.pamphlet
@@ -0,0 +1,6163 @@
+\title{\$SPAD/src/input dop.input}
+\author{Timothy Daly}
+--Copyright The Numerical Algorithms Group Limited 1991.
+)spool dop.output
+)set message test on
+)set message auto off
+)clear all
+--S 1 of 127
+)d op binaryTree
+--RThere are 2 exposed functions called binaryTree :
+--R   [1] (BinaryTree D1,D1,BinaryTree D1) -> BinaryTree D1 from 
+--R            BinaryTree D1
+--R            if D1 has SETCAT
+--R   [2] D1 -> BinaryTree D1 from BinaryTree D1 if D1 has SETCAT
+--RExamples of binaryTree from BinaryTree
+--E 1
+--S 2 of 127
+)d op rationalPoint?
+--RThere is one exposed function called rationalPoint? :
+--R   [1] (D2,D2) -> Boolean from D
+--R            if D has FFCAT(D2,D3,D4) and D2 has UFD and D3 has UPOLYC 
+--R            D2 and D4 has UPOLYC FRAC D3
+--RThere is one unexposed function called rationalPoint? :
+--R   [1] (D2,D2) -> Boolean from FunctionFieldCategory&(D3,D2,D4,D5)
+--R            if D2 has UFD and D4 has UPOLYC D2 and D5 has UPOLYC FRAC 
+--R            D4 and D3 has FFCAT(D2,D4,D5)
+--RExamples of rationalPoint? from FunctionFieldCategory&
+--RP0 := UnivariatePolynomial(x, Integer) 
+--RP1 := UnivariatePolynomial(y, Fraction P0) 
+--RR := RadicalFunctionField(INT, P0, P1, 1 - x**20, 20) 
+--RR2 := RadicalFunctionField(INT, P0, P1, 2 * x**2, 4) 
+--RExamples of rationalPoint? from FunctionFieldCategory
+--RP0 := UnivariatePolynomial(x, Integer) 
+--RP1 := UnivariatePolynomial(y, Fraction P0) 
+--RR := RadicalFunctionField(INT, P0, P1, 1 - x**20, 20) 
+--RR2 := RadicalFunctionField(INT, P0, P1, 2 * x**2, 4) 
+--E 2
+--S 3 of 127
+--R)d op nthFactor
+--RThere are 2 exposed functions called nthFactor :
+--R   [1] (D,Integer) -> D1 from D
+--R            if D has FAMONC(D1,D3) and D3 has CABMON and D1 has SETCAT
+--R   [2] (Factored D1,Integer) -> D1 from Factored D1 if D1 has INTDOM
+--RThere are 4 unexposed functions called nthFactor :
+--R   [1] (FreeGroup D1,Integer) -> D1 from FreeGroup D1 if D1 has SETCAT
+--R   [2] (FreeMonoid D1,Integer) -> D1 from FreeMonoid D1 if D1 has 
+--R            SETCAT
+--R   [3] (ListMonoidOps(D1,D3,D4),Integer) -> D1 from ListMonoidOps(D1,D3
+--R            ,D4)
+--R            if D1 has SETCAT and D3 has ABELMON and D4: D3
+--R   [4] (OrderedFreeMonoid D1,Integer) -> D1 from OrderedFreeMonoid D1
+--R            if D1 has ORDSET
+--RExamples of nthFactor from FreeAbelianMonoidCategory
+--RExamples of nthFactor from FreeGroup
+--RExamples of nthFactor from FreeMonoid
+--RExamples of nthFactor from Factored
+--Ra:=factor 9720000 
+--RExamples of nthFactor from ListMonoidOps
+--RExamples of nthFactor from OrderedFreeMonoid
+--E 3
+--S 4 of 127
+--R)d op qsetelt!
+--RThere are 2 exposed functions called qsetelt! :
+--R   [1] (D,Integer,Integer,D1) -> D1 from D
+--R            if D has ARR2CAT(D1,D3,D4) and D1 has TYPE and D3 has FLAGG
+--R            D1 and D4 has FLAGG D1
+--R   [2] (D,D2,D1) -> D1 from D
+--R            if D has shallowlyMutable and D has ELTAGG(D2,D1) and D2 
+--R            has SETCAT and D1 has TYPE
+--RExamples of qsetelt! from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory
+--Rarr : ARRAY2 INT := new(5,4,0) 
+--RExamples of qsetelt! from EltableAggregate
+--E 4
+--S 5 of 127
+--R)d op cycleElt
+--RThere is one unexposed function called cycleElt :
+--R   [1] D1 -> Union(D1,"failed") from CyclicStreamTools(D2,D1)
+--R            if D2 has TYPE and D1 has LZSTAGG D2
+--RExamples of cycleElt from CyclicStreamTools
+--RcycleElt q 
+--RcycleElt r
+--E 5
+--S 6 of 127
+--R)d op cyclicEntries
+--RThere is one exposed function called cyclicEntries :
+--R   [1] Tree D2 -> List Tree D2 from Tree D2 if D2 has SETCAT
+--RExamples of cyclicEntries from Tree
+--Rt1:=tree [1,2,3,4] 
+--RcyclicEntries t1
+--E 6
+--S 7 of 127
+--R)d op oneDimensionalArray
+--RThere are 2 exposed functions called oneDimensionalArray :
+--R   [1] (NonNegativeInteger,D2) -> OneDimensionalArray D2
+--R            from OneDimensionalArray D2 if D2 has TYPE
+--R   [2] List D2 -> OneDimensionalArray D2 from OneDimensionalArray D2
+--R            if D2 has TYPE
+--RExamples of oneDimensionalArray from OneDimensionalArray
+--RoneDimensionalArray [i**2 for i in 1..10]
+--E 7
+--S 8 of 127
+--R)d op alphanumeric?
+--RThere is one exposed function called alphanumeric? :
+--R   [1] Character -> Boolean from Character
+--RExamples of alphanumeric? from Character
+--Rchars := [char "a", char "A", char "X", char "8", char "+"] 
+--R[alphanumeric? c for c in chars]
+--E 8
+--S 9 of 127
+--R)d op digit?
+--RThere is one exposed function called digit? :
+--R   [1] Character -> Boolean from Character
+--RExamples of digit? from Character
+--Rchars := [char "a", char "A", char "X", char "8", char "+"] 
+--R[digit? c for c in chars]
+--E 9
+--S 10 of 127
+--R)d op sqfrFactor
+--RThere is one exposed function called sqfrFactor :
+--R   [1] (D1,Integer) -> Factored D1 from Factored D1 if D1 has INTDOM
+--RExamples of sqfrFactor from Factored
+--E 10
+--S 11 of 127
+--R)d op integralMatrix
+--RThere is one exposed function called integralMatrix :
+--R   [1]  -> Matrix Fraction D3 from D
+--R            if D has FFCAT(D2,D3,D4) and D2 has UFD and D3 has UPOLYC 
+--R            D2 and D4 has UPOLYC FRAC D3
+--RExamples of integralMatrix from FunctionFieldCategory
+--RP0 := UnivariatePolynomial(x, Integer) 
+--RP1 := UnivariatePolynomial(y, Fraction P0) 
+--RR := RadicalFunctionField(INT, P0, P1, 1 - x**20, 20) 
+--E 11
+--S 12 of 127
+--R)d op ptree
+--RThere are 2 exposed functions called ptree :
+--R   [1] (PendantTree D1,PendantTree D1) -> PendantTree D1 from 
+--R            PendantTree D1
+--R            if D1 has SETCAT
+--R   [2] D1 -> PendantTree D1 from PendantTree D1 if D1 has SETCAT
+--RExamples of ptree from PendantTree
+--E 12
+--S 13 of 127
+--R)d op insert!
+--RThere are 8 exposed functions called insert! :
+--R   [1] (D1,D) -> D from D if D has BGAGG D1 and D1 has TYPE
+--R   [2] (D1,BinarySearchTree D1) -> BinarySearchTree D1
+--R            from BinarySearchTree D1 if D1 has ORDSET
+--R   [3] (D1,BinaryTournament D1) -> BinaryTournament D1
+--R            from BinaryTournament D1 if D1 has ORDSET
+--R   [4] (D,D,Integer) -> D from D if D has ELAGG D2 and D2 has TYPE
+--R   [5] (D1,D,Integer) -> D from D if D has ELAGG D1 and D1 has TYPE
+--R   [6] Record(key: Record(var: Symbol,fn: Expression DoubleFloat,range
+--R            : Segment OrderedCompletion DoubleFloat,abserr: DoubleFloat,
+--R            relerr: DoubleFloat),entry: Record(endPointContinuity: Union(
+--R            continuous: Continuous at the end points,lowerSingular: 
+--R            There is a singularity at the lower end point,upperSingular: 
+--R            There is a singularity at the upper end point,bothSingular: 
+--R            There are singularities at both end points,notEvaluated: 
+--R            End point continuity not yet evaluated),singularitiesStream: 
+--R            Union(str: Stream DoubleFloat,notEvaluated: 
+--R            Internal singularities not yet evaluated),range: Union(finite: 
+--R            The range is finite,lowerInfinite: 
+--R            The bottom of range is infinite,upperInfinite: 
+--R            The top of range is infinite,bothInfinite: 
+--R            Both top and bottom points are infinite,notEvaluated: 
+--R            Range not yet evaluated))) -> IntegrationFunctionsTable
+--R            from IntegrationFunctionsTable
+--R   [7] (D1,D,NonNegativeInteger) -> D from D
+--R            if D has MDAGG D1 and D1 has SETCAT
+--R   [8] Record(key: Record(xinit: DoubleFloat,xend: DoubleFloat,fn: 
+--R            Vector Expression DoubleFloat,yinit: List DoubleFloat,intvals: 
+--R            List DoubleFloat,g: Expression DoubleFloat,abserr: DoubleFloat,
+--R            relerr: DoubleFloat),entry: Record(stiffness: Float,stability: 
+--R            Float,expense: Float,accuracy: Float,intermediateResults: 
+--R             -> ODEIntensityFunctionsTable
+--R            from ODEIntensityFunctionsTable
+--RThere is one unexposed function called insert! :
+--R   [1] (D2,D3) -> Void from TabulatedComputationPackage(D2,D3)
+--R            if D2 has SETCAT and D3 has SETCAT
+--RExamples of insert! from BagAggregate
+--RExamples of insert! from BinarySearchTree
+--Rt1:=binarySearchTree [1,2,3,4] 
+--RExamples of insert! from BinaryTournament
+--Rt1:=binaryTournament [1,2,3,4] 
+--RExamples of insert! from ExtensibleLinearAggregate
+--RExamples of insert! from IntegrationFunctionsTable
+--RExamples of insert! from MultiDictionary
+--RExamples of insert! from ODEIntensityFunctionsTable
+--RExamples of insert! from TabulatedComputationPackage
+--E 13
+--S 14 of 127
+--R)d op genus
+--RThere is one exposed function called genus :
+--R   [1]  -> NonNegativeInteger from D
+--R            if D has FFCAT(D2,D3,D4) and D2 has UFD and D3 has UPOLYC 
+--R            D2 and D4 has UPOLYC FRAC D3
+--RThere is one unexposed function called genus :
+--R   [1]  -> NonNegativeInteger from FunctionFieldCategory&(D2,D3,D4,D5)
+--R            if D3 has UFD and D4 has UPOLYC D3 and D5 has UPOLYC FRAC 
+--R            D4 and D2 has FFCAT(D3,D4,D5)
+--RExamples of genus from FunctionFieldCategory&
+--RP0 := UnivariatePolynomial(x, Integer) 
+--RP1 := UnivariatePolynomial(y, Fraction P0) 
+--RR := RadicalFunctionField(INT, P0, P1, 1 - x**20, 20) 
+--RExamples of genus from FunctionFieldCategory
+--RP0 := UnivariatePolynomial(x, Integer) 
+--RP1 := UnivariatePolynomial(y, Fraction P0) 
+--RR := RadicalFunctionField(INT, P0, P1, 1 - x**20, 20) 
+--E 14
+--S 15 of 127
+--R)d op hexDigit?
+--RThere is one exposed function called hexDigit? :
+--R   [1] Character -> Boolean from Character
+--RExamples of hexDigit? from Character
+--Rchars := [char "a", char "A", char "X", char "8", char "+"] 
+--R[hexDigit? c for c in chars]
+--E 15
+--S 16 of 127
+--R)d op computeCycleLength
+--RThere is one unexposed function called computeCycleLength :
+--R   [1] D2 -> NonNegativeInteger from CyclicStreamTools(D3,D2)
+--R            if D3 has TYPE and D2 has LZSTAGG D3
+--RExamples of computeCycleLength from CyclicStreamTools
+--E 16
+--S 17 of 127
+--R)d op findCycle
+--RThere is one exposed function called findCycle :
+--R   [1] (NonNegativeInteger,Stream D3) -> Record(cycle?: Boolean,prefix
+--R            : NonNegativeInteger,period: NonNegativeInteger)
+--R            from Stream D3 if D3 has TYPE
+--RExamples of findCycle from Stream
+--E 17
+--S 18 of 127
+--R)d op draw
+--RThere are 31 exposed functions called draw :
+--R   [1] ((DoubleFloat -> DoubleFloat),Segment Float,List DrawOption) -> 
+--R            TwoDimensionalViewport
+--R            from TopLevelDrawFunctionsForCompiledFunctions
+--R   [2] ((DoubleFloat -> DoubleFloat),Segment Float) -> 
+--R            TwoDimensionalViewport
+--R            from TopLevelDrawFunctionsForCompiledFunctions
+--R   [3] (ParametricPlaneCurve (DoubleFloat -> DoubleFloat),Segment Float
+--R            ,List DrawOption) -> TwoDimensionalViewport
+--R            from TopLevelDrawFunctionsForCompiledFunctions
+--R   [4] (ParametricPlaneCurve (DoubleFloat -> DoubleFloat),Segment Float
+--R            ) -> TwoDimensionalViewport
+--R            from TopLevelDrawFunctionsForCompiledFunctions
+--R   [5] (ParametricSpaceCurve (DoubleFloat -> DoubleFloat),Segment Float
+--R            ,List DrawOption) -> ThreeDimensionalViewport
+--R            from TopLevelDrawFunctionsForCompiledFunctions
+--R   [6] (ParametricSpaceCurve (DoubleFloat -> DoubleFloat),Segment Float
+--R            ) -> ThreeDimensionalViewport
+--R            from TopLevelDrawFunctionsForCompiledFunctions
+--R   [7] ((DoubleFloat -> Point DoubleFloat),Segment Float,List 
+--R            DrawOption) -> ThreeDimensionalViewport
+--R            from TopLevelDrawFunctionsForCompiledFunctions
+--R   [8] ((DoubleFloat -> Point DoubleFloat),Segment Float) -> 
+--R            ThreeDimensionalViewport
+--R            from TopLevelDrawFunctionsForCompiledFunctions
+--R   [9] (((DoubleFloat,DoubleFloat) -> DoubleFloat),Segment Float,
+--R            Segment Float,List DrawOption) -> ThreeDimensionalViewport
+--R            from TopLevelDrawFunctionsForCompiledFunctions
+--R   [10] (((DoubleFloat,DoubleFloat) -> DoubleFloat),Segment Float,
+--R            Segment Float) -> ThreeDimensionalViewport
+--R            from TopLevelDrawFunctionsForCompiledFunctions
+--R   [11] (((DoubleFloat,DoubleFloat) -> Point DoubleFloat),Segment Float
+--R            ,Segment Float,List DrawOption) -> ThreeDimensionalViewport
+--R            from TopLevelDrawFunctionsForCompiledFunctions
+--R   [12] (((DoubleFloat,DoubleFloat) -> Point DoubleFloat),Segment Float
+--R            ,Segment Float) -> ThreeDimensionalViewport
+--R            from TopLevelDrawFunctionsForCompiledFunctions
+--R   [13] (ParametricSurface ((DoubleFloat,DoubleFloat) -> DoubleFloat),
+--R            Segment Float,Segment Float,List DrawOption) -> 
+--R            ThreeDimensionalViewport
+--R            from TopLevelDrawFunctionsForCompiledFunctions
+--R   [14] (ParametricSurface ((DoubleFloat,DoubleFloat) -> DoubleFloat),
+--R            Segment Float,Segment Float) -> ThreeDimensionalViewport
+--R            from TopLevelDrawFunctionsForCompiledFunctions
+--R   [15] (Equation D6,Symbol,Symbol,List DrawOption) -> 
+--R            TwoDimensionalViewport
+--R            from TopLevelDrawFunctionsForAlgebraicCurves(D5,D6)
+--R            if D6 has FS D5 and D5 has Join(IntegralDomain,OrderedSet,
+--R            RetractableTo Integer)
+--R   [16] (D2,SegmentBinding Float,List DrawOption) -> 
+--R            TwoDimensionalViewport
+--R            from TopLevelDrawFunctions D2
+--R            if D2 has Join(ConvertibleTo InputForm,SetCategory)
+--R   [17] (D2,SegmentBinding Float) -> TwoDimensionalViewport
+--R            from TopLevelDrawFunctions D2
+--R            if D2 has Join(ConvertibleTo InputForm,SetCategory)
+--R   [18] (ParametricPlaneCurve D5,SegmentBinding Float,List DrawOption)
+--R             -> TwoDimensionalViewport
+--R            from TopLevelDrawFunctions D5
+--R            if D5 has Join(ConvertibleTo InputForm,SetCategory)
+--R   [19] (ParametricPlaneCurve D4,SegmentBinding Float) -> 
+--R            TwoDimensionalViewport
+--R            from TopLevelDrawFunctions D4
+--R            if D4 has Join(ConvertibleTo InputForm,SetCategory)
+--R   [20] (ParametricSpaceCurve D5,SegmentBinding Float,List DrawOption)
+--R             -> ThreeDimensionalViewport
+--R            from TopLevelDrawFunctions D5
+--R            if D5 has Join(ConvertibleTo InputForm,SetCategory)
+--R   [21] (ParametricSpaceCurve D4,SegmentBinding Float) -> 
+--R            ThreeDimensionalViewport
+--R            from TopLevelDrawFunctions D4
+--R            if D4 has Join(ConvertibleTo InputForm,SetCategory)
+--R   [22] (D2,SegmentBinding Float,SegmentBinding Float,List DrawOption)
+--R             -> ThreeDimensionalViewport
+--R            from TopLevelDrawFunctions D2
+--R            if D2 has Join(ConvertibleTo InputForm,SetCategory)
+--R   [23] (D2,SegmentBinding Float,SegmentBinding Float) -> 
+--R            ThreeDimensionalViewport
+--R            from TopLevelDrawFunctions D2
+--R            if D2 has Join(ConvertibleTo InputForm,SetCategory)
+--R   [24] (ParametricSurface D5,SegmentBinding Float,SegmentBinding Float
+--R            ,List DrawOption) -> ThreeDimensionalViewport
+--R            from TopLevelDrawFunctions D5
+--R            if D5 has Join(ConvertibleTo InputForm,SetCategory)
+--R   [25] (ParametricSurface D4,SegmentBinding Float,SegmentBinding Float
+--R            ) -> ThreeDimensionalViewport
+--R            from TopLevelDrawFunctions D4
+--R            if D4 has Join(ConvertibleTo InputForm,SetCategory)
+--R   [26] (List DoubleFloat,List DoubleFloat) -> TwoDimensionalViewport
+--R            from TopLevelDrawFunctionsForPoints
+--R   [27] (List DoubleFloat,List DoubleFloat,List DrawOption) -> 
+--R            TwoDimensionalViewport
+--R            from TopLevelDrawFunctionsForPoints
+--R   [28] List Point DoubleFloat -> TwoDimensionalViewport
+--R            from TopLevelDrawFunctionsForPoints
+--R   [29] (List Point DoubleFloat,List DrawOption) -> 
+--R            TwoDimensionalViewport
+--R            from TopLevelDrawFunctionsForPoints
+--R   [30] (List DoubleFloat,List DoubleFloat,List DoubleFloat) -> 
+--R            ThreeDimensionalViewport
+--R            from TopLevelDrawFunctionsForPoints
+--R   [31] (List DoubleFloat,List DoubleFloat,List DoubleFloat,List 
+--R            DrawOption) -> ThreeDimensionalViewport
+--R            from TopLevelDrawFunctionsForPoints
+--RExamples of draw from TopLevelDrawFunctionsForCompiledFunctions
+--RExamples of draw from TopLevelDrawFunctionsForAlgebraicCurves
+--RExamples of draw from TopLevelDrawFunctions
+--RExamples of draw from TopLevelDrawFunctionsForPoints
+--E 18
+--S 19 of 127
+--R)d op repeating
+--RThere is one exposed function called repeating :
+--R   [1] List D2 -> Stream D2 from Stream D2 if D2 has TYPE
+--RExamples of repeating from Stream
+--E 19
+--S 20 of 127
+--R)d op cons
+--RThere are 2 exposed functions called cons :
+--R   [1] (D1,List D1) -> List D1 from List D1 if D1 has TYPE
+--R   [2] (D1,Stream D1) -> Stream D1 from Stream D1 if D1 has TYPE
+--RExamples of cons from List
+--RExamples of cons from Stream
+--E 20
+--S 21 of 127
+--R)d op map
+--RThere are 80 exposed functions called map :
+--R   [1] ((D2 -> D2),D) -> D from D
+--R            if D has AMR(D2,D3) and D2 has RING and D3 has OAMON
+--R   [2] (((D2,D2) -> D2),D,D,D2) -> D from D
+--R            if D has ARR2CAT(D2,D3,D4) and D2 has TYPE and D3 has FLAGG
+--R            D2 and D4 has FLAGG D2
+--R   [3] (((D2,D2) -> D2),D,D) -> D from D
+--R            if D has ARR2CAT(D2,D3,D4) and D2 has TYPE and D3 has FLAGG
+--R            D2 and D4 has FLAGG D2
+--R   [4] ((D2 -> D2),D) -> D from D
+--R            if D has ARR2CAT(D2,D3,D4) and D2 has TYPE and D3 has FLAGG
+--R            D2 and D4 has FLAGG D2
+--R   [5] ((D4 -> D5),OneDimensionalArray D4) -> OneDimensionalArray D5
+--R            from OneDimensionalArrayFunctions2(D4,D5)
+--R            if D4 has TYPE and D5 has TYPE
+--R   [6] ((D6 -> D7),CartesianTensor(D4,D5,D6)) -> CartesianTensor(D4,D5,
+--R            D7)
+--R            from CartesianTensorFunctions2(D4,D5,D6,D7)
+--R            if D4: INT and D5: NNI and D6 has COMRING and D7 has 
+--R            COMRING
+--R   [7] ((D4 -> D5),Complex D4) -> Complex D5 from ComplexFunctions2(D4,
+--R            D5)
+--R            if D4 has COMRING and D5 has COMRING
+--R   [8] ((D5 -> D6),DirectProduct(D4,D5)) -> DirectProduct(D4,D6)
+--R            from DirectProductFunctions2(D4,D5,D6)
+--R            if D4: NNI and D5 has TYPE and D6 has TYPE
+--R   [9] ((D4 -> D5),Equation D4) -> Equation D5 from EquationFunctions2(
+--R            D4,D5)
+--R            if D4 has TYPE and D5 has TYPE
+--R   [10] ((D2 -> D2),Equation D2) -> Equation D2 from Equation D2 if D2 
+--R            has TYPE
+--R   [11] ((D4 -> D1),Kernel D4) -> D1 from ExpressionSpaceFunctions2(D4,
+--R            D1)
+--R            if D4 has ES and D1 has ES
+--R   [12] ((D -> D),Kernel D) -> D from D if D has ES
+--R   [13] ((D4 -> D5),Matrix D4) -> Matrix D5
+--R            from ExpertSystemToolsPackage2(D4,D5)
+--R            if D4 has RING and D5 has RING
+--R   [14] ((D4 -> D5),Expression D4) -> Expression D5
+--R            from ExpressionFunctions2(D4,D5)
+--R            if D4 has ORDSET and D5 has ORDSET
+--R   [15] ((D7 -> D11),FiniteDivisor(D7,D8,D9,D10)) -> FiniteDivisor(D11,
+--R            D1,D2,D3)
+--R            from FiniteDivisorFunctions2(D7,D8,D9,D10,D11,D1,D2,D3)
+--R            if D7 has FIELD and D8 has UPOLYC D7 and D9 has UPOLYC FRAC
+--R            D8 and D10 has FFCAT(D7,D8,D9) and D11 has FIELD and D1 has
+--R            UPOLYC D11 and D2 has UPOLYC FRAC D1 and D3 has FFCAT(D11,
+--R            D1,D2)
+--R   [16] ((D2 -> D2),D) -> D from D if D has FEVALAB D2 and D2 has 
+--R            SETCAT
+--R   [17] ((D5 -> D8),D4) -> D2
+--R            from FunctionFieldCategoryFunctions2(D5,D6,D7,D4,D8,D9,D1,
+--R            D2)
+--R            if D5 has UFD and D8 has UFD and D6 has UPOLYC D5 and D7 
+--R            has UPOLYC FRAC D6 and D9 has UPOLYC D8 and D2 has FFCAT(D8
+--R            ,D9,D1) and D4 has FFCAT(D5,D6,D7) and D1 has UPOLYC FRAC 
+--R            D9
+--R   [18] ((D4 -> D5),D3) -> D1 from FiniteLinearAggregateFunctions2(D4,
+--R            D3,D5,D1)
+--R            if D4 has TYPE and D5 has TYPE and D1 has FLAGG D5 and D3 
+--R            has FLAGG D4
+--R   [19] ((D2 -> D2),D) -> D from D
+--R            if D has FMCAT(D2,D3) and D2 has RING and D3 has SETCAT
+--R   [20] ((D4 -> D5),Factored D4) -> Factored D5 from FactoredFunctions2
+--R            (D4,D5)
+--R            if D4 has INTDOM and D5 has INTDOM
+--R   [21] ((D4 -> D5),Fraction D4) -> Fraction D5 from FractionFunctions2
+--R            (D4,D5)
+--R            if D4 has INTDOM and D5 has INTDOM
+--R   [22] ((D7 -> D11),FractionalIdeal(D7,D8,D9,D10)) -> FractionalIdeal(
+--R            D11,D1,D2,D3)
+--R            from FractionalIdealFunctions2(D7,D8,D9,D10,D11,D1,D2,D3)
+--R            if D7 has EUCDOM and D8 has QFCAT D7 and D9 has UPOLYC D8 
+--R            and D10 has Join(FramedAlgebra(D8,D9),RetractableTo D8) and
+--R            D11 has EUCDOM and D1 has QFCAT D11 and D2 has UPOLYC D1 
+--R            and D3 has Join(FramedAlgebra(D1,D2),RetractableTo D1)
+--R   [23] ((D4 -> D5),D3) -> D1
+--R            from FramedNonAssociativeAlgebraFunctions2(D3,D4,D1,D5)
+--R            if D4 has COMRING and D5 has COMRING and D1 has FRNAALG D5 
+--R            and D3 has FRNAALG D4
+--R   [24] ((D2 -> D2),Factored D2) -> Factored D2 from Factored D2
+--R            if D2 has INTDOM
+--R   [25] ((D4 -> D5),D3) -> D1 from FunctionSpaceFunctions2(D4,D3,D5,D1)
+--R            if D4 has Join(Ring,OrderedSet) and D5 has Join(Ring,
+--R            OrderedSet) and D1 has FS D5 and D3 has FS D4
+--R   [26] ((D4 -> D5),D3) -> D1 from FiniteSetAggregateFunctions2(D4,D3,
+--R            D5,D1)
+--R            if D4 has SETCAT and D5 has SETCAT and D1 has FSAGG D5 and 
+--R            D3 has FSAGG D4
+--R   [27] ((D2 -> D2),D) -> D from D if D has HOAGG D2 and D2 has TYPE
+--R   [28] ((D2 -> D2),D) -> D from D
+--R            if D has IDPC(D2,D3) and D2 has SETCAT and D3 has ORDSET
+--R   [29] ((D4 -> D5),IntegrationResult D4) -> IntegrationResult D5
+--R            from IntegrationResultFunctions2(D4,D5)
+--R            if D4 has FIELD and D5 has FIELD
+--R   [30] ((D4 -> D5),Union(Record(ratpart: D4,coeff: D4),"failed")) -> 
+--R            Union(Record(ratpart: D5,coeff: D5),"failed")
+--R            from IntegrationResultFunctions2(D4,D5)
+--R            if D4 has FIELD and D5 has FIELD
+--R   [31] ((D4 -> D1),Union(D4,"failed")) -> Union(D1,"failed")
+--R            from IntegrationResultFunctions2(D4,D1)
+--R            if D4 has FIELD and D1 has FIELD
+--R   [32] ((D4 -> D5),Union(Record(mainpart: D4,limitedlogs: List Record(
+--R            coeff: D4,logand: D4)),"failed")) -> Union(Record(mainpart: D5,
+--R            limitedlogs: List Record(coeff: D5,logand: D5)),"failed")
+--R            from IntegrationResultFunctions2(D4,D5)
+--R            if D4 has FIELD and D5 has FIELD
+--R   [33] ((D4 -> D5),InfiniteTuple D4) -> InfiniteTuple D5
+--R            from InfiniteTupleFunctions2(D4,D5)
+--R            if D4 has TYPE and D5 has TYPE
+--R   [34] (((D5,D6) -> D7),InfiniteTuple D5,InfiniteTuple D6) -> 
+--R            InfiniteTuple D7
+--R            from InfiniteTupleFunctions3(D5,D6,D7)
+--R            if D5 has TYPE and D6 has TYPE and D7 has TYPE
+--R   [35] (((D5,D6) -> D7),Stream D5,InfiniteTuple D6) -> Stream D7
+--R            from InfiniteTupleFunctions3(D5,D6,D7)
+--R            if D5 has TYPE and D6 has TYPE and D7 has TYPE
+--R   [36] (((D5,D6) -> D7),InfiniteTuple D5,Stream D6) -> Stream D7
+--R            from InfiniteTupleFunctions3(D5,D6,D7)
+--R            if D5 has TYPE and D6 has TYPE and D7 has TYPE
+--R   [37] ((D2 -> D2),InfiniteTuple D2) -> InfiniteTuple D2 from 
+--R            InfiniteTuple D2
+--R            if D2 has TYPE
+--R   [38] ((D4 -> D5),List D4) -> List D5 from ListFunctions2(D4,D5)
+--R            if D4 has TYPE and D5 has TYPE
+--R   [39] (((D5,D6) -> D7),List D5,List D6) -> List D7
+--R            from ListFunctions3(D5,D6,D7)
+--R            if D5 has TYPE and D6 has TYPE and D7 has TYPE
+--R   [40] (((D2,D2) -> D2),D,D) -> D from D if D has LNAGG D2 and D2 has 
+--R            TYPE
+--R   [41] ((D5 -> D8),D4) -> D2
+--R            from MatrixCategoryFunctions2(D5,D6,D7,D4,D8,D9,D1,D2)
+--R            if D5 has RING and D8 has RING and D6 has FLAGG D5 and D7 
+--R            has FLAGG D5 and D2 has MATCAT(D8,D9,D1) and D4 has MATCAT(
+--R            D5,D6,D7) and D9 has FLAGG D8 and D1 has FLAGG D8
+--R   [42] ((D5 -> Union(D8,"failed")),D4) -> Union(D2,"failed")
+--R            from MatrixCategoryFunctions2(D5,D6,D7,D4,D8,D9,D1,D2)
+--R            if D5 has RING and D8 has RING and D6 has FLAGG D5 and D7 
+--R            has FLAGG D5 and D2 has MATCAT(D8,D9,D1) and D4 has MATCAT(
+--R            D5,D6,D7) and D9 has FLAGG D8 and D1 has FLAGG D8
+--R   [43] ((D7 -> D8),D3) -> D1 from MPolyCatFunctions2(D4,D5,D6,D7,D8,D3
+--R            ,D1)
+--R            if D7 has RING and D8 has RING and D4 has ORDSET and D5 has
+--R            OAMONS and D1 has POLYCAT(D8,D6,D4) and D6 has OAMONS and 
+--R            D3 has POLYCAT(D7,D5,D4)
+--R   [44] ((D4 -> D5),MonoidRing(D4,D6)) -> MonoidRing(D5,D6)
+--R            from MonoidRingFunctions2(D4,D5,D6)
+--R            if D4 has RING and D5 has RING and D6 has MONOID
+--R   [45] ((D4 -> D5),D3) -> D1 from OctonionCategoryFunctions2(D3,D4,D1,
+--R            D5)
+--R            if D4 has COMRING and D5 has COMRING and D1 has OC D5 and 
+--R            D3 has OC D4
+--R   [46] ((D4 -> D5),OnePointCompletion D4) -> OnePointCompletion D5
+--R            from OnePointCompletionFunctions2(D4,D5)
+--R            if D4 has SETCAT and D5 has SETCAT
+--R   [47] ((D4 -> D5),OnePointCompletion D4,OnePointCompletion D5) -> 
+--R            OnePointCompletion D5
+--R            from OnePointCompletionFunctions2(D4,D5)
+--R            if D4 has SETCAT and D5 has SETCAT
+--R   [48] ((D4 -> D5),OrderedCompletion D4) -> OrderedCompletion D5
+--R            from OrderedCompletionFunctions2(D4,D5)
+--R            if D4 has SETCAT and D5 has SETCAT
+--R   [49] ((D4 -> D5),OrderedCompletion D4,OrderedCompletion D5,
+--R            OrderedCompletion D5) -> OrderedCompletion D5
+--R            from OrderedCompletionFunctions2(D4,D5)
+--R            if D4 has SETCAT and D5 has SETCAT
+--R   [50] ((D4 -> D5),ParametricPlaneCurve D4) -> ParametricPlaneCurve D5
+--R            from ParametricPlaneCurveFunctions2(D4,D5)
+--R            if D4 has TYPE and D5 has TYPE
+--R   [51] ((D4 -> D5),ParametricSpaceCurve D4) -> ParametricSpaceCurve D5
+--R            from ParametricSpaceCurveFunctions2(D4,D5)
+--R            if D4 has TYPE and D5 has TYPE
+--R   [52] ((D4 -> D5),ParametricSurface D4) -> ParametricSurface D5
+--R            from ParametricSurfaceFunctions2(D4,D5)
+--R            if D4 has TYPE and D5 has TYPE
+--R   [53] ((D5 -> D6),PatternMatchResult(D4,D5)) -> PatternMatchResult(D4
+--R            ,D6)
+--R            from PatternMatchResultFunctions2(D4,D5,D6)
+--R            if D4 has SETCAT and D5 has SETCAT and D6 has SETCAT
+--R   [54] ((D4 -> D5),Pattern D4) -> Pattern D5 from PatternFunctions2(D4
+--R            ,D5)
+--R            if D4 has SETCAT and D5 has SETCAT
+--R   [55] ((D4 -> D5),Polynomial D4) -> Polynomial D5
+--R            from PolynomialFunctions2(D4,D5)
+--R            if D4 has RING and D5 has RING
+--R   [56] ((D4 -> D5),PrimitiveArray D4) -> PrimitiveArray D5
+--R            from PrimitiveArrayFunctions2(D4,D5)
+--R            if D4 has TYPE and D5 has TYPE
+--R   [57] ((D4 -> D5),Point D4) -> Point D5 from PointFunctions2(D4,D5)
+--R            if D4 has RING and D5 has RING
+--R   [58] ((D4 -> D5),D3) -> D1 from QuotientFieldCategoryFunctions2(D4,
+--R            D5,D3,D1)
+--R            if D4 has INTDOM and D5 has INTDOM and D1 has QFCAT D5 and 
+--R            D3 has QFCAT D4
+--R   [59] ((D4 -> D5),D3) -> D1 from QuaternionCategoryFunctions2(D3,D4,
+--R            D1,D5)
+--R            if D4 has COMRING and D5 has COMRING and D1 has QUATCAT D5 
+--R            and D3 has QUATCAT D4
+--R   [60] (((D4,D4) -> D4),D,D) -> D from D
+--R            if D has RMATCAT(D2,D3,D4,D5,D6) and D4 has RING and D5 has
+--R            DIRPCAT(D3,D4) and D6 has DIRPCAT(D2,D4)
+--R   [61] ((D4 -> D4),D) -> D from D
+--R            if D has RMATCAT(D2,D3,D4,D5,D6) and D4 has RING and D5 has
+--R            DIRPCAT(D3,D4) and D6 has DIRPCAT(D2,D4)
+--R   [62] ((D9 -> D1),D6) -> D4
+--R            from RectangularMatrixCategoryFunctions2(D7,D8,D9,D10,D11,
+--R            D6,D1,D2,D3,D4)
+--R            if D9 has RING and D1 has RING and D7: NNI and D8: NNI and 
+--R            D10 has DIRPCAT(D8,D9) and D11 has DIRPCAT(D7,D9) and D4 
+--R            has RMATCAT(D7,D8,D1,D2,D3) and D6 has RMATCAT(D7,D8,D9,D10
+--R            ,D11) and D2 has DIRPCAT(D8,D1) and D3 has DIRPCAT(D7,D1)
+--R   [63] ((D4 -> D5),Segment D4) -> Segment D5 from SegmentFunctions2(D4
+--R            ,D5)
+--R            if D4 has TYPE and D5 has TYPE
+--R   [64] ((D4 -> D5),Segment D4) -> List D5 from SegmentFunctions2(D4,D5
+--R            )
+--R            if D4 has ORDRING and D4 has TYPE and D5 has TYPE
+--R   [65] ((D4 -> D5),SegmentBinding D4) -> SegmentBinding D5
+--R            from SegmentBindingFunctions2(D4,D5)
+--R            if D4 has TYPE and D5 has TYPE
+--R   [66] ((D3 -> D3),D) -> D1 from D
+--R            if D has SEGXCAT(D3,D1) and D3 has ORDRING and D1 has STAGG
+--R            D3
+--R   [67] ((D4 -> D5),Stream D4) -> Stream D5 from StreamFunctions2(D4,D5
+--R            )
+--R            if D4 has TYPE and D5 has TYPE
+--R   [68] (((D5,D6) -> D7),Stream D5,Stream D6) -> Stream D7
+--R            from StreamFunctions3(D5,D6,D7)
+--R            if D5 has TYPE and D6 has TYPE and D7 has TYPE
+--R   [69] ((D4 -> D5),SparseUnivariatePolynomial D4) -> 
+--R            SparseUnivariatePolynomial D5
+--R            from SparseUnivariatePolynomialFunctions2(D4,D5)
+--R            if D4 has RING and D5 has RING
+--R   [70] (((D3,D3) -> D3),D,D) -> D from D
+--R            if D has TBAGG(D2,D3) and D2 has SETCAT and D3 has SETCAT
+--R   [71] ((D5 -> D6),UnivariateLaurentSeries(D5,D7,D9)) -> 
+--R            UnivariateLaurentSeries(D6,D8,D1)
+--R            from UnivariateLaurentSeriesFunctions2(D5,D6,D7,D8,D9,D1)
+--R            if D5 has RING and D6 has RING and D7: SYMBOL and D9: D5 
+--R            and D1: D6 and D8: SYMBOL
+--R   [72] ((D4 -> D5),UniversalSegment D4) -> UniversalSegment D5
+--R            from UniversalSegmentFunctions2(D4,D5)
+--R            if D4 has TYPE and D5 has TYPE
+--R   [73] ((D4 -> D5),UniversalSegment D4) -> Stream D5
+--R            from UniversalSegmentFunctions2(D4,D5)
+--R            if D4 has ORDRING and D4 has TYPE and D5 has TYPE
+--R   [74] ((D5 -> D7),UnivariatePolynomial(D4,D5)) -> 
+--R            UnivariatePolynomial(D6,D7)
+--R            from UnivariatePolynomialFunctions2(D4,D5,D6,D7)
+--R            if D4: SYMBOL and D5 has RING and D7 has RING and D6: 
+--R            SYMBOL
+--R   [75] ((D4 -> D5),D3) -> D1
+--R            from UnivariatePolynomialCategoryFunctions2(D4,D3,D5,D1)
+--R            if D4 has RING and D5 has RING and D1 has UPOLYC D5 and D3 
+--R            has UPOLYC D4
+--R   [76] ((D5 -> D6),UnivariatePuiseuxSeries(D5,D7,D9)) -> 
+--R            UnivariatePuiseuxSeries(D6,D8,D1)
+--R            from UnivariatePuiseuxSeriesFunctions2(D5,D6,D7,D8,D9,D1)
+--R            if D5 has RING and D6 has RING and D7: SYMBOL and D9: D5 
+--R            and D1: D6 and D8: SYMBOL
+--R   [77] ((D4 -> D5),D3) -> D1
+--R            from UnivariateTaylorSeriesFunctions2(D4,D5,D3,D1)
+--R            if D4 has RING and D5 has RING and D1 has UTSCAT D5 and D3 
+--R            has UTSCAT D4
+--R   [78] ((D4 -> D5),Vector D4) -> Vector D5 from VectorFunctions2(D4,D5
+--R            )
+--R            if D4 has TYPE and D5 has TYPE
+--R   [79] ((D4 -> Union(D5,"failed")),Vector D4) -> Union(Vector D5,
+--R            "failed")
+--R            from VectorFunctions2(D4,D5) if D4 has TYPE and D5 has TYPE
+--R   [80] ((D3 -> D3),D) -> D from D
+--R            if D has XFALG(D2,D3) and D2 has ORDSET and D3 has RING
+--RThere are 11 unexposed functions called map :
+--R   [1] ((D2 -> D2),AntiSymm(D2,D3)) -> AntiSymm(D2,D3) from AntiSymm(D2
+--R            ,D3)
+--R            if D2 has RING and D3: LIST SYMBOL
+--R   [2] ((Expression D2 -> Expression D2),DeRhamComplex(D2,D3)) -> 
+--R            DeRhamComplex(D2,D3)
+--R            from DeRhamComplex(D2,D3)
+--R            if D2 has Join(Ring,OrderedSet) and D3: LIST SYMBOL
+--R   [3] ((D5 -> D1),String,Kernel D5) -> D1
+--R            from ExpressionSpaceFunctions1(D5,D1)
+--R            if D5 has ES and D1 has TYPE
+--R   [4] ((D5 -> D6),D3) -> D1
+--R            from FiniteAbelianMonoidRingFunctions2(D4,D5,D3,D6,D1)
+--R            if D5 has RING and D6 has RING and D4 has OAMON and D1 has 
+--R            FAMR(D6,D4) and D3 has FAMR(D5,D4)
+--R   [5] ((D4 -> D6),D3) -> D1 from MultipleMap(D4,D5,D3,D6,D7,D1)
+--R            if D4 has INTDOM and D6 has INTDOM and D5 has UPOLYC D4 and
+--R            D1 has UPOLYC FRAC D7 and D3 has UPOLYC FRAC D5 and D7 has 
+--R            UPOLYC D6
+--R   [6] ((D4 -> D5),D3) -> D1 from MPolyCatFunctions3(D4,D5,D6,D7,D8,D3,
+--R            D1)
+--R            if D4 has ORDSET and D5 has ORDSET and D6 has OAMONS and D8
+--R            has RING and D1 has POLYCAT(D8,D7,D5) and D7 has OAMONS and
+--R            D3 has POLYCAT(D8,D6,D4)
+--R   [7] ((D2 -> D2),MonoidRing(D2,D3)) -> MonoidRing(D2,D3)
+--R            from MonoidRing(D2,D3) if D2 has RING and D3 has MONOID
+--R   [8] ((D4 -> D5),NewSparseUnivariatePolynomial D4) -> 
+--R            NewSparseUnivariatePolynomial D5
+--R            from NewSparseUnivariatePolynomialFunctions2(D4,D5)
+--R            if D4 has RING and D5 has RING
+--R   [9] ((D7 -> D2),(D8 -> D2),D5) -> D2
+--R            from PolynomialCategoryLifting(D6,D7,D8,D5,D2)
+--R            if D7 has ORDSET and D8 has RING and D6 has OAMONS and D2 
+--R            has SetCategory with 
+--R               ?+? : (%,%) -> %
+--R               ?*? : (%,%) -> %
+--R               D : (%,NonNegativeInteger) -> % and D5 has POLYCAT(
+--R            D8,D6,D7)
+--R   [10] ((Polynomial D3 -> D1),D1) -> D1 from PushVariables(D3,D4,D5,D1
+--R            )
+--R            if D3 has RING and D1 has POLYCAT(POLY D3,D4,D5) and D4 has
+--R            OAMONS and D5 has OrderedSet with 
+--R               convert : % -> Symbol
+--R               variable : Symbol -> Union(%,"failed")
+--R   [11] ((D2 -> D2),XPolynomialRing(D2,D3)) -> XPolynomialRing(D2,D3)
+--R            from XPolynomialRing(D2,D3) if D2 has RING and D3 has 
+--R            ORDMON
+--RExamples of map from AbelianMonoidRing
+--RExamples of map from AntiSymm
+--RExamples of map from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory
+--Radder(a:Integer,b:Integer):Integer == a+b 
+--Rarr1 : ARRAY2 INT := new(5,4,10) 
+--Rarr2 : ARRAY2 INT := new(3,3,10) 
+--Radder(a:Integer,b:Integer):Integer == a+b 
+--Rarr : ARRAY2 INT := new(5,4,10) 
+--Rarr : ARRAY2 INT := new(5,4,10) 
+--Rmap((x +-> x + x),arr)
+--RExamples of map from OneDimensionalArrayFunctions2
+--Rmap(x+->x+2,[i for i in 1..10])$T1
+--RExamples of map from CartesianTensorFunctions2
+--RExamples of map from ComplexFunctions2
+--RExamples of map from DeRhamComplex
+--RExamples of map from DirectProductFunctions2
+--RExamples of map from EquationFunctions2
+--RExamples of map from Equation
+--RExamples of map from ExpressionSpaceFunctions1
+--RExamples of map from ExpressionSpaceFunctions2
+--RExamples of map from ExpressionSpace
+--RExamples of map from ExpertSystemToolsPackage2
+--RExamples of map from ExpressionFunctions2
+--RExamples of map from FiniteAbelianMonoidRingFunctions2
+--RExamples of map from FiniteDivisorFunctions2
+--RExamples of map from FullyEvalableOver
+--RExamples of map from FunctionFieldCategoryFunctions2
+--RExamples of map from FiniteLinearAggregateFunctions2
+--RExamples of map from FreeModuleCat
+--RExamples of map from FactoredFunctions2
+--RExamples of map from FractionFunctions2
+--RExamples of map from FractionalIdealFunctions2
+--RExamples of map from FramedNonAssociativeAlgebraFunctions2
+--RExamples of map from Factored
+--Rm(a:Factored Polynomial Integer):Factored Polynomial Integer == a^2 
+--Rg:=makeFR(z,factorList f) 
+--RExamples of map from FunctionSpaceFunctions2
+--RExamples of map from FiniteSetAggregateFunctions2
+--RExamples of map from HomogeneousAggregate
+--RExamples of map from IndexedDirectProductCategory
+--RExamples of map from IntegrationResultFunctions2
+--RExamples of map from InfiniteTupleFunctions2
+--RExamples of map from InfiniteTupleFunctions3
+--RExamples of map from InfiniteTuple
+--RExamples of map from ListFunctions2
+--RExamples of map from ListFunctions3
+--RExamples of map from LinearAggregate
+--RExamples of map from MatrixCategoryFunctions2
+--RExamples of map from MultipleMap
+--RExamples of map from MPolyCatFunctions2
+--RExamples of map from MPolyCatFunctions3
+--RExamples of map from MonoidRingFunctions2
+--RExamples of map from MonoidRing
+--RExamples of map from NewSparseUnivariatePolynomialFunctions2
+--RExamples of map from OctonionCategoryFunctions2
+--RExamples of map from OnePointCompletionFunctions2
+--RExamples of map from OrderedCompletionFunctions2
+--RExamples of map from ParametricPlaneCurveFunctions2
+--RExamples of map from ParametricSpaceCurveFunctions2
+--RExamples of map from ParametricSurfaceFunctions2
+--RExamples of map from PatternMatchResultFunctions2
+--RExamples of map from PatternFunctions2
+--RExamples of map from PolynomialFunctions2
+--RExamples of map from PolynomialCategoryLifting
+--RExamples of map from PrimitiveArrayFunctions2
+--Rmap(x+->x+2,[i for i in 1..10])$T1
+--RExamples of map from PointFunctions2
+--RExamples of map from PushVariables
+--RExamples of map from QuotientFieldCategoryFunctions2
+--RExamples of map from QuaternionCategoryFunctions2
+--RExamples of map from RectangularMatrixCategory
+--RExamples of map from RectangularMatrixCategoryFunctions2
+--RExamples of map from SegmentFunctions2
+--RExamples of map from SegmentBindingFunctions2
+--RExamples of map from SegmentExpansionCategory
+--RExamples of map from StreamFunctions2
+--Rm:=[i for i in 1..] 
+--RExamples of map from StreamFunctions3
+--Rm:=[i for i in 1..]::Stream(Integer) 
+--Rn:=[i for i in 1..]::Stream(Integer) 
+--Rf(i:Integer,j:Integer):Integer == i+j 
+--RExamples of map from SparseUnivariatePolynomialFunctions2
+--RExamples of map from TableAggregate
+--RExamples of map from UnivariateLaurentSeriesFunctions2
+--RExamples of map from UniversalSegmentFunctions2
+--RExamples of map from UnivariatePolynomialFunctions2
+--RExamples of map from UnivariatePolynomialCategoryFunctions2
+--RExamples of map from UnivariatePuiseuxSeriesFunctions2
+--RExamples of map from UnivariateTaylorSeriesFunctions2
+--RExamples of map from VectorFunctions2
+--RExamples of map from XFreeAlgebra
+--RExamples of map from XPolynomialRing
+--E 21
+--S 22 of 127
+--R)d op complete
+--RThere are 5 exposed functions called complete :
+--R   [1] ContinuedFraction D1 -> ContinuedFraction D1 from 
+--R            ContinuedFraction D1
+--R            if D1 has EUCDOM
+--R   [2] Integer -> SymmetricPolynomial Fraction Integer from 
+--R            CycleIndicators
+--R   [3] D -> D from D if D has LZSTAGG D1 and D1 has TYPE
+--R   [4] D -> D from D if D has PADICCT D1
+--R   [5] D -> D from D
+--R            if D has PSCAT(D1,D2,D3) and D1 has RING and D2 has OAMON 
+--R            and D3 has ORDSET
+--RExamples of complete from ContinuedFraction
+--RExamples of complete from CycleIndicators
+--RExamples of complete from LazyStreamAggregate
+--Rm:=[i for i in 1..] 
+--RnumberOfComputedEntries n 
+--Rcomplete n 
+--RnumberOfComputedEntries n
+--RExamples of complete from PAdicIntegerCategory
+--RExamples of complete from PowerSeriesCategory
+--E 22
+--S 23 of 127
+--R)d op cyclicEqual?
+--RThere is one exposed function called cyclicEqual? :
+--R   [1] (Tree D2,Tree D2) -> Boolean from Tree D2 if D2 has SETCAT
+--RExamples of cyclicEqual? from Tree
+--Rt1:=tree [1,2,3,4] 
+--Rt2:=tree [1,2,3,4] 
+--E 23
+--S 24 of 127
+--R)d op ncols
+--RThere are 2 exposed functions called ncols :
+--R   [1] D -> NonNegativeInteger from D
+--R            if D has ARR2CAT(D2,D3,D4) and D2 has TYPE and D3 has FLAGG
+--R            D2 and D4 has FLAGG D2
+--R   [2] D -> NonNegativeInteger from D
+--R            if D has RMATCAT(D2,D3,D4,D5,D6) and D4 has RING and D5 has
+--R            DIRPCAT(D3,D4) and D6 has DIRPCAT(D2,D4)
+--RExamples of ncols from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory
+--Rarr : ARRAY2 INT := new(5,4,10) 
+--RExamples of ncols from RectangularMatrixCategory
+--E 24
+--S 25 of 127
+--R)d op inverseIntegralMatrixAtInfinity
+--RThere is one exposed function called inverseIntegralMatrixAtInfinity :
+--R   [1]  -> Matrix Fraction D3 from D
+--R            if D has FFCAT(D2,D3,D4) and D2 has UFD and D3 has UPOLYC 
+--R            D2 and D4 has UPOLYC FRAC D3
+--RExamples of inverseIntegralMatrixAtInfinity from FunctionFieldCategory
+--RP0 := UnivariatePolynomial(x, Integer) 
+--RP1 := UnivariatePolynomial(y, Fraction P0) 
+--RR := RadicalFunctionField(INT, P0, P1, 1 - x**20, 20) 
+--E 25
+--S 26 of 127
+--R)d op generalizedContinuumHypothesisAssumed
+--RThere is one exposed function called generalizedContinuumHypothesisAssumed :
+--R   [1] Boolean -> Boolean from CardinalNumber
+--RExamples of generalizedContinuumHypothesisAssumed from CardinalNumber
+--RgeneralizedContinuumHypothesisAssumed true 
+--Ra:=Aleph 0 
+--E 26
+--S 27 of 127
+--R)d op cyclic?
+--RThere are 2 exposed functions called cyclic? :
+--R   [1] D -> Boolean from D if D has RCAGG D2 and D2 has TYPE
+--R   [2] Tree D2 -> Boolean from Tree D2 if D2 has SETCAT
+--RExamples of cyclic? from RecursiveAggregate
+--RExamples of cyclic? from Tree
+--Rt1:=tree [1,2,3,4] 
+--Rcyclic? t1
+--E 27
+--S 28 of 127
+--R)d op nilFactor
+--RThere is one exposed function called nilFactor :
+--R   [1] (D1,Integer) -> Factored D1 from Factored D1 if D1 has INTDOM
+--RExamples of nilFactor from Factored
+--E 28
+--S 29 of 127
+--R)d op quote
+--RThere is one exposed function called quote :
+--R   [1]  -> Character from Character
+--RThere is one unexposed function called quote :
+--R   [1] OutputForm -> OutputForm from OutputForm
+--RExamples of quote from Character
+--RExamples of quote from OutputForm
+--E 29
+--S 30 of 127
+--R)d op balancedBinaryTree
+--RThere is one exposed function called balancedBinaryTree :
+--R   [1] (NonNegativeInteger,D2) -> BalancedBinaryTree D2
+--R            from BalancedBinaryTree D2 if D2 has SETCAT
+--RExamples of balancedBinaryTree from BalancedBinaryTree
+--RbalancedBinaryTree(4, 0)
+--E 30
+--S 31 of 127
+--R)d op integralBasisAtInfinity
+--RThere is one exposed function called integralBasisAtInfinity :
+--R   [1]  -> Vector D from D
+--R            if D2 has UFD and D3 has UPOLYC D2 and D4 has UPOLYC FRAC 
+--R            D3 and D has FFCAT(D2,D3,D4)
+--RExamples of integralBasisAtInfinity from FunctionFieldCategory
+--RP0 := UnivariatePolynomial(x, Integer) 
+--RP1 := UnivariatePolynomial(y, Fraction P0) 
+--RR := RadicalFunctionField(INT, P0, P1, 1 - x**20, 20) 
+--E 31
+--S 32 of 127
+--R)d op branchPointAtInfinity?
+--RThere is one exposed function called branchPointAtInfinity? :
+--R   [1]  -> Boolean from D
+--R            if D has FFCAT(D2,D3,D4) and D2 has UFD and D3 has UPOLYC 
+--R            D2 and D4 has UPOLYC FRAC D3
+--RExamples of branchPointAtInfinity? from FunctionFieldCategory
+--RP0 := UnivariatePolynomial(x, Integer) 
+--RP1 := UnivariatePolynomial(y, Fraction P0) 
+--RR := RadicalFunctionField(INT, P0, P1, 1 - x**20, 20) 
+--RR2 := RadicalFunctionField(INT, P0, P1, 2 * x**2, 4) 
+--E 32
+--S 33 of 127
+--R)d op transpose
+--RThere are 4 exposed functions called transpose :
+--R   [1] (CartesianTensor(D2,D3,D4),Integer,Integer) -> CartesianTensor(
+--R            D2,D3,D4)
+--R            from CartesianTensor(D2,D3,D4)
+--R            if D2: INT and D3: NNI and D4 has COMRING
+--R   [2] CartesianTensor(D1,D2,D3) -> CartesianTensor(D1,D2,D3)
+--R            from CartesianTensor(D1,D2,D3)
+--R            if D1: INT and D2: NNI and D3 has COMRING
+--R   [3] D -> D from D
+--R            if D has MATCAT(D1,D2,D3) and D1 has RING and D2 has FLAGG 
+--R            D1 and D3 has FLAGG D1
+--R   [4] D1 -> D from D
+--R            if D2 has RING and D has MATCAT(D2,D1,D3) and D1 has FLAGG 
+--R            D2 and D3 has FLAGG D2
+--RThere is one unexposed function called transpose :
+--R   [1] SquareMatrix(D1,D2) -> SquareMatrix(D1,D2) from SquareMatrix(D1,
+--R            D2)
+--R            if D1: NNI and D2 has RING
+--RExamples of transpose from CartesianTensor
+--Rm:SquareMatrix(2,Integer):=matrix [[1,2],[4,5]] 
+--Rm:SquareMatrix(2,Integer):=matrix [[1,2],[4,5]] 
+--RExamples of transpose from MatrixCategory
+--RExamples of transpose from SquareMatrix
+--E 33
+--S 34 of 127
+--R)d op setrest!
+--RThere are 2 exposed functions called setrest! :
+--R   [1] (Stream D2,Integer,Stream D2) -> Stream D2 from Stream D2 if D2 
+--R            has TYPE
+--R   [2] (D,D) -> D from D
+--R            if D has shallowlyMutable and D has URAGG D1 and D1 has 
+--R            TYPE
+--RExamples of setrest! from Stream
+--Rp:=[i for i in 1..] 
+--Rq:=[i for i in 9..] 
+--RExamples of setrest! from UnaryRecursiveAggregate
+--E 34
+--S 35 of 127
+--R)d op **
+--RThere are 20 exposed functions called ** :
+--R   [1] (CardinalNumber,CardinalNumber) -> CardinalNumber from 
+--R            CardinalNumber
+--R   [2] (DoubleFloat,DoubleFloat) -> DoubleFloat from DoubleFloat
+--R   [3] (D,Integer) -> D from D if D has DIVRING
+--R   [4] (D,D) -> D from D if D has ELEMFUN
+--R   [5] (Float,Float) -> Float from Float
+--R   [6] (D,NonNegativeInteger) -> D from D
+--R            if D has FS D2 and D2 has ORDSET and D2 has SGROUP
+--R   [7] (D,Integer) -> D from D if D has GROUP
+--R   [8] (PolynomialIdeals(D2,D3,D4,D5),NonNegativeInteger) -> 
+--R            PolynomialIdeals(D2,D3,D4,D5)
+--R            from PolynomialIdeals(D2,D3,D4,D5)
+--R            if D2 has FIELD and D3 has OAMONS and D4 has ORDSET and D5 
+--R            has POLYCAT(D2,D3,D4)
+--R   [9] ((D3 -> D3),NonNegativeInteger) -> (D3 -> D3) from 
+--R            MappingPackage1 D3
+--R            if D3 has SETCAT
+--R   [10] (D,Integer) -> D from D
+--R            if D has MATCAT(D2,D3,D4) and D2 has RING and D3 has FLAGG 
+--R            D2 and D4 has FLAGG D2 and D2 has FIELD
+--R   [11] (D,NonNegativeInteger) -> D from D
+--R            if D has MATCAT(D2,D3,D4) and D2 has RING and D3 has FLAGG 
+--R            D2 and D4 has FLAGG D2
+--R   [12] (ModuleOperator(D2,D3),Integer) -> ModuleOperator(D2,D3)
+--R            from ModuleOperator(D2,D3)
+--R            if D2 has RING and D3 has LMODULE D2
+--R   [13] (BasicOperator,Integer) -> ModuleOperator(D3,D4)
+--R            from ModuleOperator(D3,D4)
+--R            if D3 has RING and D4 has LMODULE D3
+--R   [14] (D,PositiveInteger) -> D from D if D has MONAD
+--R   [15] (D,NonNegativeInteger) -> D from D if D has MONADWU
+--R   [16] (D,NonNegativeInteger) -> D from D if D has MONOID
+--R   [17] (D,Fraction Integer) -> D from D if D has RADCAT
+--R   [18] (D,PositiveInteger) -> D from D if D has SGROUP
+--R   [19] (D,Integer) -> D from D
+--R            if D has SMATCAT(D2,D3,D4,D5) and D3 has RING and D4 has 
+--R            DIRPCAT(D2,D3) and D5 has DIRPCAT(D2,D3) and D3 has FIELD
+--R   [20] (D,D1) -> D from D
+--R            if D has UTSCAT D1 and D1 has RING and D1 has FIELD
+--RThere are 19 unexposed functions called ** :
+--R   [1] (D1,Fraction Integer) -> D1 from AlgebraicFunction(D3,D1)
+--R            if D3 has RETRACT INT and D3 has Join(OrderedSet,
+--R            IntegralDomain) and D1 has FS D3
+--R   [2] (D1,D1) -> D1 from CombinatorialFunction(D2,D1)
+--R            if D2 has Join(OrderedSet,IntegralDomain) and D1 has FS D2
+--R   [3] (D1,Fraction Integer) -> D1
+--R            from ElementaryFunctionsUnivariateLaurentSeries(D3,D4,D1)
+--R            if D3 has FIELD and D3 has ALGEBRA FRAC INT and D4 has 
+--R            UTSCAT D3 and D1 has ULSCCAT(D3,D4)
+--R   [4] (D1,Fraction Integer) -> D1
+--R            from ElementaryFunctionsUnivariatePuiseuxSeries(D3,D4,D1,D5
+--R            )
+--R            if D3 has FIELD and D3 has ALGEBRA FRAC INT and D4 has 
+--R            ULSCAT D3 and D1 has UPXSCCA(D3,D4) and D5 has PTRANFN D4
+--R   [5] (D1,Integer) -> FreeGroup D1 from FreeGroup D1 if D1 has SETCAT
+--R   [6] (D1,NonNegativeInteger) -> FreeMonoid D1 from FreeMonoid D1
+--R            if D1 has SETCAT
+--R   [7] (Vector D3,Integer) -> Vector D3 from 
+--R            InnerNormalBasisFieldFunctions D3
+--R            if D3 has FFIELDC
+--R   [8] (InputForm,Integer) -> InputForm from InputForm
+--R   [9] (InputForm,NonNegativeInteger) -> InputForm from InputForm
+--R   [10] (Matrix D3,NonNegativeInteger) -> Matrix D3
+--R            from StorageEfficientMatrixOperations D3 if D3 has RING
+--R   [11] (MyExpression(D1,D2),MyExpression(D1,D2)) -> MyExpression(D1,D2
+--R            )
+--R            from MyExpression(D1,D2)
+--R            if D1: SYMBOL and D2 has Join(Ring,OrderedSet,
+--R            IntegralDomain)
+--R   [12] (D1,NonNegativeInteger) -> OrderedFreeMonoid D1
+--R            from OrderedFreeMonoid D1 if D1 has ORDSET
+--R   [13] (Operator D2,Integer) -> Operator D2 from Operator D2 if D2 has
+--R            RING
+--R   [14] (BasicOperator,Integer) -> Operator D3 from Operator D3 if D3 
+--R            has RING
+--R   [15] (OutputForm,OutputForm) -> OutputForm from OutputForm
+--R   [16] (Pattern D1,Pattern D1) -> Pattern D1 from Pattern D1 if D1 has
+--R            SETCAT
+--R   [17] (Pattern D2,NonNegativeInteger) -> Pattern D2 from Pattern D2
+--R            if D2 has SETCAT
+--R   [18] (Stream D2,Stream D2) -> Stream D2
+--R            from StreamTranscendentalFunctionsNonCommutative D2
+--R            if D2 has ALGEBRA FRAC INT
+--R   [19] (Stream D2,Stream D2) -> Stream D2
+--R            from StreamTranscendentalFunctions D2 if D2 has ALGEBRA 
+--R            FRAC INT
+--RExamples of ** from AlgebraicFunction
+--RExamples of ** from CardinalNumber
+--RA1:=Aleph 1 
+--RgeneralizedContinuumHypothesisAssumed true 
+--RExamples of ** from CombinatorialFunction
+--RExamples of ** from DoubleFloat
+--RExamples of ** from DivisionRing
+--RExamples of ** from ElementaryFunctionsUnivariateLaurentSeries
+--RExamples of ** from ElementaryFunctionsUnivariatePuiseuxSeries
+--RExamples of ** from ElementaryFunctionCategory
+--RExamples of ** from FreeGroup
+--RExamples of ** from Float
+--RExamples of ** from FreeMonoid
+--RExamples of ** from FunctionSpace
+--RExamples of ** from Group
+--RExamples of ** from PolynomialIdeals
+--RExamples of ** from InnerNormalBasisFieldFunctions
+--RExamples of ** from InputForm
+--RExamples of ** from MappingPackage1
+--RExamples of ** from MatrixCategory
+--RExamples of ** from StorageEfficientMatrixOperations
+--RExamples of ** from ModuleOperator
+--RExamples of ** from Monad
+--RExamples of ** from MonadWithUnit
+--RExamples of ** from Monoid
+--RExamples of ** from MyExpression
+--RExamples of ** from OrderedFreeMonoid
+--RExamples of ** from Operator
+--RExamples of ** from OutputForm
+--RExamples of ** from Pattern
+--RExamples of ** from RadicalCategory
+--RExamples of ** from SemiGroup
+--RExamples of ** from SquareMatrixCategory
+--RExamples of ** from StreamTranscendentalFunctionsNonCommutative
+--RExamples of ** from StreamTranscendentalFunctions
+--RExamples of ** from UnivariateTaylorSeriesCategory
+--E 35
+--S 36 of 127
+--R)d op plot
+--RThere are 12 unexposed functions called plot :
+--R   [1] (D2,Symbol,Segment DoubleFloat) -> Plot from PlotFunctions1 D2
+--R            if D2 has KONVERT INFORM
+--R   [2] (D2,D2,Symbol,Segment DoubleFloat) -> Plot from PlotFunctions1 
+--R            D2
+--R            if D2 has KONVERT INFORM
+--R   [3] (Plot3D,Segment DoubleFloat) -> Plot3D from Plot3D
+--R   [4] ((DoubleFloat -> DoubleFloat),(DoubleFloat -> DoubleFloat),(
+--R            DoubleFloat -> DoubleFloat),(DoubleFloat -> 
+--R            DoubleFloat,Segment DoubleFloat,Segment DoubleFloat,Segment 
+--R            DoubleFloat) -> Plot3D
+--R            from Plot3D
+--R   [5] ((DoubleFloat -> DoubleFloat),(DoubleFloat -> DoubleFloat),(
+--R            DoubleFloat -> DoubleFloat),(DoubleFloat -> 
+--R            DoubleFloat) -> Plot3D
+--R            from Plot3D
+--R   [6] (Plot,Segment DoubleFloat) -> Plot from Plot
+--R   [7] ((DoubleFloat -> DoubleFloat),(DoubleFloat -> DoubleFloat),
+--R            Segment DoubleFloat,Segment DoubleFloat,Segment DoubleFloat) -> 
+--R            Plot
+--R            from Plot
+--R   [8] ((DoubleFloat -> DoubleFloat),(DoubleFloat -> DoubleFloat),
+--R            Segment DoubleFloat) -> Plot
+--R            from Plot
+--R   [9] (List (DoubleFloat -> DoubleFloat),Segment DoubleFloat,Segment 
+--R            DoubleFloat) -> Plot
+--R            from Plot
+--R   [10] (List (DoubleFloat -> DoubleFloat),Segment DoubleFloat) -> Plot
+--R            from Plot
+--R   [11] ((DoubleFloat -> DoubleFloat),Segment DoubleFloat,Segment 
+--R            DoubleFloat) -> Plot
+--R            from Plot
+--R   [12] ((DoubleFloat -> DoubleFloat),Segment DoubleFloat) -> Plot from
+--R            Plot
+--RExamples of plot from PlotFunctions1
+--RExamples of plot from Plot3D
+--RExamples of plot from Plot
+--Rfp:=(t:DFLOAT):DFLOAT +-> sin(t) 
+--E 36
+--S 37 of 127
+--R)d op factorList
+--RThere is one exposed function called factorList :
+--R   [1] Factored D2 -> List Record(flg: Union("nil","sqfr","irred",
+--R            "prime"),fctr: D2,xpnt: Integer)
+--R            from Factored D2 if D2 has INTDOM
+--RThere is one unexposed function called factorList :
+--R   [1] (D2,NonNegativeInteger,NonNegativeInteger,NonNegativeInteger)
+--R             -> List SparseUnivariatePolynomial D2
+--R            from ChineseRemainderToolsForIntegralBases(D2,D4,D5)
+--R            if D2 has FFIELDC and D4 has UPOLYC D2 and D5 has UPOLYC D4
+--RExamples of factorList from Factored
+--RfactorList f
+--RExamples of factorList from ChineseRemainderToolsForIntegralBases
+--E 37
+--S 38 of 127
+--R)d op physicalLength
+--RThere is one exposed function called physicalLength :
+--R   [1] FlexibleArray D2 -> NonNegativeInteger from FlexibleArray D2
+--R            if D2 has TYPE
+--RThere is one unexposed function called physicalLength :
+--R   [1] IndexedFlexibleArray(D2,D3) -> NonNegativeInteger
+--R            from IndexedFlexibleArray(D2,D3) if D2 has TYPE and D3: INT
+--RExamples of physicalLength from FlexibleArray
+--RExamples of physicalLength from IndexedFlexibleArray
+--Rt2:=flexibleArray([i for i in 1..10])$T1 
+--RphysicalLength t2
+--E 38
+--S 39 of 127
+--R)d op absolutelyIrreducible?
+--RThere is one exposed function called absolutelyIrreducible? :
+--R   [1]  -> Boolean from D
+--R            if D has FFCAT(D2,D3,D4) and D2 has UFD and D3 has UPOLYC 
+--R            D2 and D4 has UPOLYC FRAC D3
+--RThere is one unexposed function called absolutelyIrreducible? :
+--R   [1]  -> Boolean from FunctionFieldCategory&(D2,D3,D4,D5)
+--R            if D3 has UFD and D4 has UPOLYC D3 and D5 has UPOLYC FRAC 
+--R            D4 and D2 has FFCAT(D3,D4,D5)
+--RExamples of absolutelyIrreducible? from FunctionFieldCategory&
+--RP0 := UnivariatePolynomial(x, Integer) 
+--RP1 := UnivariatePolynomial(y, Fraction P0) 
+--RR2 := RadicalFunctionField(INT, P0, P1, 2 * x**2, 4) 
+--RExamples of absolutelyIrreducible? from FunctionFieldCategory
+--RP0 := UnivariatePolynomial(x, Integer) 
+--RP1 := UnivariatePolynomial(y, Fraction P0) 
+--RR2 := RadicalFunctionField(INT, P0, P1, 2 * x**2, 4) 
+--E 39
+--S 40 of 127
+--R)d op repeating?
+--RThere is one exposed function called repeating? :
+--R   [1] (List D3,Stream D3) -> Boolean from Stream D3
+--R            if D3 has SETCAT and D3 has TYPE
+--RExamples of repeating? from Stream
+--E 40
+--S 41 of 127
+--R)d op lazy?
+--RThere is one exposed function called lazy? :
+--R   [1] D -> Boolean from D if D has LZSTAGG D2 and D2 has TYPE
+--RExamples of lazy? from LazyStreamAggregate
+--Rm:=[i for i in 0..] 
+--Rlazy? m
+--E 41
+--S 42 of 127
+--R)d op ord
+--RThere is one exposed function called ord :
+--R   [1] Character -> Integer from Character
+--RExamples of ord from Character
+--Rchars := [char "a", char "A", char "X", char "8", char "+"] 
+--R[ord c for c in chars]
+--E 42
+--S 43 of 127
+--R)d op setColumn!
+--RThere is one exposed function called setColumn! :
+--R   [1] (D,Integer,D2) -> D from D
+--R            if D has ARR2CAT(D3,D4,D2) and D3 has TYPE and D4 has FLAGG
+--R            D3 and D2 has FLAGG D3
+--RExamples of setColumn! from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory
+--RT1:=TwoDimensionalArray Integer 
+--Rarr:T1:= new(5,4,0) 
+--RT2:=OneDimensionalArray Integer 
+--E 43
+--S 44 of 127
+--R)d op lowerCase?
+--RThere is one exposed function called lowerCase? :
+--R   [1] Character -> Boolean from Character
+--RExamples of lowerCase? from Character
+--Rchars := [char "a", char "A", char "X", char "8", char "+"] 
+--R[lowerCase? c for c in chars]
+--E 44
+--S 45 of 127
+--R)d op physicalLength!
+--RThere is one exposed function called physicalLength! :
+--R   [1] (FlexibleArray D2,Integer) -> FlexibleArray D2 from 
+--R            FlexibleArray D2
+--R            if D2 has TYPE
+--RThere is one unexposed function called physicalLength! :
+--R   [1] (IndexedFlexibleArray(D2,D3),Integer) -> IndexedFlexibleArray(D2
+--R            ,D3)
+--R            from IndexedFlexibleArray(D2,D3) if D2 has TYPE and D3: INT
+--RExamples of physicalLength! from FlexibleArray
+--RExamples of physicalLength! from IndexedFlexibleArray
+--Rt2:=flexibleArray([i for i in 1..10])$T1 
+--E 45
+--S 46 of 127
+--R)d op countable?
+--RThere is one exposed function called countable? :
+--R   [1] CardinalNumber -> Boolean from CardinalNumber
+--RExamples of countable? from CardinalNumber
+--Rcountable? c2 
+--RA0:=Aleph 0 
+--Rcountable? A0 
+--RA1:=Aleph 1 
+--Rcountable? A1
+--E 46
+--S 47 of 127
+--R)d op extend
+--RThere are 11 exposed functions called extend :
+--R   [1] (ContinuedFraction D2,Integer) -> ContinuedFraction D2
+--R            from ContinuedFraction D2 if D2 has EUCDOM
+--R   [2] (D,Integer) -> D from D if D has LZSTAGG D2 and D2 has TYPE
+--R   [3] (D,NonNegativeInteger) -> D from D
+--R            if D has MTSCAT(D2,D3) and D2 has RING and D3 has ORDSET
+--R   [4] (D,Integer) -> D from D if D has PADICCT D2
+--R   [5] (D,List D2) -> D from D if D has PTCAT D2 and D2 has RING
+--R   [6] (List D6,List D) -> List D from D
+--R            if D has RSETCAT(D3,D4,D5,D6) and D3 has GCDDOM and D4 has 
+--R            OAMONS and D5 has ORDSET and D6 has RPOLCAT(D3,D4,D5)
+--R   [7] (List D6,D) -> List D from D
+--R            if D6 has RPOLCAT(D3,D4,D5) and D3 has GCDDOM and D4 has 
+--R            OAMONS and D5 has ORDSET and D has RSETCAT(D3,D4,D5,D6)
+--R   [8] (D2,List D) -> List D from D
+--R            if D has RSETCAT(D3,D4,D5,D2) and D3 has GCDDOM and D4 has 
+--R            OAMONS and D5 has ORDSET and D2 has RPOLCAT(D3,D4,D5)
+--R   [9] (D2,D) -> List D from D
+--R            if D3 has GCDDOM and D4 has OAMONS and D5 has ORDSET and D2
+--R            has RPOLCAT(D3,D4,D5) and D has RSETCAT(D3,D4,D5,D2)
+--R   [10] (D,D1) -> D from D
+--R            if D has TSETCAT(D2,D3,D4,D1) and D2 has INTDOM and D3 has 
+--R            OAMONS and D4 has ORDSET and D1 has RPOLCAT(D2,D3,D4)
+--R   [11] (D,D1) -> D from D
+--R            if D has UPSCAT(D2,D1) and D2 has RING and D1 has OAMON
+--RExamples of extend from ContinuedFraction
+--RExamples of extend from LazyStreamAggregate
+--Rm:=[i for i in 0..] 
+--RnumberOfComputedEntries m 
+--RnumberOfComputedEntries m
+--RExamples of extend from MultivariateTaylorSeriesCategory
+--RExamples of extend from PAdicIntegerCategory
+--RExamples of extend from PointCategory
+--RExamples of extend from RegularTriangularSetCategory
+--RExamples of extend from TriangularSetCategory
+--RExamples of extend from UnivariatePowerSeriesCategory
+--E 47
+--S 48 of 127
+--R)d op length
+--RThere are 3 exposed functions called length :
+--R   [1] D -> D from D if D has INS
+--R   [2] D -> NonNegativeInteger from D if D has QUAGG D2 and D2 has TYPE
+--R   [3] D -> D1 from D
+--R            if D has VECTCAT D1 and D1 has TYPE and D1 has RADCAT and 
+--R            D1 has RING
+--RThere are 6 unexposed functions called length :
+--R   [1] D2 -> D1 from GaloisGroupFactorizationUtilities(D3,D2,D1)
+--R            if D3 has RING and D1 has Join(FloatingPointSystem,
+--R            RetractableTo D3,Field,TranscendentalFunctionCategory,
+--R            ElementaryFunctionCategory) and D2 has UPOLYC D3
+--R   [2] LyndonWord D2 -> PositiveInteger from LyndonWord D2 if D2 has 
+--R            ORDSET
+--R   [3] Magma D2 -> PositiveInteger from Magma D2 if D2 has ORDSET
+--R   [4] OrderedFreeMonoid D2 -> NonNegativeInteger from 
+--R            OrderedFreeMonoid D2
+--R            if D2 has ORDSET
+--R   [5] PoincareBirkhoffWittLyndonBasis D2 -> NonNegativeInteger
+--R            from PoincareBirkhoffWittLyndonBasis D2 if D2 has ORDSET
+--R   [6] Tuple D2 -> NonNegativeInteger from Tuple D2 if D2 has TYPE
+--RExamples of length from GaloisGroupFactorizationUtilities
+--RExamples of length from IntegerNumberSystem
+--RExamples of length from LyndonWord
+--RExamples of length from Magma
+--RExamples of length from OrderedFreeMonoid
+--RExamples of length from PoincareBirkhoffWittLyndonBasis
+--RExamples of length from QueueAggregate
+--RExamples of length from Tuple
+--Rt1:PrimitiveArray(Integer):= [i for i in 1..10] 
+--RExamples of length from VectorCategory
+--E 48
+--S 49 of 127
+--R)d op viewPosDefault
+--RThere are 2 exposed functions called viewPosDefault :
+--R   [1]  -> List NonNegativeInteger from ViewDefaultsPackage
+--R   [2] List NonNegativeInteger -> List NonNegativeInteger
+--R            from ViewDefaultsPackage
+--RExamples of viewPosDefault from ViewDefaultsPackage
+--Rand Y position of a viewport window unless overriden explicityly, newly 
created viewports will have th 
+--Rand Y coordinates x, y.
+--Rand Y position of a viewport window unless overriden explicityly, newly 
created viewports will have this 
+--Rand Y coordinate.
+--E 49
+--S 50 of 127
+--R)d op groebner
+--RThere are 4 exposed functions called groebner :
+--R   [1] List D5 -> List D5 from GroebnerPackage(D2,D3,D4,D5)
+--R            if D5 has POLYCAT(D2,D3,D4) and D2 has GCDDOM and D3 has 
+--R            OAMONS and D4 has ORDSET
+--R   [2] (List D6,String) -> List D6 from GroebnerPackage(D3,D4,D5,D6)
+--R            if D6 has POLYCAT(D3,D4,D5) and D3 has GCDDOM and D4 has 
+--R            OAMONS and D5 has ORDSET
+--R   [3] (List D6,String,String) -> List D6 from GroebnerPackage(D3,D4,D5
+--R            ,D6)
+--R            if D6 has POLYCAT(D3,D4,D5) and D3 has GCDDOM and D4 has 
+--R            OAMONS and D5 has ORDSET
+--R   [4] PolynomialIdeals(D1,D2,D3,D4) -> PolynomialIdeals(D1,D2,D3,D4)
+--R            from PolynomialIdeals(D1,D2,D3,D4)
+--R            if D1 has FIELD and D2 has OAMONS and D3 has ORDSET and D4 
+--R            has POLYCAT(D1,D2,D3)
+--RThere are 2 unexposed functions called groebner :
+--R   [1] List Polynomial D2 -> List Polynomial D2 from FGLMIfCanPackage(
+--R            D2,D3)
+--R            if D2 has GCDDOM and D3: LIST SYMBOL
+--R   [2] List NewSparseMultivariatePolynomial(D2,OrderedVariableList D3)
+--R             -> List NewSparseMultivariatePolynomial(D2,OrderedVariableList 
+--R            D3)
+--R            from LexTriangularPackage(D2,D3)
+--R            if D2 has GCDDOM and D3: LIST SYMBOL
+--RExamples of groebner from FGLMIfCanPackage
+--RExamples of groebner from GroebnerPackage
+--Rs1:DMP([w,p,z,t,s,b],FRAC(INT)):= 45*p + 35*s - 165*b - 36 
+--Rs2:DMP([w,p,z,t,s,b],FRAC(INT)):= 35*p + 40*z + 25*t - 27*s 
+--Rs3:DMP([w,p,z,t,s,b],FRAC(INT)):= 15*w + 25*p*s + 30*z - 18*t - 165*b**2 
+--Rs4:DMP([w,p,z,t,s,b],FRAC(INT)):= -9*w + 15*p*t + 20*z*s 
+--Rs5:DMP([w,p,z,t,s,b],FRAC(INT)):= w*p + 2*z*t - 11*b**3 
+--Rs6:DMP([w,p,z,t,s,b],FRAC(INT)):= 99*w - 11*b*s + 3*b**2 
+--Rs7:DMP([w,p,z,t,s,b],FRAC(INT)):= b**2 + 33/50*b + 2673/10000 
+--Rs1:DMP([w,p,z,t,s,b],FRAC(INT)):= 45*p + 35*s - 165*b - 36 
+--Rs2:DMP([w,p,z,t,s,b],FRAC(INT)):= 35*p + 40*z + 25*t - 27*s 
+--Rs3:DMP([w,p,z,t,s,b],FRAC(INT)):= 15*w + 25*p*s + 30*z - 18*t - 165*b**2 
+--Rs4:DMP([w,p,z,t,s,b],FRAC(INT)):= -9*w + 15*p*t + 20*z*s 
+--Rs5:DMP([w,p,z,t,s,b],FRAC(INT)):= w*p + 2*z*t - 11*b**3 
+--Rs6:DMP([w,p,z,t,s,b],FRAC(INT)):= 99*w - 11*b*s + 3*b**2 
+--Rs7:DMP([w,p,z,t,s,b],FRAC(INT)):= b**2 + 33/50*b + 2673/10000 
+--Rs1:DMP([w,p,z,t,s,b],FRAC(INT)):= 45*p + 35*s - 165*b - 36 
+--Rs2:DMP([w,p,z,t,s,b],FRAC(INT)):= 35*p + 40*z + 25*t - 27*s 
+--Rs3:DMP([w,p,z,t,s,b],FRAC(INT)):= 15*w + 25*p*s + 30*z - 18*t - 165*b**2 
+--Rs4:DMP([w,p,z,t,s,b],FRAC(INT)):= -9*w + 15*p*t + 20*z*s 
+--Rs5:DMP([w,p,z,t,s,b],FRAC(INT)):= w*p + 2*z*t - 11*b**3 
+--Rs6:DMP([w,p,z,t,s,b],FRAC(INT)):= 99*w - 11*b*s + 3*b**2 
+--Rs7:DMP([w,p,z,t,s,b],FRAC(INT)):= b**2 + 33/50*b + 2673/10000 
+--RExamples of groebner from PolynomialIdeals
+--RExamples of groebner from LexTriangularPackage
+--E 50
+--S 51 of 127
+--R)d op primeFactor
+--RThere is one exposed function called primeFactor :
+--R   [1] (D1,Integer) -> Factored D1 from Factored D1 if D1 has INTDOM
+--RExamples of primeFactor from Factored
+--E 51
+--S 52 of 127
+--R)d op map!
+--RThere are 2 exposed functions called map! :
+--R   [1] ((D2 -> D2),D) -> D from D
+--R            if D has ARR2CAT(D2,D3,D4) and D2 has TYPE and D3 has FLAGG
+--R            D2 and D4 has FLAGG D2
+--R   [2] ((D2 -> D2),D) -> D from D
+--R            if D has shallowlyMutable and D has HOAGG D2 and D2 has 
+--R            TYPE
+--RExamples of map! from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory
+--Rarr : ARRAY2 INT := new(5,4,10) 
+--RExamples of map! from HomogeneousAggregate
+--E 52
+--S 53 of 127
+--R)d op setleaves!
+--RThere is one exposed function called setleaves! :
+--R   [1] (BalancedBinaryTree D2,List D2) -> BalancedBinaryTree D2
+--R            from BalancedBinaryTree D2 if D2 has SETCAT
+--RExamples of setleaves! from BalancedBinaryTree
+--Rt1:=balancedBinaryTree(4, 0) 
+--E 53
+--S 54 of 127
+--R)d op scan
+--RThere are 8 exposed functions called scan :
+--R   [1] (((D5,D4) -> D4),OneDimensionalArray D5,D4) -> 
+--R            OneDimensionalArray D4
+--R            from OneDimensionalArrayFunctions2(D5,D4)
+--R            if D5 has TYPE and D4 has TYPE
+--R   [2] (((D6,D4) -> D4),DirectProduct(D5,D6),D4) -> DirectProduct(D5,D4
+--R            )
+--R            from DirectProductFunctions2(D5,D6,D4)
+--R            if D5: NNI and D6 has TYPE and D4 has TYPE
+--R   [3] (((D5,D4) -> D4),D3,D4) -> D1
+--R            from FiniteLinearAggregateFunctions2(D5,D3,D4,D1)
+--R            if D5 has TYPE and D4 has TYPE and D1 has FLAGG D4 and D3 
+--R            has FLAGG D5
+--R   [4] (((D5,D4) -> D4),D3,D4) -> D1
+--R            from FiniteSetAggregateFunctions2(D5,D3,D4,D1)
+--R            if D5 has SETCAT and D4 has SETCAT and D1 has FSAGG D4 and 
+--R            D3 has FSAGG D5
+--R   [5] (((D5,D4) -> D4),List D5,D4) -> List D4 from ListFunctions2(D5,
+--R            D4)
+--R            if D5 has TYPE and D4 has TYPE
+--R   [6] (((D5,D4) -> D4),PrimitiveArray D5,D4) -> PrimitiveArray D4
+--R            from PrimitiveArrayFunctions2(D5,D4)
+--R            if D5 has TYPE and D4 has TYPE
+--R   [7] (D2,((D5,D2) -> D2),Stream D5) -> Stream D2
+--R            from StreamFunctions2(D5,D2) if D5 has TYPE and D2 has TYPE
+--R   [8] (((D5,D4) -> D4),Vector D5,D4) -> Vector D4
+--R            from VectorFunctions2(D5,D4) if D5 has TYPE and D4 has TYPE
+--RExamples of scan from OneDimensionalArrayFunctions2
+--Radder(a:Integer,b:Integer):Integer == a+b 
+--Rscan(adder,[i for i in 1..10],0)$T1
+--RExamples of scan from DirectProductFunctions2
+--RExamples of scan from FiniteLinearAggregateFunctions2
+--RExamples of scan from FiniteSetAggregateFunctions2
+--RExamples of scan from ListFunctions2
+--RExamples of scan from PrimitiveArrayFunctions2
+--Radder(a:Integer,b:Integer):Integer == a+b 
+--Rscan(adder,[i for i in 1..10],0)$T1
+--RExamples of scan from StreamFunctions2
+--Rm:=[i for i in 1..]::Stream(Integer) 
+--RExamples of scan from VectorFunctions2
+--E 54
+--S 55 of 127
+--R)d op alphabetic?
+--RThere is one exposed function called alphabetic? :
+--R   [1] Character -> Boolean from Character
+--RExamples of alphabetic? from Character
+--Rchars := [char "a", char "A", char "X", char "8", char "+"] 
+--R[alphabetic? c for c in chars]
+--E 55
+--S 56 of 127
+--R)d op +
+--RThere are 12 exposed functions called + :
+--R   [1] (D,D) -> D from D if D has ABELSG
+--R   [2] (Color,Color) -> Color from Color
+--R   [3] (Database D1,Database D1) -> Database D1 from Database D1
+--R            if D1 has OrderedSet with 
+--R               ?.? : (%,Symbol) -> String
+--R               display : % -> Void
+--R               fullDisplay : % -> Void
+--R   [4] (Equation D1,D1) -> Equation D1 from Equation D1
+--R            if D1 has ABELSG and D1 has TYPE
+--R   [5] (D1,Equation D1) -> Equation D1 from Equation D1
+--R            if D1 has ABELSG and D1 has TYPE
+--R   [6] (D1,D) -> D from D
+--R            if D has FAMONC(D1,D2) and D1 has SETCAT and D2 has CABMON
+--R   [7] (D1,FullPartialFractionExpansion(D2,D1)) -> 
+--R            FullPartialFractionExpansion(D2,D1)
+--R            from FullPartialFractionExpansion(D2,D1)
+--R            if D2 has Join(Field,CharacteristicZero) and D1 has UPOLYC 
+--R            D2
+--R   [8] (D,D) -> D from D
+--R            if D has GRMOD(D1,D2) and D1 has COMRING and D2 has ABELMON
+--R   [9] (PolynomialIdeals(D1,D2,D3,D4),PolynomialIdeals(D1,D2,D3,D4))
+--R             -> PolynomialIdeals(D1,D2,D3,D4)
+--R            from PolynomialIdeals(D1,D2,D3,D4)
+--R            if D1 has FIELD and D2 has OAMONS and D3 has ORDSET and D4 
+--R            has POLYCAT(D1,D2,D3)
+--R   [10] ((D2 -> D3),(D2 -> D3)) -> (D2 -> D3) from MappingPackage4(D2,
+--R            D3)
+--R            if D2 has SETCAT and D3 has RING
+--R   [11] (D,D) -> D from D
+--R            if D has MATCAT(D1,D2,D3) and D1 has RING and D2 has FLAGG 
+--R            D1 and D3 has FLAGG D1
+--R   [12] (D,D) -> D from D
+--R            if D has VECTCAT D1 and D1 has TYPE and D1 has ABELSG
+--RThere are 5 unexposed functions called + :
+--R   [1] (InputForm,InputForm) -> InputForm from InputForm
+--R   [2] (OutputForm,OutputForm) -> OutputForm from OutputForm
+--R   [3] (Pattern D1,Pattern D1) -> Pattern D1 from Pattern D1 if D1 has 
+--R            SETCAT
+--R   [4] (Stream D2,Stream D2) -> Stream D2 from 
+--R            StreamTaylorSeriesOperations D2
+--R            if D2 has RING
+--R   [5] (Point DoubleFloat,Point DoubleFloat) -> Point DoubleFloat
+--R            from TubePlotTools
+--RExamples of + from AbelianSemiGroup
+--RExamples of + from Color
+--RExamples of + from Database
+--RExamples of + from Equation
+--RExamples of + from FreeAbelianMonoidCategory
+--RExamples of + from FullPartialFractionExpansion
+--RExamples of + from GradedModule
+--RExamples of + from PolynomialIdeals
+--RExamples of + from InputForm
+--RExamples of + from MappingPackage4
+--Rf:=(x:INT):INT +-> 3*x 
+--Rg:=(x:INT):INT +-> 2*x+3 
+--RExamples of + from MatrixCategory
+--RExamples of + from OutputForm
+--RExamples of + from Pattern
+--RExamples of + from StreamTaylorSeriesOperations
+--RExamples of + from TubePlotTools
+--RExamples of + from VectorCategory
+--E 56
+--S 57 of 127
+--R)d op -
+--RThere are 13 exposed functions called - :
+--R   [1] (D,D) -> D from D if D has ABELGRP
+--R   [2] D -> D from D if D has ABELGRP
+--R   [3] (CardinalNumber,CardinalNumber) -> Union(CardinalNumber,"failed"
+--R            )
+--R            from CardinalNumber
+--R   [4] (Database D1,Database D1) -> Database D1 from Database D1
+--R            if D1 has OrderedSet with 
+--R               ?.? : (%,Symbol) -> String
+--R               display : % -> Void
+--R               fullDisplay : % -> Void
+--R   [5] (Equation D1,D1) -> Equation D1 from Equation D1
+--R            if D1 has ABELGRP and D1 has TYPE
+--R   [6] (D1,Equation D1) -> Equation D1 from Equation D1
+--R            if D1 has ABELGRP and D1 has TYPE
+--R   [7] (D,D) -> D from D
+--R            if D has GRMOD(D1,D2) and D1 has COMRING and D2 has ABELMON
+--R   [8] D -> D from D
+--R            if D has GRMOD(D1,D2) and D1 has COMRING and D2 has ABELMON
+--R   [9] ((D2 -> D3),(D2 -> D3)) -> (D2 -> D3) from MappingPackage4(D2,D3
+--R            )
+--R            if D2 has SETCAT and D3 has RING
+--R   [10] D -> D from D
+--R            if D has MATCAT(D1,D2,D3) and D1 has RING and D2 has FLAGG 
+--R            D1 and D3 has FLAGG D1
+--R   [11] (D,D) -> D from D
+--R            if D has MATCAT(D1,D2,D3) and D1 has RING and D2 has FLAGG 
+--R            D1 and D3 has FLAGG D1
+--R   [12] (D,D) -> D from D
+--R            if D has VECTCAT D1 and D1 has TYPE and D1 has ABELGRP
+--R   [13] D -> D from D
+--R            if D has VECTCAT D1 and D1 has TYPE and D1 has ABELGRP
+--RThere are 5 unexposed functions called - :
+--R   [1] OutputForm -> OutputForm from OutputForm
+--R   [2] (OutputForm,OutputForm) -> OutputForm from OutputForm
+--R   [3] (Stream D2,Stream D2) -> Stream D2 from 
+--R            StreamTaylorSeriesOperations D2
+--R            if D2 has RING
+--R   [4] Stream D2 -> Stream D2 from StreamTaylorSeriesOperations D2
+--R            if D2 has RING
+--R   [5] (Point DoubleFloat,Point DoubleFloat) -> Point DoubleFloat
+--R            from TubePlotTools
+--RExamples of - from AbelianGroup
+--RExamples of - from CardinalNumber
+--RA1:=Aleph 1 
+--RExamples of - from Database
+--RExamples of - from Equation
+--RExamples of - from GradedModule
+--RExamples of - from MappingPackage4
+--Rf:=(x:INT):INT +-> 3*x 
+--Rg:=(x:INT):INT +-> 2*x+3 
+--RExamples of - from MatrixCategory
+--RExamples of - from OutputForm
+--RExamples of - from StreamTaylorSeriesOperations
+--RExamples of - from TubePlotTools
+--RExamples of - from VectorCategory
+--E 57
+--S 58 of 127
+--R)d op /
+--RThere are 13 exposed functions called / :
+--R   [1] (D,D1) -> D from D
+--R            if D has AMR(D1,D2) and D1 has RING and D2 has OAMON and D1
+--R            has FIELD
+--R   [2] (DoubleFloat,Integer) -> DoubleFloat from DoubleFloat
+--R   [3] (D,D) -> D from D
+--R            if D = EQ D1 and D1 has FIELD and D1 has TYPE or D = EQ D1 
+--R            and D1 has GROUP and D1 has TYPE
+--R   [4] (D,D) -> D from D if D has FIELD
+--R   [5] (Float,Integer) -> Float from Float
+--R   [6] (SparseMultivariatePolynomial(D2,Kernel D),
+--R            SparseMultivariatePolynomial(D2,Kernel D)) -> D
+--R            from D if D2 has INTDOM and D2 has ORDSET and D has FS D2
+--R   [7] (D,D) -> D from D if D has GROUP
+--R   [8] (D,D1) -> D from D
+--R            if D has LIECAT D1 and D1 has COMRING and D1 has FIELD
+--R   [9] ((D2 -> Expression Integer),(D2 -> Expression Integer)) -> (D2
+--R             -> Expression Integer)
+--R            from MappingPackage4(D2,D3) if D2 has SETCAT and D3 has 
+--R            RING
+--R   [10] (D,D1) -> D from D
+--R            if D has MATCAT(D1,D2,D3) and D1 has RING and D2 has FLAGG 
+--R            D1 and D3 has FLAGG D1 and D1 has FIELD
+--R   [11] (D1,D1) -> D from D if D has QFCAT D1 and D1 has INTDOM
+--R   [12] (D,D1) -> D from D
+--R            if D has RMATCAT(D2,D3,D1,D4,D5) and D1 has RING and D4 has
+--R            DIRPCAT(D3,D1) and D5 has DIRPCAT(D2,D1) and D1 has FIELD
+--R   [13] (D,D1) -> D from D if D has VSPACE D1 and D1 has FIELD
+--RThere are 13 unexposed functions called / :
+--R   [1] (Vector D2,Vector D2) -> Vector D2
+--R            from InnerNormalBasisFieldFunctions D2 if D2 has FFIELDC
+--R   [2] (InputForm,InputForm) -> InputForm from InputForm
+--R   [3] (D1,D2) -> LocalAlgebra(D1,D3,D2) from LocalAlgebra(D1,D3,D2)
+--R            if D3 has COMRING and D1 has ALGEBRA D3 and D2 has 
+--R            SubsetCategory(Monoid,D3)
+--R   [4] (LocalAlgebra(D2,D3,D1),D1) -> LocalAlgebra(D2,D3,D1)
+--R            from LocalAlgebra(D2,D3,D1)
+--R            if D3 has COMRING and D2 has ALGEBRA D3 and D1 has 
+--R            SubsetCategory(Monoid,D3)
+--R   [5] (D1,D2) -> Localize(D1,D3,D2) from Localize(D1,D3,D2)
+--R            if D3 has COMRING and D1 has MODULE D3 and D2 has 
+--R            SubsetCategory(Monoid,D3)
+--R   [6] (Localize(D2,D3,D1),D1) -> Localize(D2,D3,D1) from Localize(D2,
+--R            D3,D1)
+--R            if D3 has COMRING and D2 has MODULE D3 and D1 has 
+--R            SubsetCategory(Monoid,D3)
+--R   [7] (MyExpression(D1,D2),MyExpression(D1,D2)) -> MyExpression(D1,D2)
+--R            from MyExpression(D1,D2)
+--R            if D1: SYMBOL and D2 has Join(Ring,OrderedSet,
+--R            IntegralDomain)
+--R   [8] (OutputForm,OutputForm) -> OutputForm from OutputForm
+--R   [9] (OrdinaryWeightedPolynomials(D1,D2,D3,D4),
+--R            OrdinaryWeightedPolynomials(D1,D2,D3,D4)) -> Union(
+--R            OrdinaryWeightedPolynomials(D1,D2,D3,D4),"failed")
+--R            from OrdinaryWeightedPolynomials(D1,D2,D3,D4)
+--R            if D1 has FIELD and D1 has RING and D2: LIST SYMBOL and D3
+--R            : LIST NNI and D4: NNI
+--R   [10] (Pattern D1,Pattern D1) -> Pattern D1 from Pattern D1 if D1 has
+--R            SETCAT
+--R   [11] (Stream D2,Stream D2) -> Stream D2 from 
+--R            StreamTaylorSeriesOperations D2
+--R            if D2 has RING
+--R   [12] (WeightedPolynomials(D1,D2,D3,D4,D5,D6,D7),WeightedPolynomials(
+--R            D1,D2,D3,D4,D5,D6,D7)) -> Union(WeightedPolynomials(D1,D2,D3,D4,
+--R            D5,D6,D7),"failed")
+--R            from WeightedPolynomials(D1,D2,D3,D4,D5,D6,D7)
+--R            if D1 has FIELD and D1 has RING and D2 has ORDSET and D3 
+--R            has OAMONS and D5: LIST D2 and D4 has POLYCAT(D1,D3,D2) and
+--R            D6: LIST NNI and D7: NNI
+--R   [13] (XPolynomialRing(D1,D2),D1) -> XPolynomialRing(D1,D2)
+--R            from XPolynomialRing(D1,D2)
+--R            if D1 has FIELD and D1 has RING and D2 has ORDMON
+--RExamples of / from AbelianMonoidRing
+--RExamples of / from DoubleFloat
+--RExamples of / from Equation
+--RExamples of / from Field
+--RExamples of / from Float
+--RExamples of / from FunctionSpace
+--RExamples of / from Group
+--RExamples of / from InnerNormalBasisFieldFunctions
+--RExamples of / from InputForm
+--RExamples of / from LocalAlgebra
+--RExamples of / from LieAlgebra
+--RExamples of / from Localize
+--RExamples of / from MappingPackage4
+--RExamples of / from MatrixCategory
+--RExamples of / from MyExpression
+--RExamples of / from OutputForm
+--RExamples of / from OrdinaryWeightedPolynomials
+--RExamples of / from Pattern
+--RExamples of / from QuotientFieldCategory
+--RExamples of / from RectangularMatrixCategory
+--RExamples of / from StreamTaylorSeriesOperations
+--RExamples of / from VectorSpace
+--RExamples of / from WeightedPolynomials
+--RExamples of / from XPolynomialRing
+--E 58
+--S 59 of 127
+--R)d op integralBasis
+--RThere is one exposed function called integralBasis :
+--R   [1]  -> Vector D from D
+--R            if D2 has UFD and D3 has UPOLYC D2 and D4 has UPOLYC FRAC 
+--R            D3 and D has FFCAT(D2,D3,D4)
+--RThere are 4 unexposed functions called integralBasis :
+--R   [1]  -> Record(basis: Matrix D2,basisDen: D2,basisInv: Matrix D2)
+--R            from FunctionFieldIntegralBasis(D2,D3,D4)
+--R            if D2 has EuclideanDomain with 
+--R               squareFree : % -> Factored % and D3 has UPOLYC D2 
+--R            and D4 has FRAMALG(D2,D3)
+--R   [2]  -> Record(basis: Matrix Integer,basisDen: Integer,basisInv: 
+--R            Matrix Integer)
+--R            from NumberFieldIntegralBasis(D2,D3)
+--R            if D2 has UPOLYC INT and D3 has FRAMALG(INT,D2)
+--R   [3]  -> Record(basis: Matrix D3,basisDen: D3,basisInv: Matrix D3)
+--R            from PAdicWildFunctionFieldIntegralBasis(D2,D3,D4,D5)
+--R            if D2 has FFIELDC and D3 has UPOLYC D2 and D4 has UPOLYC D3
+--R            and D5 has MONOGEN(D3,D4)
+--R   [4]  -> Record(basis: Matrix D3,basisDen: D3,basisInv: Matrix D3)
+--R            from WildFunctionFieldIntegralBasis(D2,D3,D4,D5)
+--R            if D2 has FFIELDC and D3 has UPOLYC D2 and D4 has UPOLYC D3
+--R            and D5 has FRAMALG(D3,D4)
+--RExamples of integralBasis from FunctionFieldCategory
+--RP0 := UnivariatePolynomial(x, Integer) 
+--RP1 := UnivariatePolynomial(y, Fraction P0) 
+--RR := RadicalFunctionField(INT, P0, P1, 1 - x**20, 20) 
+--RExamples of integralBasis from FunctionFieldIntegralBasis
+--RExamples of integralBasis from NumberFieldIntegralBasis
+--RExamples of integralBasis from PAdicWildFunctionFieldIntegralBasis
+--RExamples of integralBasis from WildFunctionFieldIntegralBasis
+--E 59
+--S 60 of 127
+--R)d op split
+--RThere are 8 exposed functions called split :
+--R   [1] D2 -> Factored D2 from AlgFactor D2 if D2 has UPOLYC AN
+--R   [2] (D2,BinarySearchTree D2) -> Record(less: BinarySearchTree D2,
+--R            greater: BinarySearchTree D2)
+--R            from BinarySearchTree D2 if D2 has ORDSET
+--R   [3] IntegrationResult D3 -> IntegrationResult D3
+--R            from IntegrationResultToFunction(D2,D3)
+--R            if D3 has Join(AlgebraicallyClosedFunctionSpace D2,
+--R            TranscendentalFunctionCategory) and D2 has Join(GcdDomain,
+--R            RetractableTo Integer,OrderedSet,LinearlyExplicitRingOver 
+--R            Integer)
+--R   [4] IntegrationResult Fraction Polynomial D2 -> IntegrationResult 
+--R            Fraction Polynomial D2
+--R            from IntegrationResultRFToFunction D2
+--R            if D2 has Join(GcdDomain,RetractableTo Integer,OrderedSet,
+--R            LinearlyExplicitRingOver Integer)
+--R   [5] (List Matrix D4,Vector D4) -> List List Matrix D4
+--R            from RepresentationPackage2 D4 if D4 has FIELD and D4 has 
+--R            RING
+--R   [6] (List Matrix D4,Vector Vector D4) -> List List Matrix D4
+--R            from RepresentationPackage2 D4 if D4 has FIELD and D4 has 
+--R            RING
+--R   [7] (D,CharacterClass) -> List D from D if D has SRAGG
+--R   [8] (D,Character) -> List D from D if D has SRAGG
+--RThere is one unexposed function called split :
+--R   [1] (D2,(D2 -> D2)) -> Record(normal: D2,special: D2)
+--R            from MonomialExtensionTools(D4,D2)
+--R            if D2 has UPOLYC D4 and D4 has FIELD
+--RExamples of split from AlgFactor
+--RExamples of split from BinarySearchTree
+--Rt1:=binarySearchTree [1,2,3,4] 
+--RExamples of split from IntegrationResultToFunction
+--RExamples of split from IntegrationResultRFToFunction
+--RExamples of split from MonomialExtensionTools
+--RExamples of split from RepresentationPackage2
+--RExamples of split from StringAggregate
+--E 60
+--S 61 of 127
+--R)d op qelt
+--RThere are 3 exposed functions called qelt :
+--R   [1] (D,Integer,Integer) -> D1 from D
+--R            if D has ARR2CAT(D1,D3,D4) and D3 has FLAGG D1 and D4 has 
+--R            FLAGG D1 and D1 has TYPE
+--R   [2] (D,D2) -> D1 from D
+--R            if D has ELTAGG(D2,D1) and D2 has SETCAT and D1 has TYPE
+--R   [3] (D,Integer,Integer) -> D1 from D
+--R            if D has RMATCAT(D3,D4,D1,D5,D6) and D5 has DIRPCAT(D4,D1) 
+--R            and D6 has DIRPCAT(D3,D1) and D1 has RING
+--RExamples of qelt from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory
+--Rarr : ARRAY2 INT := new(5,4,10) 
+--RExamples of qelt from EltableAggregate
+--RExamples of qelt from RectangularMatrixCategory
+--E 61
+--S 62 of 127
+--R)d op mapUp!
+--RThere are 2 exposed functions called mapUp! :
+--R   [1] (BalancedBinaryTree D2,BalancedBinaryTree D2,((D2,D2,D2,D2) -> 
+--R            D2)) -> BalancedBinaryTree D2
+--R            from BalancedBinaryTree D2 if D2 has SETCAT
+--R   [2] (BalancedBinaryTree D1,((D1,D1) -> D1)) -> D1
+--R            from BalancedBinaryTree D1 if D1 has SETCAT
+--RExamples of mapUp! from BalancedBinaryTree
+--RT1:=BalancedBinaryTree Integer 
+--Rt2:=balancedBinaryTree(4, 0)$T1 
+--Radder4(i:INT,j:INT,k:INT,l:INT):INT == i+j+k+l 
+--RT1:=BalancedBinaryTree Integer 
+--Rt2:=balancedBinaryTree(4, 0)$T1 
+--Radder(a:Integer,b:Integer):Integer == a+b 
+--E 62
+--S 63 of 127
+--R)d op reindex
+--RThere is one exposed function called reindex :
+--R   [1] (CartesianTensor(D2,D3,D4),List Integer) -> CartesianTensor(D2,
+--R            D3,D4)
+--R            from CartesianTensor(D2,D3,D4)
+--R            if D2: INT and D3: NNI and D4 has COMRING
+--RExamples of reindex from CartesianTensor
+--Rn:SquareMatrix(2,Integer):=matrix [[2,3],[0,1]] 
+--E 63
+--S 64 of 127
+--R)d op mapDown!
+--RThere are 2 exposed functions called mapDown! :
+--R   [1] (BalancedBinaryTree D1,D1,((D1,D1,D1) -> List D1)) -> 
+--R            BalancedBinaryTree D1
+--R            from BalancedBinaryTree D1 if D1 has SETCAT
+--R   [2] (BalancedBinaryTree D1,D1,((D1,D1) -> D1)) -> BalancedBinaryTree
+--R            D1
+--R            from BalancedBinaryTree D1 if D1 has SETCAT
+--RExamples of mapDown! from BalancedBinaryTree
+--RT1:=BalancedBinaryTree Integer 
+--Rt2:=balancedBinaryTree(4, 0)$T1 
+--Radder3(i:Integer,j:Integer,k:Integer):List Integer == [i+j,j+k] 
+--RT1:=BalancedBinaryTree Integer 
+--Rt2:=balancedBinaryTree(4, 0)$T1 
+--Radder(i:Integer,j:Integer):Integer == i+j 
+--E 64
+--S 65 of 127
+--R)d op nrows
+--RThere are 2 exposed functions called nrows :
+--R   [1] D -> NonNegativeInteger from D
+--R            if D has ARR2CAT(D2,D3,D4) and D2 has TYPE and D3 has FLAGG
+--R            D2 and D4 has FLAGG D2
+--R   [2] D -> NonNegativeInteger from D
+--R            if D has RMATCAT(D2,D3,D4,D5,D6) and D4 has RING and D5 has
+--R            DIRPCAT(D3,D4) and D6 has DIRPCAT(D2,D4)
+--RExamples of nrows from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory
+--Rarr : ARRAY2 INT := new(5,4,10) 
+--RExamples of nrows from RectangularMatrixCategory
+--E 65
+--S 66 of 127
+--R)d op row
+--RThere are 2 exposed functions called row :
+--R   [1] (D,Integer) -> D1 from D
+--R            if D has ARR2CAT(D3,D1,D4) and D3 has TYPE and D4 has FLAGG
+--R            D3 and D1 has FLAGG D3
+--R   [2] (D,Integer) -> D1 from D
+--R            if D has RMATCAT(D3,D4,D5,D1,D6) and D5 has RING and D6 has
+--R            DIRPCAT(D3,D5) and D1 has DIRPCAT(D4,D5)
+--RExamples of row from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory
+--Rarr : ARRAY2 INT := new(5,4,10) 
+--RExamples of row from RectangularMatrixCategory
+--E 66
+--S 67 of 127
+--R)d op ravel
+--RThere is one exposed function called ravel :
+--R   [1] CartesianTensor(D2,D3,D4) -> List D4 from CartesianTensor(D2,D3,
+--R            D4)
+--R            if D2: INT and D3: NNI and D4 has COMRING
+--RExamples of ravel from CartesianTensor
+--Rn:SquareMatrix(2,Integer):=matrix [[2,3],[0,1]] 
+--Rravel tn
+--E 67
+--S 68 of 127
+--R)d op inverseIntegralMatrix
+--RThere is one exposed function called inverseIntegralMatrix :
+--R   [1]  -> Matrix Fraction D3 from D
+--R            if D has FFCAT(D2,D3,D4) and D2 has UFD and D3 has UPOLYC 
+--R            D2 and D4 has UPOLYC FRAC D3
+--RExamples of inverseIntegralMatrix from FunctionFieldCategory
+--RP0 := UnivariatePolynomial(x, Integer) 
+--RP1 := UnivariatePolynomial(y, Fraction P0) 
+--RR := RadicalFunctionField(INT, P0, P1, 1 - x**20, 20) 
+--E 68
+--S 69 of 127
+--R)d op coerce
+--RThere are 169 exposed functions called coerce :
+--R   [1] D1 -> D from D if D has ALGEBRA D1 and D1 has COMRING
+--R   [2] Vector D2 -> AlgebraGivenByStructuralConstants(D2,D3,D4,D5)
+--R            from AlgebraGivenByStructuralConstants(D2,D3,D4,D5)
+--R            if D2 has FIELD and D5: VECTOR MATRIX D2 and D3: PI and D4
+--R            : LIST SYMBOL
+--R   [3] SparseMultivariatePolynomial(Integer,Kernel AlgebraicNumber) -> 
+--R            AlgebraicNumber
+--R            from AlgebraicNumber
+--R   [4] D2 -> Any from AnyFunctions1 D2 if D2 has TYPE
+--R   [5] Vector FortranExpression([construct,QUOTEJINT,QUOTEX,QUOTEELAM],
+--R            [construct],MachineFloat) -> Asp10 D2
+--R            from Asp10 D2 if D2: SYMBOL
+--R   [6] Vector FortranExpression([construct],[construct,QUOTEXC],
+--R            MachineFloat) -> Asp19 D2
+--R            from Asp19 D2 if D2: SYMBOL
+--R   [7] FortranExpression([construct,QUOTEX],[construct],MachineFloat)
+--R             -> Asp1 D2
+--R            from Asp1 D2 if D2: SYMBOL
+--R   [8] Matrix FortranExpression([construct],[construct,QUOTEX,QUOTEHESS
+--R            ],MachineFloat) -> Asp20 D2
+--R            from Asp20 D2 if D2: SYMBOL
+--R   [9] FortranExpression([construct],[construct,QUOTEXC],MachineFloat)
+--R             -> Asp24 D2
+--R            from Asp24 D2 if D2: SYMBOL
+--R   [10] Vector FortranExpression([construct,QUOTEX],[construct,QUOTEY],
+--R            MachineFloat) -> Asp31 D2
+--R            from Asp31 D2 if D2: SYMBOL
+--R   [11] Vector FortranExpression([construct],[construct,QUOTEX],
+--R            MachineFloat) -> Asp35 D2
+--R            from Asp35 D2 if D2: SYMBOL
+--R   [12] Vector FortranExpression([construct,QUOTEX,QUOTEEPS],[construct
+--R            ,QUOTEY],MachineFloat) -> Asp41(D2,D3,D4)
+--R            from Asp41(D2,D3,D4) if D2: SYMBOL and D3: SYMBOL and D4: 
+--R            SYMBOL
+--R   [13] Vector FortranExpression([construct,QUOTEEPS],[construct,QUOTE
+--R            YA,QUOTEYB],MachineFloat) -> Asp42(D2,D3,D4)
+--R            from Asp42(D2,D3,D4) if D2: SYMBOL and D3: SYMBOL and D4: 
+--R            SYMBOL
+--R   [14] FortranExpression([construct],[construct,QUOTEX],MachineFloat)
+--R             -> Asp49 D2
+--R            from Asp49 D2 if D2: SYMBOL
+--R   [15] FortranExpression([construct],[construct,QUOTEX],MachineFloat)
+--R             -> Asp4 D2
+--R            from Asp4 D2 if D2: SYMBOL
+--R   [16] Vector FortranExpression([construct],[construct,QUOTEXC],
+--R            MachineFloat) -> Asp50 D2
+--R            from Asp50 D2 if D2: SYMBOL
+--R   [17] Vector FortranExpression([construct],[construct,QUOTEX],
+--R            MachineFloat) -> Asp55 D2
+--R            from Asp55 D2 if D2: SYMBOL
+--R   [18] Vector FortranExpression([construct],[construct,QUOTEX],
+--R            MachineFloat) -> Asp6 D2
+--R            from Asp6 D2 if D2: SYMBOL
+--R   [19] Vector FortranExpression([construct,QUOTEX,QUOTEY],[construct],
+--R            MachineFloat) -> Asp73 D2
+--R            from Asp73 D2 if D2: SYMBOL
+--R   [20] Matrix FortranExpression([construct,QUOTEX,QUOTEY],[construct],
+--R            MachineFloat) -> Asp74 D2
+--R            from Asp74 D2 if D2: SYMBOL
+--R   [21] Matrix FortranExpression([construct,QUOTEX],[construct],
+--R            MachineFloat) -> Asp77 D2
+--R            from Asp77 D2 if D2: SYMBOL
+--R   [22] Vector FortranExpression([construct,QUOTEX],[construct],
+--R            MachineFloat) -> Asp78 D2
+--R            from Asp78 D2 if D2: SYMBOL
+--R   [23] Vector FortranExpression([construct,QUOTEX],[construct,QUOTEY],
+--R            MachineFloat) -> Asp7 D2
+--R            from Asp7 D2 if D2: SYMBOL
+--R   [24] Matrix FortranExpression([construct,QUOTEXL,QUOTEXR,QUOTEELAM],
+--R            [construct],MachineFloat) -> Asp80 D2
+--R            from Asp80 D2 if D2: SYMBOL
+--R   [25] FortranExpression([construct,QUOTEX],[construct,QUOTEY],
+--R            MachineFloat) -> Asp9 D2
+--R            from Asp9 D2 if D2: SYMBOL
+--R   [26] BinaryExpansion -> RadixExpansion 2 from BinaryExpansion
+--R   [27] BinaryExpansion -> Fraction Integer from BinaryExpansion
+--R   [28] List CartesianTensor(D2,D3,D4) -> CartesianTensor(D2,D3,D4)
+--R            from CartesianTensor(D2,D3,D4)
+--R            if D2: INT and D3: NNI and D4 has COMRING
+--R   [29] List D4 -> CartesianTensor(D2,D3,D4) from CartesianTensor(D2,D3
+--R            ,D4)
+--R            if D4 has COMRING and D2: INT and D3: NNI
+--R   [30] SquareMatrix(D3,D4) -> CartesianTensor(D2,D3,D4)
+--R            from CartesianTensor(D2,D3,D4)
+--R            if D3: NNI and D4 has COMRING and D2: INT
+--R   [31] DirectProduct(D3,D4) -> CartesianTensor(D2,D3,D4)
+--R            from CartesianTensor(D2,D3,D4)
+--R            if D3: NNI and D4 has COMRING and D2: INT
+--R   [32] List D2 -> Database D2 from Database D2
+--R            if D2 has OrderedSet with 
+--R               ?.? : (%,Symbol) -> String
+--R               display : % -> Void
+--R               fullDisplay : % -> Void
+--R   [33] DecimalExpansion -> RadixExpansion 10 from DecimalExpansion
+--R   [34] DecimalExpansion -> Fraction Integer from DecimalExpansion
+--R   [35] DataList D2 -> List D2 from DataList D2 if D2 has ORDSET
+--R   [36] List D2 -> DataList D2 from DataList D2 if D2 has ORDSET
+--R   [37] SegmentBinding Expression D3 -> SegmentBinding Float
+--R            from DrawNumericHack D3
+--R            if D3 has Join(OrderedSet,IntegralDomain,ConvertibleTo 
+--R            Float)
+--R   [38] D1 -> D from D if D has DVARCAT D1 and D1 has ORDSET
+--R   [39] FortranCode -> OutputForm from FortranCode
+--R   [40] FortranExpression(D2,D3,D4) -> Expression D4
+--R            from FortranExpression(D2,D3,D4)
+--R            if D2: LIST SYMBOL and D3: LIST SYMBOL and D4 has FMTC
+--R   [41] D2 -> D1 from FiniteFieldHomomorphisms(D2,D3,D1)
+--R            if D3 has FFIELDC and D1 has FAXF D3 and D2 has FAXF D3
+--R   [42] D2 -> D1 from FiniteFieldHomomorphisms(D1,D3,D2)
+--R            if D3 has FFIELDC and D1 has FAXF D3 and D2 has FAXF D3
+--R   [43] D -> XRecursivePolynomial(D2,D3) from D
+--R            if D has FLALG(D2,D3) and D2 has ORDSET and D3 has COMRING
+--R   [44] D -> XDistributedPolynomial(D2,D3) from D
+--R            if D has FLALG(D2,D3) and D2 has ORDSET and D3 has COMRING
+--R   [45] D1 -> D from D
+--R            if D has FLALG(D1,D2) and D1 has ORDSET and D2 has COMRING
+--R   [46] Record(localSymbols: SymbolTable,code: List FortranCode) -> D 
+--R            from D
+--R            if D has FMC
+--R   [47] FortranCode -> D from D if D has FMC
+--R   [48] List FortranCode -> D from D if D has FMC
+--R   [49] Matrix MachineFloat -> D from D if D has FMC
+--R   [50] Record(localSymbols: SymbolTable,code: List FortranCode) -> D 
+--R            from D
+--R            if D has FMFUN
+--R   [51] FortranCode -> D from D if D has FMFUN
+--R   [52] List FortranCode -> D from D if D has FMFUN
+--R   [53] D -> String from D if D has FNCAT
+--R   [54] String -> D from D if D has FNCAT
+--R   [55] D2 -> ScriptFormulaFormat from ScriptFormulaFormat1 D2 if D2 
+--R            has SETCAT
+--R   [56] OutputForm -> ScriptFormulaFormat from ScriptFormulaFormat
+--R   [57] Record(localSymbols: SymbolTable,code: List FortranCode) -> D 
+--R            from D
+--R            if D has FORTFN
+--R   [58] FortranCode -> D from D if D has FORTFN
+--R   [59] List FortranCode -> D from D if D has FORTFN
+--R   [60] Equation Expression Complex Float -> FortranProgram(D2,D3,D4,D5
+--R            )
+--R            from FortranProgram(D2,D3,D4,D5)
+--R            if D2: SYMBOL and D3: Union(fst: FortranScalarType,void: 
+--R            void) and D4: LIST SYMBOL and D5: SYMTAB
+--R   [61] Equation Expression Float -> FortranProgram(D2,D3,D4,D5)
+--R            from FortranProgram(D2,D3,D4,D5)
+--R            if D2: SYMBOL and D3: Union(fst: FortranScalarType,void: 
+--R            void) and D4: LIST SYMBOL and D5: SYMTAB
+--R   [62] Equation Expression Integer -> FortranProgram(D2,D3,D4,D5)
+--R            from FortranProgram(D2,D3,D4,D5)
+--R            if D2: SYMBOL and D3: Union(fst: FortranScalarType,void: 
+--R            void) and D4: LIST SYMBOL and D5: SYMTAB
+--R   [63] Expression Complex Float -> FortranProgram(D2,D3,D4,D5)
+--R            from FortranProgram(D2,D3,D4,D5)
+--R            if D2: SYMBOL and D3: Union(fst: FortranScalarType,void: 
+--R            void) and D4: LIST SYMBOL and D5: SYMTAB
+--R   [64] Expression Float -> FortranProgram(D2,D3,D4,D5)
+--R            from FortranProgram(D2,D3,D4,D5)
+--R            if D2: SYMBOL and D3: Union(fst: FortranScalarType,void: 
+--R            void) and D4: LIST SYMBOL and D5: SYMTAB
+--R   [65] Expression Integer -> FortranProgram(D2,D3,D4,D5)
+--R            from FortranProgram(D2,D3,D4,D5)
+--R            if D2: SYMBOL and D3: Union(fst: FortranScalarType,void: 
+--R            void) and D4: LIST SYMBOL and D5: SYMTAB
+--R   [66] Equation Expression MachineComplex -> FortranProgram(D2,D3,D4,
+--R            D5)
+--R            from FortranProgram(D2,D3,D4,D5)
+--R            if D2: SYMBOL and D3: Union(fst: FortranScalarType,void: 
+--R            void) and D4: LIST SYMBOL and D5: SYMTAB
+--R   [67] Equation Expression MachineFloat -> FortranProgram(D2,D3,D4,D5)
+--R            from FortranProgram(D2,D3,D4,D5)
+--R            if D2: SYMBOL and D3: Union(fst: FortranScalarType,void: 
+--R            void) and D4: LIST SYMBOL and D5: SYMTAB
+--R   [68] Equation Expression MachineInteger -> FortranProgram(D2,D3,D4,
+--R            D5)
+--R            from FortranProgram(D2,D3,D4,D5)
+--R            if D2: SYMBOL and D3: Union(fst: FortranScalarType,void: 
+--R            void) and D4: LIST SYMBOL and D5: SYMTAB
+--R   [69] Expression MachineComplex -> FortranProgram(D2,D3,D4,D5)
+--R            from FortranProgram(D2,D3,D4,D5)
+--R            if D2: SYMBOL and D3: Union(fst: FortranScalarType,void: 
+--R            void) and D4: LIST SYMBOL and D5: SYMTAB
+--R   [70] Expression MachineFloat -> FortranProgram(D2,D3,D4,D5)
+--R            from FortranProgram(D2,D3,D4,D5)
+--R            if D2: SYMBOL and D3: Union(fst: FortranScalarType,void: 
+--R            void) and D4: LIST SYMBOL and D5: SYMTAB
+--R   [71] Expression MachineInteger -> FortranProgram(D2,D3,D4,D5)
+--R            from FortranProgram(D2,D3,D4,D5)
+--R            if D2: SYMBOL and D3: Union(fst: FortranScalarType,void: 
+--R            void) and D4: LIST SYMBOL and D5: SYMTAB
+--R   [72] Record(localSymbols: SymbolTable,code: List FortranCode) -> 
+--R            FortranProgram(D2,D3,D4,D5)
+--R            from FortranProgram(D2,D3,D4,D5)
+--R            if D2: SYMBOL and D3: Union(fst: FortranScalarType,void: 
+--R            void) and D4: LIST SYMBOL and D5: SYMTAB
+--R   [73] List FortranCode -> FortranProgram(D2,D3,D4,D5)
+--R            from FortranProgram(D2,D3,D4,D5)
+--R            if D2: SYMBOL and D3: Union(fst: FortranScalarType,void: 
+--R            void) and D4: LIST SYMBOL and D5: SYMTAB
+--R   [74] FortranCode -> FortranProgram(D2,D3,D4,D5)
+--R            from FortranProgram(D2,D3,D4,D5)
+--R            if D2: SYMBOL and D3: Union(fst: FortranScalarType,void: 
+--R            void) and D4: LIST SYMBOL and D5: SYMTAB
+--R   [75] FourierComponent D3 -> FourierSeries(D2,D3) from FourierSeries(
+--R            D2,D3)
+--R            if D3 has Join(OrderedSet,AbelianGroup) and D2 has Join(
+--R            CommutativeRing,Algebra Fraction Integer)
+--R   [76] D1 -> FourierSeries(D1,D2) from FourierSeries(D1,D2)
+--R            if D1 has Join(CommutativeRing,Algebra Fraction Integer) 
+--R            and D2 has Join(OrderedSet,AbelianGroup)
+--R   [77] Fraction Polynomial Fraction D2 -> D from D
+--R            if D2 has INTDOM and D2 has ORDSET and D has FS D2
+--R   [78] Polynomial Fraction D2 -> D from D
+--R            if D2 has INTDOM and D2 has ORDSET and D has FS D2
+--R   [79] Fraction D2 -> D from D
+--R            if D2 has INTDOM and D2 has ORDSET and D has FS D2
+--R   [80] SparseMultivariatePolynomial(D2,Kernel D) -> D from D
+--R            if D2 has RING and D2 has ORDSET and D has FS D2
+--R   [81] FortranScalarType -> SExpression from FortranScalarType
+--R   [82] FortranScalarType -> Symbol from FortranScalarType
+--R   [83] Symbol -> FortranScalarType from FortranScalarType
+--R   [84] String -> FortranScalarType from FortranScalarType
+--R   [85] FortranScalarType -> FortranType from FortranType
+--R   [86] FortranType -> OutputForm from FortranType
+--R   [87] Record(localSymbols: SymbolTable,code: List FortranCode) -> D 
+--R            from D
+--R            if D has FVC
+--R   [88] FortranCode -> D from D if D has FVC
+--R   [89] List FortranCode -> D from D if D has FVC
+--R   [90] Vector MachineFloat -> D from D if D has FVC
+--R   [91] Record(localSymbols: SymbolTable,code: List FortranCode) -> D 
+--R            from D
+--R            if D has FVFUN
+--R   [92] FortranCode -> D from D if D has FVFUN
+--R   [93] List FortranCode -> D from D if D has FVFUN
+--R   [94] UnivariatePuiseuxSeries(D2,D3,D4) -> 
+--R            GeneralUnivariatePowerSeries(D2,D3,D4)
+--R            from GeneralUnivariatePowerSeries(D2,D3,D4)
+--R            if D2 has RING and D3: SYMBOL and D4: D2
+--R   [95] Variable D3 -> GeneralUnivariatePowerSeries(D2,D3,D4)
+--R            from GeneralUnivariatePowerSeries(D2,D3,D4)
+--R            if D3: SYMBOL and D2 has RING and D4: D2
+--R   [96] HexadecimalExpansion -> RadixExpansion 16 from 
+--R            HexadecimalExpansion
+--R   [97] HexadecimalExpansion -> Fraction Integer from 
+--R            HexadecimalExpansion
+--R   [98] String -> IndexCard from IndexCard
+--R   [99] List D5 -> PolynomialIdeals(D2,D3,D4,D5)
+--R            from PolynomialIdeals(D2,D3,D4,D5)
+--R            if D5 has POLYCAT(D2,D3,D4) and D2 has FIELD and D3 has 
+--R            OAMONS and D4 has ORDSET
+--R   [100] D1 -> AssociatedJordanAlgebra(D2,D1)
+--R            from AssociatedJordanAlgebra(D2,D1)
+--R            if D2 has COMRING and D1 has NAALG D2
+--R   [101] D -> D1 from D if D has KOERCE D1 and D1 has TYPE
+--R   [102] D1 -> D from D if D has LALG D1 and D1 has RING
+--R   [103] D1 -> AssociatedLieAlgebra(D2,D1) from AssociatedLieAlgebra(D2
+--R            ,D1)
+--R            if D2 has COMRING and D1 has NAALG D2
+--R   [104] ThreeDimensionalMatrix D2 -> PrimitiveArray PrimitiveArray 
+--R            PrimitiveArray D2
+--R            from ThreeDimensionalMatrix D2 if D2 has SETCAT
+--R   [105] PrimitiveArray PrimitiveArray PrimitiveArray D2 -> 
+--R            ThreeDimensionalMatrix D2
+--R            from ThreeDimensionalMatrix D2 if D2 has SETCAT
+--R   [106] D2 -> (() -> D2) from MappingPackage1 D2 if D2 has SETCAT
+--R   [107] D1 -> D from D
+--R            if D2 has RING and D has MATCAT(D2,D3,D1) and D3 has FLAGG 
+--R            D2 and D1 has FLAGG D2
+--R   [108] MachineComplex -> Complex Float from MachineComplex
+--R   [109] Complex MachineInteger -> MachineComplex from MachineComplex
+--R   [110] Complex MachineFloat -> MachineComplex from MachineComplex
+--R   [111] Complex Integer -> MachineComplex from MachineComplex
+--R   [112] Complex Float -> MachineComplex from MachineComplex
+--R   [113] MachineInteger -> MachineFloat from MachineFloat
+--R   [114] MachineFloat -> Float from MachineFloat
+--R   [115] Expression Integer -> Expression MachineInteger from 
+--R            MachineInteger
+--R   [116] OutputForm -> String from MathMLFormat
+--R   [117] Integer -> D from D if D has NASRING
+--R   [118] Union(nia: Record(var: Symbol,fn: Expression DoubleFloat,range
+--R            : Segment OrderedCompletion DoubleFloat,abserr: DoubleFloat,
+--R            relerr: DoubleFloat),mdnia: Record(fn: Expression DoubleFloat,
+--R            range: List Segment OrderedCompletion DoubleFloat,abserr: 
+--R            DoubleFloat,relerr: DoubleFloat)) -> NumericalIntegrationProblem
+--R            from NumericalIntegrationProblem
+--R   [119] Record(fn: Expression DoubleFloat,range: List Segment 
+--R            OrderedCompletion DoubleFloat,abserr: DoubleFloat,relerr: 
+--R            DoubleFloat) -> NumericalIntegrationProblem
+--R            from NumericalIntegrationProblem
+--R   [120] Record(var: Symbol,fn: Expression DoubleFloat,range: Segment 
+--R            OrderedCompletion DoubleFloat,abserr: DoubleFloat,relerr: 
+--R            DoubleFloat) -> NumericalIntegrationProblem
+--R            from NumericalIntegrationProblem
+--R   [121] NumericalIntegrationProblem -> OutputForm
+--R            from NumericalIntegrationProblem
+--R   [122] D2 -> None from NoneFunctions1 D2 if D2 has TYPE
+--R   [123] Record(xinit: DoubleFloat,xend: DoubleFloat,fn: Vector 
+--R            Expression DoubleFloat,yinit: List DoubleFloat,intvals: List 
+--R            DoubleFloat,g: Expression DoubleFloat,abserr: DoubleFloat,relerr
+--R            : DoubleFloat) -> NumericalODEProblem
+--R            from NumericalODEProblem
+--R   [124] NumericalODEProblem -> OutputForm from NumericalODEProblem
+--R   [125] OrdinaryDifferentialRing(D2,D1,D3) -> D1
+--R            from OrdinaryDifferentialRing(D2,D1,D3)
+--R            if D1 has PDRING D2 and D2 has SETCAT and D3: D2
+--R   [126] D1 -> OrdinaryDifferentialRing(D2,D1,D3)
+--R            from OrdinaryDifferentialRing(D2,D1,D3)
+--R            if D2 has SETCAT and D3: D2 and D1 has PDRING D2
+--R   [127] Symbol -> OpenMathErrorKind from OpenMathErrorKind
+--R   [128] Union(noa: Record(fn: Expression DoubleFloat,init: List 
+--R            DoubleFloat,lb: List OrderedCompletion DoubleFloat,cf: List 
+--R            Expression DoubleFloat,ub: List OrderedCompletion DoubleFloat),
+--R            lsa: Record(lfn: List Expression DoubleFloat,init: List 
+--R            DoubleFloat)) -> NumericalOptimizationProblem
+--R            from NumericalOptimizationProblem
+--R   [129] Record(lfn: List Expression DoubleFloat,init: List DoubleFloat
+--R            ) -> NumericalOptimizationProblem
+--R            from NumericalOptimizationProblem
+--R   [130] Record(fn: Expression DoubleFloat,init: List DoubleFloat,lb: 
+--R            List OrderedCompletion DoubleFloat,cf: List Expression 
+--R            DoubleFloat,ub: List OrderedCompletion DoubleFloat) -> 
+--R            NumericalOptimizationProblem
+--R            from NumericalOptimizationProblem
+--R   [131] NumericalOptimizationProblem -> OutputForm
+--R            from NumericalOptimizationProblem
+--R   [132] Integer -> OrdSetInts from OrdSetInts
+--R   [133] Color -> Palette from Palette
+--R   [134] Polynomial AlgebraicNumber -> Expression Integer
+--R            from PolynomialAN2Expression
+--R   [135] Fraction Polynomial AlgebraicNumber -> Expression Integer
+--R            from PolynomialAN2Expression
+--R   [136] Record(pde: List Expression DoubleFloat,constraints: List 
+--R            Record(start: DoubleFloat,finish: DoubleFloat,grid: 
+--R            NonNegativeInteger,boundaryType: Integer,dStart: Matrix 
+--R            DoubleFloat,dFinish: Matrix DoubleFloat),f: List List 
+--R            DoubleFloat,st: String,tol: DoubleFloat) -> NumericalPDEProblem
+--R            from NumericalPDEProblem
+--R   [137] NumericalPDEProblem -> OutputForm from NumericalPDEProblem
+--R   [138] PendantTree D2 -> Tree D2 from PendantTree D2 if D2 has SETCAT
+--R   [139] List Permutation D2 -> PermutationGroup D2 from 
+--R            PermutationGroup D2
+--R            if D2 has SETCAT
+--R   [140] PermutationGroup D2 -> List Permutation D2 from 
+--R            PermutationGroup D2
+--R            if D2 has SETCAT
+--R   [141] List D2 -> Permutation D2 from Permutation D2 if D2 has SETCAT
+--R   [142] List List D2 -> Permutation D2 from Permutation D2 if D2 has 
+--R            SETCAT
+--R   [143] Fraction Factored D2 -> PartialFraction D2 from 
+--R            PartialFraction D2
+--R            if D2 has EUCDOM
+--R   [144] PartialFraction D2 -> Fraction D2 from PartialFraction D2
+--R            if D2 has EUCDOM
+--R   [145] Pi -> Expression D3 from PiCoercions D3
+--R            if D3 has Join(OrderedSet,IntegralDomain)
+--R   [146] RadixExpansion D2 -> Fraction Integer from RadixExpansion D2 
+--R            if D2: INT
+--R   [147] D2 -> Void from ResolveLatticeCompletion D2 if D2 has TYPE
+--R   [148] Exit -> D1 from ResolveLatticeCompletion D1 if D1 has TYPE
+--R   [149] D1 -> D from D if D has RETRACT D1 and D1 has TYPE
+--R   [150] D2 -> Fraction Polynomial D2 from RationalFunction D2 if D2 
+--R            has INTDOM
+--R   [151] Integer -> D from D if D has RING
+--R   [152] D -> OutputForm from D if D has SPACEC D2 and D2 has RING
+--R   [153] Character -> D from D if D has SRAGG
+--R   [154] List D2 -> Stream D2 from Stream D2 if D2 has TYPE
+--R   [155] Symbol -> Switch from Switch
+--R   [156] String -> Symbol from Symbol
+--R   [157] SymbolTable -> Table(Symbol,FortranType) from SymbolTable
+--R   [158] Tableau D2 -> OutputForm from Tableau D2 if D2 has SETCAT
+--R   [159] D2 -> TexFormat from TexFormat1 D2 if D2 has SETCAT
+--R   [160] OutputForm -> TexFormat from TexFormat
+--R   [161] Polynomial D2 -> TaylorSeries D2 from TaylorSeries D2 if D2 
+--R            has RING
+--R   [162] Symbol -> TaylorSeries D2 from TaylorSeries D2 if D2 has RING
+--R   [163] D1 -> D from D
+--R            if D2 has RING and D has ULSCCAT(D2,D1) and D1 has UTSCAT 
+--R            D2
+--R   [164] Segment D2 -> UniversalSegment D2 from UniversalSegment D2
+--R            if D2 has TYPE
+--R   [165] Variable D2 -> UnivariatePolynomial(D2,D3)
+--R            from UnivariatePolynomial(D2,D3) if D2: SYMBOL and D3 has 
+--R            RING
+--R   [166] D1 -> D from D
+--R            if D2 has RING and D has UPXSCCA(D2,D1) and D1 has ULSCAT 
+--R            D2
+--R   [167] Void -> OutputForm from Void
+--R   [168] D1 -> D from D if D has XALG D1 and D1 has RING
+--R   [169] D1 -> D from D
+--R            if D has XFALG(D1,D2) and D1 has ORDSET and D2 has RING
+--RThere are 56 unexposed functions called coerce :
+--R   [1] Vector Matrix D3 -> Vector Matrix Fraction Polynomial D3
+--R            from CoerceVectorMatrixPackage D3 if D3 has COMRING
+--R   [2] List Integer -> ExtAlgBasis from ExtAlgBasis
+--R   [3] EuclideanModularRing(D2,D1,D3,D4,D5,D6) -> D1
+--R            from EuclideanModularRing(D2,D1,D3,D4,D5,D6)
+--R            if D1 has UPOLYC D2 and D2 has COMRING and D3 has ABELMON 
+--R            and D4: ((D1,D3) -> D1) and D5: ((D3,D3) -> Union(D3,
+--R            "failed")) and D6: ((D1,D1,D3) -> Union(D1,"failed"))
+--R   [4] UnivariatePuiseuxSeries(D3,D4,D5) -> ExponentialExpansion(D2,D3,
+--R            D4,D5)
+--R            from ExponentialExpansion(D2,D3,D4,D5)
+--R            if D3 has Join(AlgebraicallyClosedField,
+--R            TranscendentalFunctionCategory,FunctionSpace D2) and D4: 
+--R            SYMBOL and D5: D3 and D2 has Join(OrderedSet,RetractableTo 
+--R            Integer,LinearlyExplicitRingOver Integer,GcdDomain)
+--R   [5] Vector Fraction Polynomial D2 -> GenericNonAssociativeAlgebra(D2
+--R            ,D3,D4,D5)
+--R            from GenericNonAssociativeAlgebra(D2,D3,D4,D5)
+--R            if D2 has COMRING and D5: VECTOR MATRIX D2 and D3: PI and 
+--R            D4: LIST SYMBOL
+--R   [6] List List Point DoubleFloat -> GraphImage from GraphImage
+--R   [7] GraphImage -> OutputForm from GraphImage
+--R   [8] SparseMultivariatePolynomial(Integer,Kernel InnerAlgebraicNumber
+--R            ) -> InnerAlgebraicNumber
+--R            from InnerAlgebraicNumber
+--R   [9] LieExponentials(D2,D3,D4) -> XPBWPolynomial(D2,D3)
+--R            from LieExponentials(D2,D3,D4)
+--R            if D2 has ORDSET and D3 has Join(CommutativeRing,Module 
+--R            Fraction Integer) and D4: PI
+--R   [10] LieExponentials(D2,D3,D4) -> XDistributedPolynomial(D2,D3)
+--R            from LieExponentials(D2,D3,D4)
+--R            if D2 has ORDSET and D3 has Join(CommutativeRing,Module 
+--R            Fraction Integer) and D4: PI
+--R   [11] LyndonWord D2 -> Magma D2 from LyndonWord D2 if D2 has ORDSET
+--R   [12] LyndonWord D2 -> OrderedFreeMonoid D2 from LyndonWord D2
+--R            if D2 has ORDSET
+--R   [13] Magma D2 -> OrderedFreeMonoid D2 from Magma D2 if D2 has ORDSET
+--R   [14] D1 -> MakeCachableSet D1 from MakeCachableSet D1 if D1 has 
+--R            SETCAT
+--R   [15] ModularField(D1,D2,D3,D4,D5) -> D1 from ModularField(D1,D2,D3,
+--R            D4,D5)
+--R            if D1 has COMRING and D2 has ABELMON and D3: ((D1,D2) -> D1
+--R            ) and D4: ((D2,D2) -> Union(D2,"failed")) and D5: ((D1,D1,
+--R            D2) -> Union(D1,"failed"))
+--R   [16] D1 -> ModMonic(D2,D1) from ModMonic(D2,D1)
+--R            if D2 has RING and D1 has UPOLYC D2
+--R   [17] ModuleMonomial(D2,D3,D4) -> Record(index: D2,exponent: D3)
+--R            from ModuleMonomial(D2,D3,D4)
+--R            if D2 has ORDSET and D3 has SETCAT and D4: ((Record(index: 
+--R            D2,exponent: D3),Record(index: D2,exponent: D3)) -> Boolean
+--R            )
+--R   [18] Record(index: D2,exponent: D3) -> ModuleMonomial(D2,D3,D4)
+--R            from ModuleMonomial(D2,D3,D4)
+--R            if D2 has ORDSET and D3 has SETCAT and D4: ((Record(index: 
+--R            D2,exponent: D3),Record(index: D2,exponent: D3)) -> Boolean
+--R            )
+--R   [19] ModularRing(D1,D2,D3,D4,D5) -> D1 from ModularRing(D1,D2,D3,D4,
+--R            D5)
+--R            if D1 has COMRING and D2 has ABELMON and D3: ((D1,D2) -> D1
+--R            ) and D4: ((D2,D2) -> Union(D2,"failed")) and D5: ((D1,D1,
+--R            D2) -> Union(D1,"failed"))
+--R   [20] List Record(coef: D2,monom: D3) -> MonoidRing(D2,D3)
+--R            from MonoidRing(D2,D3) if D2 has RING and D3 has MONOID
+--R   [21] Fraction MyUnivariatePolynomial(D2,D3) -> MyExpression(D2,D3)
+--R            from MyExpression(D2,D3)
+--R            if D2: SYMBOL and D3 has Join(Ring,OrderedSet,
+--R            IntegralDomain)
+--R   [22] Polynomial D3 -> MyUnivariatePolynomial(D2,D3)
+--R            from MyUnivariatePolynomial(D2,D3) if D3 has RING and D2: 
+--R            SYMBOL
+--R   [23] Variable D2 -> MyUnivariatePolynomial(D2,D3)
+--R            from MyUnivariatePolynomial(D2,D3) if D2: SYMBOL and D3 has
+--R            RING
+--R   [24] D1 -> MyUnivariatePolynomial(D2,D1) from MyUnivariatePolynomial
+--R            (D2,D1)
+--R            if D2: SYMBOL and D1 has RING
+--R   [25] Variable D2 -> UnivariateSkewPolynomial(D2,D3,D4,D5)
+--R            from UnivariateSkewPolynomial(D2,D3,D4,D5)
+--R            if D2: SYMBOL and D3 has RING and D4: AUTOMOR D3 and D5: (
+--R            D3 -> D3)
+--R   [26] Polynomial D2 -> OrdinaryWeightedPolynomials(D2,D3,D4,D5)
+--R            from OrdinaryWeightedPolynomials(D2,D3,D4,D5)
+--R            if D2 has RING and D3: LIST SYMBOL and D4: LIST NNI and D5
+--R            : NNI
+--R   [27] OrdinaryWeightedPolynomials(D2,D3,D4,D5) -> Polynomial D2
+--R            from OrdinaryWeightedPolynomials(D2,D3,D4,D5)
+--R            if D2 has RING and D3: LIST SYMBOL and D4: LIST NNI and D5
+--R            : NNI
+--R   [28] D1 -> PoincareBirkhoffWittLyndonBasis D1
+--R            from PoincareBirkhoffWittLyndonBasis D1 if D1 has ORDSET
+--R   [29] PoincareBirkhoffWittLyndonBasis D2 -> OrderedFreeMonoid D2
+--R            from PoincareBirkhoffWittLyndonBasis D2 if D2 has ORDSET
+--R   [30] Partition -> List Integer from Partition
+--R   [31] D1 -> ResidueRing(D2,D3,D4,D1,D5) from ResidueRing(D2,D3,D4,D1,
+--R            D5)
+--R            if D2 has FIELD and D3 has OAMONS and D4 has ORDSET and D1 
+--R            has POLYCAT(D2,D3,D4) and D5: LIST D1
+--R   [32] RectangularMatrix(D2,D3,D4) -> Matrix D4
+--R            from RectangularMatrix(D2,D3,D4)
+--R            if D2: NNI and D3: NNI and D4 has RING
+--R   [33] D1 -> SparseMultivariateTaylorSeries(D2,D3,D1)
+--R            from SparseMultivariateTaylorSeries(D2,D3,D1)
+--R            if D2 has RING and D3 has ORDSET and D1 has POLYCAT(D2,INDE
+--R            D3,D3)
+--R   [34] D1 -> SparseMultivariateTaylorSeries(D2,D1,D3)
+--R            from SparseMultivariateTaylorSeries(D2,D1,D3)
+--R            if D2 has RING and D1 has ORDSET and D3 has POLYCAT(D2,INDE
+--R            D1,D1)
+--R   [35] SquareMatrix(D2,D3) -> Matrix D3 from SquareMatrix(D2,D3)
+--R            if D2: NNI and D3 has RING
+--R   [36] D2 -> Stream D2 from StreamTaylorSeriesOperations D2 if D2 has 
+--R            RING
+--R   [37] Variable D3 -> SparseUnivariateLaurentSeries(D2,D3,D4)
+--R            from SparseUnivariateLaurentSeries(D2,D3,D4)
+--R            if D3: SYMBOL and D2 has RING and D4: D2
+--R   [38] Variable D3 -> SparseUnivariatePuiseuxSeries(D2,D3,D4)
+--R            from SparseUnivariatePuiseuxSeries(D2,D3,D4)
+--R            if D3: SYMBOL and D2 has RING and D4: D2
+--R   [39] Variable D3 -> SparseUnivariateTaylorSeries(D2,D3,D4)
+--R            from SparseUnivariateTaylorSeries(D2,D3,D4)
+--R            if D3: SYMBOL and D2 has RING and D4: D2
+--R   [40] UnivariatePolynomial(D3,D2) -> SparseUnivariateTaylorSeries(D2,
+--R            D3,D4)
+--R            from SparseUnivariateTaylorSeries(D2,D3,D4)
+--R            if D2 has RING and D3: SYMBOL and D4: D2
+--R   [41] PrimitiveArray D2 -> Tuple D2 from Tuple D2 if D2 has TYPE
+--R   [42] Variable QUOTE x -> UnivariateFormalPowerSeries D2
+--R            from UnivariateFormalPowerSeries D2 if D2 has RING
+--R   [43] UnivariatePolynomial(QUOTE x,D2) -> UnivariateFormalPowerSeries
+--R            D2
+--R            from UnivariateFormalPowerSeries D2 if D2 has RING
+--R   [44] Variable D3 -> UnivariateLaurentSeries(D2,D3,D4)
+--R            from UnivariateLaurentSeries(D2,D3,D4)
+--R            if D3: SYMBOL and D2 has RING and D4: D2
+--R   [45] Variable D3 -> UnivariatePuiseuxSeries(D2,D3,D4)
+--R            from UnivariatePuiseuxSeries(D2,D3,D4)
+--R            if D3: SYMBOL and D2 has RING and D4: D2
+--R   [46] Variable D3 -> UnivariateTaylorSeries(D2,D3,D4)
+--R            from UnivariateTaylorSeries(D2,D3,D4)
+--R            if D3: SYMBOL and D2 has RING and D4: D2
+--R   [47] UnivariatePolynomial(D3,D2) -> UnivariateTaylorSeries(D2,D3,D4)
+--R            from UnivariateTaylorSeries(D2,D3,D4)
+--R            if D2 has RING and D3: SYMBOL and D4: D2
+--R   [48] Variable D2 -> Symbol from Variable D2 if D2: SYMBOL
+--R   [49] TwoDimensionalViewport -> OutputForm from 
+--R            TwoDimensionalViewport
+--R   [50] GraphImage -> TwoDimensionalViewport from ViewportPackage
+--R   [51] D1 -> WeightedPolynomials(D2,D3,D4,D1,D5,D6,D7)
+--R            from WeightedPolynomials(D2,D3,D4,D1,D5,D6,D7)
+--R            if D2 has RING and D3 has ORDSET and D4 has OAMONS and D5: 
+--R            LIST D3 and D1 has POLYCAT(D2,D4,D3) and D6: LIST NNI and 
+--R            D7: NNI
+--R   [52] WeightedPolynomials(D2,D3,D4,D1,D5,D6,D7) -> D1
+--R            from WeightedPolynomials(D2,D3,D4,D1,D5,D6,D7)
+--R            if D1 has POLYCAT(D2,D4,D3) and D2 has RING and D3 has 
+--R            ORDSET and D4 has OAMONS and D5: LIST D3 and D6: LIST NNI 
+--R            and D7: NNI
+--R   [53] XPBWPolynomial(D2,D3) -> XRecursivePolynomial(D2,D3)
+--R            from XPBWPolynomial(D2,D3) if D2 has ORDSET and D3 has 
+--R            COMRING
+--R   [54] XPBWPolynomial(D2,D3) -> XDistributedPolynomial(D2,D3)
+--R            from XPBWPolynomial(D2,D3) if D2 has ORDSET and D3 has 
+--R            COMRING
+--R   [55] LiePolynomial(D2,D3) -> XPBWPolynomial(D2,D3)
+--R            from XPBWPolynomial(D2,D3) if D2 has ORDSET and D3 has 
+--R            COMRING
+--R   [56] D1 -> XPolynomialRing(D2,D1) from XPolynomialRing(D2,D1)
+--R            if D2 has RING and D1 has ORDMON
+--RExamples of coerce from Algebra
+--RExamples of coerce from AlgebraGivenByStructuralConstants
+--RExamples of coerce from AlgebraicNumber
+--RExamples of coerce from AnyFunctions1
+--RExamples of coerce from Asp10
+--RExamples of coerce from Asp19
+--RExamples of coerce from Asp1
+--RExamples of coerce from Asp20
+--RExamples of coerce from Asp24
+--RExamples of coerce from Asp31
+--RExamples of coerce from Asp35
+--RExamples of coerce from Asp41
+--RExamples of coerce from Asp42
+--RExamples of coerce from Asp49
+--RExamples of coerce from Asp4
+--RExamples of coerce from Asp50
+--RExamples of coerce from Asp55
+--RExamples of coerce from Asp6
+--RExamples of coerce from Asp73
+--RExamples of coerce from Asp74
+--RExamples of coerce from Asp77
+--RExamples of coerce from Asp78
+--RExamples of coerce from Asp7
+--RExamples of coerce from Asp80
+--RExamples of coerce from Asp9
+--RExamples of coerce from BinaryExpansion
+--RExamples of coerce from CartesianTensor
+--Rv:DirectProduct(2,Integer):=directProduct [3,4] 
+--RExamples of coerce from CoerceVectorMatrixPackage
+--RExamples of coerce from Database
+--RExamples of coerce from DecimalExpansion
+--RExamples of coerce from DataList
+--RExamples of coerce from DrawNumericHack
+--RExamples of coerce from DifferentialVariableCategory
+--RExamples of coerce from ExtAlgBasis
+--RExamples of coerce from EuclideanModularRing
+--RExamples of coerce from ExponentialExpansion
+--RExamples of coerce from FortranCode
+--RExamples of coerce from FortranExpression
+--RExamples of coerce from FiniteFieldHomomorphisms
+--RExamples of coerce from FreeLieAlgebra
+--RExamples of coerce from FortranMatrixCategory
+--RExamples of coerce from FortranMatrixFunctionCategory
+--RExamples of coerce from FileNameCategory
+--RExamples of coerce from ScriptFormulaFormat1
+--RExamples of coerce from ScriptFormulaFormat
+--RExamples of coerce from FortranFunctionCategory
+--RExamples of coerce from FortranProgram
+--RExamples of coerce from FourierSeries
+--RExamples of coerce from FunctionSpace
+--RExamples of coerce from FortranScalarType
+--RExamples of coerce from FortranType
+--RExamples of coerce from FortranVectorCategory
+--RExamples of coerce from FortranVectorFunctionCategory
+--RExamples of coerce from GenericNonAssociativeAlgebra
+--RExamples of coerce from GraphImage
+--RExamples of coerce from GeneralUnivariatePowerSeries
+--RExamples of coerce from HexadecimalExpansion
+--RExamples of coerce from InnerAlgebraicNumber
+--RExamples of coerce from IndexCard
+--RExamples of coerce from PolynomialIdeals
+--RExamples of coerce from AssociatedJordanAlgebra
+--RExamples of coerce from CoercibleTo
+--RExamples of coerce from LeftAlgebra
+--RExamples of coerce from LieExponentials
+--RExamples of coerce from AssociatedLieAlgebra
+--RExamples of coerce from LyndonWord
+--RExamples of coerce from ThreeDimensionalMatrix
+--RExamples of coerce from Magma
+--RExamples of coerce from MappingPackage1
+--RExamples of coerce from MatrixCategory
+--RExamples of coerce from MachineComplex
+--RExamples of coerce from MachineFloat
+--RExamples of coerce from MachineInteger
+--RExamples of coerce from MakeCachableSet
+--RExamples of coerce from MathMLFormat
+--RExamples of coerce from ModularField
+--RExamples of coerce from ModMonic
+--RExamples of coerce from ModuleMonomial
+--RExamples of coerce from ModularRing
+--RExamples of coerce from MonoidRing
+--RExamples of coerce from MyExpression
+--RExamples of coerce from MyUnivariatePolynomial
+--RExamples of coerce from NonAssociativeRing
+--RExamples of coerce from NumericalIntegrationProblem
+--RExamples of coerce from NoneFunctions1
+--RExamples of coerce from NumericalODEProblem
+--RExamples of coerce from OrdinaryDifferentialRing
+--RExamples of coerce from OpenMathErrorKind
+--RExamples of coerce from NumericalOptimizationProblem
+--RExamples of coerce from UnivariateSkewPolynomial
+--RExamples of coerce from OrdSetInts
+--RExamples of coerce from OrdinaryWeightedPolynomials
+--RExamples of coerce from Palette
+--RExamples of coerce from PolynomialAN2Expression
+--RExamples of coerce from PoincareBirkhoffWittLyndonBasis
+--RExamples of coerce from NumericalPDEProblem
+--RExamples of coerce from PendantTree
+--Rt2::Tree List PositiveInteger
+--RExamples of coerce from PermutationGroup
+--RExamples of coerce from Permutation
+--RExamples of coerce from PartialFraction
+--RExamples of coerce from PiCoercions
+--RExamples of coerce from Partition
+--RExamples of coerce from RadixExpansion
+--RExamples of coerce from ResolveLatticeCompletion
+--RExamples of coerce from ResidueRing
+--RExamples of coerce from RetractableTo
+--RExamples of coerce from RationalFunction
+--RExamples of coerce from Ring
+--RExamples of coerce from RectangularMatrix
+--RExamples of coerce from SparseMultivariateTaylorSeries
+--RExamples of coerce from ThreeSpaceCategory
+--RExamples of coerce from SquareMatrix
+--RExamples of coerce from StringAggregate
+--RExamples of coerce from Stream
+--RExamples of coerce from StreamTaylorSeriesOperations
+--RExamples of coerce from SparseUnivariateLaurentSeries
+--RExamples of coerce from SparseUnivariatePuiseuxSeries
+--RExamples of coerce from SparseUnivariateTaylorSeries
+--RExamples of coerce from Switch
+--RExamples of coerce from Symbol
+--RExamples of coerce from SymbolTable
+--RExamples of coerce from Tableau
+--RExamples of coerce from TexFormat1
+--RExamples of coerce from TexFormat
+--RExamples of coerce from TaylorSeries
+--RExamples of coerce from Tuple
+--Rt1:PrimitiveArray(Integer):= [i for i in 1..10] 
+--RExamples of coerce from UnivariateFormalPowerSeries
+--RExamples of coerce from UnivariateLaurentSeriesConstructorCategory
+--RExamples of coerce from UnivariateLaurentSeries
+--RExamples of coerce from UniversalSegment
+--RExamples of coerce from UnivariatePolynomial
+--RExamples of coerce from UnivariatePuiseuxSeriesConstructorCategory
+--RExamples of coerce from UnivariatePuiseuxSeries
+--RExamples of coerce from UnivariateTaylorSeries
+--RExamples of coerce from Variable
+--RExamples of coerce from TwoDimensionalViewport
+--RExamples of coerce from ViewportPackage
+--RExamples of coerce from Void
+--RExamples of coerce from WeightedPolynomials
+--RExamples of coerce from XAlgebra
+--RExamples of coerce from XFreeAlgebra
+--RExamples of coerce from XPBWPolynomial
+--RExamples of coerce from XPolynomialRing
+--E 69
+--S 70 of 127
+--R)d op contract
+--RThere are 3 exposed functions called contract :
+--R   [1] (CartesianTensor(D2,D3,D4),Integer,Integer) -> CartesianTensor(
+--R            D2,D3,D4)
+--R            from CartesianTensor(D2,D3,D4)
+--R            if D2: INT and D3: NNI and D4 has COMRING
+--R   [2] (CartesianTensor(D2,D3,D4),Integer,CartesianTensor(D2,D3,D4),
+--R            Integer) -> CartesianTensor(D2,D3,D4)
+--R            from CartesianTensor(D2,D3,D4)
+--R            if D2: INT and D3: NNI and D4 has COMRING
+--R   [3] (PolynomialIdeals(Fraction Integer,DirectProduct(D4,
+--R            NonNegativeInteger),OrderedVariableList D3,
+--R            DistributedMultivariatePolynomial(D3,Fraction Integer)),List 
+--R            OrderedVariableList D3) -> PolynomialIdeals(Fraction Integer,
+--R            DirectProduct(D4,NonNegativeInteger),OrderedVariableList D3,
+--R            DistributedMultivariatePolynomial(D3,Fraction Integer))
+--R            from IdealDecompositionPackage(D3,D4)
+--R            if D3: LIST SYMBOL and D4: NNI
+--RExamples of contract from CartesianTensor
+--Rm:SquareMatrix(2,Integer):=matrix [[1,2],[4,5]] 
+--Rv:DirectProduct(2,Integer):=directProduct [3,4] 
+--Rm:SquareMatrix(2,Integer):=matrix [[1,2],[4,5]] 
+--Rv:DirectProduct(2,Integer):=directProduct [3,4] 
+--RExamples of contract from IdealDecompositionPackage
+--E 70
+--S 71 of 127
+--R)d op irreducibleFactor
+--RThere is one exposed function called irreducibleFactor :
+--R   [1] (D1,Integer) -> Factored D1 from Factored D1 if D1 has INTDOM
+--RExamples of irreducibleFactor from Factored
+--E 71
+--S 72 of 127
+--R)d op concat
+--RThere are 10 exposed functions called concat :
+--R   [1] (Result,Result) -> Result from ExpertSystemToolsPackage
+--R   [2] List Result -> Result from ExpertSystemToolsPackage
+--R   [3] List D -> D from D if D has LNAGG D2 and D2 has TYPE
+--R   [4] (D,D) -> D from D if D has LNAGG D1 and D1 has TYPE
+--R   [5] (D1,D) -> D from D if D has LNAGG D1 and D1 has TYPE
+--R   [6] (D,D1) -> D from D if D has LNAGG D1 and D1 has TYPE
+--R   [7] (RoutinesTable,RoutinesTable) -> RoutinesTable from 
+--R            RoutinesTable
+--R   [8] Stream Stream D3 -> Stream D3 from StreamFunctions1 D3 if D3 has
+--R            TYPE
+--R   [9] (D1,D) -> D from D if D has URAGG D1 and D1 has TYPE
+--R   [10] (D,D) -> D from D if D has URAGG D1 and D1 has TYPE
+--RExamples of concat from ExpertSystemToolsPackage
+--RExamples of concat from LinearAggregate
+--RExamples of concat from RoutinesTable
+--RExamples of concat from StreamFunctions1
+--Rm:=[i for i in 10..] 
+--Rn:=[j for j in 1.. | prime? j] 
+--RExamples of concat from UnaryRecursiveAggregate
+--E 72
+--S 73 of 127
+--R)d op binaryTournament
+--RThere is one exposed function called binaryTournament :
+--R   [1] List D2 -> BinaryTournament D2 from BinaryTournament D2 if D2 
+--R            has ORDSET
+--RExamples of binaryTournament from BinaryTournament
+--RbinaryTournament [1,2,3,4]
+--E 73
+--S 74 of 127
+--R)d op upperCase
+--RThere are 3 exposed functions called upperCase :
+--R   [1]  -> CharacterClass from CharacterClass
+--R   [2] Character -> Character from Character
+--R   [3] D -> D from D if D has SRAGG
+--RExamples of upperCase from CharacterClass
+--RExamples of upperCase from Character
+--Rchars := [char "a", char "A", char "X", char "8", char "+"] 
+--R[upperCase c for c in chars]
+--RExamples of upperCase from StringAggregate
+--E 74
+--S 75 of 127
+--R)d op exponent
+--RThere are 3 exposed functions called exponent :
+--R   [1] D -> Integer from D if D has FPS
+--R   [2] Factored D2 -> Integer from Factored D2 if D2 has INTDOM
+--R   [3] MachineFloat -> Integer from MachineFloat
+--RThere are 2 unexposed functions called exponent :
+--R   [1] ExponentialOfUnivariatePuiseuxSeries(D2,D3,D4) -> 
+--R            UnivariatePuiseuxSeries(D2,D3,D4)
+--R            from ExponentialOfUnivariatePuiseuxSeries(D2,D3,D4)
+--R            if D2 has Join(Field,OrderedSet) and D3: SYMBOL and D4: D2
+--R   [2] ModuleMonomial(D2,D1,D3) -> D1 from ModuleMonomial(D2,D1,D3)
+--R            if D1 has SETCAT and D2 has ORDSET and D3: ((Record(index: 
+--R            D2,exponent: D1),Record(index: D2,exponent: D1)) -> Boolean
+--R            )
+--RExamples of exponent from ExponentialOfUnivariatePuiseuxSeries
+--RExamples of exponent from FloatingPointSystem
+--RExamples of exponent from Factored
+--RExamples of exponent from MachineFloat
+--RExamples of exponent from ModuleMonomial
+--E 75
+--S 76 of 127
+--R)d op setRow!
+--RThere is one exposed function called setRow! :
+--R   [1] (D,Integer,D2) -> D from D
+--R            if D has ARR2CAT(D3,D2,D4) and D3 has TYPE and D2 has FLAGG
+--R            D3 and D4 has FLAGG D3
+--RExamples of setRow! from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory
+--RT1:=TwoDimensionalArray Integer 
+--Rarr:T1:= new(5,4,0) 
+--RT2:=OneDimensionalArray Integer 
+--E 76
+--S 77 of 127
+--R)d op generate
+--RThere are 4 exposed functions called generate :
+--R   [1] (NonNegativeInteger,NonNegativeInteger) -> Vector List Integer
+--R            from HallBasis
+--R   [2] ((D2 -> D2),D2) -> InfiniteTuple D2 from InfiniteTuple D2 if D2 
+--R            has TYPE
+--R   [3] ((D2 -> D2),D2) -> Stream D2 from Stream D2 if D2 has TYPE
+--R   [4] (() -> D2) -> Stream D2 from Stream D2 if D2 has TYPE
+--RExamples of generate from HallBasis
+--RExamples of generate from InfiniteTuple
+--RExamples of generate from Stream
+--Rf(x:Integer):Integer == x+10 
+--Rf():Integer == 1 
+--E 77
+--S 78 of 127
+--R)d op gcd
+--RThere are 6 exposed functions called gcd :
+--R   [1] List D -> D from D if D has GCDDOM
+--R   [2] (D,D) -> D from D if D has GCDDOM
+--R   [3] (D1,D1,Integer) -> D1 from ModularDistinctDegreeFactorizer D1
+--R            if D1 has UPOLYC INT
+--R   [4] (NonNegativeInteger,NonNegativeInteger) -> NonNegativeInteger
+--R            from NonNegativeInteger
+--R   [5] (PositiveInteger,PositiveInteger) -> PositiveInteger
+--R            from PositiveInteger
+--R   [6] (D1,D) -> D1 from D
+--R            if D has RPOLCAT(D1,D2,D3) and D1 has RING and D2 has 
+--R            OAMONS and D3 has ORDSET and D1 has GCDDOM
+--RThere are 6 unexposed functions called gcd :
+--R   [1] List D1 -> D1 from HeuGcd D1 if D1 has UPOLYC INT
+--R   [2] (D1,D1) -> D1 from PolynomialGcdPackage(D2,D3,D4,D1)
+--R            if D2 has OAMONS and D3 has ORDSET and D4 has EUCDOM and D1
+--R            has POLYCAT(D4,D2,D3)
+--R   [3] List D1 -> D1 from PolynomialGcdPackage(D3,D4,D5,D1)
+--R            if D1 has POLYCAT(D5,D3,D4) and D3 has OAMONS and D4 has 
+--R            ORDSET and D5 has EUCDOM
+--R   [4] (SparseUnivariatePolynomial D5,SparseUnivariatePolynomial D5)
+--R             -> SparseUnivariatePolynomial D5
+--R            from PolynomialGcdPackage(D2,D3,D4,D5)
+--R            if D5 has POLYCAT(D4,D2,D3) and D2 has OAMONS and D3 has 
+--R            ORDSET and D4 has EUCDOM
+--R   [5] List SparseUnivariatePolynomial D6 -> SparseUnivariatePolynomial
+--R            D6
+--R            from PolynomialGcdPackage(D3,D4,D5,D6)
+--R            if D3 has OAMONS and D4 has ORDSET and D5 has EUCDOM and D6
+--R            has POLYCAT(D5,D3,D4)
+--R   [6] (D1,D1) -> D1 from PseudoRemainderSequence(D2,D1)
+--R            if D2 has GCDDOM and D2 has INTDOM and D1 has UPOLYC D2
+--RExamples of gcd from GcdDomain
+--RExamples of gcd from HeuGcd
+--RExamples of gcd from ModularDistinctDegreeFactorizer
+--RExamples of gcd from NonNegativeInteger
+--RExamples of gcd from PolynomialGcdPackage
+--RExamples of gcd from PositiveInteger
+--RExamples of gcd from PseudoRemainderSequence
+--RExamples of gcd from RecursivePolynomialCategory
+--E 78
+--S 79 of 127
+--R)d op binary
+--RThere is one exposed function called binary :
+--R   [1] Fraction Integer -> BinaryExpansion from BinaryExpansion
+--RThere is one unexposed function called binary :
+--R   [1] (InputForm,List InputForm) -> InputForm from InputForm
+--RExamples of binary from BinaryExpansion
+--RExamples of binary from InputForm
+--E 79
+--S 80 of 127
+--R)d op expand
+--RThere are 6 exposed functions called expand :
+--R   [1] Factored D1 -> D1 from Factored D1 if D1 has INTDOM
+--R   [2] IntegrationResult D4 -> List D4 from IntegrationResultToFunction
+--R            (D3,D4)
+--R            if D4 has Join(AlgebraicallyClosedFunctionSpace D3,
+--R            TranscendentalFunctionCategory) and D3 has Join(GcdDomain,
+--R            RetractableTo Integer,OrderedSet,LinearlyExplicitRingOver 
+--R            Integer)
+--R   [3] IntegrationResult Fraction Polynomial D3 -> List Expression D3
+--R            from IntegrationResultRFToFunction D3
+--R            if D3 has Join(GcdDomain,RetractableTo Integer,OrderedSet,
+--R            LinearlyExplicitRingOver Integer)
+--R   [4] D -> D1 from D
+--R            if D has SEGXCAT(D2,D1) and D2 has ORDRING and D1 has STAGG
+--R            D2
+--R   [5] List D -> D1 from D
+--R            if D has SEGXCAT(D3,D1) and D3 has ORDRING and D1 has STAGG
+--R            D3
+--R   [6] D1 -> D1 from TranscendentalManipulations(D2,D1)
+--R            if D2 has Join(OrderedSet,GcdDomain) and D1 has Join(
+--R            FunctionSpace D2,TranscendentalFunctionCategory)
+--RThere are 3 unexposed functions called expand :
+--R   [1] (Expression D5,PositiveInteger) -> List Expression D5
+--R            from DegreeReductionPackage(D4,D5)
+--R            if D5 has Join(IntegralDomain,OrderedSet) and D4 has RING
+--R   [2] XPolynomial D2 -> XDistributedPolynomial(Symbol,D2) from 
+--R            XPolynomial D2
+--R            if D2 has RING
+--R   [3] XRecursivePolynomial(D2,D3) -> XDistributedPolynomial(D2,D3)
+--R            from XRecursivePolynomial(D2,D3)
+--R            if D2 has ORDSET and D3 has RING
+--RExamples of expand from DegreeReductionPackage
+--RExamples of expand from Factored
+--RExamples of expand from IntegrationResultToFunction
+--RExamples of expand from IntegrationResultRFToFunction
+--RExamples of expand from SegmentExpansionCategory
+--RExamples of expand from TranscendentalManipulations
+--RExamples of expand from XPolynomial
+--RExamples of expand from XRecursivePolynomial
+--E 80
+--S 81 of 127
+--R)d op filterWhile
+--RThere are 2 exposed functions called filterWhile :
+--R   [1] ((D2 -> Boolean),InfiniteTuple D2) -> InfiniteTuple D2
+--R            from InfiniteTuple D2 if D2 has TYPE
+--R   [2] ((D2 -> Boolean),Stream D2) -> Stream D2 from Stream D2 if D2 
+--R            has TYPE
+--RExamples of filterWhile from InfiniteTuple
+--RExamples of filterWhile from Stream
+--Rm:=[i for i in 1..] 
+--Rf(x:PositiveInteger):Boolean == x < 5 
+--E 81
+--S 82 of 127
+--R)d op filterUntil
+--RThere are 2 exposed functions called filterUntil :
+--R   [1] ((D2 -> Boolean),InfiniteTuple D2) -> InfiniteTuple D2
+--R            from InfiniteTuple D2 if D2 has TYPE
+--R   [2] ((D2 -> Boolean),Stream D2) -> Stream D2 from Stream D2 if D2 
+--R            has TYPE
+--RExamples of filterUntil from InfiniteTuple
+--RExamples of filterUntil from Stream
+--Rm:=[i for i in 1..] 
+--Rf(x:PositiveInteger):Boolean == x < 5 
+--E 82
+--S 83 of 127
+--R)d op select
+--RThere are 4 exposed functions called select :
+--R   [1] ((D2 -> Boolean),D) -> D from D
+--R            if D has finiteAggregate and D has CLAGG D2 and D2 has TYPE
+--R   [2] ((D2 -> Boolean),InfiniteTuple D2) -> InfiniteTuple D2
+--R            from InfiniteTuple D2 if D2 has TYPE
+--R   [3] ((D2 -> Boolean),D) -> D from D if D has LZSTAGG D2 and D2 has 
+--R            TYPE
+--R   [4] (D,D2) -> Union(D1,"failed") from D
+--R            if D has TSETCAT(D3,D4,D2,D1) and D3 has INTDOM and D4 has 
+--R            OAMONS and D2 has ORDSET and D1 has RPOLCAT(D3,D4,D2)
+--RThere is one unexposed function called select :
+--R   [1] (Tuple D1,NonNegativeInteger) -> D1 from Tuple D1 if D1 has TYPE
+--RExamples of select from Collection
+--RExamples of select from InfiniteTuple
+--RExamples of select from LazyStreamAggregate
+--Rm:=[i for i in 0..] 
+--Rselect(x+->prime? x,m)
+--RExamples of select from TriangularSetCategory
+--RExamples of select from Tuple
+--Rt1:PrimitiveArray(Integer):= [i for i in 1..10] 
+--E 83
+--S 84 of 127
+--R)d op nthFlag
+--RThere is one exposed function called nthFlag :
+--R   [1] (Factored D3,Integer) -> Union("nil","sqfr","irred","prime")
+--R            from Factored D3 if D3 has INTDOM
+--RExamples of nthFlag from Factored
+--Ra:=factor 9720000 
+--E 84
+--S 85 of 127
+--R)d op makeFR
+--RThere is one exposed function called makeFR :
+--R   [1] (D1,List Record(flg: Union("nil","sqfr","irred","prime"),fctr: 
+--R            D1,xpnt: Integer)) -> Factored D1
+--R            from Factored D1 if D1 has INTDOM
+--RThere is one unexposed function called makeFR :
+--R   [1] Record(contp: Integer,factors: List Record(irr: D3,pow: Integer)
+--R            ) -> Factored D3
+--R            from GaloisGroupFactorizer D3 if D3 has UPOLYC INT
+--RExamples of makeFR from Factored
+--Rg:=factorList f 
+--RExamples of makeFR from GaloisGroupFactorizer
+--E 85
+--S 86 of 127
+--R)d op *
+--RThere are 33 exposed functions called * :
+--R   [1] (Integer,D) -> D from D if D has ABELGRP
+--R   [2] (NonNegativeInteger,D) -> D from D if D has ABELMON
+--R   [3] (PositiveInteger,D) -> D from D if D has ABELSG
+--R   [4] (CartesianTensor(D1,D2,D3),CartesianTensor(D1,D2,D3)) -> 
+--R            CartesianTensor(D1,D2,D3)
+--R            from CartesianTensor(D1,D2,D3)
+--R            if D1: INT and D2: NNI and D3 has COMRING
+--R   [5] (DoubleFloat,Color) -> Color from Color
+--R   [6] (PositiveInteger,Color) -> Color from Color
+--R   [7] (DenavitHartenbergMatrix D2,Point D2) -> Point D2
+--R            from DenavitHartenbergMatrix D2
+--R            if D2 has Join(Field,TranscendentalFunctionCategory)
+--R   [8] (D1,Equation D1) -> Equation D1 from Equation D1
+--R            if D1 has SGROUP and D1 has TYPE
+--R   [9] (Equation D1,D1) -> Equation D1 from Equation D1
+--R            if D1 has SGROUP and D1 has TYPE
+--R   [10] (D1,D2) -> D from D
+--R            if D has FAMONC(D2,D1) and D2 has SETCAT and D1 has CABMON
+--R   [11] (D1,D2) -> D from D
+--R            if D has FMCAT(D1,D2) and D1 has RING and D2 has SETCAT
+--R   [12] (D,D1) -> D from D
+--R            if D has GRMOD(D1,D2) and D1 has COMRING and D2 has ABELMON
+--R   [13] (D1,D) -> D from D
+--R            if D has GRMOD(D1,D2) and D1 has COMRING and D2 has ABELMON
+--R   [14] (PolynomialIdeals(D1,D2,D3,D4),PolynomialIdeals(D1,D2,D3,D4))
+--R             -> PolynomialIdeals(D1,D2,D3,D4)
+--R            from PolynomialIdeals(D1,D2,D3,D4)
+--R            if D1 has FIELD and D2 has OAMONS and D3 has ORDSET and D4 
+--R            has POLYCAT(D1,D2,D3)
+--R   [15] (D1,D) -> D from D if D has LMODULE D1 and D1 has RNG
+--R   [16] ((D5 -> D6),(D4 -> D5)) -> (D4 -> D6) from MappingPackage3(D4,
+--R            D5,D6)
+--R            if D4 has SETCAT and D5 has SETCAT and D6 has SETCAT
+--R   [17] ((D2 -> D3),(D2 -> D3)) -> (D2 -> D3) from MappingPackage4(D2,
+--R            D3)
+--R            if D2 has SETCAT and D3 has RING
+--R   [18] (D1,D) -> D1 from D
+--R            if D has MATCAT(D2,D1,D3) and D2 has RING and D1 has FLAGG 
+--R            D2 and D3 has FLAGG D2
+--R   [19] (D,D1) -> D1 from D
+--R            if D has MATCAT(D2,D3,D1) and D2 has RING and D3 has FLAGG 
+--R            D2 and D1 has FLAGG D2
+--R   [20] (Integer,D) -> D from D
+--R            if D has MATCAT(D2,D3,D4) and D2 has RING and D3 has FLAGG 
+--R            D2 and D4 has FLAGG D2
+--R   [21] (D,D1) -> D from D
+--R            if D has MATCAT(D1,D2,D3) and D1 has RING and D2 has FLAGG 
+--R            D1 and D3 has FLAGG D1
+--R   [22] (D1,D) -> D from D
+--R            if D has MATCAT(D1,D2,D3) and D1 has RING and D2 has FLAGG 
+--R            D1 and D3 has FLAGG D1
+--R   [23] (D,D) -> D from D
+--R            if D has MATCAT(D1,D2,D3) and D1 has RING and D2 has FLAGG 
+--R            D1 and D3 has FLAGG D1
+--R   [24] (D,D) -> D from D if D has MONAD
+--R   [25] (D,D1) -> D from D if D has RMODULE D1 and D1 has RNG
+--R   [26] (D,D) -> D from D if D has SGROUP
+--R   [27] (D1,D) -> D1 from D
+--R            if D has SMATCAT(D2,D3,D1,D4) and D3 has RING and D1 has 
+--R            DIRPCAT(D2,D3) and D4 has DIRPCAT(D2,D3)
+--R   [28] (D,D1) -> D1 from D
+--R            if D has SMATCAT(D2,D3,D4,D1) and D3 has RING and D4 has 
+--R            DIRPCAT(D2,D3) and D1 has DIRPCAT(D2,D3)
+--R   [29] (D,D1) -> D from D
+--R            if D has VECTCAT D1 and D1 has TYPE and D1 has MONOID
+--R   [30] (D1,D) -> D from D
+--R            if D has VECTCAT D1 and D1 has TYPE and D1 has MONOID
+--R   [31] (Integer,D) -> D from D
+--R            if D has VECTCAT D2 and D2 has TYPE and D2 has ABELGRP
+--R   [32] (D1,D) -> D from D
+--R            if D has XFALG(D1,D2) and D1 has ORDSET and D2 has RING
+--R   [33] (D,D1) -> D from D
+--R            if D has XFALG(D2,D1) and D2 has ORDSET and D1 has RING
+--RThere are 24 unexposed functions called * :
+--R   [1] (FreeGroup D1,D1) -> FreeGroup D1 from FreeGroup D1 if D1 has 
+--R            SETCAT
+--R   [2] (D1,FreeGroup D1) -> FreeGroup D1 from FreeGroup D1 if D1 has 
+--R            SETCAT
+--R   [3] (D1,D2) -> FreeModule1(D2,D1) from FreeModule1(D2,D1)
+--R            if D2 has RING and D1 has ORDSET
+--R   [4] (FreeMonoid D1,D1) -> FreeMonoid D1 from FreeMonoid D1 if D1 has
+--R            SETCAT
+--R   [5] (D1,FreeMonoid D1) -> FreeMonoid D1 from FreeMonoid D1 if D1 has
+--R            SETCAT
+--R   [6] (D1,GeneralModulePolynomial(D2,D3,D4,D5,D6,D1)) -> 
+--R            GeneralModulePolynomial(D2,D3,D4,D5,D6,D1)
+--R            from GeneralModulePolynomial(D2,D3,D4,D5,D6,D1)
+--R            if D2: LIST SYMBOL and D3 has COMRING and D5 has DIRPCAT(# 
+--R            D2,NNI) and D6: ((Record(index: D4,exponent: D5),Record(
+--R            index: D4,exponent: D5)) -> Boolean) and D4 has ORDSET and 
+--R            D1 has POLYCAT(D3,D5,OVAR D2)
+--R   [7] (Vector D2,Vector D2) -> Vector D2
+--R            from InnerNormalBasisFieldFunctions D2 if D2 has FFIELDC
+--R   [8] (InputForm,InputForm) -> InputForm from InputForm
+--R   [9] (InnerTaylorSeries D2,Integer) -> InnerTaylorSeries D2
+--R            from InnerTaylorSeries D2 if D2 has RING
+--R   [10] (InnerTaylorSeries D1,D1) -> InnerTaylorSeries D1
+--R            from InnerTaylorSeries D1 if D1 has RING
+--R   [11] (D1,InnerTaylorSeries D1) -> InnerTaylorSeries D1
+--R            from InnerTaylorSeries D1 if D1 has RING
+--R   [12] (Magma D1,Magma D1) -> Magma D1 from Magma D1 if D1 has ORDSET
+--R   [13] (MyExpression(D1,D2),MyExpression(D1,D2)) -> MyExpression(D1,D2
+--R            )
+--R            from MyExpression(D1,D2)
+--R            if D1: SYMBOL and D2 has Join(Ring,OrderedSet,
+--R            IntegralDomain)
+--R   [14] (OrderedFreeMonoid D1,D1) -> OrderedFreeMonoid D1
+--R            from OrderedFreeMonoid D1 if D1 has ORDSET
+--R   [15] (D1,OrderedFreeMonoid D1) -> OrderedFreeMonoid D1
+--R            from OrderedFreeMonoid D1 if D1 has ORDSET
+--R   [16] (OutputForm,OutputForm) -> OutputForm from OutputForm
+--R   [17] (Pattern D1,Pattern D1) -> Pattern D1 from Pattern D1 if D1 has
+--R            SETCAT
+--R   [18] (D2,Vector D3) -> Vector D3 from PseudoRemainderSequence(D2,D3)
+--R            if D3 has UPOLYC D2 and D2 has INTDOM
+--R   [19] (D1,SparseMultivariateTaylorSeries(D2,D3,D1)) -> 
+--R            SparseMultivariateTaylorSeries(D2,D3,D1)
+--R            from SparseMultivariateTaylorSeries(D2,D3,D1)
+--R            if D2 has RING and D3 has ORDSET and D1 has POLYCAT(D2,INDE
+--R            D3,D3)
+--R   [20] (Stream D2,Stream D2) -> Stream D2 from 
+--R            StreamTaylorSeriesOperations D2
+--R            if D2 has RING
+--R   [21] (D2,Stream D2) -> Stream D2 from StreamTaylorSeriesOperations 
+--R            D2
+--R            if D2 has RING
+--R   [22] (Stream D2,D2) -> Stream D2 from StreamTaylorSeriesOperations 
+--R            D2
+--R            if D2 has RING
+--R   [23] (DoubleFloat,Point DoubleFloat) -> Point DoubleFloat from 
+--R            TubePlotTools
+--R   [24] (XPolynomialRing(D1,D2),D1) -> XPolynomialRing(D1,D2)
+--R            from XPolynomialRing(D1,D2) if D1 has RING and D2 has 
+--R            ORDMON
+--RExamples of * from AbelianGroup
+--RExamples of * from AbelianMonoid
+--RExamples of * from AbelianSemiGroup
+--RExamples of * from CartesianTensor
+--Rm:SquareMatrix(2,Integer):=matrix [[1,2],[4,5]] 
+--Rv:DirectProduct(2,Integer):=directProduct [3,4] 
+--RExamples of * from Color
+--RExamples of * from DenavitHartenbergMatrix
+--RExamples of * from Equation
+--RExamples of * from FreeAbelianMonoidCategory
+--RExamples of * from FreeGroup
+--RExamples of * from FreeModule1
+--RExamples of * from FreeModuleCat
+--RExamples of * from FreeMonoid
+--RExamples of * from GeneralModulePolynomial
+--RExamples of * from GradedModule
+--RExamples of * from PolynomialIdeals
+--RExamples of * from InnerNormalBasisFieldFunctions
+--RExamples of * from InputForm
+--RExamples of * from InnerTaylorSeries
+--RExamples of * from LeftModule
+--RExamples of * from Magma
+--RExamples of * from MappingPackage3
+--RExamples of * from MappingPackage4
+--Rf:=(x:INT):INT +-> 3*x 
+--Rg:=(x:INT):INT +-> 2*x+3 
+--RExamples of * from MatrixCategory
+--RExamples of * from Monad
+--RExamples of * from MyExpression
+--RExamples of * from OrderedFreeMonoid
+--RExamples of * from OutputForm
+--RExamples of * from Pattern
+--RExamples of * from PseudoRemainderSequence
+--RExamples of * from RightModule
+--RExamples of * from SemiGroup
+--RExamples of * from SquareMatrixCategory
+--RExamples of * from SparseMultivariateTaylorSeries
+--RExamples of * from StreamTaylorSeriesOperations
+--RExamples of * from TubePlotTools
+--RExamples of * from VectorCategory
+--RExamples of * from XFreeAlgebra
+--RExamples of * from XPolynomialRing
+--E 86
+--S 87 of 127
+--R)d op numberOfComponents
+--RThere are 2 exposed functions called numberOfComponents :
+--R   [1]  -> NonNegativeInteger from D
+--R            if D has FFCAT(D2,D3,D4) and D2 has UFD and D3 has UPOLYC 
+--R            D2 and D4 has UPOLYC FRAC D3
+--R   [2] D -> NonNegativeInteger from D if D has SPACEC D2 and D2 has 
+--R            RING
+--RThere is one unexposed function called numberOfComponents :
+--R   [1]  -> NonNegativeInteger from FunctionFieldCategory&(D2,D3,D4,D5)
+--R            if D3 has UFD and D4 has UPOLYC D3 and D5 has UPOLYC FRAC 
+--R            D4 and D2 has FFCAT(D3,D4,D5)
+--RExamples of numberOfComponents from FunctionFieldCategory&
+--RP0 := UnivariatePolynomial(x, Integer) 
+--RP1 := UnivariatePolynomial(y, Fraction P0) 
+--RR := RadicalFunctionField(INT, P0, P1, 1 - x**20, 20) 
+--RExamples of numberOfComponents from FunctionFieldCategory
+--RP0 := UnivariatePolynomial(x, Integer) 
+--RP1 := UnivariatePolynomial(y, Fraction P0) 
+--RR := RadicalFunctionField(INT, P0, P1, 1 - x**20, 20) 
+--RExamples of numberOfComponents from ThreeSpaceCategory
+--E 87
+--S 88 of 127
+--R)d op tree
+--RThere are 3 exposed functions called tree :
+--R   [1] D1 -> Tree D1 from Tree D1 if D1 has SETCAT
+--R   [2] List D2 -> Tree D2 from Tree D2 if D2 has SETCAT
+--R   [3] (D1,List Tree D1) -> Tree D1 from Tree D1 if D1 has SETCAT
+--RExamples of tree from Tree
+--Rtree 6
+--Rtree [1,2,3,4]
+--Rt1:=tree [1,2,3,4] 
+--E 88
+--S 89 of 127
+--R)d op Aleph
+--RThere is one exposed function called Aleph :
+--R   [1] NonNegativeInteger -> CardinalNumber from CardinalNumber
+--RExamples of Aleph from CardinalNumber
+--RA0:=Aleph 0
+--E 89
+--S 90 of 127
+--R)d op unit
+--RThere are 3 exposed functions called unit :
+--R   [1] List Float -> DrawOption from DrawOption
+--R   [2]  -> Union(D,"failed") from D
+--R            if D has FINAALG D1 and D1 has INTDOM and D1 has COMRING
+--R   [3] Factored D1 -> D1 from Factored D1 if D1 has INTDOM
+--RExamples of unit from DrawOption
+--RExamples of unit from FiniteRankNonAssociativeAlgebra
+--RExamples of unit from Factored
+--Runit f 
+--Rg:=makeFR(z,factorList f) 
+--Runit g
+--E 90
+--S 91 of 127
+--R)d op frst
+--RThere is one exposed function called frst :
+--R   [1] D -> D1 from D if D has LZSTAGG D1 and D1 has TYPE
+--RExamples of frst from LazyStreamAggregate
+--Rm:=[i for i in 0..] 
+--Rfrst m
+--E 91
+--S 92 of 127
+--R)d op product
+--RThere are 4 exposed functions called product :
+--R   [1] (CartesianTensor(D1,D2,D3),CartesianTensor(D1,D2,D3)) -> 
+--R            CartesianTensor(D1,D2,D3)
+--R            from CartesianTensor(D1,D2,D3)
+--R            if D1: INT and D2: NNI and D3 has COMRING
+--R   [2] (D,SegmentBinding D) -> D from D if D has COMBOPC
+--R   [3] (D,Symbol) -> D from D if D has COMBOPC
+--R   [4] (D,D) -> D from D
+--R            if D has GRALG(D1,D2) and D1 has COMRING and D2 has ABELMON
+--RThere are 3 unexposed functions called product :
+--R   [1] (D1,Symbol) -> D1 from CombinatorialFunction(D3,D1)
+--R            if D3 has Join(OrderedSet,IntegralDomain) and D1 has FS D3
+--R   [2] (D1,SegmentBinding D1) -> D1 from CombinatorialFunction(D3,D1)
+--R            if D1 has FS D3 and D3 has Join(OrderedSet,IntegralDomain)
+--R   [3] (XPBWPolynomial(D2,D3),XPBWPolynomial(D2,D3),NonNegativeInteger)
+--R             -> XPBWPolynomial(D2,D3)
+--R            from XPBWPolynomial(D2,D3) if D2 has ORDSET and D3 has 
+--R            COMRING
+--RExamples of product from CartesianTensor
+--Rm:SquareMatrix(2,Integer):=matrix [[1,2],[4,5]] 
+--Rn:SquareMatrix(2,Integer):=matrix [[2,3],[0,1]] 
+--RExamples of product from CombinatorialFunction
+--RExamples of product from CombinatorialOpsCategory
+--RExamples of product from GradedAlgebra
+--RExamples of product from XPBWPolynomial
+--E 92
+--S 93 of 127
+--R)d op fill!
+--RThere are 2 exposed functions called fill! :
+--R   [1] (D,D1) -> D from D
+--R            if D has ARR2CAT(D1,D2,D3) and D1 has TYPE and D2 has FLAGG
+--R            D1 and D3 has FLAGG D1
+--R   [2] (D,D1) -> D from D
+--R            if D has shallowlyMutable and D has IXAGG(D2,D1) and D2 has
+--R            SETCAT and D1 has TYPE
+--RExamples of fill! from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory
+--Rarr : ARRAY2 INT := new(5,4,0) 
+--RExamples of fill! from IndexedAggregate
+--E 93
+--S 94 of 127
+--R)d op upperCase?
+--RThere is one exposed function called upperCase? :
+--R   [1] Character -> Boolean from Character
+--RExamples of upperCase? from Character
+--Rchars := [char "a", char "A", char "X", char "8", char "+"] 
+--R[upperCase? c for c in chars]
+--E 94
+--S 95 of 127
+--R)d op integralMatrixAtInfinity
+--RThere is one exposed function called integralMatrixAtInfinity :
+--R   [1]  -> Matrix Fraction D3 from D
+--R            if D has FFCAT(D2,D3,D4) and D2 has UFD and D3 has UPOLYC 
+--R            D2 and D4 has UPOLYC FRAC D3
+--RExamples of integralMatrixAtInfinity from FunctionFieldCategory
+--RP0 := UnivariatePolynomial(x, Integer) 
+--RP1 := UnivariatePolynomial(y, Fraction P0) 
+--RR := RadicalFunctionField(INT, P0, P1, 1 - x**20, 20) 
+--E 95
+--S 96 of 127
+--R)d op finite?
+--RThere are 3 exposed functions called finite? :
+--R   [1] CardinalNumber -> Boolean from CardinalNumber
+--R   [2] OnePointCompletion D2 -> Boolean from OnePointCompletion D2
+--R            if D2 has SETCAT
+--R   [3] OrderedCompletion D2 -> Boolean from OrderedCompletion D2
+--R            if D2 has SETCAT
+--RExamples of finite? from CardinalNumber
+--Rfinite? c2 
+--RA0:=Aleph 0 
+--Rfinite? A0
+--RExamples of finite? from OnePointCompletion
+--RExamples of finite? from OrderedCompletion
+--E 96
+--S 97 of 127
+--R)d op rank
+--RThere are 8 exposed functions called rank :
+--R   [1] CartesianTensor(D2,D3,D4) -> NonNegativeInteger
+--R            from CartesianTensor(D2,D3,D4)
+--R            if D2: INT and D3: NNI and D4 has COMRING
+--R   [2]  -> PositiveInteger from D if D has FINAALG D2 and D2 has 
+--R            COMRING
+--R   [3]  -> PositiveInteger from D
+--R            if D has FINRALG(D2,D3) and D2 has COMRING and D3 has 
+--R            UPOLYC D2
+--R   [4] (Matrix D4,Vector D4) -> NonNegativeInteger
+--R            from LinearSystemMatrixPackage1 D4 if D4 has FIELD
+--R   [5] (D2,D3) -> NonNegativeInteger
+--R            from LinearSystemMatrixPackage(D4,D5,D3,D2)
+--R            if D4 has FIELD and D5 has FiniteLinearAggregate D4 with 
+--R                 shallowlyMutable and D3 has FiniteLinearAggregate D4
+--R            with 
+--R                 shallowlyMutable and D2 has MATCAT(D4,D5,D3)
+--R   [6] D -> NonNegativeInteger from D
+--R            if D has MATCAT(D2,D3,D4) and D2 has RING and D3 has FLAGG 
+--R            D2 and D4 has FLAGG D2 and D2 has INTDOM
+--R   [7] D2 -> NonNegativeInteger from MatrixLinearAlgebraFunctions(D3,D4
+--R            ,D5,D2)
+--R            if D3 has INTDOM and D3 has COMRING and D4 has FLAGG D3 and
+--R            D5 has FLAGG D3 and D2 has MATCAT(D3,D4,D5)
+--R   [8] D -> NonNegativeInteger from D
+--R            if D has RMATCAT(D2,D3,D4,D5,D6) and D4 has RING and D5 has
+--R            DIRPCAT(D3,D4) and D6 has DIRPCAT(D2,D4) and D4 has INTDOM
+--RThere are 2 unexposed functions called rank :
+--R   [1]  -> PositiveInteger from ComplexCategory&(D2,D3)
+--R            if D3 has COMRING and D2 has COMPCAT D3
+--R   [2] D2 -> NonNegativeInteger
+--R            from InnerMatrixLinearAlgebraFunctions(D3,D4,D5,D2)
+--R            if D3 has FIELD and D4 has FLAGG D3 and D5 has FLAGG D3 and
+--R            D2 has MATCAT(D3,D4,D5)
+--RExamples of rank from CartesianTensor
+--Rrank t0
+--RExamples of rank from ComplexCategory&
+--RExamples of rank from FiniteRankNonAssociativeAlgebra
+--RExamples of rank from FiniteRankAlgebra
+--RExamples of rank from InnerMatrixLinearAlgebraFunctions
+--RExamples of rank from LinearSystemMatrixPackage1
+--RExamples of rank from LinearSystemMatrixPackage
+--RExamples of rank from MatrixCategory
+--RExamples of rank from MatrixLinearAlgebraFunctions
+--RExamples of rank from RectangularMatrixCategory
+--E 97
+--S 98 of 127
+--R)d op numberOfComputedEntries
+--RThere is one exposed function called numberOfComputedEntries :
+--R   [1] D -> NonNegativeInteger from D if D has LZSTAGG D2 and D2 has 
+--R            TYPE
+--RExamples of numberOfComputedEntries from LazyStreamAggregate
+--Rm:=[i for i in 0..] 
+--RnumberOfComputedEntries m
+--E 98
+--S 99 of 127
+--R)d op groebnerFactorize
+--RThere are 4 exposed functions called groebnerFactorize :
+--R   [1] (List D6,List D6) -> List List D6
+--R            from GroebnerFactorizationPackage(D3,D4,D5,D6)
+--R            if D3 has Join(EuclideanDomain,CharacteristicZero) and D4 
+--R            has OAMONS and D5 has ORDSET and D6 has POLYCAT(D3,D4,D5)
+--R   [2] (List D7,List D7,Boolean) -> List List D7
+--R            from GroebnerFactorizationPackage(D4,D5,D6,D7)
+--R            if D4 has Join(EuclideanDomain,CharacteristicZero) and D5 
+--R            has OAMONS and D6 has ORDSET and D7 has POLYCAT(D4,D5,D6)
+--R   [3] List D6 -> List List D6 from GroebnerFactorizationPackage(D3,D4,
+--R            D5,D6)
+--R            if D3 has Join(EuclideanDomain,CharacteristicZero) and D4 
+--R            has OAMONS and D5 has ORDSET and D6 has POLYCAT(D3,D4,D5)
+--R   [4] (List D7,Boolean) -> List List D7
+--R            from GroebnerFactorizationPackage(D4,D5,D6,D7)
+--R            if D4 has Join(EuclideanDomain,CharacteristicZero) and D5 
+--R            has OAMONS and D6 has ORDSET and D7 has POLYCAT(D4,D5,D6)
+--RExamples of groebnerFactorize from GroebnerFactorizationPackage
+--Rmfzn : SQMATRIX(6,DMP([x,y,z],Fraction INT)) := ++X [ [0,1,1,1,1,1], 
[1,0,1,8/3,x,8/3], [1,1,0,1,8/3,y], ++X [1,8/3,1,0,1,8/3], [1,x,8/3,1,0,1], 
[1,8/3,y,8/3,1,0] ] 
+--Req := determinant mfzn 
+--RgroebnerFactorize ++X [eq,eval(eq, [x,y,z],[y,z,x]), 
+--E 99
+--S 100 of 127
+--R)d op lowerCase
+--RThere are 3 exposed functions called lowerCase :
+--R   [1]  -> CharacterClass from CharacterClass
+--R   [2] Character -> Character from Character
+--R   [3] D -> D from D if D has SRAGG
+--RExamples of lowerCase from CharacterClass
+--RExamples of lowerCase from Character
+--Rchars := [char "a", char "A", char "X", char "8", char "+"] 
+--R[lowerCase c for c in chars]
+--RExamples of lowerCase from StringAggregate
+--E 100
+--S 101 of 127
+--R)d op showAllElements
+--RThere is one exposed function called showAllElements :
+--R   [1] Stream D2 -> OutputForm from Stream D2
+--R            if D2 has SETCAT and D2 has TYPE
+--RExamples of showAllElements from Stream
+--RshowAllElements n
+--E 101
+--S 102 of 127
+--R)d op maxColIndex
+--RThere are 2 exposed functions called maxColIndex :
+--R   [1] D -> Integer from D
+--R            if D has ARR2CAT(D2,D3,D4) and D2 has TYPE and D3 has FLAGG
+--R            D2 and D4 has FLAGG D2
+--R   [2] D -> Integer from D
+--R            if D has RMATCAT(D2,D3,D4,D5,D6) and D4 has RING and D5 has
+--R            DIRPCAT(D3,D4) and D6 has DIRPCAT(D2,D4)
+--RExamples of maxColIndex from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory
+--Rarr : ARRAY2 INT := new(5,4,10) 
+--RExamples of maxColIndex from RectangularMatrixCategory
+--E 102
+--S 103 of 127
+--R)d op minRowIndex
+--RThere are 2 exposed functions called minRowIndex :
+--R   [1] D -> Integer from D
+--R            if D has ARR2CAT(D2,D3,D4) and D2 has TYPE and D3 has FLAGG
+--R            D2 and D4 has FLAGG D2
+--R   [2] D -> Integer from D
+--R            if D has RMATCAT(D2,D3,D4,D5,D6) and D4 has RING and D5 has
+--R            DIRPCAT(D3,D4) and D6 has DIRPCAT(D2,D4)
+--RExamples of minRowIndex from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory
+--Rarr : ARRAY2 INT := new(5,4,10) 
+--RExamples of minRowIndex from RectangularMatrixCategory
+--E 103
+--S 104 of 127
+--R)d op space
+--RThere are 2 exposed functions called space :
+--R   [1]  -> Character from Character
+--R   [2] ThreeSpace DoubleFloat -> DrawOption from DrawOption
+--RThere is one unexposed function called space :
+--R   [1] List DrawOption -> ThreeSpace DoubleFloat from 
+--R            DrawOptionFunctions0
+--RExamples of space from Character
+--RExamples of space from DrawOptionFunctions0
+--RExamples of space from DrawOption
+--E 104
+--S 105 of 127
+--R)d op remove
+--RThere are 5 exposed functions called remove :
+--R   [1] (D1,D) -> D from D
+--R            if D has finiteAggregate and D has CLAGG D1 and D1 has TYPE
+--R            and D1 has SETCAT
+--R   [2] ((D2 -> Boolean),D) -> D from D
+--R            if D has finiteAggregate and D has CLAGG D2 and D2 has TYPE
+--R   [3] ((D2 -> Boolean),D) -> D from D if D has LZSTAGG D2 and D2 has 
+--R            TYPE
+--R   [4] ((D3 -> Boolean),Multiset D3,Integer) -> Multiset D3 from 
+--R            Multiset D3
+--R            if D3 has SETCAT
+--R   [5] (D1,Multiset D1,Integer) -> Multiset D1 from Multiset D1
+--R            if D1 has SETCAT
+--RThere is one unexposed function called remove :
+--R   [1] (SplittingNode(D2,D3),SplittingTree(D2,D3)) -> SplittingTree(D2,
+--R            D3)
+--R            from SplittingTree(D2,D3)
+--R            if D2 has Join(SetCategory,Aggregate) and D3 has Join(
+--R            SetCategory,Aggregate)
+--RExamples of remove from Collection
+--RExamples of remove from LazyStreamAggregate
+--Rm:=[i for i in 1..] 
+--Rf(i:PositiveInteger):Boolean == even? i 
+--RExamples of remove from Multiset
+--RExamples of remove from SplittingTree
+--E 105
+--S 106 of 127
+--R)d op factors
+--RThere is one exposed function called factors :
+--R   [1] Factored D2 -> List Record(factor: D2,exponent: Integer)
+--R            from Factored D2 if D2 has INTDOM
+--RThere are 3 unexposed functions called factors :
+--R   [1] FreeGroup D2 -> List Record(gen: D2,exp: Integer) from FreeGroup
+--R            D2
+--R            if D2 has SETCAT
+--R   [2] FreeMonoid D2 -> List Record(gen: D2,exp: NonNegativeInteger)
+--R            from FreeMonoid D2 if D2 has SETCAT
+--R   [3] OrderedFreeMonoid D2 -> List Record(gen: D2,exp: 
+--R            NonNegativeInteger)
+--R            from OrderedFreeMonoid D2 if D2 has ORDSET
+--RExamples of factors from FreeGroup
+--RExamples of factors from FreeMonoid
+--RExamples of factors from Factored
+--Rfactors f 
+--Rg:=makeFR(z,factorList f) 
+--Rfactors g
+--RExamples of factors from OrderedFreeMonoid
+--E 106
+--S 107 of 127
+--R)d op output
+--RThere are 4 exposed functions called output :
+--R   [1] String -> Void from OutputPackage
+--R   [2] OutputForm -> Void from OutputPackage
+--R   [3] (String,OutputForm) -> Void from OutputPackage
+--R   [4] (Integer,Stream D3) -> Void from Stream D3
+--R            if D3 has SETCAT and D3 has TYPE
+--RExamples of output from OutputPackage
+--RExamples of output from Stream
+--E 107
+--S 108 of 127
+--R)d op binarySearchTree
+--RThere is one exposed function called binarySearchTree :
+--R   [1] List D2 -> BinarySearchTree D2 from BinarySearchTree D2 if D2 
+--R            has ORDSET
+--RExamples of binarySearchTree from BinarySearchTree
+--RbinarySearchTree [1,2,3,4]
+--E 108
+--S 109 of 127
+--R)d op char
+--RThere are 2 exposed functions called char :
+--R   [1] String -> Character from Character
+--R   [2] Integer -> Character from Character
+--RExamples of char from Character
+--R[char c for c in ["a","A","X","8","+"]]
+--R[char c for c in [97,65,88,56,43]]
+--E 109
+--S 110 of 127
+--R)d op shrinkable
+--RThere is one exposed function called shrinkable :
+--R   [1] Boolean -> Boolean from FlexibleArray D2 if D2 has TYPE
+--RThere is one unexposed function called shrinkable :
+--R   [1] Boolean -> Boolean from IndexedFlexibleArray(D2,D3)
+--R            if D2 has TYPE and D3: INT
+--RExamples of shrinkable from FlexibleArray
+--RExamples of shrinkable from IndexedFlexibleArray
+--E 110
+--S 111 of 127
+--R)d op rst
+--RThere is one exposed function called rst :
+--R   [1] D -> D from D if D has LZSTAGG D1 and D1 has TYPE
+--RExamples of rst from LazyStreamAggregate
+--Rm:=[i for i in 0..] 
+--Rrst m
+--E 111
+--S 112 of 127
+--R)d op flexibleArray
+--RThere is one exposed function called flexibleArray :
+--R   [1] List D2 -> FlexibleArray D2 from FlexibleArray D2 if D2 has TYPE
+--RThere is one unexposed function called flexibleArray :
+--R   [1] List D2 -> IndexedFlexibleArray(D2,D3) from IndexedFlexibleArray
+--R            (D2,D3)
+--R            if D2 has TYPE and D3: INT
+--RExamples of flexibleArray from FlexibleArray
+--RExamples of flexibleArray from IndexedFlexibleArray
+--RflexibleArray([i for i in 1..10])$T1
+--E 112
+--S 113 of 127
+--R)d op setelt
+--RThere are 12 exposed functions called setelt :
+--R   [1] (D,Integer,Integer,D1) -> D1 from D
+--R            if D has ARR2CAT(D1,D3,D4) and D1 has TYPE and D3 has FLAGG
+--R            D1 and D4 has FLAGG D1
+--R   [2] (D,right,D) -> D from D
+--R            if D has shallowlyMutable and D has BRAGG D2 and D2 has 
+--R            TYPE
+--R   [3] (D,left,D) -> D from D
+--R            if D has shallowlyMutable and D has BRAGG D2 and D2 has 
+--R            TYPE
+--R   [4] (D,D2,D1) -> D1 from D
+--R            if D has shallowlyMutable and D has ELTAGG(D2,D1) and D2 
+--R            has SETCAT and D1 has TYPE
+--R   [5] (Library,Symbol,Any) -> Any from Library
+--R   [6] (D,UniversalSegment Integer,D1) -> D1 from D
+--R            if D has shallowlyMutable and D has LNAGG D1 and D1 has 
+--R            TYPE
+--R   [7] (D,List Integer,List Integer,D) -> D from D
+--R            if D has MATCAT(D2,D3,D4) and D2 has RING and D3 has FLAGG 
+--R            D2 and D4 has FLAGG D2
+--R   [8] (D,value,D1) -> D1 from D
+--R            if D has shallowlyMutable and D has RCAGG D1 and D1 has 
+--R            TYPE
+--R   [9] (D,D2,D1) -> D1 from D
+--R            if D has TBAGG(D2,D1) and D2 has SETCAT and D1 has SETCAT
+--R   [10] (D,last,D1) -> D1 from D
+--R            if D has shallowlyMutable and D has URAGG D1 and D1 has 
+--R            TYPE
+--R   [11] (D,rest,D) -> D from D
+--R            if D has shallowlyMutable and D has URAGG D2 and D2 has 
+--R            TYPE
+--R   [12] (D,first,D1) -> D1 from D
+--R            if D has shallowlyMutable and D has URAGG D1 and D1 has 
+--R            TYPE
+--RThere is one unexposed function called setelt :
+--R   [1] (Reference D1,D1) -> D1 from Reference D1 if D1 has TYPE
+--RExamples of setelt from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory
+--Rarr : ARRAY2 INT := new(5,4,0) 
+--RExamples of setelt from BinaryRecursiveAggregate
+--RExamples of setelt from EltableAggregate
+--RExamples of setelt from Library
+--RExamples of setelt from LinearAggregate
+--RExamples of setelt from MatrixCategory
+--RExamples of setelt from RecursiveAggregate
+--RExamples of setelt from Reference
+--RExamples of setelt from TableAggregate
+--RExamples of setelt from UnaryRecursiveAggregate
+--E 113
+--S 114 of 127
+--R)d op cyclicParents
+--RThere is one exposed function called cyclicParents :
+--R   [1] Tree D2 -> List Tree D2 from Tree D2 if D2 has SETCAT
+--RExamples of cyclicParents from Tree
+--Rt1:=tree [1,2,3,4] 
+--RcyclicParents t1
+--E 114
+--S 115 of 127
+--R)d op explicitEntries?
+--RThere is one exposed function called explicitEntries? :
+--R   [1] D -> Boolean from D if D has LZSTAGG D2 and D2 has TYPE
+--RExamples of explicitEntries? from LazyStreamAggregate
+--Rm:=[i for i in 0..] 
+--RexplicitEntries? m
+--E 115
+--S 116 of 127
+--R)d op column
+--RThere are 2 exposed functions called column :
+--R   [1] (D,Integer) -> D1 from D
+--R            if D has ARR2CAT(D3,D4,D1) and D3 has TYPE and D4 has FLAGG
+--R            D3 and D1 has FLAGG D3
+--R   [2] (D,Integer) -> D1 from D
+--R            if D has RMATCAT(D3,D4,D5,D6,D1) and D5 has RING and D6 has
+--R            DIRPCAT(D4,D5) and D1 has DIRPCAT(D3,D5)
+--RExamples of column from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory
+--Rarr : ARRAY2 INT := new(5,4,10) 
+--RExamples of column from RectangularMatrixCategory
+--E 116
+--S 117 of 127
+--R)d op reduce
+--RThere are 19 exposed functions called reduce :
+--R   [1] AlgebraicNumber -> AlgebraicNumber from AlgebraicNumber
+--R   [2] (((D4,D1) -> D1),OneDimensionalArray D4,D1) -> D1
+--R            from OneDimensionalArrayFunctions2(D4,D1)
+--R            if D4 has TYPE and D1 has TYPE
+--R   [3] (((D1,D1) -> D1),D,D1,D1) -> D1 from D
+--R            if D1 has SETCAT and D has finiteAggregate and D has CLAGG 
+--R            D1 and D1 has TYPE
+--R   [4] (((D1,D1) -> D1),D,D1) -> D1 from D
+--R            if D has finiteAggregate and D has CLAGG D1 and D1 has TYPE
+--R   [5] (((D1,D1) -> D1),D) -> D1 from D
+--R            if D has finiteAggregate and D has CLAGG D1 and D1 has TYPE
+--R   [6] (((D5,D1) -> D1),DirectProduct(D4,D5),D1) -> D1
+--R            from DirectProductFunctions2(D4,D5,D1)
+--R            if D4: NNI and D5 has TYPE and D1 has TYPE
+--R   [7] Expression D1 -> Expression D1 from Expression D1
+--R            if D1 has INTDOM and D1 has ORDSET
+--R   [8] D -> D from D
+--R            if D has FDIVCAT(D1,D2,D3,D4) and D1 has FIELD and D2 has 
+--R            UPOLYC D1 and D3 has UPOLYC FRAC D2 and D4 has FFCAT(D1,D2,
+--R            D3)
+--R   [9] (((D4,D1) -> D1),D3,D1) -> D1
+--R            from FiniteLinearAggregateFunctions2(D4,D3,D1,D5)
+--R            if D4 has TYPE and D1 has TYPE and D3 has FLAGG D4 and D5 
+--R            has FLAGG D1
+--R   [10] (((D4,D1) -> D1),D3,D1) -> D1
+--R            from FiniteSetAggregateFunctions2(D4,D3,D1,D5)
+--R            if D4 has SETCAT and D1 has SETCAT and D3 has FSAGG D4 and 
+--R            D5 has FSAGG D1
+--R   [11] (((D4,D1) -> D1),List D4,D1) -> D1 from ListFunctions2(D4,D1)
+--R            if D4 has TYPE and D1 has TYPE
+--R   [12] (((D5,D2) -> D2),D4,D2) -> D2
+--R            from MatrixCategoryFunctions2(D5,D6,D7,D4,D2,D8,D9,D1)
+--R            if D5 has RING and D2 has RING and D6 has FLAGG D5 and D7 
+--R            has FLAGG D5 and D8 has FLAGG D2 and D9 has FLAGG D2 and D4
+--R            has MATCAT(D5,D6,D7) and D1 has MATCAT(D2,D8,D9)
+--R   [13] Fraction D3 -> Union(D,"failed") from D
+--R            if D3 has UPOLYC D2 and D2 has FIELD and D2 has COMRING and
+--R            D has MONOGEN(D2,D3)
+--R   [14] D1 -> D from D
+--R            if D2 has COMRING and D has MONOGEN(D2,D1) and D1 has 
+--R            UPOLYC D2
+--R   [15] (((D4,D1) -> D1),PrimitiveArray D4,D1) -> D1
+--R            from PrimitiveArrayFunctions2(D4,D1)
+--R            if D4 has TYPE and D1 has TYPE
+--R   [16] (((D9,D4) -> D4),D6,D4) -> D4
+--R            from RectangularMatrixCategoryFunctions2(D7,D8,D9,D10,D11,
+--R            D6,D4,D1,D2,D3)
+--R            if D9 has RING and D4 has RING and D7: NNI and D8: NNI and 
+--R            D10 has DIRPCAT(D8,D9) and D11 has DIRPCAT(D7,D9) and D1 
+--R            has DIRPCAT(D8,D4) and D2 has DIRPCAT(D7,D4) and D6 has 
+--R            RMATCAT(D7,D8,D9,D10,D11) and D3 has RMATCAT(D7,D8,D4,D1,D2
+--R            )
+--R   [17] (D1,((D4,D1) -> D1),Stream D4) -> D1 from StreamFunctions2(D4,
+--R            D1)
+--R            if D4 has TYPE and D1 has TYPE
+--R   [18] (D1,D,((D1,D1) -> D1),((D1,D1) -> Boolean)) -> D1 from D
+--R            if D has TSETCAT(D4,D5,D6,D1) and D4 has INTDOM and D5 has 
+--R            OAMONS and D6 has ORDSET and D1 has RPOLCAT(D4,D5,D6)
+--R   [19] (((D4,D1) -> D1),Vector D4,D1) -> D1 from VectorFunctions2(D4,
+--R            D1)
+--R            if D4 has TYPE and D1 has TYPE
+--RThere are 7 unexposed functions called reduce :
+--R   [1] SparseUnivariatePolynomial D3 -> Record(pol: 
+--R            SparseUnivariatePolynomial D3,deg: PositiveInteger)
+--R            from DegreeReductionPackage(D3,D4)
+--R            if D3 has RING and D4 has Join(IntegralDomain,OrderedSet)
+--R   [2] (D1,D2) -> EuclideanModularRing(D3,D1,D2,D4,D5,D6)
+--R            from EuclideanModularRing(D3,D1,D2,D4,D5,D6)
+--R            if D3 has COMRING and D1 has UPOLYC D3 and D2 has ABELMON 
+--R            and D4: ((D1,D2) -> D1) and D5: ((D2,D2) -> Union(D2,
+--R            "failed")) and D6: ((D1,D1,D2) -> Union(D1,"failed"))
+--R   [3] InnerAlgebraicNumber -> InnerAlgebraicNumber from 
+--R            InnerAlgebraicNumber
+--R   [4] (D1,D2) -> ModularField(D1,D2,D3,D4,D5)
+--R            from ModularField(D1,D2,D3,D4,D5)
+--R            if D1 has COMRING and D2 has ABELMON and D3: ((D1,D2) -> D1
+--R            ) and D4: ((D2,D2) -> Union(D2,"failed")) and D5: ((D1,D1,
+--R            D2) -> Union(D1,"failed"))
+--R   [5] D1 -> ModMonic(D2,D1) from ModMonic(D2,D1)
+--R            if D2 has RING and D1 has UPOLYC D2
+--R   [6] (D1,D2) -> ModularRing(D1,D2,D3,D4,D5) from ModularRing(D1,D2,D3
+--R            ,D4,D5)
+--R            if D1 has COMRING and D2 has ABELMON and D3: ((D1,D2) -> D1
+--R            ) and D4: ((D2,D2) -> Union(D2,"failed")) and D5: ((D1,D1,
+--R            D2) -> Union(D1,"failed"))
+--R   [7] D1 -> ResidueRing(D2,D3,D4,D1,D5) from ResidueRing(D2,D3,D4,D1,
+--R            D5)
+--R            if D2 has FIELD and D3 has OAMONS and D4 has ORDSET and D1 
+--R            has POLYCAT(D2,D3,D4) and D5: LIST D1
+--RExamples of reduce from AlgebraicNumber
+--RExamples of reduce from OneDimensionalArrayFunctions2
+--Radder(a:Integer,b:Integer):Integer == a+b 
+--Rreduce(adder,[i for i in 1..10],0)$T1
+--RExamples of reduce from Collection
+--Rreduce(+,[C[i]*x**i for i in 1..5])
+--RExamples of reduce from DegreeReductionPackage
+--RExamples of reduce from DirectProductFunctions2
+--RExamples of reduce from EuclideanModularRing
+--RExamples of reduce from Expression
+--RExamples of reduce from FiniteDivisorCategory
+--RExamples of reduce from FiniteLinearAggregateFunctions2
+--RExamples of reduce from FiniteSetAggregateFunctions2
+--RExamples of reduce from InnerAlgebraicNumber
+--RExamples of reduce from ListFunctions2
+--RExamples of reduce from MatrixCategoryFunctions2
+--RExamples of reduce from ModularField
+--RExamples of reduce from ModMonic
+--RExamples of reduce from ModularRing
+--RExamples of reduce from MonogenicAlgebra
+--RExamples of reduce from PrimitiveArrayFunctions2
+--Radder(a:Integer,b:Integer):Integer == a+b 
+--Rreduce(adder,[i for i in 1..10],0)$T1
+--RExamples of reduce from ResidueRing
+--RExamples of reduce from RectangularMatrixCategoryFunctions2
+--RExamples of reduce from StreamFunctions2
+--Rm:=[i for i in 1..300]::Stream(Integer) 
+--RExamples of reduce from TriangularSetCategory
+--RExamples of reduce from VectorFunctions2
+--E 117
+--S 118 of 127
+--R)d op new
+--RThere are 7 exposed functions called new :
+--R   [1] (NonNegativeInteger,NonNegativeInteger,D2) -> D from D
+--R            if D2 has TYPE and D has ARR2CAT(D2,D3,D4) and D3 has FLAGG
+--R            D2 and D4 has FLAGG D2
+--R   [2] (String,String,String) -> D from D if D has FNCAT
+--R   [3]  -> ScriptFormulaFormat from ScriptFormulaFormat
+--R   [4] (NonNegativeInteger,D2) -> D from D
+--R            if D has LNAGG D2 and D2 has TYPE
+--R   [5] Symbol -> Symbol from Symbol
+--R   [6]  -> Symbol from Symbol
+--R   [7]  -> TexFormat from TexFormat
+--RThere are 4 unexposed functions called new :
+--R   [1]  -> SubSpaceComponentProperty from SubSpaceComponentProperty
+--R   [2]  -> PatternMatchListResult(D1,D2,D3)
+--R            from PatternMatchListResult(D1,D2,D3)
+--R            if D2 has SETCAT and D1 has SETCAT and D3 has LSAGG D2
+--R   [3]  -> PatternMatchResult(D1,D2) from PatternMatchResult(D1,D2)
+--R            if D1 has SETCAT and D2 has SETCAT
+--R   [4]  -> SubSpace(D1,D2) from SubSpace(D1,D2) if D1: PI and D2 has 
+--R            RING
+--RExamples of new from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory
+--Rarr : ARRAY2 INT := new(5,4,0)
+--RExamples of new from SubSpaceComponentProperty
+--RExamples of new from FileNameCategory
+--RExamples of new from ScriptFormulaFormat
+--RExamples of new from LinearAggregate
+--RExamples of new from PatternMatchListResult
+--RExamples of new from PatternMatchResult
+--RExamples of new from SubSpace
+--RExamples of new from Symbol
+--RExamples of new from TexFormat
+--E 118
+--S 119 of 127
+--R)d op insertRoot!
+--RThere is one exposed function called insertRoot! :
+--R   [1] (D1,BinarySearchTree D1) -> BinarySearchTree D1
+--R            from BinarySearchTree D1 if D1 has ORDSET
+--RExamples of insertRoot! from BinarySearchTree
+--Rt1:=binarySearchTree [1,2,3,4] 
+--E 119
+--S 120 of 127
+--R)d op maxRowIndex
+--RThere are 2 exposed functions called maxRowIndex :
+--R   [1] D -> Integer from D
+--R            if D has ARR2CAT(D2,D3,D4) and D2 has TYPE and D3 has FLAGG
+--R            D2 and D4 has FLAGG D2
+--R   [2] D -> Integer from D
+--R            if D has RMATCAT(D2,D3,D4,D5,D6) and D4 has RING and D5 has
+--R            DIRPCAT(D3,D4) and D6 has DIRPCAT(D2,D4)
+--RExamples of maxRowIndex from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory
+--Rarr : ARRAY2 INT := new(5,4,10) 
+--RExamples of maxRowIndex from RectangularMatrixCategory
+--E 120
+--S 121 of 127
+--R)d op escape
+--RThere is one exposed function called escape :
+--R   [1]  -> Character from Character
+--RExamples of escape from Character
+--E 121
+--S 122 of 127
+--R)d op nthExponent
+--RThere is one exposed function called nthExponent :
+--R   [1] (Factored D2,Integer) -> Integer from Factored D2 if D2 has 
+--R            INTDOM
+--RExamples of nthExponent from Factored
+--Ra:=factor 9720000 
+--E 122
+--S 123 of 127
+--R)d op parts
+--RThere are 2 exposed functions called parts :
+--R   [1] D -> List D2 from D
+--R            if D has ARR2CAT(D2,D3,D4) and D2 has TYPE and D3 has FLAGG
+--R            D2 and D4 has FLAGG D2
+--R   [2] D -> List D2 from D
+--R            if D has finiteAggregate and D has HOAGG D2 and D2 has TYPE
+--RExamples of parts from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory
+--Rarr : ARRAY2 INT := new(5,4,10) 
+--RExamples of parts from HomogeneousAggregate
+--E 123
+--S 124 of 127
+--R)d op elt
+--RThere are 47 exposed functions called elt :
+--R   [1] (D,Integer,Integer,D1) -> D1 from D
+--R            if D has ARR2CAT(D1,D3,D4) and D1 has TYPE and D3 has FLAGG
+--R            D1 and D4 has FLAGG D1
+--R   [2] (D,Integer,Integer) -> D1 from D
+--R            if D has ARR2CAT(D1,D3,D4) and D3 has FLAGG D1 and D4 has 
+--R            FLAGG D1 and D1 has TYPE
+--R   [3] (D,right) -> D from D if D has BRAGG D2 and D2 has TYPE
+--R   [4] (D,left) -> D from D if D has BRAGG D2 and D2 has TYPE
+--R   [5] (CartesianTensor(D3,D4,D1),List Integer) -> D1
+--R            from CartesianTensor(D3,D4,D1)
+--R            if D1 has COMRING and D3: INT and D4: NNI
+--R   [6] (CartesianTensor(D3,D4,D1),Integer,Integer,Integer,Integer) -> 
+--R            D1
+--R            from CartesianTensor(D3,D4,D1)
+--R            if D1 has COMRING and D3: INT and D4: NNI
+--R   [7] (CartesianTensor(D3,D4,D1),Integer,Integer,Integer) -> D1
+--R            from CartesianTensor(D3,D4,D1)
+--R            if D1 has COMRING and D3: INT and D4: NNI
+--R   [8] (CartesianTensor(D3,D4,D1),Integer,Integer) -> D1
+--R            from CartesianTensor(D3,D4,D1)
+--R            if D1 has COMRING and D3: INT and D4: NNI
+--R   [9] (CartesianTensor(D3,D4,D1),Integer) -> D1
+--R            from CartesianTensor(D3,D4,D1)
+--R            if D1 has COMRING and D3: INT and D4: NNI
+--R   [10] CartesianTensor(D2,D3,D1) -> D1 from CartesianTensor(D2,D3,D1)
+--R            if D1 has COMRING and D2: INT and D3: NNI
+--R   [11] (Database D3,Symbol) -> DataList String from Database D3
+--R            if D3 has OrderedSet with 
+--R               ?.? : (%,Symbol) -> String
+--R               display : % -> Void
+--R               fullDisplay : % -> Void
+--R   [12] (Database D2,QueryEquation) -> Database D2 from Database D2
+--R            if D2 has OrderedSet with 
+--R               ?.? : (%,Symbol) -> String
+--R               display : % -> Void
+--R               fullDisplay : % -> Void
+--R   [13] (DataList D3,count) -> NonNegativeInteger from DataList D3
+--R            if D3 has ORDSET
+--R   [14] (DataList D2,sort) -> DataList D2 from DataList D2 if D2 has 
+--R            ORDSET
+--R   [15] (DataList D2,unique) -> DataList D2 from DataList D2 if D2 has 
+--R            ORDSET
+--R   [16] (D,D2) -> D1 from D
+--R            if D has ELTAB(D2,D1) and D2 has SETCAT and D1 has TYPE
+--R   [17] (D,D2,D1) -> D1 from D
+--R            if D has ELTAGG(D2,D1) and D2 has SETCAT and D1 has TYPE
+--R   [18] (BasicOperator,List D) -> D from D if D has ES
+--R   [19] (BasicOperator,D,D,D,D) -> D from D if D has ES
+--R   [20] (BasicOperator,D,D,D) -> D from D if D has ES
+--R   [21] (BasicOperator,D,D) -> D from D if D has ES
+--R   [22] (BasicOperator,D) -> D from D if D has ES
+--R   [23] (D,D1,D1) -> D1 from D
+--R            if D has FFCAT(D1,D2,D3) and D1 has UFD and D2 has UPOLYC 
+--R            D1 and D3 has UPOLYC FRAC D2
+--R   [24] (D,Integer) -> D1 from D if D has FRNAALG D1 and D1 has COMRING
+--R   [25] (IndexCard,Symbol) -> String from IndexCard
+--R   [26] (Library,Symbol) -> Any from Library
+--R   [27] (D,UniversalSegment Integer) -> D from D
+--R            if D has LNAGG D2 and D2 has TYPE
+--R   [28] (ThreeDimensionalMatrix D1,NonNegativeInteger,
+--R            NonNegativeInteger,NonNegativeInteger) -> D1
+--R            from ThreeDimensionalMatrix D1 if D1 has SETCAT
+--R   [29] (D,List Integer,List Integer) -> D from D
+--R            if D has MATCAT(D2,D3,D4) and D2 has RING and D3 has FLAGG 
+--R            D2 and D4 has FLAGG D2
+--R   [30] (D,D1) -> D1 from D if D has PERMCAT D1 and D1 has SETCAT
+--R   [31] (PermutationGroup D3,NonNegativeInteger) -> Permutation D3
+--R            from PermutationGroup D3 if D3 has SETCAT
+--R   [32] (QuadraticForm(D3,D1),DirectProduct(D3,D1)) -> D1
+--R            from QuadraticForm(D3,D1) if D3: PI and D1 has FIELD
+--R   [33] (D,value) -> D1 from D if D has RCAGG D1 and D1 has TYPE
+--R   [34] (D,Integer,Integer,D1) -> D1 from D
+--R            if D has RMATCAT(D3,D4,D1,D5,D6) and D1 has RING and D5 has
+--R            DIRPCAT(D4,D1) and D6 has DIRPCAT(D3,D1)
+--R   [35] (D,Integer,Integer) -> D1 from D
+--R            if D has RMATCAT(D3,D4,D1,D5,D6) and D5 has DIRPCAT(D4,D1) 
+--R            and D6 has DIRPCAT(D3,D1) and D1 has RING
+--R   [36] (RewriteRule(D3,D4,D1),D1,PositiveInteger) -> D1
+--R            from RewriteRule(D3,D4,D1)
+--R            if D3 has SETCAT and D4 has Join(Ring,PatternMatchable D3,
+--R            OrderedSet,ConvertibleTo Pattern D3) and D1 has Join(
+--R            FunctionSpace D4,PatternMatchable D3,ConvertibleTo Pattern 
+--R            D3)
+--R   [37] (Ruleset(D3,D4,D1),D1,PositiveInteger) -> D1 from Ruleset(D3,D4
+--R            ,D1)
+--R            if D3 has SETCAT and D4 has Join(Ring,PatternMatchable D3,
+--R            OrderedSet,ConvertibleTo Pattern D3) and D1 has Join(
+--R            FunctionSpace D4,PatternMatchable D3,ConvertibleTo Pattern 
+--R            D3)
+--R   [38] (D,List Integer) -> D from D
+--R            if D has SEXCAT(D2,D3,D4,D5,D6) and D2 has SETCAT and D3 
+--R            has SETCAT and D4 has SETCAT and D5 has SETCAT and D6 has 
+--R            SETCAT
+--R   [39] (D,Integer) -> D from D
+--R            if D has SEXCAT(D2,D3,D4,D5,D6) and D2 has SETCAT and D3 
+--R            has SETCAT and D4 has SETCAT and D5 has SETCAT and D6 has 
+--R            SETCAT
+--R   [40] (D,D) -> D from D if D has SRAGG
+--R   [41] (Symbol,List OutputForm) -> Symbol from Symbol
+--R   [42] (Fraction D,D1) -> D1 from D
+--R            if D has UPOLYC D1 and D1 has RING and D1 has FIELD
+--R   [43] (Fraction D,Fraction D) -> Fraction D from D
+--R            if D has UPOLYC D2 and D2 has RING and D2 has INTDOM
+--R   [44] (D,D2) -> D1 from D
+--R            if D has UPSCAT(D1,D2) and D2 has OAMON and D1 has RING
+--R   [45] (D,last) -> D1 from D if D has URAGG D1 and D1 has TYPE
+--R   [46] (D,rest) -> D from D if D has URAGG D2 and D2 has TYPE
+--R   [47] (D,first) -> D1 from D if D has URAGG D1 and D1 has TYPE
+--RThere are 4 unexposed functions called elt :
+--R   [1] (EuclideanModularRing(D2,D1,D3,D4,D5,D6),D1) -> D1
+--R            from EuclideanModularRing(D2,D1,D3,D4,D5,D6)
+--R            if D2 has COMRING and D1 has UPOLYC D2 and D3 has ABELMON 
+--R            and D4: ((D1,D3) -> D1) and D5: ((D3,D3) -> Union(D3,
+--R            "failed")) and D6: ((D1,D1,D3) -> Union(D1,"failed"))
+--R   [2] (OutputForm,List OutputForm) -> OutputForm from OutputForm
+--R   [3] (BasicOperator,List Pattern D3) -> Pattern D3 from Pattern D3
+--R            if D3 has SETCAT
+--R   [4] Reference D1 -> D1 from Reference D1 if D1 has TYPE
+--RExamples of elt from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory
+--Rarr : ARRAY2 INT := new(5,4,10) 
+--Rarr : ARRAY2 INT := new(5,4,10) 
+--RExamples of elt from BinaryRecursiveAggregate
+--RExamples of elt from CartesianTensor
+--RExamples of elt from Database
+--RExamples of elt from DataList
+--RExamples of elt from Eltable
+--RExamples of elt from EltableAggregate
+--RExamples of elt from EuclideanModularRing
+--RExamples of elt from ExpressionSpace
+--RExamples of elt from FunctionFieldCategory
+--RExamples of elt from FramedNonAssociativeAlgebra
+--RExamples of elt from IndexCard
+--RExamples of elt from Library
+--RExamples of elt from LinearAggregate
+--RExamples of elt from ThreeDimensionalMatrix
+--RExamples of elt from MatrixCategory
+--RExamples of elt from OutputForm
+--RExamples of elt from Pattern
+--RExamples of elt from PermutationCategory
+--RExamples of elt from PermutationGroup
+--RExamples of elt from QuadraticForm
+--RExamples of elt from RecursiveAggregate
+--RExamples of elt from Reference
+--RExamples of elt from RectangularMatrixCategory
+--RExamples of elt from RewriteRule
+--RExamples of elt from Ruleset
+--RExamples of elt from SExpressionCategory
+--RExamples of elt from StringAggregate
+--RExamples of elt from Symbol
+--RExamples of elt from UnivariatePolynomialCategory
+--RExamples of elt from UnivariatePowerSeriesCategory
+--RExamples of elt from UnaryRecursiveAggregate
+--E 123
+--S 125 of 127
+--R)d op minColIndex
+--RThere are 2 exposed functions called minColIndex :
+--R   [1] D -> Integer from D
+--R            if D has ARR2CAT(D2,D3,D4) and D2 has TYPE and D3 has FLAGG
+--R            D2 and D4 has FLAGG D2
+--R   [2] D -> Integer from D
+--R            if D has RMATCAT(D2,D3,D4,D5,D6) and D4 has RING and D5 has
+--R            DIRPCAT(D3,D4) and D6 has DIRPCAT(D2,D4)
+--RExamples of minColIndex from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory
+--Rarr : ARRAY2 INT := new(5,4,10) 
+--RExamples of minColIndex from RectangularMatrixCategory
+--E 125
+--S 126 of 127
+--R)d op numberOfFactors
+--RThere is one exposed function called numberOfFactors :
+--R   [1] Factored D2 -> NonNegativeInteger from Factored D2 if D2 has 
+--R            INTDOM
+--RThere is one unexposed function called numberOfFactors :
+--R   [1] List Record(factor: D3,degree: Integer) -> NonNegativeInteger
+--R            from GaloisGroupFactorizer D3 if D3 has UPOLYC INT
+--RExamples of numberOfFactors from Factored
+--Ra:=factor 9720000 
+--RnumberOfFactors a
+--RExamples of numberOfFactors from GaloisGroupFactorizer
+--E 126
+--S 127 of 127
+--R)d op cyclicCopy
+--RThere is one exposed function called cyclicCopy :
+--R   [1] Tree D1 -> Tree D1 from Tree D1 if D1 has SETCAT
+--RExamples of cyclicCopy from Tree
+--Rt1:=tree [1,2,3,4] 
+--RcyclicCopy t1
+--E 127
+)lisp (bye)
+\bibitem{1} nothing
diff --git a/src/input/frame.input.pamphlet b/src/input/frame.input.pamphlet
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..75ce1a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/input/frame.input.pamphlet
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+\title{\$SPAD/src/input frame.input}
+\author{Timothy Daly}
+--Copyright The Numerical Algorithms Group Limited 1991.
+)spool frame.output
+)set message test on
+)set message auto off
+)clear all
+--S 1 of 24
+)frame new testframe
+--E 1
+--S 2 of 24
+)frame names
+--R   The names of the existing frames are:
+--R            testframe 
+--R            initial 
+--R      The current frame is the first one listed.
+--E 2
+--S 3 of 24
+)frame next
+--E 3
+--S 4 of 24
+)frame names
+--R   The names of the existing frames are:
+--R            initial 
+--R            testframe 
+--R      The current frame is the first one listed.
+--E 4
+--S 5 of 24
+)frame next
+--E 5
+--S 6 of 24
+)frame names
+--R   The names of the existing frames are:
+--R            testframe 
+--R            initial 
+--R      The current frame is the first one listed.
+--E 6
+--S 7 of 24
+)frame next
+--E 7
+--S 8 of 24
+)frame drop
+--E 8
+--S 9 of 24
+)frame names
+--R   The names of the existing frames are:
+--R            testframe 
+--R      The current frame is the first one listed.
+--E 9
+--S 10 of 24
+)frame new testframe2
+--E 10
+--S 11 of 24
+--R   (1)  1
+--R                                                        Type: 
+--E 11
+--S 12 of 24
+)frame names
+--R   The names of the existing frames are:
+--R            testframe2 
+--R            testframe 
+--R      The current frame is the first one listed.
+--E 12
+--S 13 of 24
+)frame next
+--E 13
+--S 14 of 24
+--R   (1)  a
+--R                                                             Type: Variable 
+--E 14
+--S 15 of 24
+)frame import testframe2 a
+--R   Import from frame testframe2 is complete. Please issue )display all 
+--R      if you wish to see the contents of the current frame.
+--E 15
+--S 16 of 24
+)display all
+--RProperties of % :
+--R   Value (has type Variable a):  a
+--RProperties of %e :
+--R   This is a system-defined macro.
+--R   macro %e () == exp(1)
+--RProperties of %i :
+--R   This is a system-defined macro.
+--R   macro %i () == complex(0,1)
+--RProperties of %infinity :
+--R   This is a system-defined macro.
+--R   macro %infinity () == infinity()
+--RProperties of %minusInfinity :
+--R   This is a system-defined macro.
+--R   macro %minusInfinity () == minusInfinity()
+--RProperties of %pi :
+--R   This is a system-defined macro.
+--R   macro %pi () == pi()
+--RProperties of %plusInfinity :
+--R   This is a system-defined macro.
+--R   macro %plusInfinity () == plusInfinity()
+--RProperties of SF :
+--R   This is a system-defined macro.
+--R   macro SF () == DoubleFloat()
+--RProperties of a :
+--R   Value (has type PositiveInteger):  1
+--E 16
+--S 17 of 24
+--R   (2)  1
+--R                                                        Type: 
+--E 17
+--S 18 of 24
+)set message prompt frame
+--E 18
+--S 19 of 24
+)frame next
+--E 19
+--S 20 of 24
+)frame next
+--E 20
+--S 21 of 24
+)frame next
+--E 21
+--S 22 of 24
+)frame names
+--R   The names of the existing frames are:
+--R            testframe2 
+--R            testframe 
+--R      The current frame is the first one listed.
+--E 22
+--S 23 of 24
+)frame drop testframe2
+--E 23
+--S 24 of 24
+)frame names
+--R   The names of the existing frames are:
+--R            testframe 
+--R      The current frame is the first one listed.
+--E 24
+)lisp (bye)
+\bibitem{1} nothing
diff --git a/src/interp/i-map.boot.pamphlet b/src/interp/i-map.boot.pamphlet
index cdfbef4..97c825b 100644
--- a/src/interp/i-map.boot.pamphlet
+++ b/src/interp/i-map.boot.pamphlet
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ SETANDFILEQ($specialMapNameSuffix, NIL)
 makeInternalMapName(userName,numArgs,numMms,extraPart) ==
   name := CONCAT('"*",STRINGIMAGE numArgs,'";",
     object2String userName,'";",STRINGIMAGE numMms,'";",
-      object2String frameName first $interpreterFrameRing )
+      object2String FRAMENAME first $interpreterFrameRing )
   if extraPart then name := CONCAT(name,'";",extraPart)
   if $specialMapNameSuffix then
     name := CONCAT(name,'";",$specialMapNameSuffix)

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